Beast regeneration

edited January 2021 in Mechanic's Corner
Disclaimer: I know the next round of reports isn't until around December, but that is a far ways off. If this can be fixed before then, that's great. If not, having something to point to works too once reports open.

Beast regeneration is wildly out of line and basically pointless to have. Solutions are in bold, rest is math.

Beast regeneration ticks every 5.2 seconds.
Currently regeneration follows the following forumla:
regen = max_stat/700.
Having the regen beastmastery ability is  regen * 2.
Having the divine beast demipower is regen * 2.
Having the wondersaddle's regen is regen * 1.5.

This means, a custom beast (meaning more trains and higher max level which translate to more regen) and full train/vital reagents can have 25250 in a single vital if going full one type of trains, or 36 base regen. Assuming all 3 buffs, this raises regen to 216 every 5.2 seconds.
Because not everyone is going to go full one type of trains, this is the max regen and actual regen is going to be lower.

Ignoring just how laughably low this is, this is a problem because of:
1) the tick is almost twice as long as any attack balance
2) Beasts are critical-able

Beasts being able to be crit'd is a large part of the problem because this basically means any beast is only 1-2 hits from death no matter what the regen is. So fixing this is two parts. The first part of would be be make beasts crit-immune.
This brings the damage a beast receives down a lot, but a lot of people can still do 2-3K hits every ~3.5 seconds (almost 2 full attacks per 1 beast regen tick).

The second part can be fixed by simply changing the formula for regeneration. You can even keep the 5.2 second tick.
Change Beast regeneration to be Regen = BeastLevel * 200

**Following charts assumes wondersaddle is 3rd regen and other 2 are applied**
Under Level * 200, this puts new regen values at :

Level 12:
    Base regen: 2400  (461.54 /s)
Having 1 regen: 4800  (923.08 /s)
Having 2 regen: 9600  (1846.15/s)
Having 3 regen: 14400 (2769.23/s)

Level 13:  
    Base regen: 2600  (500 /s)
Having 1 regen: 5200  (1000/s)
Having 2 regen: 10400 (2000/s)
Having 3 regen: 15600 (3000/s)

Level 14:  
    Base regen: 2800  (538.46 /s)
Having 1 regen: 5600  (1076.92/s)
Having 2 regen: 11200 (2153.85/s)
Having 3 regen: 16800 (3230.77/s)

Following is damage over 7 seconds (assuming a 3.5 balance), making it roughly equal to the 5.2 regen tic, with a base of 1600 damage (so 3200 over 7 seconds). First column is with 20% buff (~6 buff) and second is 39% (13 buff).
                                   20       | 39
1 person attacking:  548.5 /s | 635.4 /s
2 people attacking:  1097.1/s | 1270.9/s
3 people attacking:  1645.7/s | 1906.3/s
4 people attacking:  2194.3/s | 2541.7/s
5 people attacking:  2742.9/s | 3177  /s


So what does this all mean?
One person should be able to out damage a beast with only the very base regen, but that as regen goes up (ie you get more of the powers that grant it), It either requires higher buffs from the people or it takes more people to out damage the regen.

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