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Re: describe a movie plot as terribly as you can

Reyqae said:

Government agent has serious issues adjusting to modern times, but somehow gets the job done despite being constantly sidetracked by his libido.
austin powers?

Announce Post #3246: July Artbard Results

Congratulations to our Artisanal and Bardic winners from July!

If you'd like to join them for August, make sure you get your submissions in by the end of the month. HELP ARTBARD will explain all about what you can submit, and how to do so.

==( Bardic Winner )==

==( Bardic Runners-up )==
Auoua and Kennian

==( Bardic Merit )==
Aramantos and Zulte

==( Artisanal Winner )==

==( Artisanal Runners-up )==


2022/08/03 02:47:23 - Gridare communefavoured Farrec for: Because the Regent told me I'd have to wear the chicken helmet if I didn't. Also for power.


"I'm also no good to eat. Old and full of gristle, that's me!" Llani says with a nod.

You whisper to Llani, "You're. You're younger than me."

Forestwalker Llani Myeras asks you, "Well, I certainly -feel- like an old fart. Doesn't that count for anything?"


Lisae: Galaphyrae Joins the Silver Trinity

*don deerstalker hat* Continuing the case of the cracked amulets from Plague Not This Sacred Space. Jump to the last log for rituals.

1. The Veil Thins

"Suddenly, it feels like..." Adrenthorne whispers hurriedly. "Like I'm being watched. Hunted. it the same for you?"

With: Hinagar Adrenthorne Calfuray Galaphyrae Hiari Huskii Ilvisar Tristanna Xiran

Afterward, Calfuray squared off against an onslaught of storm sylphs that Xiran fled from. Xiran later crossed paths with Veara, and the glaive maiden moved to protect Lisae and mist sylphs.

2. The Veil Thins Again

Clearing his throat, speaking louder above the weather, Elthadean Lunseer says, "I *said* that I was wondering what ideas you might have for supplicating to the Hallowed Crone in this. I dare not--."

The sky above you ripples and quavers, suddenly carved into by bolt after furious bolt of lightning. They trace the skies with breathtakingly furious beauty, blanketing it like waves tormented upon the surface of an ocean, rending you, for a moment, speechless with the terrible awe of witnessing disaster on such a cataclysmic scale.

With: Elthadean Galaphyrae Hiari Huskii Veara Xiran

3. Her Blood Sates the Weald

The blood which smears the Avatar's palm begins to bead, rolling upon its flat like quicksilver. "By My Blood will you know Mine and acquiesce, or by My Blood will you be banished forevermore!"

Lisaera's grip upon Galaphyrae's wrist grows tighter, even as her skin grows more wan.

With: Lisaera Elthadean Galaphyrae Calfuray Hiari Honeey Ilvisar Tristanna Veara Xiran


Re: Absence Thread

I've been trying to write this for about four months now, but Iiiii blinked and suddenly it's almost halfway through August. I wish I had written this sooner. TL;DR I need to take a break but I'll be back... eventually!?
You probably haven't noticed Gurashi around much since my move in April. That's because ... it's really hard to be in Lusternia these days!! And that really sucks. Even though I'm no longer in my previously abusive living situation, I'm constantly shaken by minor things in-game that remind me of those days when I was spending 12-18 hours a day not in my people body.

It's gotten so bad where when I simply start to think about playing Lusternia, my heart starts racing and my head starts pounding. I get really sweaty and have a hard time focusing. If I do log in, I scan EWHO nervously. If I get an unexpected tell, even if it's about something wholesome or simple, I get sent into a full-body panic. And if I make it that far without logging back out, then I think about what I HAVE to do to be useful in game. 

And I think that's another big problem of mine: I cannot remember the last time I played where it didn't feel like an obligation or a second job verses the slice of life content I came here seeking. There's always something to worry about, something to maintain, something to manage. I have viewed my experience by my 'usefulness', and if I'm not doing 'enough' then I get stressed and try to overcompensate and burn out more. And honestly, I should have taken a break so much sooner. But because I didn't and insisted on pushing myself, I'm stuck feeling like this and needing therapy for it.

Again, I'm sorry I couldn't talk about it sooner, and I wish I knew what else to do about it besides just vanishing for a little while. Because I love this game so much, and I love Gurashi, and I would never give up on their story - they literally saved my life! But until I learn how to stop suffering debilitating panic episodes and am able to convince myself I'm not so universally loathed, Gurashi's gonna take an IC honeymoon with their wifey, and I'll try again later after some time working on my me-self. 
Go in Love in all things folks,
Gurashi's Player (and Gurashi!)

Re: Gurashi Draws: An Autobiography

Speaking of shirts, Bizirik and Ham are still working on their get-along game.


Re: Gurashi Draws: An Autobiography

It's Gurashi and Calioliahali's 25 anniversary so it's time to draw some cute couple's shirts. 

Events Post #498: Adventures in Botany and Apiculture

Though it was Juliary already, the middle of autumn, Hulleh Honeytongue decided it is better to start late than never. She had a garden to fill with fragrant blooms and she would not be deterred. The fact that she did not know the actual names of the flowers she was seeking was somewhat of an obstacle, as was the hornet's nest in her shed, but she was determined to succeed. Vaboz Bumble did not impart his knowledge to her for nothing.

She first had to find a handful of Pretty Longstalks and she would not be doing it alone as many visited her apiary after hearing of her troubles. The first to arrive was Esei Shee-Slaugh, quickly followed by Huskii Myeras, Tridemon Regalis, and Galaphyrae Talnara. The four of them put their heads together and quickly figured out Hulleh must be speaking of relatively common plants like heather or lavender. Though her sketches resembled the plants in question the way a sunflower resembles the sun, they set out to find the plants regardless.

They had to travel far and wide for the chill winds of Avechna's Teeth were ushering an early winter into the Tolborolla Valley and most blooms there were past their prime or would not survive replanting. Esei was first to find what Hulleh declared to be Prickly Blooms, also known as thistle, and brought the avid beekeeper to dig some up in Hifarae Hills. Tridemon found heather in the Grey Moors, the aforementioned Pretty Longstalks, while Galaphyrae found Happy Bee Flowers - sunflowers - at the foot of Avechna's Peak.

While they were looking for the first four flowers, more visitors arrived at the Honeytongue Apiary to lend their assistance and botanical knowledge. Among them were Lorina Shevat, Illyria An'Ryshe and Gael An'Ryshe, and Astrasia Strongleaf. While Huskii was still looking for Soothing Stalks, Illyria set out to find some Aromatic Clusters and Lorina undertook to find Colourful Dangles.

Gael was surprised to hear such peculiar names given to well-known plants but too polite to share whatever thoughts he had on the subject. Instead, he quickly identified honeysuckles as likely candidates for Colourful Dangles but in the ensuing confusion regarding who is looking for what, it was still a while before he could pass on that knowledge to Lorina.

Meanwhile, Astrasia ventured to the Glasswing Promenade in search of Soothing Stalks, only to find lantana trees that looked very much like sketches of Aromatic Clusters. Even so, Huskii, who suspected Soothing Stalks to be lavender for a while now, finally came across them in the Grey Moors. After that, Lorina located honeysuckles in Oleanvir Valley and Illyria identified a good spot with lantana trees in the Promenade.

Hulleh accompanied each volunteer to where the blooms were and was able to gather quite a few plants for her garden. Once her buckets were full, she set about to plant her garden, taking care to be gentle with the plants in their new home. Though some, like lantanas, stood little chance of taking root or surviving winter, the goal was to attract bees to Hulleh's newly constructed beehives spread outside the apiary. And attract they did as the soft buzz of industrious bees was soon heard after the planting was done.

But though the bees knew they had a new safe harbour with the Honeytongue Apiary now, there was much to be done still. Despite her determination, Hulleh could not imagine fighting a hornet's nest after already narrowly avoiding rocs and snakes on her journey to Oleanvir with Lorina earlier that day. Thankfully, Esei offered to handle it for her, while Galaphyrae and Tridemon handled the rest of the daily chores so Hulleh could rest and enjoy the newly opened business.

Though it will still take some time for the apiary to become fully functional, Astrasia had the pleasure of collecting the first Honeytongue honeycomb.

Plague Not This Sacred Space; Lisaera, Malmydia, Ein

The first Crack and Before Silver Sapling is where the action happens and is in one file. Those who follow Malmydia can see what Xiran missed 'In the Fog'. Also a form of Ein surfaces there, revealed later in 'Lord Ein is Creepy'. Feel free to skip around.

The surroundings flicker with dim golden light as a mooncloak butterfly appears from within an empty nook between books upon the shelves, alighting onto the surface of the pond. Each beat of its wings cracks with the polyphonic echo of rust cracking from a long-forgotten surface, droplets of silvery metal falling away from its golden edge like blood oozing from a blade before fading into mist. Its verdigris antennae twitch as it lands and grows still, focused on the scene before it as it folds its wings in.
- in Ein's grey-gold
1. In a Fog with Elthadean, Xiran, (Ein, Malmydia)
Xiran misses the signs while conversing with Elthadean of regret, mourning, and things that should pass.

The cool aura is gentle for a moment, comforting. Then it is brutal, cold, and sheer and eating away at every exposed pore of your body. You are forced to draw in a deep, shuddering gasp for the first time in a long time, and it painfully stabs at your lungs the entire way. This healing magic, it feels...profane.
- one heals at Malymdia's pleasure (in icy blue)
A carefree elfen lady continues to stare at you, though it is like one peering beneath the surface of reflective water, unseeing what lies upon the surface. And then, without another word, she whips her athame from her hip into her hand, spins on her barefooted heel, and lunges toward Galaphyrae.
2. The First Crack + Calfuray, Honeey, Veara, (Ein, Malmydia)
Divine gifts crack.
3. Before Silver Sapling + Lisaera (as Nehvi), Malmydia, Galaphyrae, Pash
Moonfire burns away the fog. A strange question asked: "Did you really have to kill her?"

Veara Myeras says, "Blessed Mother what in all of creation was that..."
4. Lord Ein is Creepy with Elthadean, Calfuray, Galaphyrae, Honeey, Pash, Veara, Xiran
5. ... Dead Tomatoes?
The extent of Pash's shared senses is made clear.
