The Boys Are Back

EritheylEritheyl ** Trigger Warning **
edited March 2021 in Event Scrolls
A continuation of the story that began here.

Part One: We Just Got A Letter!

(This message has been scribbled in messy handwriting, and carries with

it the faint scent of stale alcohol)

You don't know me.

You do know my brother, though, and...well, I don't really know how to

tell you that you saved my life when you talked to him. I suppose I hit

a real low after our folks died, and once he was old enough and pretty

enough to get his own food...I kinda decided to bugger off.

In layman's terms, that made me a bit of an arse.

I didn't much care, there was comfort to be found on the breast of a

stranger and in the bottom of a cup, and I didn't have to face anything

other than the next party. I hit a low, and then I pulled out the

shovel. Grinding xoqil, okorushi, cactus weed, and whatever else I could

get my hands on was easier than having to answer a question about what

came next. Than having to look at his face and tell him that...I didn't

know. He depended on me, and it was too much. I couldn't look him in the

eye, and so I didn't.

But when you can't feel anything -- (this small piece has been struck

through and rewritten several times, with each erred sentence finding a

deeper gash drawn through the letter) -- well, you can't feel anything.

While I was looking to escape my pain, I couldn't feel the good things

in life any more either. I drove my brother away, and if it weren't for

you talking to him, then I probably would have had my guts worn as

garters from a fight I picked in the back rooms of the Palace.

Akuanri didn't give up on me, though, and he limped his way into that

room and dragged me out. The way he yelled at reminded me of

mum. I saw a little bit of her fire, and her passion, and I felt...bad. felt good, to feel bad? It's...god, I want to drink writing

about this, but I promised. I PROMISED. I'm not going to drink again

like that. Instead, we're follow mum's footsteps.

Enlightenment is...confusing. It's something that I don't understand,

and maybe never will, but maybe he saw a little bit of it when he was so

angry. Maybe I saw a little bit of it when I was drunk. Maybe it means

something different to everyone. I don't...I don't really know.

I hear the city's been missing some dedicated ponderers of

Enlightenment, but once they heard who our mum was, well...the Masters

decided maybe they could give a drunkard and his brother another chance.

So thanks, I guess, for saving my life by taking the time to care.

Okay, that's it.

(there is an incredibly messy signature here)

A pilgrim who was once Shib.

Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."


With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."


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