MDK 2.0.0

MDK 2.0.0 released.

With absolutely no new features whatsoever! This release is marked 2.0 because it does make a few breaking changes.

* The MDK mpackage is now MDK, not MDK-1. I made muddler able to do this a while back but I promised not to change this for a while the last time I changed it. That being said, it just makes more sense and it's not like I was incrementing the version in the package name, and I won't change it again after this.
* TextFormatter and TableMaker are now included withing the ftext module. You can require them directly by doing

local TextFormatter = require("MDK.textformatter").TextFormatter

* I standardized the filenames to all be lowercase. This mostly changed EMCO.lua and TextGauges.lua (which became textgauge.lua)
* I made the MDK wiki( the one stop shop for non-API documentation becaaaaause
* I am sunsetting all the downstream projects which are included in the MDK. Trying to keep up with additional releases for things like EMCO, fText, etc was too much of a hassle and just ended up not being done more often than not.

So I decided to make this a 2.0.0 release, and use it to give people time to adjust to the changes.
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