The largest problems with peaced revolts is that it favours curative classes over others. These differences are mitigated in PK (well lets ignore any pvp imbalance argument to keep it simple) by offensive skills on the others but that is blocked in peaced revolts. And then you of course have that debating is not engaging and easy to run from and it is very much a divert fest which often just relies on who has the best ping.
Peaced revolts would be interesting if they completely locked out class skills and you could somehow slow people down/prevent running. One thing is to add a hefty movement ego hit when you run from a debate. You can still run when you get only one hit but if you run after the debate went on for a while you would just burn out. Also probably have to think about preventing the dramatics pile on by multiple people but not sure how much a problem that actually is.
You quickly break open a cookie, palming a Disc of Nature and a strip of paper and stuffing the broken cookie in your mouth. You quickly read the paper in your hands: You look pretty.