Mother Night lay terribly wounded, and Nocht saw no choice. Gathering the Shadowdancers around Him, He traveled to furthest reaches of the Ethereal, where Night was first awoken. There, with the aid of Night’s faithful, He spoke the words of Awakening to restore Night, and in so doing blessed the wiccans with a fragment of the Sixth Circle arts. So empowered, the Shadowdancers learned to Awaken their own darkness, and brought to life their own shadows. A grateful Mother Night blessed these nascent shadows with great and terrible purpose: to serve as her personal emissaries alongside their awakeners. So came the creation of the Tahvotai, or in the fae tongue, the Bringers of the Grim Duty.
Tahvotai is a specialization of Nature available to the Shadowdancers, which may be taken in place of Wicca. The wiccans who walk the path of the Tahvotai eschew the lesser fae; truly, such fae are too terrified to stand in the wiccan’s presence overlong. Instead, the wiccan acts as Mother Night’s personal emissary, wielding greater powers of darkness and assisted by his or her own animated shadow, which harries enemies near and far.
Tahvotai: Walk with the dread authority of Mother Night. (Master)
Dusk: Darkness ever surrounds you. (Master +33)
Smother: Suffocate the impertinent with bands of shadow. (Master +66)
Detach: Awaken the darkness at your side. (Gifted)
ShadowSpy: Know what the darkness knows. (Gifted +33)
NightDread: Bring fear to those who stand against Night. (Gifted +66)
Possession: Send forth your shadow to harry a foe. (Expert)
ShadowRecall: Call your darkness back to your side. (Expert)
Envelop: Show them the true power of darkness. (Expert +50)
ShadowStitch: Tether them to you with bonds of shadow. (Virtuoso)
ShadowTangle: There’s no escaping Mother Night’s wrath. (Virtuoso +33)
Nightfall: Spread your darkness over a greater area. (Virtuoso +66)
Abduction: Make your foes vanish in the darkness. (Fabled)
Quiver: Send shadowy shudders through their souls. (Fabled +33)
Merge: Become one with your shadow once more. (Fabled +66)
Wayang: Your shadow makes a puppet from the dead. (Mythical)
Assumption: Animate the corpse before it hits the ground. (Mythical +25)
Expel: Reject the darkness given to you by others. (Mythical +50)
Consume: Bring your foes into the embrace of Mother Night. (Mythical +75)
Shazbat: The Word of Dismissal annihilates all. (Transcendent)
Syntax: FLY, LAND
You awaken the darkness that is ever a part of you, and take up the mantle of Mother Night’s emissary. The mantle of darkness offers a few basic benefits, including the gift of flight and a significant bonus to Weakening influence. Additionally, none may claim your shadow for their own.
Where the Tahvotai are, Mother Night is. While Dusk is active, the wiccan’s room is considered to be outdoors, forest, and night.
Damage Type: 100% Asphyxiation
You may hurl a ball of living liquid shadow at your foes, strangling them. This may be used against denizens and adventurers both. Against adventurers, Smother also reduces the time remaining on the HOLD BREATH defense.
Syntax: SHADOWCALL REJOIN (to dismiss from same room)
Power: 5 (Master Ravenwood Tree), 0 on Ethereal Glomdoring.
Your awakened shadow may now separate from you and do your bidding. Your shadow is automatically invisible except in areas of great light and may be ordered to attack. The shadow’s claws do excoro damage and blind on each strike.BlackEmissary – Master : Allows flight, bonus to Weaken influence. Cannot have your shadow stolen.
(Areas of great light include natural daylight, Moonlit areas, areas with a chandelier, and other abilities as appropriate. Outside of these areas, the shadow is persistently cloaked.)
Syntax: SHADOWTRANCE (to enter roaming shadow mode)
Power: 1 (Master Ravenwood Tree)
Syntax: SHADOWTRANCE END (to end roaming shadow mode)
You know what the darkness knows. Through your connection to your shadow, you may catch a quick glimpse of what is in the room where your shadow resides. Alternatively, you may enter the Shadow Trance, taking over the body and senses of your shadow, and walk unseen through the darkness. While in the Shadow Trance, you constantly drain mana. Taking damage immediately ends the shadow trance.
The Tahvotai bring with them the very fear of Mother Night herself. While in the wiccan’s area, enemies of the wiccan suffer periodic mana drain while they are outdoors in darkness.
Power: 3 (Master Ravenwood Tree)
Linking her shadow with an unfortunate victim, the wiccan may harry a foe so long as he stays under the gaze of Mother Night. While so possessed, the victim suffers from the shadow’s periodic attacks, and may be subject to more advanced techniques later on. Additionally, the shadow may not be targeted in this state. Possession lasts until the victim can reach an area of great light for five seconds.
This ability may be activated from the Shadow Trance.
You may recall your shadow to your side with but a word. This ends Possession.
Damage: 50% Asphyxiation, 50% Psychic
A target suffering from blindness sees nothing but the majesty of Mother Night. Speaking words of power to a target so afflicted, the wiccan causes blackout, damage and mana drain.
Syntax: SHADOWCALL STITCH <target>
Syntax: SHADOWCALL UNSTITCH (to release)
Power: 3 (Master Ravenwood Tree)
With a word, your shadow forms a thick bond between you and a victim, forcibly holding you together. While the Shadow Stitch persists, neither you or the target may willingly leave the room, and you both gain a significant amount of rooting. During this time, your shadow is occupied and may not attack or use any advanced abilities.
Syntax: SHADOWCALL TANGLE <target>
Syntax: SHADOWCALL TANGLE (targets Possessed)
You may order your shadow to gather around a victim’s feet, binding him in chains of darkness. If your target is afflicted with Possession, you may call on this ability from outside your room, as long as your target is outside and in darkness.
Power: 3 or 5 (Master Ravenwood Tree)
Mother Night’s reach is long and terrible, and with an extension of the wiccan’s will, she may spread her own reach as well. Nightfall increases the radius of the Dusk aura for a limited amount of time. For 3 power, the reach is extended by one room. For 5 power, the duration of the increased reach is shorter, but the aura extends for two rooms.
Power: 1 (Master Ravenwood Tree) or free
Since the beginning of the First World, things have vanished forever into the darkness. The wiccan may call upon this power to deliver her enemies to her. While a target is outdoors, in darkness, and in the same area as the wiccan, he is vulnerable to being instantly dragged through the darkness to the wiccan’s location. If the target is Possessed, this costs no power.
During the night of the New Moon, the reach of Abduction extends to the entire continent.
(Stopped by shield, monolith, and areas of great light. Aggressive action.)
Damage: 50% Excoro, 50% Psychic
The wiccan may use her shadow to send shudders through a Possessed victim’s body and soul, causing damage, mana drain and paralysis.
The wiccan and her shadow are as one, and this power is a reflection of that. With a moment’s concentration, she appears at the location of her shadow, rejoining it.
Syntax: SHADOWCALL WAYANG <corpse>
Power: 2 (Master Ravenwood Tree)
Sometimes, the need for subtlety is past. With this grim ability, the wiccan can send her shadow into the body of a corpse, making it visible and vulnerable to attack, but granting it greater durability and extra abilities based on the archetype of the corpse used. This renders the corpse in question useless for any other purpose.
Warrior: The shadow’s attacks become 50% Cutting 50% Excoro, and Stun in addition to blinding.
Mage: The shadow’s attacks become 50% Psychic 50% Excoro, and it periodically casts Reflection on the wiccan.
Druid: The shadow’s attacks become 50% Poison 50% Excoro, and it Entangles its target in addition to blinding.
Wiccan: The shadow’s attacks become 50% Magic 50% Excoro, and it causes an additional mental affliction in addition to blinding.
Guardian: The shadow’s attacks become 50% Fire 50% Excoro, and it causes Aeon in addition to blinding.
Bard: The shadow’s attacks become 50% Psychic 50% Excoro, and the wiccan and her allies gain level 1 regeneration to health, mana, and ego.
Monk: The shadow’s attacks become 50% Blunt 50% Excoro, and it causes broken bones in addition to blinding.
Power: 4 (Master Ravenwood Tree)
If your shadow is already possessing a dead body, there’s no need to wait to let it take over. Sending power to your shadow, you order it to stand ready to inhabit its soon-to-be corpse. If the target of the Possession dies before he can get rid of your shadow, his corpse is immediately animated with Wayang.
Syntax: Passive
The wiccan has already mastered her own darkness. The petty attempts by others to bring darkness upon her are at best, laughable. A wiccan with this ability gains a special Expel balance. If the wiccan would be afflicted with Blackout while this balance is free, the wiccan instead generates a minor shadow which absorbs the damage of the next attack against her.
Power: 4 (Master Ravenwood Tree)
Calling on the wrath of Mother Night to utterly consume the weak, the wiccan merges her shadow with the victim’s inner darkness, drowning the target in shadow. Consume instantly kills a target who is Possessed by the wiccan, at 50% or lower mana, and either blind or suffering from blackout.
Syntax: SHADOWCALL SHAZBAT (to destroy a Wayang)
Syntax: SHADOWCALL SHAZBATLAM (to destroy yourself)
Power: 10 (Master Ravenwood Tree)
Damage: 100% Excoro
Sometimes there’s nothing for it. Filling her shadow with the spite and hatred of Mother Night, the wiccan overloads it with destructive energies… with terrible results. There is only a few seconds’ warning before the shadow explodes in a black cataclysm of power, obliterating friend and foe alike.
This technique may be activated either through a Wayang, or if the wiccan is particularly desperate, using her own body. In the latter case, her sacrifice also causes the blast to go through even the toughest shields.
Author’s Note: I felt inspired to write this up after listening to a clansmate’s complaints about wiccans not having any unique skillsets, and the general… non-Primaryness of their Primary. Wrote this as a general creative exercise, not sure exactly how balanced or effective this skillset would actually be, since I’ve never done Guardian or Wiccan. I’m pretty sure at least one of the comments below is gonna be “lulzOPno.” But in theory… the idea is that you trade off the versatility and affliction volume and variety of the Wicca fae for greater hindering, better ability to keep your opponents close, and a bit of infiltration ability I felt was appropriate to the Mother of Shadows.
If this skillset existed, there would be a need for an equivalent Moondancer specialization of Nature. I have no idea where to even begin with that one.
Anyway, commence criticism.
But seriously, I think it's got great potential but it does seem a little unbalanced. I could point out a few points, but I'm not a strong combatant, let alone a Guardian, so I'll let someone else who is more experienced with it to point the changes that may need to happen.
As for a Moon version, I could think of a couple of things. I don't know as that I have the gonads to write up a full skillset with any accuracy, but I can lend some roleplay direction toward how Moon might grant other powers. It seems with your idea here that you focus on the actual aspects of Mother Night rather than the magic granted by simple wiccan devotion to her. It might be the same with Mother Moon... the power would be derived in some way from the powers of the moon. The Moon totems specialization already covers a lot of Moon based skills though, and the Night specialization for totems is the same for Night, so I don't know how much overlap there should be.
"He was well fed, and on his way to being slightly intoxicated--which contributed to his sense of wellbeing. And, most important, he was among friends. There can't be much more to life than this, he thought." -Pug's thoughts on his first Ale (via Raymond Feist)
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"But paradise is locked and bolted...
We must make a journey around the world
to see if a back door has perhaps been left open."
-Heinrich Von Kleist, "On the Puppet Theater"
"He was well fed, and on his way to being slightly intoxicated--which contributed to his sense of wellbeing. And, most important, he was among friends. There can't be much more to life than this, he thought." -Pug's thoughts on his first Ale (via Raymond Feist)
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Stitch is the only iffy skill, though it's a double sided sword so not all that wacko, and abduction should require lust like empress or some other limitation. The other skills Daedalion brought up already exist in some incarnation in Lusternia (shazbat: mancy and chemancy skills both have versions of this....hallifax already has room wide passive aeon) so I'm not sure why they are imbalanced here and not elsewhere.
Balance would come down to numbers and how much mana drain the skill has, and how viable sticking blindness/blackout would be. I toyed with the idea of animating your own shadow a few months ago, I think it's an awesome idea. I absolutely love that it draws on the flavour of the Xynthin event with the visions involving myself, Eliron, and Astraea as well as Rowena's bomb thing.
An asphyx attack that lowers asphyx dmp (basically)
A mob that does excoro damage and blinds on each strike.
A way to forest a room?
A way to cause blackout, damage and more manadrain to enemies suffering from said blindness.
A way to entangle a target who isn't in your room?
Possibility of being summoned to the wiccan's room? Are we talking like currents, or Wildarrane's Cairnlargo skill, which I believe is Mythical and requires not only spirits, but being undeaf.
Bond Recall for free?
A version of Raisedead with basically passive effects?
I.... Assumption doesn;t make any sense, though I get the concept.
Passive blackout immunity that instead generates a reflection?
Ah, the Instakill. So target only needs 50% mana, have to be posessed (the cure only requires leaving the room of the wiccan, or the demesne-style area, even though the target can randomly be automatically summoned back while entangled in another room and rooted into the room of the wiccan like p5), and blind or blackout (several attacks doing this). Uh, what?
Urfion said it better than I could.
As for Abduct, Lust would be a appropriate limitation; my comments, however were focused on things in the bounds of this skillset (ie no lust, since the skillset can't inflict lust). Perhaps I was unclear: I meant that unconditional continent wide summon is an absolute no; with a possession/some other condition, it's fine.
As to Merge, remember that the Shadow is invisible outside of "brightly lit" rooms; I would say this this is powerful enough to require some limitation; area only was just my first though.
Rather than be dismissive, Celina, why don't you try making a point-by-point refutation of my post? That would be the intellectually honest thing to do.
Another idea to replace Expel. 2 power, uncurable affliction lasting 2-3 minutes-ish that doubles the mana cost of focus mind. This would give the skill greater synergy with Hexes, while accomplishing the same thing as a sip malus.
Stitch is completely 'wacko' you remember pfifth-choke? No choke anymore but two or more people can still gank you with this skill, choke isn't even necessary since it's uncurable and you won't be getting away.
Chemancy has a lesser version, sortof. I suppose you could compare it to cloudkill. But he's asking for a trans skill version that is probably going to do vaccum type damage with no afflictions needed for damage output and you don't even have to be in the room to do it.
Also, the 'room-wide passive aeon' costs 5 power, only hits enemies and halves your ego/mana. Not to mention it doesn't stack with itself and there is no active blindness/blackout in the skillset to hide it. Get a few of these together however and you'll be in a state of constant blackout/blindess/aeon that stacks for each shadow. The imbalance isn't the idea of the skill it's the synergy of all of it.
Also, the only skillset that has an active merge is tracking. Dying and reappearing like reincarnation/homunculus doesn't count.
"But paradise is locked and bolted...
We must make a journey around the world
to see if a back door has perhaps been left open."
-Heinrich Von Kleist, "On the Puppet Theater"
I feel like you have zero context for your objections. FYI Mage pollute/maelstrom destroys shields. And doesn't blow up the caster. Or allies. Context is important!
Stitch is probably the implementation I was most iffy about as well, but the idea was that you join your shadow to the target and they're physically impaired somehow. Should have looked at pfifth's AB first.
Power costs... I used the Celestialism ent as a guide for that, including reduced power cost on the respective plane. The shadow is meant to be an awakened being, a fae in itself, albeit one directly tied to the caster.
The reduced power cost on the insta is supposed to be a reflection of having to cast Possession first. You can toad anyone, but you can only Consume your Possession.
Expel is there largely to give the Wiccan something to help bash with. It's based off of Nekotai ScorpionSpit, which is also handy for bashing. And like ScorpionSpit, it can be overwhelmed with enough affliction spam.
Abduction is meant as a direct parallel to Empress. The idea behind the skill set is that the Wiccan is the direct emissary of Mother Night. And if Tarot is meant to make you watch your lust list, that skill is meant to make you watch what time of day it is.
Shazbat is room-only, but activatable through a wayang.
Assumption is there for those times that you're pretty sure your target's dead, and you need to get rid of the body right away or just don't feel like throwing another Possession out. Aeon probably shouldn't have been on the Wayang list, but I couldn't think of another appropriately generic guardian affliction. Masked mental aff? Blackout? Fear? Eh.
In general, the skillset is meant to be easier on the power drain than Wicca, but balance comes down to numbers, and... final results may vary. Assuming anything ever becomes of a silly hypothetical skillset.
It is my second favorite skill for bashing. First is Bloodboil.
Just on a break so I won't go into a whole thing about it, but I think the motivation behind wayang bringing a corpse back is the vision of me using Eliron's corpse to protect Astraea during the Xynthin even, then blowing it up when it got overwhelmed. Also ties in with Rowena self detonating. I think it's fabulous flavour and would love, love, love to see that vision worked in IC. Corpse destroy is pointless as a mechanic. It doesn't offer anything. As an SD, I'm ok with the proposed abduction and wayang ideas, power costs included. I think they are fabulous.
The abduct concerns are kind of weird. It seems like it'll work just like empress. Only probably not work in doors since terror does not work indoors. And respect enemy territory restrictions. Stopped by shield. It has limitations, but area wide would be fine.
@Daedalion: Being really silly about the passive aeon, but whatever. It's actually so inconsequential to the over all theme that you can get rid of it. It's inferior to halli aeon in just about every way imaginable, but it's not important enough to debate a bad point on a theorhetical skillset. Pretty easy to just say "One posession at a time" which matches the theme of SD shadow stealing, rather than making a big hulabaloo about situational passive aeon when a guardian dies in your room etc. Especially when room wide aeon that stacks with active aeon and with passive blackout is already a thing. Hi researchers.
Shadowstitch could be altered as I said, it looks iffy, I just think the OMG WICCANS WITH PFIFTH?!?! reaction is so dramatic it's comical. There should be a version of Godwin's law for choke.
Tracking and ecology both have a already existing version of the merge suggestion. That's 10 guilds with it already in game, for the record. :P
Oh and just because I remember it being said earlier, a "substantial cost" for 5% mana drain? Wha?
And, on Merge, I'd like to reiterate that the ent being teleported to is invisible outside of "brightly lit" areas.
Make it room only. Who cares. It's 5%. That's less than an enchantment.
My understanding is that the shadow can't be targeted at all while invisible (since wayang specifically makes it vulnerable), mind clarifying, Thul?