Kio tells you, "Hey there. Would ya have a few moments? I, uh... I got somethin' I think ya should know 'bout."
You tell Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight, "Of course -- I'm in the Shadow Court when you're ready."
A ghostly purple spider with silver feathered wings scuttles in sideways from the south.
You see the following people here:
Kio, Svorai
Kio smiles softly.
You incline your head politely to Kio.
Dipping his hand into a shadow cauldron, Kio pulls out a long shadow and releases it into the air. The room darkens with the churning darkness.
Iorwen tells you, "I would like to speak with you, k'z'lia, if you have a moment."
You have emoted: Svorai Stormcrow moves to the south of the room, regarding Kio.
You close the steel door to the south.
You tell Iorwen Shee-Slaugh, Keeper of the Black Nest, "Of course -- I'm with Kio presently, but will be available after that."
Cheerfully, Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "How are ya, Svorai?"
A soft breeze caresses your exposed skin, sending shivers through your body.
Kio steps down off of a ghostly purple spider with silver feathered wings.
A ghostly purple spider with silver feathered wings begins to follow Kio obediently.
After considering the question, you say to Kio, "I'm very well, thank you."
Kio smiles softly.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight smiles and says, "I'm glad ta hear it."
You ask Kio, "And how are you faring?"
Smiling widely, Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "I'm doin' real good!"
Kio beams broadly.
The corners of your mouth turn up as you grin mischievously.
You have emoted: Svorai walks slowly towards the centre of the room once more, to stand before the statue of Crow.
Beaming proudly, Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "Svorai... can I ask ya ta keep a real big secret? I'm 'fraid what I need ta talk ta ya 'bout won't make much sense unless ya know it, first. But- I'd like it ta stay just between me and you. Ain't no need for no one else ta know it's a thing."
Kio beams broadly.
Shadows swirl around your arm as the Fingerblade of dha'Wyrden-cree digs itself more painfully into your finger.
Dripping water echoes in the distance.
Her expression quite curious, but somewhat uncertain, you say to Kio, "Of course, Kio. What's said here is said here."
You tilt your head and listen intently to Kio.
Kio smiles softly.
You tell Kiy, Ward of Shadows, "It does take time to settle into things, but I'm sure you will get there in the end. I took a great deal of time settling into my own guild tasks when I was fresh out of the Portal."
Kiy tells you, "What guild did you come to?"
You tell Kiy, Ward of Shadows, "The Blacktalon."
Kiy tells you, "Ooh, so you're still there!"
The Domoth of Harmony enters a dormant phase.
Akyaevin takes control of the Quintessence of Balance.
You tell Kiy, Ward of Shadows, "Aye, I've always been a member of the Murder."
Kiy tells you, "Cool! I hope to always be a member where I am too."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight's eyes ripple with an indiscernible emotion as he nods and seems to stand taller. The laziness of his posture melts away as his shoulders seem to broaden and his back stands straight. The cheerful glimmer of his eyes is no longer present as you notice his shadow twitch. It was just an instant. Perhaps it was merely the light.
You tell Kiy, Ward of Shadows, "We must serve where we are able to serve best."
You tell Kiy, Ward of Shadows, "In any case, I'm glad that you have joined us, Kiy, and that you're finding things well. I'm terribly sorry, but I'm in an audience with another member of the commune, and ought to give them my full attention."
(The Crux): Akyaevin (from the Realms of the Domoth) says, "Would help if I remembered to bless before descending."
Akyaevin calls a major blessing of the Domotheos of Harmony down upon the Grand Dominion of Magnagora.
Kiy tells you, "Oh, sorry for taking up your time, and thank you for talking to me!"
The smell of decay assaults your nostrils.
You have emoted: Svorai Stormcrow regards Kio with a curious expression. She places one foot behind as though to steady herself, or simply stand more comfortably. She tilts her head, expectant.
A glorious beam of light shoots out over New Celest.
A ghostly purple spider with silver feathered wings rubs her two forelegs together.
You tell Kiy, Ward of Shadows, "No, do not apologise! I wish you well, Kiy."
He is a burly tae'dae blood demigod and towers gently over his surroundings. Standing upwards of nine feet tall, his huge form is exceptionally stocky. Broad shoulders give way to powerful arms, immense strength evident in the massive bulk. Though obviously quite powerful, his almost purposefully lazy movements sit juxtaposed to a healthy, stout core, creating an air of gentleness about this impressive bear. Shaggy fur covers his body from toe to head, strangely holding onto the colour of a still lake. This oddity is only even more apparent when he moves, the surface of his body seeming to glisten and ripple, as if mimicking the surface of water. Softly catching the light, diminutive droplets of water trail from his movements and fade into the air like a calm mist. On his forearms, three symmetrical rings of ice sit amongst the liquid fur, perpetually frozen. Eyes of pure cerulean stare out about his surroundings with a latent curiosity, the same ripples of his fur catching the available light. Across his face are four more jagged streaks of frozen fur. Travelling the top left corner of his eye to the underside of his chin, this scar of a battle lost is a peculiar sight on such a gentle creature. He is wearing a light blue coral ring, a beryl sun ring, a sapphire ring of waves, a rainbow coloured ring, a dolphin shaped ring, 2 blackened chain link bracelets, a yellow bone ring with a feather of garnet, 2 rustic rings of blossoms, a red bone ring with a soap-shaped opal, mechanical spurs, a black coat of leather and silk, a midnight black cloak, honeysap beads scorched with ursine images, the blessing of Sister Lake, a Locket of Changeling Memories, a set of silver-trimmed viridescent robes, a wooden band of woven stories, 2 raging thorn beast brooches, a pack of amaranthine silk, a mottled maple leaf bloodstone brooch, a bone talisman buried in the centre of his chest and a silver torc.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight's features are overtaken by a small grin. This time, the movement of his shadow is no question. Though he remains stoic and motionless, his shadow elongates. It grows long and frail, and its limbs seem to twist beyond mortal recognition. The fingers of the right hand of the shadow seems to stretch and sharpen, the long, twisted hand reaching slowly across the ground. It slithers ever so slightly in your direction and begins to open as though it wishes to grab hold of you. It stops just short as you notice Kio shooting it a cruel glare. Satisfied with its obedience, he returns his eyes to you.
Strangely solemn, Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "Do not mind him, Svorai."
The shadows slowly start to dissipate.
Dipping his hand into a shadow cauldron, Kio pulls out a long shadow and releases it into the air. The room darkens with the churning darkness.
The smell of decay assaults your nostrils.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "For now, his bondage is firm. He shall not be a pest."
You have emoted: Svorai Stormcrow regards Kio, and the retreating shadow, with a very faint frown. She says nothing, but her eyes ask a question.
Smiling softly, Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "There is no need to frown. The chains of the snoefaasia are present and his prison holds true."
The Domotheos of Life emerges from its dormant phase.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "We all hold secrets, after all."
Smiling softly, almost cruelly, Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "Regardless."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "I am in the middle of a game, Svorai."
The smell of decay assaults your nostrils.
Slowly, her mood somewhat sombre, you ask Kio, "A game, Kio?"
Kio nods his head emphatically.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "With the Myeras."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "In particular, the game begun with Gabriella."
Smiling fondly, though his eyes hint of malice, Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "At first, it was merely my intent to play with her."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "She is naive and easily fooled. In fact, she now considers me a friend."
Kio smiles softly.
Thoughtfully, you say to Kio, "Gabriella is the one I have found at the Fulcrux of Maylea over these last few years." She tilts her head and asks, "A friend?"
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight nods softly, producing a painting.
Kio proudly shows off a painting of a shimmering rainbow:
Though common wisdom grants seven names to the colours of a rainbow, the dizzying vibrance of this expanse of colour is an array of many more than that, seven times seven. It begins with a euphoric red and cascades hue by hue to deep, mysterious violet. Though made only from scattered bits of light and air, the rainbow arcs naturally across whatever it lies upon. When held, it encircles the hand in an endless stream of colours.
Smiling softly, Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "In fact, she has on one occasion willingly offered me her very shadow, explicitly to affirm her trust in me."
Kio smiles softly.
You have emoted: Svorai Stormcrow looks at the painting, seeming to admire it before her gaze shifts to Kio.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "However."
Calesta tells you, "Are you busy?"
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight's smile fades and his features grow cold.
A ghostly purple spider with silver feathered wings rubs her two forelegs together.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "It seems the rest of her kin are now involved."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "I must say, it is an unexpected turn of events. A most pleasant one."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "In fact."
You tell Shadow Calesta Ysav'rai, Eyes of Bloodlust, "I am, presently, sorry."
Dripping water echoes in the distance.
You tell Shadow Calesta Ysav'rai, Eyes of Bloodlust, "I will be free in time, though."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "I've come to discover that her son, Avurekhos, has become haunted by a particular shadow visiting him in his dreams."
Thoughtfully, Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "It holds some meaning to Gabriella, as well. His mention of it caused her to grow incredibly tense, bringing attention to a particular scar on her forehead."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "Moving on, it seems her daughter, Zouviqil, is just as naive."
You tilt your head and listen intently to Kio.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "In fact, I wouldn't think it be long before she defects from the Serenwilde and takes refuge with Mother Night's own Coven."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "This is merely a by product, currently. The goal is still upon Gabriella."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "Now, on to the matter I need to bring up to you."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "Gabriella is a dreamweaver, Svorai."
You have emoted: Svorai seems to have listened with quiet curiosity, but she tilts her head at mention of dreamweaving.
You have recovered balance on all limbs.
A ghostly purple spider with silver feathered wings scuttles back and forth.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight smiles softly at your sudden interest.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "She has on one occasion grown so bold as to dreamwalk into the Merciless Forest itself in order to speak with me."
"Oh?" you exclaim quizzically.
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "It seems she is going to great lengths to ensure our friendship is much out of sight of politics."
Thoughtfully, Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "I would have it no other way, of course."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says, "Regardless."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "It is a matter of security."
Acolyte Kio d'Illici, Enigma of Twilight says to you, "While her skills are lacking and her intent seems to be innocent, only a fool assumes he is always in control of a puppet's strings."
Backstory (I wish I had the log
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
Curio Exchange - A website to help with the trading of curio pieces in Lusternia.
Avatar by the most wondrous Feyrll
Kio just wanted to give Thul and himself a cute little daughter to love and care for. The color stuff just made it easier to have a half-decent reason to associate with Serens. The fact she grew up to be Queen is something that just kinda happened, and left him happily surprised when he last popped in.