Too many WTFs, not enough raves. And we don't need to speak about the foam. Raves to the Charites for approving the wedding ring design! Raves to @Irillia for great chitchat as always :) Raves to @Vi… (View Post)
Dissatisfied with so much being classified by the Board of Directors in Hallifax. There have been several instances when the details of events have been classified so anyone not on the BoD is left wi… (View Post)
Had a lot of fun creating my merry little gypsy band even if it was only for such a short time so raves to @Yarith @Ardyos @Falmiis @Aeya @Rolsand and even the ever so reluctant @Essentia ;) Doing gy… (View Post)
A nebulous volt puffs up his chest and a crazy gleam enters his eyes as he vigorously agrees with you that his intelligence and strength far surpass anyone else's. A nebulous volt explodes in a crack… (View Post)