Tessie Snapfuse is hosting another treasure hunt (see Public News #1997) and as this one is slightly different than we usually do, here's a breakdown of how it works:
- go to Tessie's tent at the pilgrim camp and STRETCH to get the compendium
- READ COMPENDIUM to learn what the clue is
- TRACE COMPENDIUM when in the room you think is the answer to check off the clue
- wait for the next real day for the new clue (at weave/midnight GMT)
- everyone receives the same clue on the same day
- if you start a few days late, you will have the old clues to complete first
- there will be a new clue right after the weaving every day for the entire month
- if you are first on a given day, Tessie will keep track of it (READ BOARD in the tent)
- be the first 5 times to receive an honour
- the announcement about being first is delayed a few seconds so you can vanish without betraying your location
- if you complete the treasure hunt's clue for 20 days, you will receive a new Fate Deck: Deck of the Grimkeep
- you can track your completions with QUESTEVENT - mark this is 20 individual days, not 20 clues in one day
- if you complete the entire compendium you will receive a macaron curio (green for non-demis, brown for demis)
- completing the compendium also makes you eligible for a standard Horizon Walkers reward (see HELP TREASUREHUNT)
Good luck!