A Withered Sapling.

edited March 2021 in Event Scrolls
Cheliyi wakes up the next morning after her lovely evening (check Spite Sprouts!) with @Rhalkyr, hungover from bloodlust. Sickening guilt and a visit from the Nightshift Brain Surgeon ( @Nocht ) ensue.

Voice cracking, you say, "You should be angry at me, or somethings. I'm sorry."

And then Chel gets a hug from @Gurashi, soggy clothes, and a sunnier manse room.

Cheliyi makes a quiet gurgling noise, and sinks under the surface. 
Cheliyi squints. Hesitantly, she asks, "Does He need pants?"


Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters thinks to himself: Things like this happen because you make them happen. The greatest joys are of our own creation. So often, we will find what we seek, if only we think to go looking for it.
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