Kio's Favourite Toy

ZouviqilZouviqil Queen of Uberjerkiness
Kio tells you, "Zouviqil."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "Ah, you live and awaken! Hello!"

Kio tells you, "Aye. I have been awake for months, Zouviqil. We have merely been meditating within His realm."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "I would ask which He, but it is not my business - only that you are safe, happy, and feel accomplished, Kio!"

Kio tells you, "We are your mentor, Zouviqil. You may ask anything."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "I might talk your ears off if you would permit that, though. And that'd be no good. The realm you are mentioning, belonging to a divine - it is Lord Nocht's, or Lord Shikari's? I know little about either, admittedly, but context is a wonderful thing."

Kio tells you, "I've lost my ears more times than I can count, Zouviqil. Knightshave a tendency to aim for them."

Kio tells you, "As to your question, my Patron is Lord Nocht."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "Oh no, not the ears... and okay! Thank you for sharing that with me."

Kio tells you, "How are you, our Zouviqil?"

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "Oh, quite wonderful, I am very blessed that your son has proposed to me. I hope that you and your husband don't mind the idea of me joining your family, though. I mean, I know we're family through the Glomdoring, and the Coven, and from our friendship, but... yeah."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "How are you doing?"

Kio tells you, "All is according to our plan, Zouviqil. I have known you would become my daughter before we had found our own son. You are more than welcome."

Kio tells you, "I am fine. Merely... tired."

Kio tells you, "Have you heard from your family? Tarkenton has spoken of meeting your father."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "Well. I met with my father, with Kenbear. And that turned out pretty well. My mother... I don't know. She's attempted to contact me, but it felt so..."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "... superficial?"

Kio tells you, "A shame. We spoke for quite some last last month."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "Oh? Is she well? I can't imagine she misses me much, for who I am, versus some semi-permanent fixture that is static and unchanging that she -needs- to remain the same for the sake of her own sanity..."

Kio tells you, "She is not well."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "Is it of her own doing?"

Kio tells you, "Mostly."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "Is she attempting to fix it?"

Kio tells you, "She is not."

You tell Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage, "Then I have no pity for her."

Kio tells you, "You have grown well, Zouviqil."

Kio tells you, "Come. I have someone I wish for you to meet."

You portal to the Portals of Glomdoring.

You hug Kio compassionately.

You begin to follow Kio.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage smiles softly, his eyes swirling with murky waters.

You follow Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage south to Suspended in a shifting void.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage nods softly, smiling.

Suspended in a shifting void.
This place seems to be some sort of half-formed, shifting amalgamation of various places. The walls and floor seem to phase in and out of reality, constantly shifting between a puzzle of different textures, shapes, colours, and materials. Patches of scarred stone walls blink and fade into expansive forests. Pieces of studded steel floors fizzle into open water. Countless images dance and mix, swirling on an unsettling astral breeze that seems to lead you into the most concealed corners of your memory. In the center of this strange place rests a single bookshelf, constantly warping and bubbling over itself.

You have emoted: Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night looks around, before allowing her gaze to fall back on Kio.

Smiling softly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "Zouviqil, please remove your mask."

You lower the hood on iridescent, rainbow-patterned black robes.

Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night removes her mask, looking at Kio curiously. She blinks a few times as her eyes adjust.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage smiles softly at you, his eyes swirling with murky waters.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage gestures about the shifting void. Pieces of places you seem to remember slide and interrupt figments of your imagination. "Tell me, Zouviqil. What do you see here?"

Zouviqil looks to the void slowly. Her shoulders droop, earrings chiming a softly from her head movement. "... I see... things I remember..." she begins, "... and things I have dreamt... and things I -almost- remember." She squints her eyes a little, as if trying to perceive something in particular.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage's voice is soft and enthralling, though his smile seems cruel and tempered. "Look closely, Zouviqil. Do not blink. Do not ignore what you see."

Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night's ears twitch a little at Kio's words. She stares longer at the void before speaking again, "I see... a mound in the earth, still fresh and new... I've seen it, before, and dreams... but then... I see the Moonhart Mother... then the Master Ravenwood, and then... a large tree with dark red wood and decorated with beehives... and then another, it's bigger than the rest, and its roots -feel like- they reach down into the ground, through my mind into my chest... and then, I see so many more, other things..." She shakes her head slowly, making her earrings chime more. "... but why do I see these things..?"

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage lets out a soft, disappointed sigh.

To himself, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage murmurs, "It is a shame."

Looking at you, you ask Kio, "What is?"

You ask Kio, "Was I... supposed to say something you were looking for?"

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage turns away from you, his robes billowing with his movement. His crosses his massive paws behind his back and stand motionless for a moment, the void continuing to shift about him.

His deep baritone a warping echo, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says, "I had hoped you would have embraced your gift by now, Zouviqil."

The words wrapping about you like a warm blanket, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says, "Time will help. Only time."

Briskly and with sudden authority, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says, "Tell me, Zouviqil. What do you know of your sight?"

Frowning at the topic, you say to Kio, "I know much of it. I know it can display to me the heart of a person before they speak, it can display to me their current emotions, their truthfulness..." Inhaling, and speaking gently, she continues, "... and when they are hiding something."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage turns to face you once more, a sincere smile harshly juxtaposed beneath bloodthirsty eyes.

Smiling softly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "Very good."

Curiously, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "And, Zouviqil, are there any who have been able to mask their intentions from you?"

Thoughtfully, you say to Kio, "I imagine that one who is not wholly themselves would be able to, but I don't know anybody like that that I've ever met... I think. If I did, I'd never know, I suppose."

Cheerfully, you say to Kio, "But removing that, no, I don't believe so."

Ponderously and to herself, you say, "Even then, it's just a theory... I guess -those guys- did have an influence on my thoughts after all with theorycrafting and the like..."

Kio smiles softly.

Smiling softly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "Then, Zouviqil, you know that your induction within the Night Coven was my doing?"

Steadily, you say to Kio, "I've known it, yes."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage continues to smile, obviously amused.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says, "And how did you come to find this?"

Inquisitively, you ask Kio, "Besides the fact I saw little wisps of your colours whenever the Night Coven spoke to me?"

Kio tilts his head curiously.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says, "Oh?"

You nod your head affirmatively.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says, "How so?"

Sounding nearly Hallifaxian, you say to Kio, "When two things touch, on an energetic level, they leave an imprint on each other. For items with simpler composition, the impression either stays permanently or eventually fades, never to be seen again unless contact or energy is exchanged once more."

You say, "People, however...."

You say to Kio, "When people interact, that energy... I'm really not a scholar. It's like it's stored somewhere. In the memory or the heart or something. And when that memory resurfaces, so do the colours associated with it."

Kio smiles softly.

Tilting her head, earrings chiming prettily once more, you say to Kio, "And how curious that your colours would show on the Prince Daem, or the Queen Valonah, or yes, even your son, my heart and soul."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says, "And what colours did you see, Zouviqil?"

Looking at into your eyes, you say to Kio, "Those same navies and ultramarines, and those rich violets, and playful splatters of lilac..."

Flatly, you say to Kio, "... mostly."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage smiles softly at you, his eyes swirling with murky waters.

Smiling fondly beneath cruel eyes, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "Continue, Zouviqil."

Quizzically, you say to Kio, "How curious it was, to notice creeping blood-reds, and cloaked blacks, and uncertain dapper grays, mixed in with your own colours, in these other people when they were speaking with me, these colours nearly nonexistant within them otherwise."

Patiently and sweetly, you ask Kio, "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage smiles softly at you, his eyes swirling with murky waters.

Softly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "How wonderful."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "Do you see those colours now?"

Simply, you say to Kio, "Inking your colours like Mother Night does the daytime sky."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage's eyes ripple with clear cerulean waters as he flashes a wide, lazy smile.

Beaming widely, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "And what 'bout now, little Zouvi? Whadda they look like now?"

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage bounces slightly with anticipation.

Frowning, and slightly frustrated, you say to Kio, "They... those extra ones are gone..."

Putting a hand on her head, mind reeling, you ask, "How...?"

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage smiles softly at you, his eyes swirling with murky waters.

Composing himself, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "Wonderful."

A warm aura of serene happiness fills you, radiating outward and colouring the air about you with a bright, sunny glow.

His smile sincere, though his eyes stained with bloodthirst, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "So it is as I had thought."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage reaches out a massive paw, placing it softly on your shoulder.

Softly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "It is good you are with me now, Zouviqil."

His voice strangely polyphonic, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "It is good you are with us now, Zouviqil."

Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night looks at Kio, but squints her eyes at him. Her earrings twitch. Though curious, she presents no hostility nor repulsion.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage smiles softly at you, his eyes swirling with murky waters.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage retracts his paw, stepping backwards and smiling.

Smiling softly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "All is as I had hoped."

You ask Kio, "And those hopes were..?"

Smiling softly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "Zouviqil, the colours you see mingling with the Coven are because they know of him."

Softly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "And they are useful tools, though I respect them far more than merely for their usefulness."

Smiling eerily, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "The colours you see are of something that is not entirely myself."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "They are the colours of hatred. Of malice. Of spite. Of revenge."

Kio winces in pain.

In a rush of summery warmth, the rich smell of grasses and flowers rises around Kio in a sultry wind. Briefly, his face is dappled with patterns of sunlight through waving grasses.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage grunt softly to himself, the faint glow of an amnesia hex pulsing against his temple.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage doubles over, clutching his face
with both paws.

Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night quickly, and without thinking, runs to Kio to try to hold him. "Kio, are you okay?" she asks, clearly concerned.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage looks up at you, still clutching his face. Hateful eyes and a cruel smile peek out from between his fingers. "Step back, Zouviqil. He will hurt you."

You have emoted: Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night shakes her head at Kio. "I won't leave your side, Kio..." she says, looking at him with soft eyes. "Even if that part of you hurts me... you are my family and my friend, you were my friend when no one else wanted to go near me..." Her eyes tear a little and she smiles at Kio, shaking her head. "Even if I were to become weakened and enfeebled before you, to die and die again, I wouldn't leave you behind."

Black Shuck, the Darkhound snarls quietly, his scarlet gaze sweeping the area.

Cruelly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage snarls at you, "I said step back, Penumbra."

Zouviqil takes a step back, as commanded by her Prince, not by her friend.

Kio nods his head emphatically.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage lets out a blood-curdling roar and throws his head and arms back wildly. His body throbs and expands, his watery fur beginning to tear away in an agonizing display of gore. The blood pouring from his body and pooling at the floor slowly turns into a black, viscous liquid. It seems to take on a life of its own, springing up and about Kio's form and dissolving what little bit of his skin remains as though it were acid. Jagged bone explodes from the fingers of his right hand, forming a massive claw that instantly reaches up and rends the remaining flesh of his face to the ground with a bloody 'splorch.' The same white bone juts from his face and scalp, a cruel crown emerging from above two orbs of suffocating darkness.

He is a burly tae'dae demigod and and is a monstrous mass of half-formed nightmares. Standing ten feet tall from foot to the tip of his bony crown, this creature bears little signs of mortal nature. There are no signs of skin or flesh across his body. Instead, his entire exterior is formed of loosely clinging shadows. The shadows swirl and flow, breaking away to expose bloody, raw muscle which pulses with strength. His massive chest holds up a set of broad shoulders, from which two powerful arms extend and speak volumes of capable savagery. Adorning the hand of his right arm are long, serrated claws of pristine bone which threaten to rip the very air into shreds. Thick legs holds this monstrosity tall, and a powerful, straightened back give a strange sense of regality to a being crafted of violence. His facial features are hidden behind of a shroud of unusually thick shadows which occasionally part to reveal a set of razor sharp teeth below two orbs of suffocating darkness. From the entire edge of his face jut sharpened lengths of bone which curve slightly back and around his head. The same bone emerges from his scalp, intertwining with that of his face to create a sharpened crown of cruelty. He shows no signs of mercy, a creature of pure agonizing torment. He is wearing a light blue coral ring, a beryl sun ring, a sapphire ring of waves, a rainbow coloured ring, a dolphin shaped ring, 2 blackened chain link bracelets, a yellow bone ring with a feather of garnet, 2 rustic rings of blossoms, mechanical spurs, honeysap beads scorched with ursine images, the blessing of Sister Lake, a Locket of Changeling Memories, a set of silver-trimmed viridescent robes, a wooden band of woven stories, 2 raging thorn beast brooches, a mottled maple leaf bloodstone brooch, a black cloak reminiscent of shadows, Ebon Prayer Beads of the Silent Lord, a phantasmal shroud of shadows, a shadow-black backpack, a cloak of crow feathers, a silver torc and the Fingerblade of dha'Wyrden-cree.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage breathes heavy, sulfurous plumes of yellow smoke wreathing about his face.

Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night grimaces at the sight, though she does not cower in fear. She looks at Kio, a slight green tinge to her cheeks.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage leans toward you, his needle-like teeth turned into a creepy smile. His neck bends further than his spine, lowering to meet your gaze dead on. The thin, nostril-like slits on his face flare and release a cloud of sulfurous, yellow smoke which plumes about you.

Its hot breath rancid, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage snarls at you, "I finally get to meet Kio's favourite toy."

Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night looks at Kio. She holds her breath, though not from fear.

Doing her best not to breathe, you say to Kio, "It's a pleasure."

Black Shuck, the Darkhound pads about the area, sniffing at the air.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage's teeth part slightly. A sinuous, forked tongue emerges from its mouth, licking you from chin to brow across your cheek. Small maggots wriggle across your flesh in the trail of thick, viscous saliva it leaves behind.

Tasting its tongue within its mouth, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage snarls at you, "It sure is."

Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night turns away from Kio and, unable to help herself, promptly brushes the maggots off of her and empties the contents of her stomach to the ground. Just as quickly, she calls upon a brief rainfall to disperse the mess, as all those versed in Nature can.

Not making direct eye contact, you say to Kio, "... please, for the love of all that is holy and unholy, please don't do that again, for the sake of my stomach... please."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage snickers cruelly, clearly amused with itself.

Its cruel features turn up in a bloodthirsty cheer, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage snarls at you, "Kio is right. I gave you more credit than I should have." The thing stop for a minute, reaching out its bone-shrouded fingers to play with some of the remaining vomit. "Don't worry, though. I'll fix you, Zouviqil. Regardless of Kio. You're mine, just as much as his, now... protege."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage idly clicks the boney claws of his right hand against each other.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage's eyes close as the bone jutting from his right hand and head begins to turn ashen and crumble away. The shadows swarming his body melt to the floor and a turn a deep, sparkling crimson as his bare muscles quiver. His broadened power is replaced by a stocky nonchalance as they seem to rework themselves into a more bear-like form. The crimson pool at his feet begins to lift itself around him, serpentine torrents of blood snaking their way into the gaps of his muscles. The sparkling crimson slowly turns into a gentle cerulean and pools across his body, creating fur of ethereal waters to hide his exposed innards. His gentleness apparent once more, his eyes open to reveal orbs of a deeper blue swirled with murky waters. Four streaks of ice materalize across his face, a jagged scar which seems out of place on such a soft kind looking creature.

Kio blinks.

Kio blinks.

Kio turns his attention towards you as his ears perk up in interest.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage rushes over to you, picking you up within his arms. His eyes are a clarrion cerulean.

Softly into your ear, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage murmurs to you, "I... didn't think you'd take him well."

Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night looks at Kio. With most of the odor gone, and Kio's body back to normal, she plops her head onto his chest and shudders softly. She hugs Kio, otherwise unphased.

Forcing a smile to try and comfort you, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage murmurs to you, "Come on, little Zouvi... let's get you outta here."

"Heh heh heh" Kio chuckles.

You follow Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage west to small grove amongst the Glomdoring forest.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage sits you down gently.

A little unsteadily, you say to Kio, "It was just the physical things... the rest... is manageable."

"Heh heh heh" Kio chuckles.

Trying to comfort you with a smile, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "We all got our secrets, Zouvi. Every single one 'a us." He leans in to give you a peck on the forehead. "But the Coven don't lie ta each other, and we don't hide nothin'. That's... why ya could see 'im on Deam, on Valonah."

Softly, though still smiling, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "Ya just remember that, okay? You'll need ta be truthful with the Coven. Remember that we ain't the Serenwilde. We're your family, and family don't judge."

Penumbra Zouviqil Myeras, Servant of the Night slowly gathers herself to her feet. Though wobbily, she launches herself at Kio - or perhaps falls conveniently? - to embrace him in a warm hug.

Kio chuckles long and heartily at you.

Kio gives you a peck on the cheek.

Holding you fondly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "I love ya, little Zouvi. And soon you're gonna be my daughter, proper. Me... -and Thul-... can't wait."

Kio gives you a friendly squeeze.

You flash Kio a joyous smile.

Letting you go, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "Now go say hi ta Tark, all right? We both gotta get some rest, heh. Reformin' ain't no little feat."

You nod your head enthusiastically.

You give Kio a peck on the cheek.

You smile broadly and say to Kio, "Keep strong."

Kio chuckles long and heartily at you.

His eyes swirling with murky waters and his mood shifting suddenly, Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says to you, "Do not fret, our child. We are always strong."

You give a sugar crystal to Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage.

You smile broadly and say to Kio, "... there are many kinds of strong. Keep all of them, both of you, then."

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage smiles softly at you, his eyes swirling with murky waters.

You smile impishly and say, "I have a fiance-bear to poke at, I believe."

Kio nods his head emphatically.

Prince Kio d'Illici, Twice-Darkened Bloodsage says, "Indeed, you do."

You hug Kio compassionately.

You wave goodbye at Kio.

You shed elfen form and flow as a spirit through the verdant leaves, embracing the physical once more and arrive at before the Master Ravenwood Tree.
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