There is a ME ikon and it blinds people with radiance and it ME and I must gather many of me so I can fling them at people and so they can blind people and it ME I'm an ikon and holy fucking shit
Minister Mboagn Lunarose says, "You have more ikony goodness?!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Yes yes, and I must show you one in particular!"
Minister Mboagn Lunarose says, "The Great Mysrai must have been very busy..."
You flit about happily.
Acknowledging Mboagn's point to be true, you nod your head gravely at them.
You play the Beacon.
You confirm that you are finished playing your Ikons, the round will now continue.
It is now the Battle phase of Turn 1. You have the advantage.
The shining form of the Beacon hurries forward and trembles with delight for a few moments before you before beginning to glow with strobing brilliance. Though Mboagn shields their eyes, they suffers 2 points of arcane damage nonetheless.
Glowing in tune with her words, you whisper, "Look it me."
You strike a pose, arms above you as you radiate soothing alabaster light.
You concede defeat in your Ikon battle with Mboagn.
Minister Mboagn Lunarose exclaims, "It's...what!"
You flit about happily.
You strike a pose, arms above you as you radiate soothing alabaster light.
Mboagn gives a short gasp of elation.
Minister Mboagn Lunarose exclaims, "It was a you!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "It me! I shine!"
Mboagn rolls on the floor, laughing.
Minister Mboagn Lunarose says, "Okay, that's impressive."
Bookbinder by trade! Designer of most other things.
@Lantra OMG you are AMAZING! The wedding stuff you had was gorgeous. Thank you so much for agreeing to it. I am running around with my hands in the air like a muppet. HealerMom
Also because my brain is scattered, a thank you to @Aeldra@Alarin and @Faragan for joining. Sorry to those that couldn't make it. @Kali we missed you too!
To chime in with @Alaula , @Lantra, that was one beautiful wedding. I'm very much amazed and in awe about this work and I'm at a loss for words at this beautifully done moments. Thank you very much for putting in the time and lovely effort
I didn't want to make a whole thread for this, so I'll just post the log here as my rave.
Sapphira exhales slowly, allowing a long fluid breath to creep from her lungs. - Sapphira waits for quiet, before lifting her voice enough to be heard by all. "Raising a Vernal Ascendant is no small decision, with a narrow focus or purpose. To do so, is an investment of power, of trust, and of honour." - Caressing your ear, the voice of Sapphira whispers, "Whatever makes you more comfortable." - Gesturing towards the Megalith, Lady Grey Sapphira d'Vanecu, the Ensanguined Aesthete says, "By unlocking the Megalith of Doom, we empower an individual, granting them new personal powers to fight on behalf of the city, as one of our champions." - Lady Grey Sapphira d'Vanecu, the Ensanguined Aesthete says, "And yet, there is more to this honour than prowess on the battlefield. A Vernal Ascendant is one who represents Magnagora before the basin of life, one who should uphold our ideals, fight for our causes, and defend our people and nation. One who is above reproach, and who serves the city as an exemplary citizen." - Sapphira pauses for a moment, glancing at those gathered before she turns to address you. "Uzriel d'Vanecu, you have been nominated by your peers and selected by the Iron Council for this prestigious honour. Please step forward." - You have emoted: Uzriel steps forward to stand beside Sapphira. - Lady Grey Sapphira d'Vanecu, the Ensanguined Aesthete says, "You were chosen, not for one small purpose, but for a greater one. Not just because you are one who chooses to fight, but because you are the embodiment of Magnagoran ideals." - Gesturing with one hand, Lady Grey Sapphira d'Vanecu, the Ensanguined Aesthete says, "One who bloodies the battlefield in Magnagora's name, but also one who holds himself with nobility and dignity; one who engages in her culture and innovation, in pursuing our goals and ambitions - You were chosen, because in all you do, you further the Engine." - Sapphira allows the smallest smile to tug at the corner of her mouth before she continues, loud enough still for all to hear. "Magnagora is a nation of many parts, and you are called to stand for each and all of them, in defense and in honour." She pauses again, letting her words sink in. Then, putting her hands into a pouch, she withdraws each in a clenched fist, sand and dark soil spilling from between her fingers. - Kalas Zagreus, the Devouring Blade says, "Oh no, not the pocket sand." - Zagreus quickly ducks down. - Sapphira gives Zagreus an amused look - Gazing disappointedly off into the distance, Raezon summons a ball of azure flame into His hand. With nary a motion, the ball of flame flies up into the sky and begins to arc in the direction Raezon stares before falling sharply. - Fthora curtseys gracefully before Raezon. - Zagreus gives Raezon a respectful salute. - Niavene inclines her head politely to Raezon. - You bow respectfully to Raezon. - Clearing her throat and sprinkling the dirt around Uzriel's feet, Lady Grey Sapphira d'Vanecu, the Ensanguined Aesthete says, "You stand for the plane of Earthe; for the Earthen Lords and the creatures therein, for the taint that runs through the blessed soil. Know the blessing of Earth, find within the strength to stand firm against all who seek to oppose you." - Kailanna curtseys gracefully before Raezon. - Silvanus inclines his head politely to Raezon. - Vella inclines her head politely to Raezon. - Sapphira dusts her now empty hands before continuing in a resounding tone. "The Sacred plane of Nil; the Demon Lords and Lady and all their subjects, you stand for them. For the teachings they have granted us, their power, their truths. You represent them, and so to are you called to protect them. May the Five grant you wisdom and favour, as you receive their blessing." - Sapphira nods towards Kailanna. - Kailanna presses a thumb to your forehead, a cold shiver creeping down your spine as she offers the dark blessings of the Demon Lords of Nil upon you. - The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Sapphira's lips. - Sapphira spreads her hands wide. "Magnagora is blessed with the patronage of the greatest divine to have returned from the Void: Lord Fain, of the Red Masque, Lord Morgfyre, the Legion, Lord Raezon, the Forbidden, Lady Drocilla, the Enchantress, and Lord Thax, the Machine. As They have aligned with us, so too do we give Them our honour, allegience and devotion." - You sense the passage of Shango to the south with a dainty pair of neatly formed ears. - Lady Grey Sapphira d'Vanecu, the Ensanguined Aesthete says, ""You are marked as the Enchantress' own; yet as Magnagora's Vernal Ascendant, you will stand for all of our Pantheon. May Their enemies be yours, and tremble to behold you. May They smile upon your words and actions, and bless your steps as you toil for the city."" - Fingertips grazing the hollow of her throat, Sapphira's gaze lingers upon you as an enchanting redolence swathes your senses and smudges the dreary reality away with a palette of nocturne's beauty. In this sultry vision of the world in the Enchantress' image, the haunting chill of eventide is silk upon your skin and the heady fragrance of vespertine blooms invokes whispers promising the fulfillment of all desires. Before you are ready, the night-imbued splendour fades away, leaving a feeling of unrestrained longing. - Sapphira clears her throat and lowers her hand, speaking all to hear, but her gaze is unwavering from you. "We put our trust in you, all of us - Geomancers, Nihilists, Cacophony, Ninjakari and ur'Guard; The Society, the Heralds and the Infernals; from the lowest contemptible and pariah to the nobility and Iron Council - We honour you this day, as the epitome of Magnagora. For your efforts to fight and defend, for your refinement and cultural influence, and for your upstanding reputation and determination to ever further the Mighty Engine of Transformation. We name you our new Vernal Ascendant." - Kailanna opens the powers of the Megalith of Doom to you. You step towards the Megalith of Doom as Kailanna unlocks its deepest powers. You place your hands on it, spreading deep cracks and fissures across its stone surface, drinking of its intoxicating Taint as thrumming power fills the air and pours through your mortal coil. Hordes of demons fill the air with the flapping of their leather wings as you are suffused by incredible powers, and rise as a Vernal Ascendant! A new Ascendant rises! By decree of Warlady Kailanna and with full support of the Iron Council, let it be known that the Grand Dominion of Magnagora has this day imbued Uzriel with the energies of the Megalith of Doom, raising a Vernal Ascendant!
I want to throw a rave out to all you lovely people that joined our little impromptu session at the park. What started off as a simple picnic turned into a storytime of the Elder Wars and then a small crowd came to join us. Thanks to @Aeldra for telling the story and initiating the picnic, @Ferne for joining us and asking about Kethuru, @Valluin for joining in for the story, @Gurashi for thinking we were playing on the swings and decided to crash, @Lantra for being awesome and listening in, and @Gyorn for being curious and dropping in. It was a wonderful little surprise. Maybe we can plan to have more in the future if people are interested.
I want to throw a rave out to all you lovely people that joined our little impromptu session at the park. What started off as a simple picnic turned into a storytime of the Elder Wars and then a small crowd came to join us. Thanks to @Aeldra for telling the story and initiating the picnic, @Ferne for joining us and asking about Kethuru, @Valluin for joining in for the story, @Gurashi for thinking we were playing on the swings and decided to crash, @Lantra for being awesome and listening in, and @Gyorn for being curious and dropping in. It was a wonderful little surprise. Maybe we can plan to have more in the future if people are interested.
Look Gurashi saw 4 people gathered at their most favoritest room in all of New Celest and immediately thought "SWINGSET TIME" and instead it was -learning- time AND swingset time. A+. Thanks for letting me crash the lesson!
‘It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways. It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
So, someone pointed me towards EMOVERRIDE, which is explained in changelog 1945. OMG I wanted this for so long. Being a tiny faeling, I always felt some of the stock emotes were awkard for aeldra and now I can customize them and still get the associated poses... am having a field day here. Whoever added this, all the praises
Great care has been taken to draw a loveable, oddly translucent harp
seal upon the gut. The entire form of the adolescent seal seems formed
from light blue ice, aside from the mint green eyes. Encircling the
navel, the seal gazes out at the world with an adorable mien.
Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."
Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
>--------------------------[ Changelog Entry #2256 ]--------------------------<
Entered by: The Furies, Administrators of the Envoys Date: 2020-12-15 20:24:43
o Improved Illusions may now use all 255 colours.
o This is not actually a change, but we just want to point out that the
leprechaun pot curio affects Dramaturgy actions. We're sorry and you're
‘It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways. It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
I want to rave for our Celest Pantheon and the awesome work they did on the restoration of the non-merian quarter in celest. It is so very lovely and well done and the amount of love that went into the details is grand. Thank youuuu
Magnagora's wreaths have lore from one of my favorite points in lore - all the calamity that happened right after the taint. That we finally got to see the long teased Firica d'Vanecu, terror of the d'Vanecu men makes it even better.
I want to rave for our Celest Pantheon and the awesome work they did on the restoration of the non-merian quarter in celest. It is so very lovely and well done and the amount of love that went into the details is grand. Thank youuuu
All of us on TLC had so much fun creating Dragon's Grave together! It has been a delight to see everyone's reactions to the new additions (especially the hunky new bartender, Eraol Flenn, haha!).
Avatar by Sam Smith. You can follow her on Twitter here.
I feel really blessed lately getting to hang out with the BEST people, from all walks of the Basin and having all sorts of random but wholesome slice-of-life encounters and it's made being awake lately an absolute joy: @Cheliyi@Ferne@Reyqae@Tridemon@Alaula@Sutekh@Tikki@Selenity@Xiran@Esei@Skeara@Pip@Iskander@Tania(and a little belatedly, @Kalaneya) ... y'all so good... and if I missed anyone call me out. Happy Solstice y'all.
‘It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways. It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
I want to rave for our Celest Pantheon and the awesome work they did on the restoration of the non-merian quarter in celest. It is so very lovely and well done and the amount of love that went into the details is grand. Thank youuuu
All of us on TLC had so much fun creating Dragon's Grave together! It has been a delight to see everyone's reactions to the new additions (especially the hunky new bartender, Eraol Flenn, haha!).
Aleyi Symfale better back off from Eraol.
Great job on everything! It was so much fun! It's better than I could have hoped!
I originally logged into Zouviqil planning to retire her. @Xenthos had given me some ideas of what I could try if I wanted to return to Zouviqil, but I wasn't really sure. Either way, he was a complete gentleman helping me out.
Then I ran into @Esei, who was quite the help. Followed that up with @Afollia who was a sweetheart. @Kaervas was recently back too and leapt into RP with me. And then @Viravain was like "Welcome back, I have stuff for you to do," even after I fumbled with the order item. Then @Cheliyi helped me fix my description (neon purple... lol).
I've been gone all this time and was treated like gold by people I knew and people I never knew.
I originally logged into Zouviqil planning to retire her. @Xenthos had given me some ideas of what I could try if I wanted to return to Zouviqil, but I wasn't really sure. Either way, he was a complete gentleman helping me out.
Then I ran into @Esei, who was quite the help. Followed that up with @Afollia who was a sweetheart. @Kaervas was recently back too and leapt into RP with me. And then @Viravain was like "Welcome back, I have stuff for you to do," even after I fumbled with the order item. Then @Cheliyi helped me fix my description (neon purple... lol).
I've been gone all this time and was treated like gold by people I knew and people I never knew.
I missed you so much, Glomdoring.
There's always something to do in Glomdoring. If there isn't, count on me to load you up with extraordinarily complex and seemingly impossible tasks (with love) and a huge group of people who all know exactly what you mean if you say to them, "...omg. This task. What am I going to do? Please help."
Glomdoring, building camaraderie through shared Viravain torture since 2007.
Your comments are a delight to read, thank you so much for being a part of our wonderful commune. Bearing witness to the efforts that people have placed for Glomdoring's community for the past year and hearing they made such a difference is a joy to read.
@Lantra OMG you are AMAZING! The wedding stuff you had was gorgeous. Thank you so much for agreeing to it. I am running around with my hands in the air like a muppet. HealerMom
Also because my brain is scattered, a thank you to @Aeldra@Alarin and @Faragan for joining. Sorry to those that couldn't make it. @Kali we missed you too!
I'm... ungodly late to this one (Forgot the password. Again.) but YES, that ceremony was very beautiful. @Lantra did a heck of a job on it! Also glad I made it home in the nick of time to log in, though worse-case scenario, I would have logged in from my phone, lol.
A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.
I hope the others involved enjoyed it too, ended up roping in more people than I had really planned, not that I minded at all.
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "Yes yes, and I must show you one in particular!"
Minister Mboagn Lunarose says, "The Great Mysrai must have been very busy..."
You flit about happily.
Acknowledging Mboagn's point to be true, you nod your head gravely at them.
You play the Beacon.
You confirm that you are finished playing your Ikons, the round will now continue.
It is now the Battle phase of Turn 1.
You have the advantage.
The shining form of the Beacon hurries forward and trembles with delight for a few moments before you before beginning to glow with strobing brilliance. Though Mboagn shields their eyes, they suffers 2 points of arcane damage nonetheless.
Glowing in tune with her words, you whisper, "Look it me."
You strike a pose, arms above you as you radiate soothing alabaster light.
You concede defeat in your Ikon battle with Mboagn.
Minister Mboagn Lunarose exclaims, "It's...what!"
You flit about happily.
You strike a pose, arms above you as you radiate soothing alabaster light.
Mboagn gives a short gasp of elation.
Minister Mboagn Lunarose exclaims, "It was a you!"
Glowing in tune with her words, you say, "It me! I shine!"
Mboagn rolls on the floor, laughing.
Minister Mboagn Lunarose says, "Okay, that's impressive."
Of course the endzone is neat too. I'm excited to see what other secrets there are.
The wedding stuff you had was gorgeous. Thank you so much for agreeing to it. I am running around with my hands in the air like a muppet.
Also because my brain is scattered, a thank you to @Aeldra @Alarin and @Faragan for joining. Sorry to those that couldn't make it. @Kali we missed you too!
It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
Entered by: The Furies, Administrators of the Envoys
Date: 2020-12-15 20:24:43
o Improved Illusions may now use all 255 colours.
o This is not actually a change, but we just want to point out that the leprechaun pot curio affects Dramaturgy actions. We're sorry and you're welcome.
It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
Divinely ugly sweater-vest. Thanks for spreading the joy, @Ashira.
Avatar made through Picrew
It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
Great job on everything! It was so much fun! It's better than I could have hoped!
Glomdoring, building camaraderie through shared Viravain torture since 2007.
Your comments are a delight to read, thank you so much for being a part of our wonderful commune. Bearing witness to the efforts that people have placed for Glomdoring's community for the past year and hearing they made such a difference is a joy to read.
Welcome home
A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.
A giant panda bounds into view, flanked by a gargantuan gorilla clad in golden plate armour. They both salute as the vision fades.