Best Of


Mboagn said:
I didn't even notice my typo  :s
I didn't either until you said anything, silly! Here I'll make up for it:

The dazzling flash of coloured glass announces the stealthy arrival of an iridescent clockwork dragonfly. Hovering just above you, it drops a torn piece of notepad paper in your hands, then is off whizzing through the air in a metronomic drone. <-- Mbo's  

 You tilt your head curiously.

 ii page
You are holding: "paper115224" a torn piece of notepad paper

 read page
You read what is written on a torn piece of notepad paper:
Don't trust humans

Re: Character breakdown

Name: Kalas Vexacion
Race: Viscanti
Gender: Female
Guild: Heralds
City: Magnagora
Order: Raezon

Hair: Waist-length, bone-straight, silvery-white.
Eyes: Sly, heavily lashed. Void-black with stars and flames that flicker in them.
Height: 6'6"
Build: Curvaceous, well-toned, amazonianly statuesque.
Defining Features: She has horns, claws, and cloven peetses.
Piercings: None
Scars: None

Strengths: Open-minded towards learning about other faiths/peoples, genuinely interested in understanding the doctrines and teachings of non-Magnagoran organizations, poised, well-spoken, loyal to her city and organized.
Weaknesses: Anger issues, petulance, and a general frustration with what she terms "mortal logic".
Attitude: Aloof, aristocratic and above-it-all.
Morals: Limited. She's unafraid to kill women, innocents and children so long as it furthers Magnagora.
Pet Peeves: Public displays of affection, both platonic and romantic. Hubris.
Best way to piss her off: Rudeness.
Best way to get on her good side: Be open to conversation.

Color: Gold.
Tertiary: Tarot.
Tertiary Skill: Catacombs Tarot.
Primary Skill: Crucify.
Location: The library of Raezon's Temple.
God: Malmydia (sorry, Daddy Raisin)
Guild Master: Veldrin. She hasn't known any others.
Artifact: Her Font.
Commodity: Sugar.
Animal: Draak.
Item Owned: Her angel-hair gown.
Area: Kryden Valik. She learned a lot there.
NPC: Mistress Jezebel. Always bet on Mistress Jezebel.
Memory: The merging of Ixion into Zagreus.

Goals Currently: Make Raezon feel pride.
Amibitions: Better the standing and growth of the Kalas family.
Nemesis: Talkan.
Rival: Lufir.
Best Friend: Moxxie, Mirae, and Coraline.
Idol: Zagreus
Best Personal Achievement: Placing in Knowledge of 2020.
Worst Personal Achievement: Irritating Thax with a pun and getting a warning zap.
Proudest Moment: Being elevated to new positions by Raezon.
Most Shameful Moment: Demoting Toshiko and causing a rift in the Heralds.
One Wish: Currently, to please Raezon enough to become an Avatar.
Hate Her For: Being Magnagoran, I guess? Her snide comments, her pro-Magnagoran philosophies, and the fact that she will burn every ounce of power to crucify you in combat.
Love Her For: Her sober jokes and dry, if rare, wit and her knowledge of the Basin.
Fear Her For: Her political ties.
Harmlessness: She is frequently more interested in studying mortal habits than killing people.
If She Ruled Lusternia: She'd be doing a lot of paperwork, and letting Thalkros push people off towers.


While aetherhunting and talking about weevils and how Faythe thinks it's gross to eat them and @Elexia thinks they are amazing....

The dazzling flash of coloured glass announces the stealthy arrival of an iridescent clockwork dragonfly. Hovering just above you, it drops a platter of weevil delight in your hands, then is off whizzing through the air in a metronomic drone.

You yell, "EW!"

You begin to wield a platter of weevil delight in your left hand.

glance se

Left flight feathers. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. Flashing with energy, the empathic grid stretches from floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall. Locked into the empathic grid, Oracular Elexia Myeras-Silvermoon is here. She wields a rose-vine violin in her left hand and a silver-edged kite shield in her right hand.

You hurl a platter of weevil delight southeast.

(Ship): Elexia says, "Ooh, what a lovely confection! Thank you to whomever shared it with me!"

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Argh, I fell asleep on the sofa and missed the event. :'(

But Coraline showed me the alternate timelines and they're awesome. Raves for the writers!

Re: Lusternian picrews!

This is probably too cutesy but here is Knorr and new friend @Caohite snapping a picture after playing tag with a thornbeast.

Next scene will be her stabbing him because he called her "Little one" again.


I didn't even notice my typo  :s

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Jolanthe said:
Theory: If I wasn't around to touch my scar, then someone would have had to put peep chili stew in it. Can't be convinced otherwise at this point.
From the main discord:



Tridemon said:
... Wait, earbuds?
In the Peep Chili Timeline, technology has sufficiently advanced

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Always missing the good stuff, alas, however i am thrilled to pieces knowing my swan still plagues @Uzriel in alternate timelines. Such an awesome touch.  :D

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Big raves to Orael and Aonia and all of the Divine who worked to make this event special for Magnagora and for Ixion -- given that we had worked so hard and been thwarted by something so unpleasant as the lag-attack, this was really touching. I'm glad I got to participate in this, and see all of the fun ways they imagined the other Sealbearers as True Ascendants in other realities.

Also big love to everyone who can put OOC and IC differences aside to be good sports when it comes to stuff like this. You guys make me proud to be part of the community.