Gurashi and Duethielle are obviously the stars of this show, but can I get some Binky appreciation going too? The more I interact with these three, the more perfect he is as a character and as the face of this trio.
Miaei's outgoing enough to interact with outsiders, but she's more likely to prank you in some manner than be serious. Duethielle is sweet but maybe like 25% there if that. So it falls on the shoulders of shy, nervous Binky to drive most interaction between people and the three of them.
All these characters are amazing, but Binky, guys.
Probably not simple, but an idea... can we get vardos?
Let artisans design them, have them only work in outside environments, let them move faster than walking, not be able to go over water, et cetera. Just one-room vardos. Limit the number of people that can go into them based on the size, or maybe one-size-fits-five or something. Require it to be pulled by a beast so it can't just magically go along on its own.