I'm really sad to hear you're retiring, Par. I will say that I didn't unlink your manse out of malice; I unlinked it because I unlinked everyone who allowed anyone from New Celest, Glomdoring or Hallifax in. It wasn't meant to be a bullying position but a safety for Magnagora position given what happened when Hallifax left the alliance.
I really hope you have fun wherever you go, but I wish you'd stick around. You're a good noodle who brings fun RP to things.
I've spoken with Aonia and we acknowledge that this is an issue and that we want to take steps. The problem is that we are fully engaged in wrapping up Endzone and do not have the capacity to take anything else on at the moment.
I understand that it may seem like we're dismissing these concerns or pushing them away, but I want to assure you that we are not. We only have a limited capacity of things we can focus on at a time and have limited time. One of the promises I made when I first stepped up was the promise of completing projects. I believe we've kept that promise thus far and this is why we want to complete Endzone before addressing other things. We are, however, willing to push back economy fixes and address this first. I do believe that there is likely overlap between addressing the economy and conflict mechanics, but that's something we can look at when we get to it.
Please just take a few days off instead. Often when we're stressed or feel overly responsible for things, anything that goes wrong gets magnified and can feel like a personal attack. It's completely reasonable to want to get away from it for a while. I wouldn't want you to regret anything after getting some distance from what's happening now.
As you snap an axiomatic whip of living crystal with a negligent flick of your wrist, paeans of heavenly verse cry out from where an enormous black pigeon's flesh has been scathed by holy light.
The final blow proves too much for an enormous black pigeon, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain an enormous black pigeon.
Your score in the Great Hunt increases!
Your soul cries out in ecstasy as it reaches new heights of power. You have advanced to level 100.
You have reached the illustrious level of Demigod.
You have received 25 Bound Credits!
You have received 1 Sticky Wondercrystals!
You feel your innermost energies growing to extreme proportions as a darkness takes over your senses. When your senses return, you find yourself in a different location and there is a strange feeling within you.
We had two cooks apparently quit this weekend - leaving me as the only full-time night cook, again, and one who works only three or four days. I'm back to six days a week, again, indefinitely. I exist, but I'm still adjusting to waking up early for my son's remote schooling, and my work schedule keeps shifting earlier because we're extremely understaffed for day shift too!
In short, I'm still here, my job sucks, and my times are messed up. Message me in game or catch me on discord if you need.
Tridemon points at Bizirik, the leothin. "Animal." He then points at an adolescent vinestalker. "Vegetable." And then he taps himself on the chest. "Mineral."
Am gonna do something uncharacterstical and rave for those revolts. Am rather bummed that we still have 0 villages, but I had a lot of fun debating with people and actually had a few laughs too. Special mentions go to @lenara and @nepenthe who both had me laughing.