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Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

Yeah what I can't get past is the thought that Ixion being stopped is the real win, not actually raising the person you supported. Says so much more about a determination to spite than to win. I'm sorry Choros that this is the vibe coming from your support. I am happy you managed what you did, and this also says so much about your own sportsmanship. Talk about being the bigger man! A huge boost to your character in my eyes.

Admin restored a lot of faith with this move, that mistakes are not only acknowledged but they seek to fix and make amends. Everyone upset that their work was 'lessened' now maybe can understand how the other side felt, that all their hard work to plan and plot and spend money and all those same things was also robbed by something out of their control. Doesn't feel nice, does it?

All these efforts to remove discrimination and racism and the like, and now this hugely bold move tells me a lot about the heart of our admin and I'm liking what they are shaping.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

Rancoura said:
My apologies, I misspoke -- this is not a nullification of our efforts, but it is a lessening of them. Part of the intention of supporting a side in Ascension is also to prevent the raising of an Ascendant on the other side, is it not? Please do correct me if I'm wrong, but that is the perspective I'm speaking from.

Regardless, I agree that there was likely no resolution to this that would keep everyone happy -- my issue is more with Parhelion's tone in the first quote I posted above.
Speak for yourself, please. Regardless of what anyone believes, the choice for me of who to support for Ascension was extremely hard, and I was tempted to not come at all. Certainly that would have been the best option for me, politically and personally - it also would have felt cowardly, and like disappointing two people instead of one. But for various reasons and days of weighing pros and cons, I felt Ixion deserved the support more. That does not mean I wanted Choros to lose. I think in the last couple of weeks he's more than proved he also deserved to win, if only for all that he did to try and help Hallifax. I'm disappointed that my candidate lost, but not that Parhelion won.

But you do point to a mentality of why Ascension is so horribly toxic and will hopefully be changed next time around. Good riddance. This solution isn't perfect, but it's the most fair one that I can think of, so I'm glad they went with it.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

My apologies, I misspoke -- this is not a nullification of our efforts, but it is a lessening of them. Part of the intention of supporting a side in Ascension is also to prevent the raising of an Ascendant on the other side, is it not? Please do correct me if I'm wrong, but that is the perspective I'm speaking from.

Regardless, I agree that there was likely no resolution to this that would keep everyone happy -- my issue is more with Parhelion's tone in the first quote I posted above.

Re: Simple Ideas

Hello! I had an idea for a small quest!

(In Tolborolla, perhaps?)

A way to get a (small amount of) honey.

A NPC has a beehive! And it has smokers around it! But they can't get to the smokers for (some reason), so they need you, the adventurer, to reach them! You need to turn all of them on, so the NPC can go get a jar of honey (for you and them, I guess)

I was thinking of it as a 'lights out' puzzle in which you are trying to get all the smokers to go on at the same time and naturally, they keep turning off when you turn others on, etc.

The smokers would turn back off (reset) after so much time.

Everyone always wants honey, so this is my contribution to the 'we need honey' ideas.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

Rancoura said:
Part of the intention of supporting a side in Ascension is also to prevent the raising of an Ascendant on the other side, is it not?
That is entirely up to the player. Did people show up to support Choros or oppose Ixion? Was the goal "Not Ixion" or "Raise Choros"? If you went with the goal of not Ixion, then yes, you "lost". If your goal was raise Choros, mission success. 

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

I think admins are doing something that Lusternia, by its history isn't really used to. And no, it's not the 2xTA necessarily, but rather owning up to the managerial mistakes and making compensations to the disappointed players. Now, this does put them at a tough spot for the future, where they are going to be expected to be held to this same standard if things go awry. And I am sure that time will come, because nothing is perfect and Lusternia is no exception to that. If players' frustration on that day meets with inconsistency, the resolution today will do nothing but raise questionmarks in admins' direction. But I appreciate the attempt, speaking from experience, we could have definitely used more of this in the past.

A final advice from a pseudo-retiree, whose opinions shouldn't hold much weight: 
Disconnect yourself from discord channels, guys&gals. I understand that almost %99 of the current competitive/engaged playerbase is constantly interacting there, OOC. My personal opinion is that it's making everything worse simply due to the fact that the event itself and consequences/discussions around it are purely mechanical and never in character. So the frustrations are coming in players' directions instead of characters and that's removing a protective layer ("Oh, it's their character that's a jerk, not the player." ). Lusternia is a truly unique experience that you feel down when you lose, then you feel down again when you win. And it's been a hectic few weeks, but it has been for everyone involved and not just you. So you might want to keep your attitude in check, dear reader.

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

There would be no result that made everyone happy. 

I applaud the administration for acknowledging the issue and seeking to make amends. 

Choros acknowledged this is as a good outcome and approved of it. So depending on your view, he has "shared" the win. 

This has eased the displeasure on the other side, who also put in quite a bit of work, including having to factor against skills that were only available on one side that lacked any counters. 

Somehow, Choros ascended and the people who seem to really come off as having lost are the people who were supporting Choros, not even Choros himself. Choros is not being descended, so there is simply two winners. Some issues were noted before the event and were not handled at the time.

Somehow the only unhappy people appear to be the ones who had called themselves the winners, because they decided that this means they were not in a winning team, as if any of their work matters less now. 

Re: Return of the Voice of Rhapsody

I am ALL ๐Ÿ‘ ABOUT ๐Ÿ‘ LANTRA AND RHAPSODY. This was such a beautiful, emotional, and well-crafted scene. Thank you for sharing!

Re: Announce Post #3061: Ascension Postmortem

Parhelion said:
I fully support this action. If you're on the side that helped me win, and this makes you want to retire or stop playing, you are no better than the other side that said the same thing, and you can consider our friendship in any capacity ended no matter how long we've known each other. End of story.
@Parhelion -- considering this stands as a nullification of our efforts as well now, and particularly with your having recently posted the following:

Parhelion said:

I'm fully aware that my team carried me. There's not a single person in the group that didn't help make sure this win happened. All I did was work my ass off to make sure they had something they could work with. What I wasn't going to do was go out of my way to make their work any harder than it had to be. I invested in myself, asked for help and advice, tweaked my reflexes, and tried to earn their support. I wasn't owed their support, and both Ixion and Ciaran deserved this more than I did.

I would strongly suggest that you find a more tactful way of encouraging your supporters to accept this decision than proclaiming the moral high ground with insinuations of "my way or the highway" coupled with blatant dismissals of our feelings in one fell swoop.

Edit: grammar.