Introducing KaiUI, a GUI for Lusternia built upon
Jor'Mox's Drag and Drop UI framework (aka GUIframe).
Depends upon m&mf, which MUST be installed first, or KaiUI will throw errors and somewhere a kitten will cry.
Customizable - Thanks to GUIframe, any UI element can be resized dynamically and most can be right-clicked and dragged freely around the screen.
Extensible - Once again thanks to GUIframe, adding new UI elements is a rather simple process.
Highlights - Player names highlighted in Players Here and Chat courtesy of vadi's namedb. Info Here highlighted by type, additionally targets counted and highlighted red.
Efficient - KaiUI is built to be fast. Even in fast-paced group combat scenarios, script lag is negligible.
Included aliases:
x|x <target> - example targeting alias, use as-is or make your own targeting reference target.name
kunlock - unlocks UI elements, 4 semitransparent blue arrows will appear on screen, right click and drag to resize UI elements
klock - locks UI elements and saves placements to an external file
reset crits - resets crit counter to 0 crits/0 hits
Known issues:
- Occasionally on package install/mudlet startup the UI will appear stacked in the upper left corner, resizing Mudlet fixes it.
download from Dropbox and install via Mudlet's package manager.
Note: Unless you happen to be Shofangi, the crit counter won't work out of the box. Add your bashing lines to the KaiUI > Hit Trigger trigger to use it.
As this is an initial release, there may be bugs. If you find an issue or have questions, feel free to contact me on the forums, on Discord (Cylon#2741), or send me a message/tell in game.
This wouldn't have happened without Jor'Mox, the wonderful people of Mudlet's discord server, and a special thanks to
@Reylari and
@Kali for inspiring large parts of this project. You're all fantastic
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1tOpXOGOXyBqUsbr4WOalI
Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/artist/arell-moors/1435015679
SoundCloud (Official Releases): https://soundcloud.com/arellmoors-music
SoundCloud (Non-Streaming Releases): https://soundcloud.com/arellmoors
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAt3ldN1xd8C8zUpIKBCeQ
- KaiUI is NO LONGER DEPENDENT UPON MMF! It will still take advantage of ndb for name highlighting if it's present, but should work just fine standalone too.
- Now detects when a command chair is locked, and automatically replaces the mudlet mapper with the aethermap.
- Some minor formatting and positioning fixes that may or may not affect you.
- Maybe finally tracked down the chat bug for real this time?
- KaiUI now raises an event when the UI is built, "KaiUI built". This can be used to add new elements, like so:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1tOpXOGOXyBqUsbr4WOalI
Apple Music: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/artist/arell-moors/1435015679
SoundCloud (Official Releases): https://soundcloud.com/arellmoors-music
SoundCloud (Non-Streaming Releases): https://soundcloud.com/arellmoors
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAt3ldN1xd8C8zUpIKBCeQ
1. Is there any place to adjust font size in all the windows, or do they have to be adjusted individually? It's just a little too small for my old eyes.
2. When I load up Mudlet, the UI doesn't scale to the full window unless I minimize and restore it. Any idea what's up there?
3. I'm interested in shifting my main display to the right a bit and expanding the width of the left hand tabs to fill the resulting space. Can you point me to what I need to tweak to do that?
My coding prowess is a little hit or miss. I can usually figure things out given enough time but have to be pointed in the right direction. Thanks again!
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
2. This is supposed to be fixed in Mudlet 4.1
3. Easy! Refer to the first post on how to resize UI elements, the main display will automatically fill the leftover space, so all you need to do is adjust the right side to be a bit smaller and the left side to be a bit bigger to shift the main display over.
- Improved aethermap capturing, it now works in any module.
- Made target display simpler to use, updated example alias. Just call kaiUI.target(yourTargetVariable) in your target alias/function.
- Organized the Info Here window, it's now sorted by objects and mobs.
- Integrated vadi's CSSMan script.
- Config options! There's an aptly named script with several configurable values, mostly colors and font sizes.
- Tidied up scripts, hopefully not a complete nightmare to navigate anymore.
As always, the dropbox link is the same.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
@Daraius Yup, the correct way to update is to just uninstall the old package and install the new one.
- All the UI elements load fine at first
- If I enter any kind of command (including just hitting 'enter'), all the UI elements go dark (ie it's just black space where the elements were)
- If I alt+tab away then alt+tab back, the UI is there again
- Entering any command again makes everything go dark
I've also noticed the main Mudlet toolbar is now dark too (ie has a black background), and this isn't fixed when the UI is showing correctly.
Am I doing something wrong? Haven't customized much other than font sizes in the settings file
EDIT: After trying a clean profile, it seems like things start freaking out after I activate the crowdmap (`mconfig crowdmap true`). Tried uninstalling the mapper that I had by default, but still no go. Might try doing a clean reinstall of Mudlet next.
width = 0
andheight = 0
declarations inGeyser.Container:new
calls. For convenience, I have exported a package with these workarounds included ( https://nextcloud.whitestrake.net/s/Q9dC85sD2GTGZK6 ), but there are only like 6 instances, it's fairly straightforward to do manually.