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Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

<3 Godmins. Isotta being patient with us (oh gosh we players need to communicate more aloud) and fun interactions with Tyrus.

I loved seeing the flower pot change and Abeytu interacting with everything. Thanks to everyone contributing and sharing knowledge on how to acquire important elements for nurturing a flower of Seralem! (I has names if you spot things in the painting of the flower pot, yes.)

The ritual on Moon Lake with naiads swimming and singing! Props to Saran for coming up with words and ways for folks to contribute.

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Storm?  What storm?

Thank you to the godmins involved in our "StormBeGone" rite, and to @Illyria / @Gael / @Evette / @Esei / @Afollia / @Gabe for making it work out.

Who grows a tree altar on the very top of a giant tower?  Us, apparently, that's who!

Re: Lusternian AMA

  1. What flower do you associate with your character?
  2. If your character could give advice to their younger self, what would they say?
  3. What "impossible" dream does your character have?
  4. What is your character's favorite place in Lusternia?
  5. Describe who your character is in one sentence. No cheating with semicolons!
1) Honeysuckles! Sweet, beautifully varicoloured and, most importantly at all, invasive AF.
2) You don't need to try and do everything yourself (even though you will anyways).
3) To be Crumkane's favourite anything
4) The blackjack tables at the Palace of Pleasure. Fun fact, alternatively his LEAST favourite place at the same time!
5) Someone who wants to be the life of the party, but lacks the social skills and tolerance of others to even show up half the time.

Lusternia GUI (zgui)

Inspired by people's reception in Aetolia, I thought I'd take a crack at releasing Zulah's GUI from Achaea, to work in Lusternia as well! (with his permission, of course).
Don't REALLY want to type out a super long post, so I'll just link the Aetolia and Achaea forum threads talking about how the GUI works and what it does, how to fully set it up, et cetera! tl;dr everything is draggable, resizable and such, to make your own fully personalised ui! I highly encourage at least reading the Achaea one, if you happen to run into any issue. Most questions have been asked about it there.
That said I did remove a couple of modules that wouldn't work here in Lusternia. Namely enemy affliction tracking since Lusternia doesn't have a publicly available tracker (if such a thing even exists!). I think I managed to make everything else work with Lusternia's features, though. I haven't finished setting my own look of it up, but here's what it's currently looking like:

Once you have an understanding of how it all works, it's pretty easy to make your own modules and windows to tack onto it.


PS. Sorry to Mag people who've tried talking to me the past day or two. Just settling myself on other matters before I move towards character stuff! :<

The Wilde's ritual to calm Sea's Storm

After some discussions in the Wilde, it was decided to perform a ritual to draw on the water fae, shamanic powers, and the wilde to try to protect the forest from the storms. After some prep work, we gathered at Moon lake and here's what happened.

Some late night work and a bit of "aah coordination" as we were starting up, but it was pretty fun as it started playing out, and seeing people play with the idea of floating in the water was neat. The setting was also pretty cool because it opened up those options to play with in the ritual that we wouldn't normally have on solid ground heh.

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

Esei said:
I am here once again.

1. How would your godrole deal with being ill with something like the flu?
2. What's the most hilarious thing you've accidentally seen/done to or with a mortal (and are willing to share)? (No need to name names of course!)
  1. Worst thing about being a healer is you can't really heal yourself all that well. Lantra would probably quietly suffer someone else being an INFERIOR Hamadhi substitute while trying to be on her best behavior (but silently critiquing everyone's bad techniques the whole time). Lan is also a workaholic, so this is probably the result of working herself to exhaustion and ignoring all the signs that she is destroying herself until it's too late. She probably absolutely loathes being sick more than just about anything else, because it robs her of control of a situation that she is normally very much the most control of: healing.
  2. Probably when I accidentally drowned @Avaris during his task of Devotion, ahahaha. "Can you bring water into the room, Lady?" Oh sure, let's turn on the "room is flooded" flag for realism! Oh no. Oh he doesn't have a waterbreathe enchantment. This was a mistake. (Second place "oops" is something I hope to be able to gleefully share at a later date, so stay tuned!)

Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

Here’s one.

For whatever reason (ignoring the fact that they might not willingly have), your god role took the elixir in the Elder Wars. How would they have been changed, and what would they be doing today?

Inversely for any elixir drinkers, what if your godrole didn’t partake?

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

So Sapphira was indulging in a little self-pitying inner monologue, (super embarrassingly) this was noticed which lead to a first ever encounter with Nocht. And it was pretty damn great, he is super creepy cool. Sapphira may never get over feeling like she's waving pathetic about on a flag because of it, but me the evil puppet-master thoroughly enjoyed it! <3

Re: Lusternian AMA

  1. What flower do you associate with your character?
  2. If your character could give advice to their younger self, what would they say?
  3. What "impossible" dream does your character have?
  4. What is your character's favorite place in Lusternia?
  5. Describe who your character is in one sentence. No cheating with semicolons!
1) Blue azalea or blue delphinium - her favourite colour, smell pretty and also toxic. Perfection.

2) You are going to be hated no matter how hard you try to be nice, just be yourself.

3) Win a beauty seal/any seal. Become a VA/TA/avatar.

4) Rhizoda is pretty lovely, the courtyard in the presidio with all the cherry blossoms, the towers/gardens in Mag with pretty views.

5) A passionate, outspoken aspiring artist who is fiercely loyal, moderately sadistic and terrible at controlling her thoughts and tongue.

Re: Absence Thread

I regret that I haven't been able to engage more personally and frequently on the current stage of the year arc, but I've been a bit preoccupied by RL events...

Sea Spirit and I are doing great. But what is this sleep thing? I'll be trickling into more activity as we get that sorted out.