As you may have seen from the posters, there's a beach party ahead! We're hoping to see you at 11 pm on August 20th in Toronada Tidal Flats. Bring a little bit of food to share if you like and your most summer-ready self. Alternatively, come in 3 coats. You do you.
The event is meant to be more lowkey than a party like the Ascension Gala - just food, drinks, a bonfire, dancing, and people. Want to prepare a song or a story to share? Go for it. The summer is almost over, IC and OOC, so let's have a last hurrah on the beach together!
Congratulations to our Artisanal and Bardic winners from July!
If you'd like to join them for August, make sure you get your submissions in by the end of the month. HELP ARTBARD will explain all about what you can submit, and how to do so.
==( Bardic Winner )==
==( Bardic Runners-up )==
Auoua and Kennian
==( Bardic Merit )==
Aramantos and Zulte
==( Artisanal Winner )==
==( Artisanal Runners-up )==