Announce Post #3223: E-mail Updates

We have finished migrating our e-mail and taken the opportunity to make a few changes. You can now find all contact information under HELP CONTACT. You'll notice that e-mails such as artifacts, sales, credits, etc., no longer exist - it's all now so it's always clear where to e-mail. Another change is that we no longer have individual godmin accounts but rather organisational accounts to make sure your e-mails don't get lost.

We do not have auto-reply set up just yet so there won't be any confirmation for your e-mails being received. We'll be going through outstanding support/artifacts/sales e-mails until the end of the week, so if you don't hear back from us by then, please e-mail support with your query or request again. If you have e-mailed one of the other accounts (departments, organisations), give it 2 weeks and then e-mail again.

Thank you!
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