I've been meaning to do this for a while now. Like, since I first made Merlose. Things have changed a few times since then. But I finally got it all filled out.
Fur: White with a silvery grey undercoat. Her hair is generally a mess, though at some point she threaded in crystal snowflowers and made up two braids in front, one of which has a streak of cobalt blue. Eyes: Warm blue of a summer sky Height: How tall are loboshigaru supposed to be? She's a bit taller than average. Build: Full figured Defining Features: Crystal flowers in her hair Piercings: none Scars: none Tattoos: Birds. Birds everywhere. Except on her hand, which shows the rose of Netzach.
Strengths: Easy going, adaptable, clever, pleasant, agreeable. Tries to not let things ruffle her too much. Intensely curious. Loves exploring new places and things. Turns disappointment into overenthusiam. Weaknesses: Secretly feels that everybody dislikes her and only puts up with her because of Collectivism. Can be a bit childish sometimes. Blathers when nervous. Attitude: "Success is an act of exploration. That means the first thing you have to find is the unknown. Learning is searching; anything else is just waiting." Morals: Harmony is the most important virtue, but Order is overrated--the world is messy, and it's better that way. Everyone needs to fight for their goals, no matter how impossible they might be. Mortals who entered the Portal have the ability, and therefore the responsibility, to challenge the Fates and take control of destiny. Pet Peeves: Young Institute members who disparage the utility of crystal instruments that aren't void blasters. Best way to piss her off: Slander her family, friends, or Hallifax Best way to get on her good side: Delicious and exotic food, preferably sweet (but savory is good too).
Color: Various blues and silvers, but especially cobalt blue Tertiary Skill: Healing Primary Skill: Harmonics, though she is secretly fascinated by Kata. Location: The pagoda in the Aerie cloud garden God/Goddess: Czixi Guild Master/House Head: Nelras Artifact: a mechanical fountain pen Commodity: sugar Animal: various birds, for various reasons Item owned: a compass brooch of glistening stars, made for her by Alexandria and which served as the deciding factor in her adopting Alex and Nelras as parents. Area: Tosha Monastery NPC: Ruin Memory: Tea with Daraius to discuss Tosha the Meditative, though her parent's wedding is close. Drink: Alexandria's special honey tea (although secretly, honey-wine)
Goals: Write a stage play. Write a novel. Write a travelogue. Explore all the places in the Basin. Amibitions: To explore everywhere, and see the whole of the world and beyond. Meaningfully contribute something to Hallifaxian canon or culture, that will be remembered long after she's forgotten. Nemesis: None Rival: None Best Friends: @Alexandria, @Nelras, @Jhura, @Iatira, @Niavene, @Daraius. What? She likes people Idol: @Daraius for being everything she wants to be as a loboshigaru. @Sylandra for her amazing contributions to culture. Proudest moment: Adopting @Alexandria and @Nelras Most shameful moment: Indulging in a crush on a Drocillan even though she knew it would kill Nelras if he ever found out If she could make one wish: A majestic bird that could fly her to all the places in the world that no one has ever seen before
Why you should hate her: I don't know, why -should- you hate her? She doesn't hate you. Why you should love her: Because if she decides to be your friend, then you're basically family (or possibly actual family depending how convincing she is towards her parents). There's nothing she won't do for those she cares about. Why you should fear her: She can spin a mean turquoise gemstone. Why she is harmless: If you're not in a timequake, she has no interest in fighting you, and if you don't try to kill her she'd be more than willing to chat. If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Initiatives to promote the increased population, training, and social integration of birds at all levels of society. Also, crepes would be declared one of the major food groups.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Subject to change as she evolves but these are fun!
Race: Viscanti
Gender: Female
Guild: The Iniquitous Society, class being Cacophony
City/Commune: Magnagora
Order: Drocilla
Hair: Chestnut brown with copper and gold highlights
Eyes: Lapis blue
Height: Maybe a shade over 5 feet
Build: Lissome
Defining Features: Often a bit dishevelled, clothes askew and smudged and the like.
Piercings: None as yet
Scars: None
Strengths: creative, polite, inquisitive, hard working
Weaknesses: Bad at hiding thoughts/emotions, impatient, can be a bit judgemental and sometimes speaks before she thinks
Attitude: Cheerful, somewhat playful and industrious, ambitious.
Morals: Super loyal to friends, well developed sense of decorum, the ends definitely justify the means.
Pet Peeves: Rudeness, laziness, people with a lack of appreciation for art
Best way to piss her off: Say art is pointless, cross one of her close friends
Best way to get on her good side: Give her sweets, show a measure of interest in art (particularly hers)
Color: blues and purples
Primary Skill: Necroscream
Location: A lambent seaside conservatory
God/Goddess: Drocilla, also fascination with Malmydia via histories is brewing.
Guild Master/House Head: City Leader for now - @Kailanna - quite the kindred spirit I feel!
Artifact: her mechanical fountain pen
Commodity: gems
Animal: specifically her swan and a certain affectionate dream phoenix. No favourite animal type (though she hates mutts)
Item owned: Nothing in particular
Village/forest/region: Presidio of the Damned (particularly the courtyard with their cherry blossoms)
NPC: Latifa y'Bolgari
Memory: Nothing particularly standout as yet, lots of little things
Song: Her bard song for lack of anything else
Drink: oolong tea
Goals: To be an accomplished and reknowned artist, to combine art and science in new ways, to be prominent within the guild and order, and to discover her noble heritage, marry well and have progeny to be proud of.
Best personal achievement: I think the best is still yet to come. So far it was managing to catch the first rat in a hat and progressing pretty quickly through the guild ranks/
Worst personal achievement: Being called uppity by the Warlady
Proudest moment: The first time killing more than one denizen at once, sniping two kills once in a timequake.
Most shameful moment: Being reprimanded for being indecorous
If she could make one wish: At present it is to earn the privilege of beholding Drocilla in the flesh
Why you should hate her: I dunno, she's pretty likeable, though she has probably either quietly judged you or is considering what sort of an artwork she could create out of your corpse.
Why you should love her: She is friendly and pleasant, and playful without being silly or cutesy.
Why you should fear her: Not fear so much as be wary about falling asleep while she has a scalpel at hand.
Why she is harmless: She's squishy and weak, and not generally malicious, just creative. Also she is nice to everyone she meets.
I don't want this thread to get buried beneath first page, and it's been a minute since I last filled this out!
Lief Myeras-Silvermoon
Race: Faeling
Gender: Female
Guild: Sowers of the Last Seed
City/Commune: Serenwilde
Order: Maylea
Hair: Reddish brown, androgynous pixie cut
Eyes: Gray with swirls of shifting prismatic color
Height: Tall for a faeling, still shorter than just about everyone else
Build: Lean, somewhat androgynous
Defining Features: Dragonfly wings, freckles, fingertips calloused from playing string instruments, antlers with flowers blooming from them
Piercings: One in each ear
Scars: Only on her heart
Tattoos: The Wheel Gate (an important structure for the Sowers of the Last Seed) on her back
Strengths: I uh, had to think on this one to reassess what's still true! She's definitely optimistic, though. Determined, brave.
Weaknesses: Sometimes that bravery turns into naïveté or foolhardiness. Still holds everyone to impossibly high standards!
Attitude: Enthusiastic, easygoing with a layer of intensity beneath
Morals: Teach everyone a better way to live - befriend them and encourage them to change their homes from within for the better ("the better" being razing the cities down to make room for nature and healing the taint/wyrd of course).
Pet Peeves: Sonnets that don't properly follow any sonnet form, haikus that mess up their syllable counts.
Best way to piss her off: Be utterly unrepentant for Shashi's murder. I suppose lack of repentance would apply to other crimes against loved ones as well.
Best way to get on her good side: Participate in Culture - show off your paintings, writings, or stage productions, even if you're not in her org. Culture is her love language.
Colour: All!
Tertiary: Ecology
Tertiary Skill: Pathways
Primary Skill: Wildearrane
Location: Beautiful woods in Serenwilde, the gardens in Maylea's temple
God/Goddess: Give you three guesses but you'll only need one.
Item owned: She has a lot of gifts from people she adores (a pendant from an ephemeral, dragonfly earrings from her sister, a brooch from her uncle). My favorite OOC one is probably the brooch Nocht painted for her, and maybe if you define "favorite" differently from most people, that's one of her favorites, too?
Village/forest/region: Kiunid Vruna, for sure.
NPC: Lanni Ahonen has usurped Sparrow, and Duethielle/Binky/Miaei are a very close runner up. She would kill everybody near her and then heartstop if someone looked at Lanni the wrong way, though.
Memory: Becoming Maylea's Avatar, followed closely by how special everybody made the Spring Festival from a while back.
Song: Shashi's song
Drink: Oraculum, and otherwise meads are good too if no one happens to have magical fae wine on hand.
Goals: Record the most productions on Serenwilde's stage, write more, produce more, bring out the best in people she knows and see them succeed
Ambitions: Become one of Serenwilde's foremost stagewrights, convert people, if not to Serenwilde, then to her way of thinking (see Morals above)
Nemesis: She probably doesn't know it and I should fix that, but @Rancoura
Best Friend: Her parents, siblings, nieces and nephews automatically (forum shoutout to @Elexia, @Coraline, and @Jolanthe off the top of my head for people who frequent here!), @Gurashi, Faythe
Idol: @Jolanthe - Lief sees her as incredibly intelligent, creative, steady, a patient and good person, and she looks up to what Jolanthe creates intensely. She also quite literally worships Maylea, but I don't know if that counts here!
Best personal achievement: Guiding others in opening their hearts to her Goddess
Worst personal achievement: Getting Gurashi in trouble with Nocht >.> She also feels like she may have unintentionally played a part in driving Esei to Nocht, too, regardless of the facts
Proudest moment: Not dying in Glomdoring during their Solstice Festival! Her heart still got PK'd but she left alive! There are a lot of proud moments, but that stands out in my memory right now.
Most shameful moment: [Redacted]
If she could make one wish: What are the rules of the wish-magic? If she can wish without negative consequence, she'd wish for the Wyrd and all its Spirits, people, and Gods to be healed, but I don't trust any of our admin to let that happen without it backfiring (<3)
Why you should hate her: You shouldn't! She's an absolute angel and you are probably too tainted or wyrden and not right in the head if you do.
Why you should love her: It might take longer for some people than others, but she can see the good in you.
Why you should fear her: She will air your dirty laundry on stage, in rhyming verse.
Why she is harmless: I mean. *gestures vaguely at her*
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: The Sowers' collective dream to come true - all the world healed and in perfect balance and harmony.
Amazing beautiful stunning avatar by Gurashi! ~ A gentle breeze ruffles your wings and whispers in your ears, as if for you alone, "Dragonfly's words shine... seeds, sown and tended, inspire... a forest harvest." ~ Maylea reaches out, Her fingers poised in midair. "Now you are of Me, even more than you were before." Her golden and azure eyes glitter. "Walk well, Eldin. Shed glory in My name, and bring life to the lifeless."
Wow... yes, mine is outrageously outdated. Time to update!
Esei Shee-Slaugh
Race: Elfen (technically a changeling but not mechanically yet)
Gender: yes (they/them through this)
Guild: The Auguries
City/Commune: Glomdoring
Order: Nocht
THE LOOK (we'll just go with elfen, heh) Hair: Long, auburn, always braided in some fashion
Eyes: Very dark violet Height: 6'
Build: Lean, androgynous, elegant
Defining Features: Freckles, sharp teeth
Piercings: A lot but no jewelry in them Scars: Also a lot, most of them are not visible
PERSONALITY (this one is definitely difficult to do) Strengths: Very good at holding a secret or dozen, very good bully.
Weaknesses: Very poor in self-confidence, tends to wear their heart on their sleeve, has difficulties setting boundaries but is trying to get better. On a less serious note, licks and drinks things they shouldn't? Can hold a grudge.
Attitude: Generally mysterious towards others, but tries to be warm and welcoming to allies and fellow commune members to various degrees Morals: Variable; if they had a D&D alignment, definitely Lawful Evil. Generally tries to follow commune rules and has a strict moral code that can't be easily put into words. Pet Peeves: People who disrespect boundaries; theirs or anyone else's. Those who deliberately break the rules in order to upset others.
Best way to piss me off: Threaten anyone they care for. Best way to get on my good side: Cheesecake, or be an ally.
Color: Violet Tertiary: Healing/Hexes/Astrology
Tertiary Skill: Cure Insanity
Primary Skill: Garb
Location: All of Nocht's godrealm
God/Goddess: Nocht, for obvious reasons. Viravain is a close second though.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Eliron, for Shee-Slaugh; he's just so good. Artifact (don't have to own): Gender changing mirror
Commodity: Gems Animal: Thornbeasts. They totally count, right?
Best personal achievement: Getting to cree-Dae Hiua'zal. Worst personal achievement: Drinking the Nochtquameld. >.>
Proudest moment: Asking to be adopted into Shee-Slaugh Most shameful moment: Typos. All of them.
If I could make one wish: Gender-changing mirror for each day rather than each month.
Why you should hate them: A truly big bully, but in the best/worst way.
Why you should love them: Apparently, a lot of people find them to be very kind and patient, willing to explain nearly anything they can to newbies and oldbies alike.
Why you should fear them: Excellent manipulator. Probably other things too but I can't remember them.
Part Two! Upgraded, changed answers are in Italics
Character Name: Choros Shevat
Race: Sileni, but Lucidian or Gnome if he weren't.
Gender: Male
Guild: Consortium, Quartz Syndicate.
City/Commune: Hallifax
Order: None, but Eyeballing Terentia heavily.
Skin: Lightly tanned, with light golden hairs all over.
Eyes: Soft, chocolate brown.
Build: Tall and slender. Currently Tessenchi, if Kaizynne would help with some katas
Defining Features: Melodic voice, horns, cute button nose. Did I mention the Sileni part?
Piercings: None, gross. My body is a temple and entirely too perfect to pierce with sharp instruments of torture. Scars: See Piercings
Strengths: Complete lack of morals.Choros refuses to entertain any sense of right and wrong. There is only what helps himself, and by extension his family and Hallifax, and what does not. He's willing to bend almost any rule or guideline to do what needs to be done. Choros is Neutral Evil,Lawful Neutral, but knows who butters his bread.
Weaknesses: Choros overestimates his ability to get away with his shenanigans, and he's going to be caught some day. But not today. Choros has a dislike of people who break or change laws for their own profit, and not for the good of the whole. This leads to a lot of arguments.
Attitude: Well dressed, openly polite and respectful, especially to authority figures who aren't hampering him. Think mobster.
Morals: If you can't prove it, I didn't do it. You got a warrant? Am I free to go?
Pet Peeves: Being touchy-feely or openly flirty. If I'm interested, you'll know. If you don't know for sure, I'm not. Changeling as a Sileni to get perks.
Best way to piss me off: Lack of manners, ratting me out to authorities. Bitches get stitches. Being too lazy to work to get what you want. Nothing worth having is easy to achieve. Break your promises or show that you aren't worth his trust.
Best way to get on my good side: Feed me, show me how to make a profit. Make small talk and tell me things. Be a Sileni and be interested in roleplaying about it, including listening to Choros when he waxes eloquently about Sileni history.
Color: None, but prefers black accented with gold or quartz buttons with gold veins. Tertiary: Psymet
Tertiary Skill: Gliding!
Primary Skill: Tessenchi
Location: his Manse, Goldensil.
God/Goddess: Still slightly interested in Czixi,but in Secret(TM), looking at Terentia
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Ayisdra, who is the closest thing to a mentor Choros has. Artifact (don't have to own): a plush doll of Guido Bondshredder, his Torus and Boots of Shanth.
Commodity: Rope. @Aramel knows why. Quartz crystals with gold veins (gems/gold) Animal: his mount, Durama the Llama.
Item owned: a crystal bottle emblazoned with the seal of House Shevat (filled with winter's rose and peach white tea) Village/forest/region: Hifarae Hills
NPC: Raphie DiGagio.
Memory: Escorting Daraius to a timequake. Speaking to Terentia about Justice, and earning Her favor with his answers.
Song: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJ_HHRJf0xg <----his song as a Symphonist.
Drink: Tea. Anything but black, preferring honey or fruit. winter's rose and peach white tea
Goals: take over the Consortium. Remarry, get more people in the Consortium Ambitions: See goals.
Nemesis: Glomdoring. He finds them entirely too much like Hallifax in many ways, and there can be only one. Nelras, who he has decided is a bad influence on his sister.
Rival: @Alexandria, who is also his best friend and sister.
Best Friend: See: Rival
Idol: Ayisdra and Portius
Best personal achievement: Beating @Steingrim and @Lisuarte to aethertrades Winning the Seal of Justice after losing his first round Worst personal achievement: None, yet. Winning the Seal of Justice and having to beat both his daughter, and his mother twice, to do it. Choros heavily pondered letting Aramel win the Seal.
Proudest moment: None yet. Most shameful moment: Getting pissed off over Ironhart and verbally berating people for not wanting to do timequakes
If I could make one wish: The admin would make a bubblix for Lyria-whatsit.
Why you should hate him: You shouldn't. He has a heart of gold.
Why you should love him: Because if you're friendly with him, he'll shower you in riches. Maybe.
Why you should fear him: because he doesn't care what you think, and he'll gleefully pay for someone to slaughter you and bring your head to him time and time again if you piss him off.
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: Speakeasies and gambling casinos all over the place.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Character Name (in an old Loboshigaru dialect only his birth pack spoke): Those tender springtime shoots and sprigs whose leaves reflect the stars: from those, our salve, our kind nepenthe, our balm for winter's scars.
(Nepenthe for short, but DON'T TRY TO SHORTEN IT ANY MORE THAN THAT!)
Race: Loboshigaru
Gender: Male
Guild: Revelry
City/Commune: Gaudiguch
Order: None now, eventually Crumkane
THE LOOK (lobo glamour) (imagine this guy without glasses and it's pretty much exactly Nep) courtier attire
just doodlin
Fur: wildly mottled like a wild dog, white extremities with rings and splotches
Eyes: just brown
Height: under six feet
Build: mad skinny, like you'd think he was malnourished if he didn't look so healthy and vibrant otherwise
Defining Features: big saucer ears, black fur "mask", feather-duster tail
Piercings: lots of holes, but only ever really uses one in the right ear in most glamours
Scars: none
Other special features: he changes glamours and wardrobe whenever the mood strikes him, and adopts the physicality of the race; his true appearance is always concealed under layers and layers of illusions including demigod masquerade, racehat, changeself, and glamrock
Strengths: creative, open to experience, observant of people's people's preferences, strong willed, fa~a~ast
Weaknesses: easily derailed when things don't go his way, quick temper, physically weak
Attitude: friendly and gregarious
Morals: dogma gets in the way of us seeing people as people, don't define a whole group by their purported beliefs, anyone can make a connection with anyone.
Pet Peeves: aloof people, unrepentant misgenderers
Best way to piss him off: abbreviating his name after he's politely corrected you (looking at you, MALARIOUS)
Best way to get on his good side: talk about what makes you happy, talk about how great Afrit is
Color: gold
Tertiary: glamours
Tertiary Skill: changeself
Primary Skill: uh, I guess majorthird because that's what he uses to maintain his lute
Location: a muted den (his home in Prime Gaudi)
God/Goddess: Crumkane, because He's the only one that hasn't been a total jerk
Guild Master/House Head (all time): doesn't have strong feelings about guild leadership
Artifact (don't have to own): a regal black feather quill (plucked from Afrit's tail )
Commodity: silk, vellum
Animal: does Radlii count? His enormous stuffed dragon pet that he sewed himself
Item owned: a ruby butterfly necklace flecked with gold; a warm, weighted comfort blanket
Village/forest/region: the Inner Sea because it's great for drowning people who follow without waterbreathing up
NPC: Tantus Stickypaws, but we only met once ;_;
Memory: too many to choose from, but one of the best was Afrit leaking smoke from his nostrils when asking if he could stand in for Nep's weighted comfort blanket after a really lovely Gaudidate
Song: Afrit's hunting song
Drink: kind nepenthean cocktails
Goals: make connections; help Afrit achieve everything he wants
Amibitions: raise a family with a strong identity; help people transcend dogma; make nice things for people
Nemesis: Romaan
Rival: don't really have a rival relationship with anyone
Best Friend: Tonatiuh
Idol: Eritheyl
Best personal achievement: 2nd place in Chaos, which led to getting a giant statue of Afrit built in Gaudiguch
Worst personal achievement: encouraging some of Coraline's darker instincts
Proudest moment: declaring his desire to be in Eritheyl's family and getting adopted; surprising Afrit enough to make him leak smoke from his nostrils
Most shameful moment: inadvertently toying with Kihr's heart; ghosting Vatul for years after stealing her man
If I could make one wish: abolish divisive ideologies and have some fun
Why you should hate him: you really shouldn't
Why you should love him: he cares about you and wants you to have a good life
Why you should fear him: he'll tie ribbons on you if you go afk in his presence
Why he is harmless: he's a sweet fuzzy boy with a big soft dragon
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: 6 v. 0 alliance
Also I guess I'm going to have to update mine, now. Waaaay ancient!
Character Name: Eritheyl Ryseni
Race: Changeling, currently most often human Gender: Male/NB Guild: Revelry City/Commune: Gaudiguch Order: None presently
Hair: White-blond braids over the shoulder Eyes: Amber Height: Average Build: Scarecrow Defining Features: Vitiligo and a bad sense of timing Piercings: Tongue, septum and ears, others not usually filled Scars: None
Strengths: Designing and general aesthetic sense, feigning interest, lorekeeping. Tells decently good stories?Weaknesses: Crippling fears of stagnancy and disappointing his favourite people/gods (most often a self-fulfilling prophesy), extremely fickle and prone to change, really bad at expressing empathy/feelings in general Attitude: Either weirdly placid or weirdly excitable, not much of an inbetween Morals: People don't change, circumstances do. Good and evil are a reflection of people coloured, not shaped, by their circumstances. Pet Peeves: People with no worthwhile inclinations; end-goals aren't hugely important to him, but everyone should contribute to the world in their own way, big or small Best way to piss me off: Assume he doesn't know, or is incapable of, something Best way to get on my good side: Make a snarky comment, even (or especially) at his expense
Color: none Tertiary: Currently Telekinesis Tertiary Skill: Pyre Primary Skill: Salamanders, cause they cute Location: The baths in his manse God/Goddess: Mysrai, Crumkane, Isune Guild Master/House Head: Xypher as Spiritsinger GM (too many years ago!) Artifact (don't have to own): Changeling cameo Commodity: Gold, silk Animal: Finch, gila Item owned: An othala rune tongue stud; the symbol of the Somnius Pack, embedded with dream motes. Village/forest/region: Dim Iklara, Far Iklara NPC: Salagi Tliwx, Gaudiguch's roulette dealer Memory: Xypher flying him and the greater majority of the Serenwilde through aetherspace for a really, really old Gnafia event Song: The Merry Minstrel's drinking song! Drink: none
Goals: Raise Ryseni to a Great House Ambitions: Being noticed in a positive light by literally anyone, though he'd never admit that as anything close to a driving force Nemesis: Xaldrin, in a complicated, lovers-to-enemies way Rival: @Sotsepmet, in a nice, enemies-to-girlfriends way Best Friend: @Nepenthe Idols: Persayis, Xypher, Aiyana (sob 3x) Best personal achievement: Getting a cult! Worst personal achievement: Losing a cult! Proudest moment: Not too many to pick from, but enough that there isn't an obvious choice. Avatardom comes to mind, but also marriage. Every marriage! Eri is very proud of being able to have found love time and time again from the most unexpected circumstances Most shameful moment: Leaving the Beloved for the third and final time. Not shameful in the sense that he's ashamed, but shameful in the sense that it's another stain on his character with too much left unsaid
Why you should hate him: He's not hard to get along with by any means, but once rubbed the wrong way he's a persistent antagonist Why you should love him: Don't, his love is conditional Why you should fear him: No one does, he's more annoying than he is imposing Why he is harmless: Path of least resistance: complaining about a problem and getting over it is usually easier than solving the problem, and that's his preferred method of dealing If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: The timeline to cease existing shortly thereafter, nullified by this improbability
Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."
With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
Order: I should probably be very polite to Shofet Mysrai
Hair: close cropped and spiky
Eyes: Indigo with violet streaks. Or was it the other way around?
Height: Short. Build: Fit and lean, almost wiry Defining Features: Midnight black fur except in a "cape" that looks suspiciously like gold usekh, and a lambda-shaped pair of stripes that point at their navel from their thighs. Piercings: YOU CAN GET PIERCINGS?!
Scars: You can get scars!?
Strengths: More energy than a kafe-house, eager to learn and do, extremely flexible.
Weaknesses: Very distractible, a little emotionally naive, and occasionally gets caught up in her own head or sabotages his own confidence when he stops and thinks too hard. Also easily confused.
Attitude: Honest, excitable, and supportive, Khnemu would be everybody's cheerleader if he could, or everyone's shoulder to lean on when they need one. She's prone to throwing herself whole heart at whatever she's doing, and even though she thinks she's good at hiding her emotions, they're always on her sleeve.
Morals: Freedom of choice is sacrosanct, freedom from consequences is not. Combined with their tendency to rush headlong into things, and how little it takes to distract them...
Pet Peeves: Making decisions "in your best interests", belittling others, bullying, those little headaches you get when you think too hard about stuff from before the Portal, or big math.
Best way to piss me off: "You can't do that because I said so.", Ignoring him or dismissing her out of hand.
Best way to get on my good side: Fooood. Or pretty clothes. Or neat toys. Or weapons. Oh, and compliments. Or headpets. Or hugs. Oh, and...
Color: Black, scarlet, and gold
Tertiary: Psychometabolism and telepathy
Tertiary Skill: Bodyfuel. It hurts, but power should hurt. Primary Skill: Does Nuncha head left/right count?
Location: @Nepenthe's den, or the heated bath in the bathhouse. It feels nice soaking in hot water after a long day running around Creation.
God/Goddess: Crumkane, though he's probably gonna join Mysrai's order since she feels closer to Them.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): She's pretty much only met Lenara
Artifact (don't have to own): There are a lot, but Radlii or his Fitness+Health prayer beads if Radlii doesn't count. Golden Frei is a close third.
Commodity: Silk
Animal: Golden Frei is awesome.
Item owned: Frei when he's sticking around, otherwise it's their notepads
Village/forest/region: She likes the Meliashmora, it's like a giant interactive puppet show that gives out free gold, credits, and golden birds.
NPC: Bathhouse attendant sends her into twitterpated giggles.
Memory: Present Parties! It was fun watching everyone get excited about what they were getting!
Song: Okay, so there's this one that's been stuck in my head since I left the Portal, but you need a couple kegs of beer, and it's best to have at least seven people, one person starts with "Oh, Celestian waters run crystalline sure, and they wash out your gut when you're feeling impure," and the crowd chimes in...
Drink: a kind nepenthean cocktail for flavour, firemead for the burn, and amber beer for the flow.
Goals: Open a bar/Tavern
Amibitions: Get filthy rich peddling booze from a popular hang out tavern.
Nemesis: Bob Jr.
Rival: Well there's...uh... Wait, what about...no, not really...I guess I don't have any?
Best Friend: Millien, Tsakali, or Brawrur maybe? Nepenthe and Afrit and Elysian don't count. For reasons.
Idol: Nepenthe
Best personal achievement: 5th place in Beauty, or beating Nepenthe to finishing my chores!
Worst personal achievement: I got so tongue-tied in front of Lord Crumkane that I made Him give me a funny look like adults sometimes gave me growing up that said "What are you talking about and do you need a healer"
Proudest moment: Beauuuuty
Most shameful moment: Making an idiot out of himself at the Gala
If I could make one wish: More famcuddles. Or possibly cute guy cuddles. But not both at the same time, that would be weird.
Why you should hate him: Always super busy and sometimes really hard to understand, and usually doing your quests.
Why you should fear her: She has nearly boundless energy, a stubborn streak as wide as the Skarch, and very little fear of dying repeatedly. If she gets it in her mind that you need to die, she will not. Give. Up until she's holding your corpse in her hands.
Why he is harmless: He likes making people happy, why would he want you dead?
If they ruled the world, you'd best expect: Roaming raucous parties and free booze and food.
Defining Features: She has horns, claws, and cloven peetses.
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Strengths: Open-minded towards learning about other faiths/peoples, genuinely interested in understanding the doctrines and teachings of non-Magnagoran organizations, poised, well-spoken, loyal to her city and organized.
Weaknesses: Anger issues, petulance, and a general frustration with what she terms "mortal logic".
Attitude: Aloof, aristocratic and above-it-all.
Morals: Limited. She's unafraid to kill women, innocents and children so long as it furthers Magnagora.
Pet Peeves: Public displays of affection, both platonic and romantic. Hubris.
Best way to piss her off: Rudeness.
Best way to get on her good side: Be open to conversation.
Color: Gold.
Tertiary: Tarot.
Tertiary Skill: Catacombs Tarot.
Primary Skill: Crucify.
Location: The library of Raezon's Temple.
God: Malmydia (sorry, Daddy Raisin)
Guild Master: Veldrin. She hasn't known any others.
Artifact: Her Font.
Commodity: Sugar.
Animal: Draak.
Item Owned: Her angel-hair gown.
Area: Kryden Valik. She learned a lot there.
NPC: Mistress Jezebel. Always bet on Mistress Jezebel.
Memory: The merging of Ixion into Zagreus.
Goals Currently: Make Raezon feel pride.
Amibitions: Better the standing and growth of the Kalas family.
Nemesis: Talkan.
Rival: Lufir.
Best Friend: Moxxie, Mirae, and Coraline.
Idol: Zagreus
Best Personal Achievement: Placing in Knowledge of 2020.
Worst Personal Achievement: Irritating Thax with a pun and getting a warning zap.
Proudest Moment: Being elevated to new positions by Raezon.
Most Shameful Moment: Demoting Toshiko and causing a rift in the Heralds.
One Wish: Currently, to please Raezon enough to become an Avatar.
Hate Her For: Being Magnagoran, I guess? Her snide comments, her pro-Magnagoran philosophies, and the fact that she will burn every ounce of power to crucify you in combat.
Love Her For: Her sober jokes and dry, if rare, wit and her knowledge of the Basin.
Fear Her For: Her political ties.
Harmlessness: She is frequently more interested in studying mortal habits than killing people.
If She Ruled Lusternia: She'd be doing a lot of paperwork, and letting Thalkros push people off towers.
Hair: Shaggy white mane, short-cropped but running the entire length of his spine and down his tail.
Eyes: Robin's Egg Blue with Sapphire Blue limbal rings Height: 2'10 in his natural shape, but he's closer to 3'4" in his sky-painted or dawncast forms, and his Lightwoven form varies wildly.
Build: He generally keeps covered up, but he's built slight and wiry, without much muscle tone. Exception is his tail, which is more like a dracnari's in shape, but covered with his fur (see below) and rather well developed.
Defining Features: His fur is the colour of frosted jade, and is softer than it looks. In addition, his otherwise vulpiform body has larger and broader feet, claws. If he ever opens his mouth wide enough, his fangs are fewer in number, thicker, sharper, and slightly curved as compared to foxkin. He looks like a hybrid of at least three different species, but not like a chimaera of them. If he's expressing a typecast and feels aligned with certain aspects of his faith, the typecast alters his form to match.
Piercings: One in each ear that he'll admit to, each holds a rune. Scars: A couple, but they're hard to see with his fur, he generally keeps them hidden anyway, either because they're somewhere not easily displayed or just because they embarrass him.
Strengths: Creative, generally clever, generally demure, recovers fairly easily
Weaknesses: Somewhat unstable, it is quite easy to unbalance him emotionally as his sense of self-worth is tied to his impression of others' opinions of him and to his productivity levels. This can lead to an emotional spiral as his lowered self-esteem causes decreased productivity leading to lower self-esteem.
Attitude: Demure, and submissive in the sense that he finds worth in empowering and providing for others rather than in acting directly. Morals: Foremost is loyalty to family and then the collective. This is directed to the ideals rather than the members, with a few exceptions. He's not above mostly harmless pranks, but these can and have backfired on him often enough to leave him cautious about his targets. He's not above breaking a rule in service to art or scientific experimentation either, but is also not arrogant enough to believe that excuses him from the consequences thereof. He also has peculiar notions about the Dreaming and what is and isn't appropriate therein, and his opinions regarding outright slavery and torture have hardened somewhat over the years. Pet Peeves: Disloyalty, abuse of authority, disrespecting authority, and disrespecting the Dreaming.
Best way to piss him off: Insult his family, Hallifax, the Gods (including those of Gaudiguch), or the Dreaming, or encouraging or participating in the torture or enslavement of sentient creatures. Best way to get on my good side: Talk shop. Food, plays, art, illusions, or science.
Color: Beryl, though he's grown a soft spot for lavender and blue. Tertiary: Dreamweaving
Tertiary Skill: Induce
Primary Skill: Music. He actually finds melds boring, but too useful to abandon, and has no real talent with music, but rather enjoys the idea of sound and imagination being imbued with power. Not that he'll admit to it.
Location: He's usually at the Matrix, but his favourite spot is the study overlooking the interior of Hallifax in the Shevat tower.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): still @Daraius. Artifact (don't have to own): Wonderbrazier
Commodity: Honeycomb, much to his own chagrin Animal: Jackalopes. He feels TERRIBLE that he has to keep killing them for his trap.
Item owned: An Isunite triptych pendant given to him by his protege. Village/forest/region: The vault with the Sleeping Child
NPC: Rheiss
Memory: Meeting Loophole
Song: None specific, though he enjoys complex violin pieces.
Drink: Peach white tea, though he's secretly fond of his Sparkleberry wine and a kind nepenthean cocktail. (Seriously, try this thing.)
Goals: Marriage, both for his own personal wellbeing and the betterment of the Collective. Amibitions: He'd like to get competent enough to survive in a fight, and wouldn't mind helping shape Hallifax into a cultural and financial hub.
Rival: No real rivals, Luce just doesn't invest enough energy into rivalries to acquire them.
Best Friend:@Nepenthe though his protege, @Tikki is growing on him.
Idol: Daraius? Yep, still great-granddog.
Best personal achievement: Second Trade, or becoming the Jade Emperor for a time. Worst personal achievement: Dropping off the face of the Basin with a lot of work he left undone.
Proudest moment: Becoming Chairman. Most shameful moment: Explaining the responsibilities to a new Gridlord.
If I could make one wish: [REDACTED]
Why you should hate him: He's a prominent figure in Hallifax, but one who isn't quite as Hallifaxian as other Hallifaxian prominent figures
Why you should love him: He's freaking charming as heck.
Why you should fear him: He's in ur dreems, rollin u into the dethtrap.
Why he is harmless: He doesn't much like actual fighting.
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: Well fed and well adjusted children who are well protected.
Went ahead and updated this with just-pre-Zagreus info. We'll see what comes in the next few days 6)_6)
Given Name: Aeldra Family Name: Ladyn Race: Faeling Gender: Female Guild: Sanctifiers City/Commune: Celest Order: Lantra
Hair: long, auburn ringlets Eyes: emerald with sapphire spots Height: 2'2" Build: Slender Defining Features: Her sapphire wings, her ivory colored skin, sometimes wacky appearance. Usually perched upon something or someone. Piercings: - Scars: -
Strengths: Active, cheery, supportive of others and being able to relate to most people around her. Too stubborn to give up on something, she complains but picks herself up and tries again. Tries to always see the good in her allies and friends, always a goal to make everybody succeed alongside her. Seeks to heal those around her.
Weaknesses: Can be pedantic and unforgiving on minor things, has been known to work herself to her bare bones for others without caring for herself. Sometimes naive in believing in the good in those around her. Feels alone and adrift at times, though that is changing for her. Still burdened by the past, especially the loss of moondance tower in Serenwilde. Can have manic outbursts of painting random stuff and handing it to random people if life gets too much for her.
Attitude: Open and friendly, often cheery and easily excitable, though her experience has made her more reserved. Can be very quiet and withdrawn, having lost much of her childish appearance from before.
Morals: There's good in all of us, it's our job to make it show. Curing the world of it's sicknesses is preferable to purging, though she'll not shun from the latter if needed. Pet Peeves: People acting out of spite, being judgemental of others, favoritism and hidden agendas. People going out of their way to be mean to others. People not knowing the basics of history, e. g. not knowing who Kethuru is. Best way to piss me off: Being judgemental of others. Aeldra believes everyone has their flaws and displaying judgemental behaviour or manipulating will get her angry. Best way to get on my good side: Be open and aware of your surroundings. Have an understanding of politeness. Know your history.
FAVORITES Color: Blue and Purple Tertiary: Dreamweaving Tertiary Skill: - Primary Skill: - Location: Too many, can't pick God/Goddess: Also hard to pick Guild Master/House Head (all time): @Lleuke Artifact (don't have to own): Paradox Puzzle Pyramid Commodity: Moonstone Animal: Yvai, her battle sheep Item owned: firefly squid beepbeep Village/forest/region: Stewartsville NPC: Abeytu Memory: Apologizing to @Kali for sleeping on her doorstep and being recognized as her daughter from that. Song: - Drink: rose tea
Goals: Serving her goddess, helping all the people around the basin she can, becoming a better combatant Amibitions: Becoming a keeper of Lore, raising a family, becoming an Avatar of her chosen deity Nemesis: none so far, a few who may aspire to be one day. Rival: None. Best Friend(s): @Nelras Idol: - Best personal achievement: -
Worst personal achievement: She's done many things wrong, though not sure if there's one I'd pick here. Proudest moment: Not really have anything here right now. Most shameful moment: Not stopping her father from cutting his thread. If I could make one wish: Restore the moondance tower and bring Ridien back to life. (She misses both dearly).
Why you should hate her: She can be pedantic or easily distracted. Why you should love her: She cares a lot about people around her, she's helpful and tries her best to cheer you up. Why you should fear her: She's persistent and does not easily forget or forgive betrayal. Why she is harmless: Still doesn't know which end of her weapon goes where most d ays and she cares too much to really be mad at people for long. If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Flowers everywhere. People being made to enjoy cake. Otherwise, likely still just chaos.
Eyes: Blue, cold and calculating, based slightly on Ixion since he's #1 Dad
Height: Normal for Trill?
Build: Lithe but athletic, what you would expect from an acrobatic monk
Defining Features: Resting mean face
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Strengths: Patience, intelligence and curiosity. Willingness to try new things.
Weaknesses: Can get a bit aloof about certain things. Cannot be tied down to other things.
Attitude: Stoicism and professionalism all around.
Morals: Flexible as long as it benefits The Greater Good of the Collective (a.k.a. will get dirty for Hallifax)
Pet Peeves: Lack of seriousness and propriety
Best way to piss him off: Public displays of affection
Best way to get on his good side: Stroke his ego.
Color: Indigo
Tertiary: Acrobatics
Tertiary Skill: Tripleflash
Primary Skill: Tessenchi
Location: Overlooking Hallifax in Shallach. I would always look at Hallifax before it opened
God: Shikari was always the most badass
Guild Master: Legendary Arimisia
Artifact: None?
Commodity: Never had one
Animal: Arix, more like party animal amiright
Item Owned: Old pair of runed scimitars. Now long lost.
Area: Continuum.
NPC: Kunthin.
Memory: Dying in Aetherspace on the first aethership ever made. It was hilarious.
Goals Currently: Make a name for myself in Hallifax
Amibitions: Being renowned in Hallifax
Nemesis: None
Rival: None
Best Friend: None right now. Orventa is pretty cool though
Idol: Zagreus.
Best Personal Achievement: Prestige winner on my first book
Worst Personal Achievement: Getting kicked out of Celest a few weeks after being personally Knighted by Terentia
Proudest Moment: Being Knighted by Terentia
Most Shameful Moment: Same as Worst Personal Achievement
One Wish: Hallimonks exist, so.... none right now
Hate Him For: Why would you hate him? Maybe if you are a filthy Celestian. Although need to reconsider positions due to current political climate
Love Him For: His wit.
Fear Him For: Nothing. For now
Harmlessness: Very harmless right now
If he Ruled Lusternia: Orti would not like to rule Lusternia. He really avoids any kind of notoriety that might put him in the spotlight. He would not mind whispering to the ear of the ones ruling though
Edit: I actually wish there was a "Favorite City Leader" in which case I would've said Daganev.
It also comes to my mind that I never personally "liked" Glomdoring even though it has stuff that I would love. All that edgy predatory stuff I like from Shikari is very represented in people like Xenthos. Perhaps one of my favorite concepts for a character would be a Crow Ebonguard. There's something cool about a crow-cloaked sword fighter that always appealed to me.
There's some sort of "energy" that the literal place makes me feel uneasy. I could see myself wandering Serenwilde, but Glomdoring feels spooky and inhospitable I really don't know where I would be. It feels like people don't really "walk" through Glomdoring. And there's something about Serenwilde and having that little town in the treetops that makes it lived in? I don't know. Nothing against Glomdoring as a player run organization tho. Celina, Xenthos and many others have always been a sort of cool crew I wish I could have gotten to be part of.
This is a neato thread. Let me just darkchant lichdom and make it embrace undeath
Race: Changeling! But I usually stay as Sileni, Taurian, or Tae'dae
Gender: Male Guild: Horizon Walkers City/Commune: Hallifax Order: Terentia
(going to do this as my sileni) Hair: long black hair, pulled tightly into a ponytail Eyes: Emerald Height: 5'7" Build: Broad shoulders but otherwise thin Defining Features: Often bears the mark of Terentia on his cheek Piercings: - Scars: Various scars
Strengths: Very supportive of his friends. He is willing to go above and beyond for those he holds dear, taking as long as he needs to ensure their success. He's generally very kind
Weaknesses: While he used to be rather sympathetic to the illithoid and various associations to Magnagora, even pushing for them to be accepted by the city when he was in Celest. Now influenced by his order, family, and past, he is rather bigoted though he often reaches out to the tainted if it will further his interests.
Attitude: He's rather reserved. Often he won't reach out to socialize unless they're a fellow citizen, as he has serious self-doubt and doesn't want to waste the time of busy people. Generally he's optimistic, looking to bring those he can to a state of prosperity.
Morals: All should turn from the taint and distance from the Soulless. If you can't fight, you must support. All have their place in Creation, and all should strive to work together to create a better world.
Pet Peeves: People dismissing his order as one of purely combatants, though he will patiently take the time to explain his views on Terentia the first time the mistake is made.
Best way to piss me off: Being under the influence of the taint really, he loathes when the citizens of Magnagora reach out to him unless he contacts them first. Lazy people also drive him insane.
Best way to get on my good side: Indulge him by letting him preach to you, his favourite pastime is to teach his understanding of Terentia's principles. If you ask him about poetry he will also adore you as he spends a majority of his time writing.
FAVORITES Color: Grey Location: His aethermanse God/Goddess: Terentia! Though he is morbidly curious about Raezon and Morgfyre Guild Master/House Head (all time): @Yiniush Artifact (don't have to own): His gnome pen! Commodity: Pearl Animal: His llama that he got from Evette when he got caught owning a crow Item owned: His notepad Village/forest/region: Rockholm NPC: Captain Paavik Memory: When he was young Song: The Journey Home (one of his poems) Drink: Poteen (he has a problem)
Goals: Reaching the inner circle of his order, finding the lost histories of the Sileni Amibitions: Raising studios children, Nemesis: Nemesis, the worst bird Rival: N/A Best Friend(s): @Emlyn Idol: @Parhelion@Romaan
Best personal achievement: Designing medals and having them handed out in an order ceremony
Worst personal achievement: I don't think he's done one...yet Proudest moment: Emlyn accepting his engagement Most shameful moment: Being scolded by his father for associating with the tainted If I could make one wish: The end of strife within the Basin
Why you should hate him: They're rather rude and spiteful if you're from Magnagora (and Glom to a lesser extent) Why you should love him: He'll entertain you for days with poetry and jokes Why you should fear him: He holds grudges for a very long time Why he is harmless: He's a tessenchi but doesn't even own a pair of fans, the worst he could do is throw his book of designs at you If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: Drinking games and poetry readings
Gender: Female
Commune: Serenwilde
THE LOOK Hair: Silver
Eyes: Brown
Titan Height: Houston, the brick joke has landed. MOTTO Height: I think my old notes had her at 20.5" or 22.5" not including wings. She is actually a bit big for shoulder-sitting on an elfen, but they have lovely hair for braiding. Her default hover-height puts her eye level above furrikin but below elfen. Build: Athletic, old. She has upper-body strength from tree-climbing, but she's never been graceful.
Defining Features: Geometer-inspired moth wings. (Formerly this one, now more translucent) Also a nod to Laysus's moth wings.
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: --
PERSONALITY Strengths: Cheerful. Supportive. Willing to learn. Recovers relatively quickly even if something's not resolved. Weaknesses: Sometimes over-extends to try and smooth things over. Likes conversing with intelligent people but can't keep up because her mind's not as plastic. Takes long while to process things. Attitude: Fae-tending zealot valuing forestal community. - Light mischief can give insight into others. The creative process reveals things about yourself, whether or not you are ready for them. - Honesty can be a weapon as much as a means of healing. Avoid wielding it like the former, but always be aware it may be turned against you. - It is better to stand trial for what you believe than for a falsehood. Morals: Find wonder in the natural world, and you will find connection and purpose. Separating public and private conduct is healthy. Pet Peeves: Disrespecting Fae. Cosmic things in Serenwilde. Purposely spreading plagues. Best way to piss her off: Threaten to harm Fae or Seren younglings. Best way to get on her good side: Be a forestal. Offer sweets. Stay still so she can examine all your worn items.
Tertiary: Arts Masterpiece; Healing
Primary Skill: Influencing
Location: A forest dancing with snow and light God/Goddess: Lisaera, Maylea, Hoaracle Guild Master/House Head: There's too many? Can you tell that Xiran's not good at favourites. I will add @Anita, @Iola, and @Arien, since I mention others in various places.
Artifact: unowned artifact, permanent moonflower
Commodity: faeleaf
Animal: wolf, Serenwilde's ethereal creatures
Item owned: An emerald rose given by Synl, although it has other origins. 'A memory book of Spirits' designed by Zia. Armband described by Nejii.
Village/forest/region: Faethorn
NPC: Queen Maeve, Ridien, kudzu dryads
- Being an unskilled person in Etherwilde raid defenses, swooping around grabbing bodies for resurgem.
- Tormenting Nejii by sprinkling salt down the neck of his robes while he was stuck at the bookbinding press. Oneiroi freed him. (He was Stuck.) He thanked Them and swiftly gust-punted Xiran.
- Being taught by Galaphyrae.
- Synl. - Iola saving Xiran from Laysus. - Being a phantom presence on Ethereal and [---] in spite. - Aramel reciting [---] and making Xiran need a handkerchief.
- Cute Seekers growing up and being amazing. Song: Zia singing. Drink: moonwater
MINDSET Goals: Learning latest Fae-related history and lore. Supporting friends. Learn about what it means to be Stormcrow yet Seren. Ambitions: Revere the Fae. Supporting Serenwilde culture. Idol: @Galaphyrae Best personal achievement:
- High Wisdom of the Moondancers.
- Repeat submissions for longest active engagement in the Basin, apparently.Marrying Synl. Worst personal achievement:
- Giving in to anger in a Rage Coven and moonbursting Shaddus, getting the deathline.
Proudest moment:
Teaching Seekers.
Most shameful moment:
- Getting enemied by the Glomdoring.
- Not being able to do more for Riluna. - Getting her words twisted by Nienla.
- OOC: Every time I burned out while Xiran's in a leadership role and let people down.
If she could make one wish: Forestal takeover.
SUMMARY Why you should hate her: She's biased. Slow to act. May be oddly deferential. Why you should love her: She's trying her best to pay forward other people's kindness.
Why you should fear her: She is death-means-naught Stubborn.
Why she is harmless: She probably torments her friends more than her enemies. If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: More rituals! More events. More things hidden at tree elevation in quests while forests to take over the Basin. Kelpies taking over Celest and hyfae establishing themselves in Magnagora. Finding out how Ethereal reflections of Jojobo and Ackleberry link to Faethorn. *drag cherry blossom privacy screen out for Glumki and Selene, good gracious*
BONUS Aww. Nienla. They were my nemesis after Iytha.
Saw this thread while lurking and as someone who has been both a roleplayer and a combatant here and elsewhere ...
Edit: Hell, now that I think about it, I wasn't even afraid of martial retaliation from Serenwilde so much as I was afraid of the verbal scolding that Xiran would give me for raiding Serenwilde. Xiran was terrifying when angry.
Piercings: None Scars: X shaped scar, one running through his left eye
Strengths: Willing to fight, can step in when leadership is required
Weaknesses: Often arrogant, ruled by his pride and overconfidence. Somewhat standoffish towards those who are unwilling to fight for their organization. Puzzles.
Attitude: Calm, seldom cold and distant most of the time. Extremely passionate and fiery when incited. Loyal to his battle brothers and sisters who mostly join in when a fight occurs. Morals: Grey. Due to his background as a Celestian and Magnagoran plus having moved around in Seren and Gaudiguch, he would weigh his options if this will benefit no one, himself, the alliance or everyone. Pet Peeves: Insecure leadership, people who are afraid of conflict, politics.
Best way to piss me off: Challenge his authority. Giving up easily unless the odds are understandably against his favour. Best way to get on my good side: Fight with him. Discuss battle tactics, show interest in how to fight.
Color: Black/Blue/Red/Gold Tertiary: Necromancy
Tertiary Skill: Sacrifice, Necroticblade
Primary Skill: All blademaster skills
Location: His home, the observatory overlooking the sea of despair, anywhere quiet.
God/Goddess: Any divine who encourages him to fight.
Guild Master/House Head (all time): Could not remember. Artifact (don't have to own): Libram
Commodity: Wood, Iron, Rope Animal: His beast, Aurene
Item owned: Two unique swords, Twilight and Sunrise Village/forest/region: A room filled with flowers in Serenwilde, on top of Mt. Zoaka/Avechna, Magnagora
NPC: None so far
Memory: 2020 Ascension
Song: He does not sing.
Drink: He does not drink much.
Goals: To be the best fighter there is. Ambitions: To win a medallion one day.
Nemesis: Azula/Kreon
Rival: All the current fighters in Magnagora
Best Friend: Xiran
Idol: Zagreus
Best personal achievement: Able to make blademaster work after its overhaul Worst personal achievement: Breaking up an engagement with no reason
Proudest moment: To be part of the Kalas family. Most shameful moment: 300+ heartstops during his 'meltdown' phase
If I could make one wish: To be remembered as one of the great fighters in Lusternia
Why you should hate him: He would do anything to win in a fight (without overly relying on cheese strats)
Why you should love him: If there's a fight and he's available, he will be there.
Why you should fear him: He has a keen understanding of his abilities, and will push and manipulate every boundary as far as it can possibly be stretched to get his way.
Why he is harmless: Be part of his alliance and he will tolerate you. Always join in fights, he will respect you.
It's been almost a year since I've done mine, and, as tradition, I may as well update it! For fun, and for analyses.
Race: yes (changeling) Gender: yes (genderfluid) Guild: The Auguries of the Dark Heart City/Commune: Glomdoring Order: Nocht
Fur/Hair/Feathers: Usually reddish or black tones Eyes: Usually black/very dark, with the exception of aslaran, which is gold. Height: Ranges. Shortest form is 3', tallest is 7'6". Build: Usually described as willowy and dancer-y. Defining Features: Eyes (especially as trill, viscanti, faeling, elfen, wyrdenwood, and sileni), facial structure, hands. Piercings: Most of their body is pierced, but they only put anything in their ears. Scars: Some. You require at least friendship level 4 to unlock this knowledge. Tattoos: Plenty, though their favored one is currently a black rose-infested ribcage.
Strengths: Can keep a secret. Generally quite deadpan/straight-faced. Is able to calm themselves down fairly easy from strong emotions. Patient. Weaknesses: Shuts down when emotionally overwhelmed OR blow their top. Really a coin flip. Attitude: Patience in all things. Moderation is the best policy. Morals: Per real life standards, probably gray-ish morals. They'd do things I would consider abhorrent, and also things I would approve of. Follows the Wyrd in all things. Pet peeves: Loud noises. Liars. Best way to piss them off: Mostly? Lie to them. Judging them (and others) too quickly. Best way to get on their good side: Tea time.
Color: Purple. Tertiary Skill: Healing or Dreamweaving Primary Skill: Night or Crow Location: annex of Wyrden Scriptures (it's so GOOD) God/Goddess: Nocht, obviously, but Viravain gets an honorable mention! Guild Master/House Head: Eliron, Aleyah, Rancoura. Artifact: a shadowy Font of the Silence. (portable nochtquameld) Commodity: Rawtea or one of the other teas. Animal: Crows... probably. Item
owned: Shee-Slaugh circlet. Area: Glomdoring, or Nocht's godrealm. NPC: Filib Shee-Slaugh, of course. Memory: [REDACTED]. Drink: Tea.
Goals: Serve their Lord, the Lady, and the Wyrd. By whatever means necessary. Ambitions: None, not really. Nemesis: None, yet. Rival: @Lief or @Elexia Best Friends: None...? Idol: Nocht. Viravain. Xenthos. Rancoura. Proudest moment: Most likely, getting appointed as the first cree-Dae Hiua'zal in the Auguries. Most shameful moment: Ohhh drinking the nochtquameld. If they could make one wish: Well, you see, that's [REDACTED].
Why you should hate them: Can probably finagle most people they know into divulging secrets. Why
you should love them: Tea time. Why you should fear them: They don't fear you and probably never will. Why they are harmless: Well. If you're wyrdenkin? Plenty reasons. If they ruled the world, you'd best expect: Why in all of Creation would they want to rule the world for?
Animal: Three-way tie between Bizirik the leothin, Ham the mastiff, and Ilistala the leopard.
Item owned: Their red-orange poppy.
Village/forest/region: Toronada Tidal Flats (Jolly Drifts when it is Solstice time!)
NPC: Aschwar (and Sebitti), both Mysrai's priest(s). Song: "I'll Wait" by the Strumbellas
Memory: Ice skating at Jolly Drifts with their friends.
Drink: Golden poppy tea.
Hobbies: Collecting neat rocks; playing music and singing; designing friend-shaped foods; swimming; spending time with friends.
Goals: Do right by everyone and make everyone happy.
Ambitions: To be remembered as a 'safe' and kindly person.
Nemesis: --
Rival: --
Best Friend: Tridemon
Idol: Saint Hamos (Shulamit, Tonatiuh, Xenthos for player idols)
Proudest moment: The day they were given their own Living Poppy.
Most shameful moment: Being ousted/enemied to the Glomdoring.
If I could make one wish: "Forgive me."
Why they should hate them: They are painfully stupid, and optimistic to a fault.
Why they should love them: They don't know you, but they love you.
Why they should fear them: There will be herofetes.
Why they are harmless: They'll keep secrets and respect people's space.
If they ruled the world, you'd best expect: To get fat cause they gon cook and you gon eat.
‘It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways. It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
Don't mind me necro'ing this thread. Felt like this will help me after returning.
Character Name: Vella d'Vanecu
Race: Viscanti
Gender: Female
Guild: Society
City/Commune: Magnagora, The City Order: Drocilla
Hair: Currently, very long, blond, and overly styled by eager servants. Alternatively, her hair appears as dark as a soothing abyss.
Eyes: Halting red and gold by birth. At times, a shade of vivid amethyst, closer to lavender than indigo. Height: Perfectly poised at five feet. Not a mistake.
Build: Despite appearing inclined to an intoxicated lifestyle of noble leisure, she is an avid hunter that wildly enjoys the bloodmoney and sport of traditional 'exercise.' A lean layer of muscle keeps her skin attached to her undead bones, but lacks the bulk to intimidate average-height peoples. Her dedication to tending duties upon Nil requires a level of fitness best suited for endurance and survival.
Defining Features: Each body is a temple of transformation. Ritual and experimentation leave their marks in the form of prayer scars, esoteric floral tattoos, and tiny ferrous ports discretely filled with the Necrochemist's patented, polluted, and bejewelled spikes.
Piercings: As many as the outfit requires, wherever required. Simple, blackened gold stitch studs are personal favourites. Scars: Her divine template wouldn't be disrespected by the signs of haphazard, imperfect healing. Dutifully, she is marked with a perfectly healed brand and skilfully renewed devotional art.
Weaknesses: Coerced by boredom, Forgetful, Distracted by gifts, Allegedly aloof, Goal-oriented focus-blindness, Indecision fatigue, Renovating enormous family estates. Attitude: Quiet and observant. Reserved to a whisper of a snarky joke to those closest to her. Eager to volunteer when her skills align. Very firm in her tastes.
Morals: In Service, we are strengthened and refined into more perfect beings, capable of defending this Great Work as it progresses, and as we harness and comprehend transformative potential. In Suffering, we are artists embarking on personal expressions of change, endurance, and symbolism. In Nil, of Nil, through Nil, the Engine influences all things. Live by the Family Rules. Pet Peeves: Rude contemptibles, the Audience of bird-spies, Running out of ink, Misplaced books, Slow walkers, Uninteresting dishonesty.
Best ways to piss her off: Disrespect. Misting the air with water. Outing her hiding spot. Eight plums, instead of seven, in her Kiani roast.
Best ways to make her happy: Be her muse for a design, Show her a new place to explore/hide, Gift her a rare sketch, Praise her parents, Paint the Supreme Master.
Colour: Ectoplasmic glow. Aureate. Stubbornly knows: Tarot. Mother said they weren't paying for another Hex or Astrology tutor if she couldn't keep them alive.
Stubbornly enjoys: Dreamer then Soulless.
Primary Skill: Obviously, Necromancy. Maybe specifically, Leech. Sharing is caring, but a great storyteller is delicious.
Location: Waiting for the Greatest Grandfather Ever to return upon the tower of d'Murani with a signed release form to the rest of my inheritance. Or, visiting Uncle Seritul for a chat/hiding from Auntie Fi.
God/Goddess: The Enchantress, Drocilla. Naturally.
Artifact (don't own): Promise Rings? She would be so entertained popping in on someone whenever.
Commodity: Headlessscarf, Fresh blood, Goldentonics, Gold. Animal: Spiders and dogs, because they were never allowed inside! Swans respectably keep secrets. Never owned a starfish, could be nice.
Item owned: Vella worked so very hard to earn her crown, and would be her choice if asked. Yet, she would be severely hindered without the beautiful fetter of living shadows at her ankle, admittedly. Village/forest/region: An exclusive retreat upon Nil, The Shallamurine Cathedral, or Caoimhe Dell for supplies.
NPC: Supreme Master Luciphage.
Memory: Ask about it.
Song: Funerary pieces with violin. The List sung to piano.
Drink: Partially 'devoured' faeblood wine from the family collection. Nereid nectar? More partial to smoking and toying with poisons. Hobbies: Adding gold-dipped preservations to her collection, Sketchbook expanding, Reading foreign writings, Harassing the Prison, Toying with new food, Family imp farming, Chanting at the Duke. Always time to get interested in something new.
Goals: Acknowledgment from the Supreme Master, Replace her Inheritance Requisite Husband to regain access to her trust fund, Design a new mask. Ambitions: Gain deeper communion with the flowing creative wellspring through Drocilla's teachings, Finishing one of several books she's started, Explore more libraries and read all the things.
Nemesis: Her sister.
Rival: Her first History tutor, that Aslaran jerkface. The attendant at the DoR. Tyrus. UnrequitedBesties: Bernardi the recipes-skull. Exeryte, because he has very nice origami.
Idols: Kalas Iosen. Her Parents. Freja and her ability to terminate targets; small but mighty! Tonatiuh for his effortless wordsmithing.
Best personal achievement: The first time I got out of the Box without help. Worst personal achievement: A Demon Lord once pointed out her wings were 'quite small'. At first, she mistook it as an insult.
Proudest moment: Breaking a bullish shard into seeking transformation and ascension. Most shameful moments: Finding great interest in someone very off limits.
If I could make one wish: A second me, not another twin.
Why you should hate her: Sometimes she drifts off at the worst of times. Mid-conversation, even.
Why you should love her: Games, Bets, Macabre merriment, Strange food challenges, Entertaining times to be had.
Why you should fear her: If you fall asleep, she might tattoo you.
Why she is harmless: Lousy in a real fight, or is she? Ever want to try a crucifixion?
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: One Empire, guided by Nil, glorious damnation to the Tainted. Allow Confessions will be understood as Influences wielded with Potential towards Perfection. Arsenic and orange zest cakes every Empire Day!
Race: Loboshigaru
Gender: Female
Guild: The Aerie
City/Commune: Hallifax
Order: Czixi
Fur: White with a silvery grey undercoat. Her hair is generally a mess, though at some point she threaded in crystal snowflowers and made up two braids in front, one of which has a streak of cobalt blue.
Eyes: Warm blue of a summer sky
Height: How tall are loboshigaru supposed to be? She's a bit taller than average.
Build: Full figured
Defining Features: Crystal flowers in her hair
Piercings: none
Scars: none
Tattoos: Birds. Birds everywhere. Except on her hand, which shows the rose of Netzach.
Strengths: Easy going, adaptable, clever, pleasant, agreeable. Tries to not let things ruffle her too much. Intensely curious. Loves exploring new places and things. Turns disappointment into overenthusiam.
Weaknesses: Secretly feels that everybody dislikes her and only puts up with her because of Collectivism. Can be a bit childish sometimes. Blathers when nervous.
Attitude: "Success is an act of exploration. That means the first thing you have to find is the unknown. Learning is searching; anything else is just waiting."
Morals: Harmony is the most important virtue, but Order is overrated--the world is messy, and it's better that way. Everyone needs to fight for their goals, no matter how impossible they might be. Mortals who entered the Portal have the ability, and therefore the responsibility, to challenge the Fates and take control of destiny.
Pet Peeves: Young Institute members who disparage the utility of crystal instruments that aren't void blasters.
Best way to piss her off: Slander her family, friends, or Hallifax
Best way to get on her good side: Delicious and exotic food, preferably sweet (but savory is good too).
Color: Various blues and silvers, but especially cobalt blue
Tertiary Skill: Healing
Primary Skill: Harmonics, though she is secretly fascinated by Kata.
Location: The pagoda in the Aerie cloud garden
God/Goddess: Czixi
Guild Master/House Head: Nelras
Artifact: a mechanical fountain pen
Commodity: sugar
Animal: various birds, for various reasons
Item owned: a compass brooch of glistening stars, made for her by Alexandria and which served as the deciding factor in her adopting Alex and Nelras as parents.
Area: Tosha Monastery
NPC: Ruin
Memory: Tea with Daraius to discuss Tosha the Meditative, though her parent's wedding is close.
Drink: Alexandria's special honey tea (although secretly, honey-wine)
Goals: Write a stage play. Write a novel. Write a travelogue. Explore all the places in the Basin.
Amibitions: To explore everywhere, and see the whole of the world and beyond. Meaningfully contribute something to Hallifaxian canon or culture, that will be remembered long after she's forgotten.
Nemesis: None
Rival: None
Best Friends: @Alexandria, @Nelras, @Jhura, @Iatira, @Niavene, @Daraius. What? She likes people
Idol: @Daraius for being everything she wants to be as a loboshigaru. @Sylandra for her amazing contributions to culture.
Proudest moment: Adopting @Alexandria and @Nelras
Most shameful moment: Indulging in a crush on a Drocillan even though she knew it would kill Nelras if he ever found out
If she could make one wish: A majestic bird that could fly her to all the places in the world that no one has ever seen before
Why you should hate her: I don't know, why -should- you hate her? She doesn't hate you.
Why you should love her: Because if she decides to be your friend, then you're basically family (or possibly actual family depending how convincing she is towards her parents). There's nothing she won't do for those she cares about.
Why you should fear her: She can spin a mean turquoise gemstone.
Why she is harmless: If you're not in a timequake, she has no interest in fighting you, and if you don't try to kill her she'd be more than willing to chat.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: Initiatives to promote the increased population, training, and social integration of birds at all levels of society. Also, crepes would be declared one of the major food groups.
Where is the MMA when you need it?
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
(Also yes I want the juicy Drocillan deets too.)
Czixi, the Welkin murmurs, "Fight on, My Effervescent Sylph. I will be with you as you do."
Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!
Race: Dracnari
Gender: NB
Guild: The Revelry
City/Commune: Gaudiguch
Order: Mysrai
Sclaes: see my previous profile pic
Eyes: Azure
Height: about 5 feet
Build: scrawny
Defining Features: scarlet hieroglyph
Piercings: none
Scars: none
Tattoos: none
Strengths: kind and helpful, willing to give anyone the time they need to figure something out
Weaknesses: Extremely trusting and doesn't question intentions
Attitude: We make our own success and happiness
Morals: Perfect balance and Rules Must Be Followed
Pet Peeves: People being annoyed at dracnari being spoken
Best way to piss them off: Break the rules
Best way to get on their good side: Be friendly
Color: Blues and Purples
Tertiary Skill: Tracking
Primary Skill: Axelord
Location: Pour Judgement
God/Goddess: Mysrai
Guild Master/House Head: None
Artifact: vernal curio set!
Commodity: fruit (mangos)
Animal: various birds, for various reasons
Item owned: Key to his bar!
Area: Zoaka
NPC: The Liar
Memory: Getting demigod!
Drink: Milk
Goals: Have the best bar in the Basin (and to beat out the tea houses as a social spot)
Amibitions: To change the perception of the following of Mysrai
Nemesis: None
Rival: None
Best Friends: Tsakali, Nepenthe, Nelras
Idol: None
Proudest moment: Order advancement
Most shameful moment: Giving a sermon in a language he didn't grasp well
If they could make one wish: To be able to communicate clearly with everyone his ideals
Why you should hate them: There is absolutely no reason! Everyone can be their friend
Why you should love them: Extremely kind and will do what they reasonably can to help you
Why you should fear them: Axelord spam is real
Why they are harmless: They are not good at said spam
If they ruled the world, you'd best expect: perfect balance as all things should be
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
I'm bad at forums
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Lief Myeras-Silvermoon
Race: Faeling
Gender: Female
Guild: Sowers of the Last Seed
City/Commune: Serenwilde
Order: Maylea
Hair: Reddish brown, androgynous pixie cut
Eyes: Gray with swirls of shifting prismatic color
Height: Tall for a faeling, still shorter than just about everyone else
Build: Lean, somewhat androgynous
Defining Features: Dragonfly wings, freckles, fingertips calloused from playing string instruments, antlers with flowers blooming from them
Piercings: One in each ear
Scars: Only on her heart
Tattoos: The Wheel Gate (an important structure for the Sowers of the Last Seed) on her back
Strengths: I uh, had to think on this one to reassess what's still true! She's definitely optimistic, though. Determined, brave.
Weaknesses: Sometimes that bravery turns into naïveté or foolhardiness. Still holds everyone to impossibly high standards!
Attitude: Enthusiastic, easygoing with a layer of intensity beneath
Morals: Teach everyone a better way to live - befriend them and encourage them to change their homes from within for the better ("the better" being razing the cities down to make room for nature and healing the taint/wyrd of course).
Pet Peeves: Sonnets that don't properly follow any sonnet form, haikus that mess up their syllable counts.
Best way to piss her off: Be utterly unrepentant for Shashi's murder. I suppose lack of repentance would apply to other crimes against loved ones as well.
Best way to get on her good side: Participate in Culture - show off your paintings, writings, or stage productions, even if you're not in her org. Culture is her love language.
Colour: All!
Tertiary: Ecology
Tertiary Skill: Pathways
Primary Skill: Wildearrane
Location: Beautiful woods in Serenwilde, the gardens in Maylea's temple
God/Goddess: Give you three guesses but you'll only need one.
Guild Master/House Head: @Ani
Artifact: Quill
Commodity: Vellum
Animal: Specifically Savit
Item owned: She has a lot of gifts from people she adores (a pendant from an ephemeral, dragonfly earrings from her sister, a brooch from her uncle). My favorite OOC one is probably the brooch Nocht painted for her, and maybe if you define "favorite" differently from most people, that's one of her favorites, too?
Village/forest/region: Kiunid Vruna, for sure.
NPC: Lanni Ahonen has usurped Sparrow, and Duethielle/Binky/Miaei are a very close runner up. She would kill everybody near her and then heartstop if someone looked at Lanni the wrong way, though.
Memory: Becoming Maylea's Avatar, followed closely by how special everybody made the Spring Festival from a while back.
Song: Shashi's song
Drink: Oraculum, and otherwise meads are good too if no one happens to have magical fae wine on hand.
Goals: Record the most productions on Serenwilde's stage, write more, produce more, bring out the best in people she knows and see them succeed
Ambitions: Become one of Serenwilde's foremost stagewrights, convert people, if not to Serenwilde, then to her way of thinking (see Morals above)
Nemesis: She probably doesn't know it and I should fix that, but @Rancoura
Rival: @Esei
Best Friend: Her parents, siblings, nieces and nephews automatically (forum shoutout to @Elexia, @Coraline, and @Jolanthe off the top of my head for people who frequent here!), @Gurashi, Faythe
Idol: @Jolanthe - Lief sees her as incredibly intelligent, creative, steady, a patient and good person, and she looks up to what Jolanthe creates intensely. She also quite literally worships Maylea, but I don't know if that counts here!
Best personal achievement: Guiding others in opening their hearts to her Goddess
Worst personal achievement: Getting Gurashi in trouble with Nocht >.> She also feels like she may have unintentionally played a part in driving Esei to Nocht, too, regardless of the facts
Proudest moment: Not dying in Glomdoring during their Solstice Festival! Her heart still got PK'd but she left alive! There are a lot of proud moments, but that stands out in my memory right now.
Most shameful moment: [Redacted]
If she could make one wish: What are the rules of the wish-magic? If she can wish without negative consequence, she'd wish for the Wyrd and all its Spirits, people, and Gods to be healed, but I don't trust any of our admin to let that happen without it backfiring
Why you should hate her: You shouldn't! She's an absolute angel and you are probably too tainted or wyrden and not right in the head if you do.
Why you should love her: It might take longer for some people than others, but she can see the good in you.
Why you should fear her: She will air your dirty laundry on stage, in rhyming verse.
Why she is harmless: I mean. *gestures vaguely at her*
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: The Sowers' collective dream to come true - all the world healed and in perfect balance and harmony.
A gentle breeze ruffles your wings and whispers in your ears, as if for you alone, "Dragonfly's words shine... seeds, sown and tended, inspire... a forest harvest."
Maylea reaches out, Her fingers poised in midair. "Now you are of Me, even more than you were before." Her golden and azure eyes glitter. "Walk well, Eldin. Shed glory in My name, and bring life to the lifeless."
(we'll just go with elfen, heh)
Hair: Long, auburn, always braided in some fashion
Height: 6'
Scars: Also a lot, most of them are not visible
(this one is definitely difficult to do)
Strengths: Very good at holding a secret or dozen, very good bully.
Morals: Variable; if they had a D&D alignment, definitely Lawful Evil. Generally tries to follow commune rules and has a strict moral code that can't be easily put into words.
Pet Peeves: People who disrespect boundaries; theirs or anyone else's. Those who deliberately break the rules in order to upset others.
Best way to get on my good side: Cheesecake, or be an ally.
Color: Violet
Tertiary: Healing/Hexes/Astrology
Artifact (don't have to own): Gender changing mirror
Animal: Thornbeasts. They totally count, right?
Village/forest/region: Glomdoring!
Goals: Attempt to explore more of their tah'vrai
Ambitions: Boy, even they don't know.
Worst personal achievement: Drinking the Nochtquameld. >.>
Most shameful moment: Typos. All of them.
(imagine this guy without glasses and it's pretty much exactly Nep)
courtier attire
just doodlin
Also I guess I'm going to have to update mine, now. Waaaay ancient!
Race: Changeling, currently most often human
Gender: Male/NB
Guild: Revelry
City/Commune: Gaudiguch
Order: None presently
Hair: White-blond braids over the shoulder
Eyes: Amber
Height: Average
Build: Scarecrow
Defining Features: Vitiligo and a bad sense of timing
Piercings: Tongue, septum and ears, others not usually filled
Scars: None
Strengths: Designing and general aesthetic sense, feigning interest, lorekeeping. Tells decently good stories?Weaknesses: Crippling fears of stagnancy and disappointing his favourite people/gods (most often a self-fulfilling prophesy), extremely fickle and prone to change, really bad at expressing empathy/feelings in general
Attitude: Either weirdly placid or weirdly excitable, not much of an inbetween
Morals: People don't change, circumstances do. Good and evil are a reflection of people coloured, not shaped, by their circumstances.
Pet Peeves: People with no worthwhile inclinations; end-goals aren't hugely important to him, but everyone should contribute to the world in their own way, big or small
Best way to piss me off: Assume he doesn't know, or is incapable of, something
Best way to get on my good side: Make a snarky comment, even (or especially) at his expense
Color: none
Tertiary: Currently Telekinesis
Tertiary Skill: Pyre
Primary Skill: Salamanders, cause they cute
Location: The baths in his manse
God/Goddess: Mysrai, Crumkane, Isune
Guild Master/House Head: Xypher as Spiritsinger GM (too many years ago!)
Artifact (don't have to own): Changeling cameo
Commodity: Gold, silk
Animal: Finch, gila
Item owned: An othala rune tongue stud; the symbol of the Somnius Pack, embedded with dream motes.
Village/forest/region: Dim Iklara, Far Iklara
NPC: Salagi Tliwx, Gaudiguch's roulette dealer
Memory: Xypher flying him and the greater majority of the Serenwilde through aetherspace for a really, really old Gnafia event
Song: The Merry Minstrel's drinking song!
Drink: none
Goals: Raise Ryseni to a Great House
Ambitions: Being noticed in a positive light by literally anyone, though he'd never admit that as anything close to a driving force
Nemesis: Xaldrin, in a complicated, lovers-to-enemies way
Rival: @Sotsepmet, in a nice, enemies-to-girlfriends way
Best Friend: @Nepenthe
Idols: Persayis, Xypher, Aiyana (sob 3x)
Best personal achievement: Getting a cult!
Worst personal achievement: Losing a cult!
Proudest moment: Not too many to pick from, but enough that there isn't an obvious choice. Avatardom comes to mind, but also marriage. Every marriage! Eri is very proud of being able to have found love time and time again from the most unexpected circumstances
Most shameful moment: Leaving the Beloved for the third and final time. Not shameful in the sense that he's ashamed, but shameful in the sense that it's another stain on his character with too much left unsaid
Why you should hate him: He's not hard to get along with by any means, but once rubbed the wrong way he's a persistent antagonist
Why you should love him: Don't, his love is conditional
Why you should fear him: No one does, he's more annoying than he is imposing
Why he is harmless: Path of least resistance: complaining about a problem and getting over it is usually easier than solving the problem, and that's his preferred method of dealing
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: The timeline to cease existing shortly thereafter, nullified by this improbability
Build: Fit and lean, almost wiry
Defining Features: Midnight black fur except in a "cape" that looks suspiciously like gold usekh, and a lambda-shaped pair of stripes that point at their navel from their thighs.
Primary Skill: Does Nuncha head left/right count?
Race: Viscanti
Gender: Female
Edit: I actually wish there was a "Favorite City Leader" in which case I would've said Daganev.
It also comes to my mind that I never personally "liked" Glomdoring even though it has stuff that I would love. All that edgy predatory stuff I like from Shikari is very represented in people like Xenthos. Perhaps one of my favorite concepts for a character would be a Crow Ebonguard. There's something cool about a crow-cloaked sword fighter that always appealed to me.
There's some sort of "energy" that the literal place makes me feel uneasy. I could see myself wandering Serenwilde, but Glomdoring feels spooky and inhospitable I really don't know where I would be. It feels like people don't really "walk" through Glomdoring. And there's something about Serenwilde and having that little town in the treetops that makes it lived in? I don't know. Nothing against Glomdoring as a player run organization tho. Celina, Xenthos and many others have always been a sort of cool crew I wish I could have gotten to be part of.
Guild: Horizon Walkers
City/Commune: Hallifax
Order: Terentia
(going to do this as my sileni)
Hair: long black hair, pulled tightly into a ponytail
Eyes: Emerald
Height: 5'7"
Build: Broad shoulders but otherwise thin
Defining Features: Often bears the mark of Terentia on his cheek
Piercings: -
Scars: Various scars
Strengths: Very supportive of his friends. He is willing to go above and beyond for those he holds dear, taking as long as he needs to ensure their success. He's generally very kind
Weaknesses: While he used to be rather sympathetic to the illithoid and various associations to Magnagora, even pushing for them to be accepted by the city when he was in Celest. Now influenced by his order, family, and past, he is rather bigoted though he often reaches out to the tainted if it will further his interests.
Attitude: He's rather reserved. Often he won't reach out to socialize unless they're a fellow citizen, as he has serious self-doubt and doesn't want to waste the time of busy people. Generally he's optimistic, looking to bring those he can to a state of prosperity.
Morals: All should turn from the taint and distance from the Soulless. If you can't fight, you must support. All have their place in Creation, and all should strive to work together to create a better world.
Pet Peeves: People dismissing his order as one of purely combatants, though he will patiently take the time to explain his views on Terentia the first time the mistake is made.
Best way to piss me off: Being under the influence of the taint really, he loathes when the citizens of Magnagora reach out to him unless he contacts them first. Lazy people also drive him insane.
Best way to get on my good side: Indulge him by letting him preach to you, his favourite pastime is to teach his understanding of Terentia's principles. If you ask him about poetry he will also adore you as he spends a majority of his time writing.
Color: Grey
Location: His aethermanse
God/Goddess: Terentia! Though he is morbidly curious about Raezon and Morgfyre
Guild Master/House Head (all time): @Yiniush
Artifact (don't have to own): His gnome pen!
Commodity: Pearl
Animal: His llama that he got from Evette when he got caught owning a crow
Item owned: His notepad
Village/forest/region: Rockholm
NPC: Captain Paavik
Memory: When he was young
Song: The Journey Home (one of his poems)
Drink: Poteen (he has a problem)
Goals: Reaching the inner circle of his order, finding the lost histories of the Sileni
Amibitions: Raising studios children,
Nemesis: Nemesis, the worst bird
Rival: N/A
Best Friend(s): @Emlyn
Idol: @Parhelion @Romaan
Best personal achievement: Designing medals and having them handed out in an order ceremony
Proudest moment: Emlyn accepting his engagement
Most shameful moment: Being scolded by his father for associating with the tainted
If I could make one wish: The end of strife within the Basin
Why you should hate him: They're rather rude and spiteful if you're from Magnagora (and Glom to a lesser extent)
Why you should love him: He'll entertain you for days with poetry and jokes
Why you should fear him: He holds grudges for a very long time
Why he is harmless: He's a tessenchi but doesn't even own a pair of fans, the worst he could do is throw his book of designs at you
If he ruled the world, you'd best expect: Drinking games and poetry readings
Xiran Stormcrow
Race: Faeling
Gender: Female
Commune: Serenwilde
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Brown
Titan Height: Houston, the brick joke has landed. MOTTO
Height: I think my old notes had her at 20.5" or 22.5" not including wings. She is actually a bit big for shoulder-sitting on an elfen, but they have lovely hair for braiding. Her default hover-height puts her eye level above furrikin but below elfen.
Build: Athletic, old. She has upper-body strength from tree-climbing, but she's never been graceful.
Defining Features: Geometer-inspired moth wings. (Formerly this one, now more translucent) Also a nod to Laysus's moth wings.
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: --
Strengths: Cheerful. Supportive. Willing to learn. Recovers relatively quickly even if something's not resolved.
Weaknesses: Sometimes over-extends to try and smooth things over. Likes conversing with intelligent people but can't keep up because her mind's not as plastic. Takes long while to process things.
Attitude: Fae-tending zealot valuing forestal community.
- Light mischief can give insight into others. The creative process reveals things about yourself, whether or not you are ready for them.
- Honesty can be a weapon as much as a means of healing. Avoid wielding it like the former, but always be aware it may be turned against you.
- It is better to stand trial for what you believe than for a falsehood.
Morals: Find wonder in the natural world, and you will find connection and purpose. Separating public and private conduct is healthy.
Pet Peeves: Disrespecting Fae. Cosmic things in Serenwilde. Purposely spreading plagues.
Best way to piss her off: Threaten to harm Fae or Seren younglings.
Best way to get on her good side: Be a forestal. Offer sweets. Stay still so she can examine all your worn items.
Colour: -
Tertiary: Arts Masterpiece; Healing
Primary Skill: Influencing
Location: A forest dancing with snow and light
God/Goddess: Lisaera, Maylea, Hoaracle
Guild Master/House Head: There's too many? Can you tell that Xiran's not good at favourites. I will add @Anita, @Iola, and @Arien, since I mention others in various places.
Artifact: unowned artifact, permanent moonflower
Commodity: faeleaf
Animal: wolf, Serenwilde's ethereal creatures
Item owned: An emerald rose given by Synl, although it has other origins. 'A memory book of Spirits' designed by Zia. Armband described by Nejii.
Village/forest/region: Faethorn
NPC: Queen Maeve, Ridien, kudzu dryads
- Being an unskilled person in Etherwilde raid defenses, swooping around grabbing bodies for resurgem.
- Tormenting Nejii by sprinkling salt down the neck of his robes while he was stuck at the bookbinding press. Oneiroi freed him. (He was Stuck.) He thanked Them and swiftly gust-punted Xiran.
- Being taught by Galaphyrae.
- Synl.
- Iola saving Xiran from Laysus.
- Being a phantom presence on Ethereal and [---] in spite.
- Aramel reciting [---] and making Xiran need a handkerchief.
- Cute Seekers growing up and being amazing.
Song: Zia singing.
Drink: moonwater
Goals: Learning latest Fae-related history and lore. Supporting friends. Learn about what it means to be Stormcrow yet Seren.
Ambitions: Revere the Fae. Supporting Serenwilde culture.
Idol: @Galaphyrae
Best personal achievement:
- High Wisdom of the Moondancers.
- Repeat submissions for longest active engagement in the Basin, apparently.Marrying Synl.
Worst personal achievement:
- Giving in to anger in a Rage Coven and moonbursting Shaddus, getting the deathline.
Proudest moment:
Teaching Seekers.
Most shameful moment:
- Getting enemied by the Glomdoring.
- Not being able to do more for Riluna.
- Getting her words twisted by Nienla.
- OOC: Every time I burned out while Xiran's in a leadership role and let people down.
If she could make one wish: Forestal takeover.
Why you should hate her: She's biased. Slow to act. May be oddly deferential.
Why you should love her: She's trying her best to pay forward other people's kindness.
Why you should fear her: She is death-means-naught Stubborn.
Why she is harmless: She probably torments her friends more than her enemies.
If she ruled the world, you'd best expect: More rituals! More events. More things hidden at tree elevation in quests while forests to take over the Basin. Kelpies taking over Celest and hyfae establishing themselves in Magnagora. Finding out how Ethereal reflections of Jojobo and Ackleberry link to Faethorn. *drag cherry blossom privacy screen out for Glumki and Selene, good gracious*
They were my nemesis after Iytha.
Aww. Nienla.
Avatar made through Picrew
Character Name: Kalas Lysandus
Hair: Ebon, shoulder-length unkempt hair
Height: 6'2
Scars: X shaped scar, one running through his left eye
Strengths: Willing to fight, can step in when leadership is required
Morals: Grey. Due to his background as a Celestian and Magnagoran plus having moved around in Seren and Gaudiguch, he would weigh his options if this will benefit no one, himself, the alliance or everyone.
Pet Peeves: Insecure leadership, people who are afraid of conflict, politics.
Best way to get on my good side: Fight with him. Discuss battle tactics, show interest in how to fight.
Color: Black/Blue/Red/Gold
Tertiary: Necromancy
Artifact (don't have to own): Libram
Animal: His beast, Aurene
Village/forest/region: A room filled with flowers in Serenwilde, on top of Mt. Zoaka/Avechna, Magnagora
Goals: To be the best fighter there is.
Ambitions: To win a medallion one day.
Worst personal achievement: Breaking up an engagement with no reason
Most shameful moment: 300+ heartstops during his 'meltdown' phase
Race: yes (changeling)
Gender: yes (genderfluid)
Guild: The Auguries of the Dark Heart
City/Commune: Glomdoring
Order: Nocht
Fur/Hair/Feathers: Usually reddish or black tones
Eyes: Usually black/very dark, with the exception of aslaran, which is gold.
Height: Ranges. Shortest form is 3', tallest is 7'6".
Build: Usually described as willowy and dancer-y.
Defining Features: Eyes (especially as trill, viscanti, faeling, elfen, wyrdenwood, and sileni), facial structure, hands.
Piercings: Most of their body is pierced, but they only put anything in their ears.
Scars: Some. You require at least friendship level 4 to unlock this knowledge.
Tattoos: Plenty, though their favored one is currently a black rose-infested ribcage.
Strengths: Can keep a secret. Generally quite deadpan/straight-faced. Is able to calm themselves down fairly easy from strong emotions. Patient.
Weaknesses: Shuts down when emotionally overwhelmed OR blow their top. Really a coin flip.
Attitude: Patience in all things. Moderation is the best policy.
Morals: Per real life standards, probably gray-ish morals. They'd do things I would consider abhorrent, and also things I would approve of. Follows the Wyrd in all things.
Pet peeves: Loud noises. Liars.
Best way to piss them off: Mostly? Lie to them. Judging them (and others) too quickly.
Best way to get on their good side: Tea time.
Color: Purple.
Tertiary Skill: Healing or Dreamweaving
Primary Skill: Night or Crow
Location: annex of Wyrden Scriptures (it's so GOOD)
God/Goddess: Nocht, obviously, but Viravain gets an honorable mention!
Guild Master/House Head: Eliron, Aleyah, Rancoura.
Artifact: a shadowy Font of the Silence. (portable nochtquameld)
Commodity: Rawtea or one of the other teas.
Animal: Crows... probably.
Item owned: Shee-Slaugh circlet.
Area: Glomdoring, or Nocht's godrealm.
NPC: Filib Shee-Slaugh, of course.
Memory: [REDACTED].
Drink: Tea.
Goals: Serve their Lord, the Lady, and the Wyrd. By whatever means necessary.
Ambitions: None, not really.
Nemesis: None, yet.
Rival: @Lief or @Elexia
Best Friends: None...?
Idol: Nocht. Viravain. Xenthos. Rancoura.
Proudest moment: Most likely, getting appointed as the first cree-Dae Hiua'zal in the Auguries.
Most shameful moment: Ohhh drinking the nochtquameld.
If they could make one wish: Well, you see, that's [REDACTED].
Why you should hate them: Can probably finagle most people they know into divulging secrets.
Why you should love them: Tea time.
Why you should fear them: They don't fear you and probably never will.
Why they are harmless: Well. If you're wyrdenkin? Plenty reasons.
If they ruled the world, you'd best expect: Why in all of Creation would they want to rule the world for?
It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.’
Order: Drocilla
Hair: Currently, very long, blond, and overly styled by eager servants. Alternatively, her hair appears as dark as a soothing abyss.
Height: Perfectly poised at five feet. Not a mistake.
Scars: Her divine template wouldn't be disrespected by the signs of haphazard, imperfect healing. Dutifully, she is marked with a perfectly healed brand and skilfully renewed devotional art.
Strengths: Investigatory, Vicious loyalty, Zealous devotion, Forgetful, Grim humour, Traditionally explorative, Selective hearing, sight, and acknowledgment.
Attitude: Quiet and observant. Reserved to a whisper of a snarky joke to those closest to her. Eager to volunteer when her skills align. Very firm in her tastes.
Pet Peeves: Rude contemptibles, the Audience of bird-spies, Running out of ink, Misplaced books, Slow walkers, Uninteresting dishonesty.
Colour: Ectoplasmic glow. Aureate.
Stubbornly knows: Tarot. Mother said they weren't paying for another Hex or Astrology tutor if she couldn't keep them alive.
Animal: Spiders and dogs, because they were never allowed inside! Swans respectably keep secrets. Never owned a starfish, could be nice.
Village/forest/region: An exclusive retreat upon Nil, The Shallamurine Cathedral, or Caoimhe Dell for supplies.
Hobbies: Adding gold-dipped preservations to her collection, Sketchbook expanding, Reading foreign writings, Harassing the Prison, Toying with new food, Family imp farming, Chanting at the Duke. Always time to get interested in something new.
Goals: Acknowledgment from the Supreme Master, Replace her Inheritance Requisite Husband to regain access to her trust fund, Design a new mask.
Ambitions: Gain deeper communion with the flowing creative wellspring through Drocilla's teachings, Finishing one of several books she's started, Explore more libraries and read all the things.
Unrequited Besties: Bernardi the recipes-skull. Exeryte, because he has very nice origami.
Worst personal achievement: A Demon Lord once pointed out her wings were 'quite small'. At first, she mistook it as an insult.
Most shameful moments: Finding great interest in someone very off limits.