onGMCP: if (args.gmcp_method == "Char.Items.List") { infTargets = [] set_variable("infTarget","") gmcpArgs = args.gmcp_args.items for (var i = 0; i < args.gmcp_args.items.length; i++) { if (typeof gmcpArgs[i].icon != 'undefined') { if (gmcpArgs[i].icon.localeCompare("humanoid") == 0 || gmcpArgs[i].icon.localeCompare("guard") == 0) infTargets.push(gmcpArgs[i].id) } } }This automatically grabs an influence target when you enter or look into a room, into an array called infTargets. It works on most influenceable npcs, there's some weird ones that don't have an icon. Those I just target manually.
Function: InfluencingFunction if (influenceArray.length > 0) { if (!get_variable("infTarget") || get_variable("infTarget").length === 0) { if (infTargets.length > 0) { set_variable("infTarget",infTargets[0]) infTargets.shift() } else { send_command("echo No target to influence") send_command("infoff") send_command("sm clear") return } } send_command("sm add influence " + get_variable("infTarget") + " with " + influenceArray[0],1) influenceArray.push(influenceArray.shift()) } else send_command("echo No abilities to influence with!") Function: InfluenceTables if (get_variable("infType").localeCompare("cha") == 0 || get_variable("infType").localeCompare("beg") == 0) { if (hasSkill.influence.includes('Wheedling')) influenceArray = ["Wheedling","Supplication","Begging"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Supplication')) influenceArray = ["Supplication","Begging"]; else influenceArray = ["Begging"] } else if (get_variable("infType").localeCompare("sed") == 0) { if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Beguiling')) influenceArray = ["Beguiling","Flattery","Charm"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Charm')) influenceArray = ["Flattery","Charm"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes("Flattery")) influenceArray = ["Flattery"] } else if (get_variable("infType").localeCompare("emp") == 0) { if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Praise')) influenceArray = ["Praise","Admiration","Compliments"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Admiration')) influenceArray = ["Admiration","Compliments"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes("Compliments")) influenceArray = ["Compliments"] } else if (get_variable("infType").localeCompare("weak") == 0) { if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Derision')) influenceArray = ["Derision","Mockery","Teasing"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Mockery')) influenceArray = ["Mockery","Teasing"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes("Teasing")) influenceArray = ["Teasing"] } else if (get_variable("infType").localeCompare("para") == 0) { if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Conspiracies')) influenceArray = ["Conspiracies","Distrust","Rumours"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Distrust')) influenceArray = ["Distrust","Rumours"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes("Rumours")) influenceArray = ["Rumours"] } Function: RevoltTable (one would need to set city with an alias) if (get_variable("city").localeCompare("Celest") == 0) { if (hasSkill.influence.includes('Evangelizing')) influenceArray = ["Evangelizing","Preaching","Proselytizing"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Preaching')) influenceArray = ["Preaching","Proselytizing"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Proselytizing')) influenceArray = ["Proselytizing"] } else if (get_variable("city").localeCompare("Glomdoring") == 0) { if (hasSkill.influence.includes('Trickery')) influenceArray = ["Trickery","Intrigue","Manipulation"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Intrigue')) influenceArray = ["Intrigue","Manipulation"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Manipulation')) influenceArray = ["Manipulation"] } else if (get_variable("city").localeCompare("Magnagora") == 0) { if (hasSkill.influence.includes('Brainwash')) influenceArray = ["Brainwash","Awe","Shock"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Awe')) influenceArray = ["Awe","Shock"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Shock')) influenceArray = ["Shock"] } else if (get_variable("city").localeCompare("Hallifax") == 0) { if (hasSkill.influence.includes('Collaboration')) influenceArray = ["Collaboration","Assimilation","Accordance"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Assimilation')) influenceArray = ["Assimilation","Accordance"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Accordance')) influenceArray = ["Accordance"] } else if (get_variable("city").localeCompare("Gaudiguch") == 0) { if (hasSkill.influence.includes('Revolution')) influenceArray = ["Revolution","Freedom","Liberty"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Freedom')) influenceArray = ["Freedom","Liberty"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Liberty')) influenceArray = ["Liberty"] } else if (get_variable("city").localeCompare("Serenwilde") == 0) { if (hasSkill.influence.includes('Oration')) influenceArray = ["Oration","Recitation","Lectures"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Recitation')) influenceArray = ["Recitation","Lectures"]; else if (client.hasSkill.influence.includes('Lectures')) influenceArray = ["Lectures"] }The method for setting city via gmcp(conveniently, there is another possible way to do it but it's too much effort) works in Imperian but I can't make it work in Lusternia yet, which is why I put the note on the RevoltTable funtion.
Alias: inf (exact match) call function: InfluencingFunction Alias: infon (exact match) call function: InfluencingFunction modify variable: amInfluencing to value true Alias: inf <infTarget> <infType> (begins with) modify variable: infTarget to variable @infTarget modify variable: infType to variable @infType call function: InfluenceTables Alias: inf <infType) (begins with) modify variable: infType to variable @infType call function: InfluenceTables Alias: rev <revTarget> (begins with) modify variable: revTarget to variable @revTarget call function: RevoltTable Alias: infoff (exact match> modify variable: amInfluencing to value false modify variable: infTarget to value
Trigger: You have recovered equilibrium. if variable amInfluencing is = value true then jump to label Keep Influencing otherwise stop Label Keep Influencing call function: InfluencingFunction Trigger: ^.* keeps asking \w+ why \w+ considered giving so much away, and pays you no attention.$|.* sighs dramatically and searches \w+ pockets, looking for something to give you\.$|^.* snorts in derision at you and shoves you away\.$ Modify variable: infTarget set to value call function: InfluencingFunction<br>And the lines for when you're done with or can't use weakening, paranoia, empower, or seduction are set up the same. The regular expression here is a bit lazy, but it's just influencing so w/e.