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My new blog: Muddling the Waters

I gave in and listened to the voices and started a blog. has been registered and had wordpress associated with it.

The main purpose of this blog is Mudlet development, primarily scripting and such for Mudlet but there will also be posts about adding to Mudlet I expect.

I will be starting out by making posts and videos for how I set up my development environment for making Mudlet scripts, and following the development of a new project started largely for the purpose of working through it with my readers.

In the end I hope it will be a way for people to learn some new tips and tricks for Mudlet, and to explain how and why I do the things I do when coding for Mudlet.

End shameless self-promotion

Introducing: The Stopinator!

Someone asked for my help making a thing that would keep them from moving at certain times so they'd stop wasting a resource by moving out of a room before something finished.

And thus was born the STOPINATOR!

It only stops normal cardinal direction movement + up/down/in/out, so it won't stop you from using your blixes or pyramids or portals or anything like that. When you want to block normal movement, just call stopinator.block() and when you want to get going again call stopinator.unblock()

I would also recommend issuing an mmp.pause("on") any time you do stopinator.block() and mmp.pause("off") any time you do stopinator.unblock() as that will make the mapper stop walking and then start again in addition to blocking normal movement. I didn't include that in the package because I wanted to keep it really generic.

You can download it at 


Never going to Gaudiguch again
What happened?

Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

i got my shiny new dweller today, and she came with a great little RP event that was hilarious and fun and really captured her personality, thank you so much @Uilani! Will post a log shortly!

Re: Pokemon, the Reckoning Mafia

I'm checking in as well! I likely won't have a lot of free time until this evening, but looking around at the size of game I think it's worth theorising we have a single person mafia and maybe a one-shot neutral/town-aligned kill. 

Re: Announce Post #3123: Q&A Livestream

Uilani said:
1) Yes, signets are basically stoles and a guild can have only one. 
2) Guild artifacts, in the old style of guild artifacts, are not requestable via PRs right now. This is something we might consider as a boost for Guilds as a whole and is on the table, along with some other more mechanical encouragements to join a Guild. Not on the immediate roadmap but being kept in mind because, as mentioned, we recognise Guilds could use those.
3) Dweller wise, or, more accurately pet-wise (because dwellers are generally humanoid and those would be actual guild tutors) it would be something like Isaisys from Aerie. They wouldn't have combat benefits. We don't have strict guidelines for what is available for such as so few have been requested ever. We need to review it on a case by case basis.

I'm glad I managed to get that one right!

I'm not sure if I remembered to try my hand, or pronunciation as it were, at some of the other names though. We went down the list without mentioning who asked each question.

@Saran - pronounced like Seren? Or like Saran Wrap.
@Uzriel - strong U? Like ooze-riel?
@Lorina - Stress on the second syllable? Lo'reena?

As many "eeeeeeee"s as you can fit. Lor-eeeeee-na. 

Re: Announce Post #3123: Q&A Livestream

Uilani said:
1) Yes, signets are basically stoles and a guild can have only one. 
2) Guild artifacts, in the old style of guild artifacts, are not requestable via PRs right now. This is something we might consider as a boost for Guilds as a whole and is on the table, along with some other more mechanical encouragements to join a Guild. Not on the immediate roadmap but being kept in mind because, as mentioned, we recognise Guilds could use those.
3) Dweller wise, or, more accurately pet-wise (because dwellers are generally humanoid and those would be actual guild tutors) it would be something like Isaisys from Aerie. They wouldn't have combat benefits. We don't have strict guidelines for what is available for such as so few have been requested ever. We need to review it on a case by case basis.

I'm glad I managed to get that one right!

I'm not sure if I remembered to try my hand, or pronunciation as it were, at some of the other names though. We went down the list without mentioning who asked each question.

@Saran - pronounced like Seren? Or like Saran Wrap.
@Uzriel - strong U? Like ooze-riel?
@Lorina - Stress on the second syllable? Lo'reena?
Thanks ^_^

Closer to Seren I think.
Kinda breaks down as... Sar-an. The first part is like "Far", with the "a" the same sound as the one in the musical notes "Fa" and "La" (I now have do-re-mi playing in my head lol). The "an" is the same way I pronounce it in for something like "an approval", I guess a softer one than the first.

I actually found out Saran wrap was a thing through Lusternia heh, we call glad/cling wrap down in Australia (or at least around Sydney) >_>

Re: Would you like to help me collect information for my thesis by filling out a survey?

And done! I really enjoyed completing that. Left you my main email, too. Keep us updated on your findings!

Re: Would you like to help me collect information for my thesis by filling out a survey?

This is quite well set out and prepared. I like it. Completing right now.

Re: Small(er) scale pvp

I've mentioned it before, but here it is:

1. A coded way to form a team of 3 members. This can be cross org, and your team lasts for the length of a season.

2. Time slots your team can sign up for to fight other teams. Failure to show up results in a loss. At the end of the season, you are required to have fought x number of other teams.

3. The benefits for winning a season only affect members of the team, ie. no org loyalty here.

Not fleshed out with all the deets, but the idea is essentially to have Wargames as a regular combat tournament. And the key is to make it cross-org, and benefit only the members of the team, so as to encourage the best players playing with and against each other. Then you get side-benefits like allowing fan posters, chants etc of the teams.