Absolutely. Five minutes gives us plenty of time to grab the mob, briefly skim the mob's notes if we need to before we roleplay, and to type up a reply and hit enter. I think everyone in Havens has faced the curse of a drive-by "hello" where the player leaves before we can even finish typing for the NPC!Jolanthe said:I can't remember by who or when, but at some point it was suggested that a five minute rule was a good wait period to go by: If you're fishing for divine interaction via mob and you don't get any response in five minutes, that's a good indication to move on. Would the proposed five minute rule still be considered solid in this current era?
1. When I released Lantra, there was a brief period of time where her prayers weren't set up correctly (Those of you who skim the changelogs may have noticed). Imagine my surprise to discover there were several "prayers" I had no idea about, many from players I hadn't realized wanted to talk to Lantra in the first place! Prayers open up opportunities for Divine to interact with you without worrying that we're stepping in where we aren't wanted. They also give us clear insights into how you want to approach us and why. I'd say any reason you want to contact a Divine is a good reason to send a prayer. Think of them as IC emails to your local deity.Aeldra said:One thing, that I think I asked a long time ago, but am curious for the answer of todays divine is1. how do you see prayers and how do you feel like they should be used?Also a new, seperate question:
2. What's your favorite pet-peeve with us mere mortals?
(Ironhart Collective): Ashira says, "I'm pretty much the only dwarf around these days..."
(Ironhart Collective): Jolanthe says, "You might say that racial demographic is quite... dwarved by the others."
(Ironhart Collective): Celaphaeia says, "I would like a new alliance, please."
(Ironhart Collective): Eritheyl says, "Targeting Jolanthe."
(Ironhart Collective): You say, "No targeting Jolanthe!"
(Ironhart Collective): Llani says, "They always seem to come up short."
(Ironhart Collective): You say, "...Nn."
(Ironhart Collective): Lysandus says, "Oh boy."
(Ironhart Collective): Sutekh says, "Celaphaeia prefers the *new* clan...goru, it seems."
Who you are friends with, especially a contemptible bug one is not my
concern or really worth the dirt on my boot as a reason for entry.
That said, your request seems harmless enough. Your access within the
borders of the Engine of Transformation is granted for 15 months with a
few basic stipulations. Keep your buggy buffoonery away from the
Megalith of Doom or other public spaces. There is to be no gnawing on or
otherwise disturbing city property. Beyond that, common sense applies to
respect from a visitor.
-- Kalas @Zagreus, Minister of Security
So, the things that I tried to finish last week got finished; however, other things took their place (and the looming threat of an examination at the end of the month awaits me too). This isn't to say I am gone, but my presence is far more piecemeal than it has been!Terentia said:I am a little behind on things out of game, so I am a bit sparse this week. Hopefully getting everything in order soon!