Well, now that Gurashi's had his conversation with Carakhan, y'all get to see this.
A sea breeze wafts about you, carrying with it the sound of surf and the voice of the Sculptor of
Waves, "I have received a curious invitation, My Serene Waters."
A carriage pulled by two dashros arrives here from the west.
A carriage pulled by two dashros continues on to the southeast.
You blink.
You say, "Oh, that would be an invitation from Gurashi?"
An ugly black vulture circles above, looking for carrion.
Ackleberry Triple Junction. (road).
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A fresh breeze is blowing through the
area. The road splits in three directions. To the north, a winding road heads towards the imposing
height of Avechna's Peak. To the west, the Alabaster Road stretches off to the Serenwilde forest. And
to the south, the Ackleberry Highway slopes down towards the Ackleberry Forest. The flattened earth of
the junction speaks of pilgrims often stopping here, perhaps pausing to gaze up at the majesty of
Avechna's Peak, perhaps pondering which direction fate will make for them at this crossroads. A
milestone juts up from the ground here. Attached to a wooden post here is a large metal bell. Four
pillars of sand flow onto a bed-sized slab of white marble which rises from the ground, surrounded by a
nimbus of domotheon energies. A core of abyssal metal lies here, the only remnant of a massive weapon.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east (open door), southeast, south, west, and northwest (open
A sea breeze wafts about you, carrying with it the sound of surf and the voice of the Sculptor of
Waves, "That one, yes. To a celebration in the wyrden woods. It seemed adorably incautious, and I am
curious for your opinion."
You ponder the situation.
You say, "Gurashi himself means well. He's genuinely interested in making more friends, and making sure
everyone there has a good time. However. He is also subject to the whims of the Divines of Glomdoring,
and Lady Viravain in particular is meddling in the affair. I'm given to believe that the Enchantress
was given an invitation to judge a singing contest."
Continuing the hunt for his dark mate, Father Sun presses forward in his journey, lowering himself in
the sky yet still casting even, full light upon the land.
You say, "All in all, it has the potential to become a brawl of epic proportions with very little
active provocation."
"Dangerously incautious, then." A hint of the glacial sea accompanies this breath of salt wind, though
the voice remains serene, "and will you be attending this potential tumult?"
Shadows grow longer in anticipation for the return of their dark mistress as Father Sun's chase brings
him closer to the world's edge.
As the sun passes below the horizon's edge, Mother Night unveils her terrible, shadowy beauty,
spreading darkness across the land.
You say, "Unless something comes up, yes. Who knows? Maybe it'll go well. It's a social occasion, and
there are protocols to be followed, and I'm sure that Lady Viravain has Her own plans for if the
Enchantress decides to be... upset, shall we say, at the proceedings."
Across the heavens, the stars and moon challenge night's dark reign, revealing familiar constellations
that tell the tales of myth and legend.
A sea breeze wafts about you, carrying with it the sound of surf and the voice of the Sculptor of
Waves, "Then perhaps I shall send Nalurei in your care. It would be well for her to see more of the
basin, and something of the ... whims of Others, if she is to continue in My service."
The pulsing beam from New Celest's lighthouse surges brilliantly, a shining beacon of hope that cuts
through the night sky across the entirety of the Basin of Life.
You say, "I'll do my best to make sure nothing untoward happens to her if You send her with me. ...
Also, it might be prudent to make sure she is... protected from certain forms of influence, after that
debacle with the Liar in the Serenwilde and that rather foolish squirrelkin. I am not expecting a
repeat performance, but..."
You shrug helplessly.
A fold appears in the tapestry of fate, heralding the birth of a new year as the Fates pen the next
chapter into the neverending story that is Lusternia.
Midnight shadows coalesce around a new day, and Mother Night embraces the land in utter darkness.
It is now the 1st of Estar, 548 years after the Coming of Estarra.
A sea breeze wafts about you, carrying with it the sound of surf and the voice of the Sculptor of
Waves, "It is well thought of. Should she attend, I will see to it that she is fortified against such
persuasion." There is a pause, and then, "I shall let the child of Keph know My will in this Myself.
His boldness is owed that much, at least."
You say, "Yes... He means well. There's just a certain innocence to him that I'm not altogether sure he
can afford to keep, and it will be a sad day if and when it is lost."
Water droplets fall from the almost cloudless sky, forming a puddle of salt water beside the abyssal
spear. A breath ruffles the puddle, sending tiny wavelets splashing, and then from its depths rises
Carakhan, the Sculptor of Waves.
Ackleberry Triple Junction. (road).
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A fresh breeze is blowing through the
area. The road splits in three directions. To the north, a winding road heads towards the imposing
height of Avechna's Peak. To the west, the Alabaster Road stretches off to the Serenwilde forest. And
to the south, the Ackleberry Highway slopes down towards the Ackleberry Forest. The flattened earth of
the junction speaks of pilgrims often stopping here, perhaps pausing to gaze up at the majesty of
Avechna's Peak, perhaps pondering which direction fate will make for them at this crossroads. A
milestone juts up from the ground here. Attached to a wooden post here is a large metal bell. Four
pillars of sand flow onto a bed-sized slab of white marble which rises from the ground, surrounded by a
nimbus of domotheon energies. A core of abyssal metal lies here, the only remnant of a massive weapon.
Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves floats here, her lower half submerged within a churning sphere of water.
She wields a golden trident in Her right hand.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east (open door), southeast, south, west, and northwest (open
You blink.
You kneel before Carakhan, swearing your allegiance to Her.
Her voice reminiscent of the sea in rain, Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves says, "So it always is, when
innocence is lost. But one can lose it, and yet treasure and value it in those We defend. Or one can
lose it, and seek to tear it away from all others."
The horizon glows with burnished shades of orange and red, heralding the imminent arrival of Father Sun
upon the rim of the world.
Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves says, "I am sorry your... friend? Finds himself in the clutches of Those
who would use him and his innocence in Their games, until They have torn it from him."
You say, "Yes... he is a friend. He's in a difficult place, and I see very little chance of things
turning out well, in the end. And so there is support, teasing, the occasional scholarly lecture on
things that he really should have known beforehand. Making memories. A Light to shine upon the darkest
Softly, Carakhan, Sculptor of Waves says, "May it be a Light that he remembers, and follows, when the
time comes. But if not, may you continue to be one who shines such Lights."
Glorious rays of morning light burst forth from Father Sun's crown as it peeks over the world's edge,
announcing a bright and shining new dawn.
Carakhan leans forward, and brushes your cheek with one hand. You feel, though cannot see, the
supporting pull of a strong current, towing you to safety. As the sensation fades, so too does the
Goddess, vanishing down into the puddle She arrived from.
You have emoted: Tridemon continues to ponder the puddle for a few moments, lost in thought. The
thoughtful expression is soon replaced by one filled with determination as he gives an emphatic nod to
no one in particular.