Howdy folks. Been working on this for a bit, and figured I'd expose it to the community at large to play with and break and complain at me about.

Long and short of it, this autoassesses your target and updates a miniwindow with the appropriate information. Wound levels are shown (light, medium, etc.) and color coded. Current health is also shown, coloring based on the percentage that is left. Bleeding is also in, along with a rebounding tracker that is also color coded. A few sample aliases for setting up extremely basic auto poison/autoraze are given as well.
In the future, I plan to have support for mana/ego killers, and will probably work towards the insanity/sanity kills as well. Rebounding/shielding is probably missing a few lines, feel free to post them here, message them to me, or whatever you like if you find something that I miss that breaks this.
traxon: turns the tracker on
traxoff: turns the tracker off, gets rid of the window
t: t followed by whatever (name, test value, etc) sets the target variable
trax config: brings up the config menu to change what you want to track.
Edit: The forums are not letting me delete the attached file. Do not download the attached file. Go to here to download the working version.
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In all seriousness, I've had nearly zero free time the last almost three weeks. I will see what I can do in the upcoming days though.
Would also work, after defining the box parameters.
this in your alias might be the problem..not sure..but i cant find any trigger or trigger group named "tarxtraxxer" in your code