Ascension was fun this year, right? Past few days, I can't help but think that the worst mistake I made in all the political BS was to initially encourage other Board members in Hallifax to at least hear out Glomdoring/Celest "for the good of the game." I don't believe anything would have changed if I hadn't. But at least if I had been as unreasonable and bitter as some obviously still think, then I might be able to say that I understood that hatred. It'd feel justified.
As it is, I'm done. I'm tired of being forced to care about something that happened six months ago, and feeling like I'm the one who got blamed for everything while doing nothing to warrant it.
Moral is, kids, grudges are held for a reason. If someone shows you who they are - believe them, the first time. Don't give people second chances. Cause even if you do, there's decent odds someone will lie about it later.
"Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
Please, be done with investing the thought and emotion where it isn't going to bring about a better turn. But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater if that's where this is leading.
The following is a more general statement, and not meant to side with any particular faction in the upset over Ascension. I think we, collectively, should make an effort to be kinder. I know not everyone can get along perfectly. People in groups inevitably clash to some degree. There have been players I just did not like in the past. I'm sure there will be some in the future. However, we -choose- how to act on those feelings. We're a relatively small community. No matter how justified you feel, remember that when you put out extreme negativity you're not just affecting a single person. You're affecting Lusternia as a whole. Does that mean you can't be angry at someone or the game? No. I'm only suggesting that we temper how we act on those feelings. Let's remember that we're all real human people. All struggling to make it through this very crazy year.
I'm sorry it's impossible for me to be brief with these kinds of statements. Kethaera, and anyone else who may be feeling similarly, I hope these feelings are brief and that you're able to find the joy that got you to join in the first place! Everyone else, I hope we can make an effort, despite our disagreements, to be more of a community rather than a band of bickering cliques.