Scries me a ton in Faethorn, I go check it out, start fighting, Diamat/Xena come in at first so I bail.
Go back later start to 1v1.
Spends entire time trying to escape (though several times he could have just left, why he didn't, I don't know).
Best part is I screwed up soulless once, then the second time instead of using drukenfool, I use shotnote that doesn't work and he sits there and takes it, at the last second weaving a reflection to no avail.
And of course, I only won because of my artifacts, nothing else.
lololol MORKARION has left the area lololol
That being said, Lerad has a point. I've never really explored Harbinger that much, but SS really just has a support OR straight damage feel to it. You can't kill anyone competent 1v1 with the passives, and a lot of the targetted (CairnLargo) skills are nigh-on useless. One's an areawide summon, so long as the target isn't deaf/truedeaf. At what point is a person going to run from a bard and NOT eat earwort asap? Two of the skills are damage skills, with one being a stun+damage with cold damage.
Personally, I tend to sit in a safe spot and spam smudges to support group fights. The whole skillset really seems to tend towards straight damage.
Of course, in a team fight, Harbingers are my best buds.
Clearly this situation is warranting of a flamebait thread, so tada!
All that said, can we move on now, please?