Tahtetso Suggestions



  • It's possible, but I left allheale out of the discussion on purpose, since it also defeats the delayed-cure argument.
  • Powerspikes is an instant cure, octave is a separate thing. 

    Ectoplasm is an instant cure, all hindering is separate.

    Chestpain is a 4s base cure.

    We are detouring from the intent.   What effect would be reasonable for chestpain? It cant be super powerful because its a regen cure, but you want it note worthy for a power cost.  Has to strike a narrow balance, and I dunno how possible that is.
  • Celina already made that argument. The fact that ectoplasm cannot be cured while you're off eq/bal (meaning, just attacked) or hindered by something as generally available as web does matter. Same for aurics whose normal curing is prevented by something that can even be prepared aforehand. Neither of those afflictions is at the level of, say, broken arms or haemophilia (random examples) which require a lock for their curing to be prevented.

    Anyway. As for the effect... no ad hoc idea, really. I feel that whatever gets introduced there will have a greater impact than the windpipe kick etc., to be honest, but I'll think about it. If anyone has a good idea, post it!
  • Something that can be delayed < something that is always delayed

  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.

    Llandros said:
    Something that can be delayed < something that is always delayed

    Yes. This. I don't know why he's not getting it, but it's the over arcing point of all of this. It's a balancing factor that needs to be considered. When the "pre req" can't reliably be cured before the actual attack, the pre req is far less limited than something that requires an outside form of cure hindering. When you have 2 pre reqs, sprawl and chest pains, and one is no fail delayed cure, then you don't actually have to pay any attention to it. Your sole goal is prone for 4 seconds, which is kind of a cake walk for a tahtetso. When you have to hinder an instant cure, you have to pay attention to the affliction and the cure hindering to sustain the still instantly cured pre req. If the cure hindering, which is done outside of the actual affliction, lapses or fails, you no longer have the pre req for the kill. Chest pains does not work like this.

    You give it, and they will have it by the time you hit them again (save for allheale/power cure one offs). So all you have to do is focus on the prone.

  • I was merely saying that the remark 'instant cure' with respect to aurics and even moreso ectoplasm nowhere near describes the whole state of affairs with those affs. I'm well aware of the difference otherwise, that's the whole damn point of my suggestion to make chestpain a mending aff.
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