- Recently watched season 1 of Game of Thrones. Not impressed. If I'd made a drinking game where I took a shot every time they mentioned or showed whores or whoring, I would have died of alcohol poisoning before the third episode. I get it, you're on HBO, you can be 'adult' but seriously. You can be classy too. You don't have to have the high up government official/brothel master give exposition at the same time he's teaching naked lesbians to pleasure themselves. Not continuing on to season 2.
- Watched 'The Pilot' episode of Doctor Who season 10. Solid but not mindblowingly good. Still sad this is Capaldi's last season since it feels like they just won't give him the treatment he deserves. Bill seems okay. Haven't caught up yet with the rest yet, but will eventually.
- Continuing my trawl of Classic Doctor Who, I finally knuckled up the courage to watch the War Games. I've thoroughly enjoyed Patrick Troughton's time in the TARDIS, and didn't want to see it end, but alas, I had to eventually. War Games is a decent capstone but not the best Second Doctor serial. Following this with Spearhead From Space, which I've seen before many years ago, but this gives it new context. Jon Pertwee is doing okay to start, and I'm sure he'll grow on me.
On the Big Screen: - Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Go see it.
- It's I guess the 20th anniversary of The Fifth Element, and since I'll watch anything with Milla Jovovich, I settled in for this one. Campy, but good fun, lots of hammy acting and ridiculous costumes. Silly plot. Will watch again sometime.
We just discovered that we have Up on DVD. Love this movie...I just have to cry every time in the beginning <.< But it's one of my favourite Pixar movies.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
RPDR remains the highlight of my week, ty again to @Talan and @Fyler for introducing me to the charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent of that show.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
RPDR remains the highlight of my week, ty again to @Talan and @Fyler for introducing me to the charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent of that show.
You're welcome, but this season 100% sucks. I wanted to like Nina so bad but omg girl STOP CRYING.
Can we just give Valentina the crown and move on.
edit: For the life of me I don't understand why Alexis and Peppermint are on this show. Is Forever 21 sponsoring this year and they have to wear their clothes as part of the contract? I mean wtf. GO HOME.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
RPDR remains the highlight of my week, ty again to @Talan and @Fyler for introducing me to the charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent of that show.
You're welcome, but this season 100% sucks. I wanted to like Nina so bad but omg girl STOP CRYING.
Can we just give Valentina the crown and move on.
Haha, I'm enjoying it, but it's definitely more relaxed? People seem less competitive, I don't know what it is. I've been rewatching season 3 in the meantime and the difference between the contestants' attitude is like night and day. (Also idk about this documentary-style Untucked format. Choices.)
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Man, I think untucked is more interesting than the actual show this year. Which is saying something.
I just think some of the queens are just so blah. Like blaahhhhh. Could Farrah be any less interesting? No, the answer is no. It's like they cloned Courtney Act and pulled her out of the vat too early before the personality could develop. (she pretty tho)
I feel like they've watered it down to be on VH1. I blame the straight people.
Known Aliases: Celina/Cyndarin/Fire Jesus/The Night/That Bitch who griefed us
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Us straight people can be blamed for Lip Sync Battle, so that accusation feels 100% accurate.
That said, I do love Trinity Taylor way more than I thought I would. It's nice to have something in Florida to be proud of. :')
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
It's ESC time! It's become a tradition at the family who I live with to watch it on BBC because their commentators are better than the German ones. And in the course of the evening, Swimming Pools will ensue...depending on the music.
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
- Watched 'The Pilot' episode of Doctor Who season 10. Solid but not mindblowingly good. Still sad this is Capaldi's last season since it feels like they just won't give him the treatment he deserves. Bill seems okay. Haven't caught up yet with the rest yet, but will eventually.
@Akatriel, I thought "The Pilot" was just good too. But I have REALLY liked the episodes afterward. It feels like a return to the winning Doctor Who formula. Something new every week, an adventure, something twisted. I've been impressed.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
The Edge of Seventeen was absolutely wonderful. A candid, low key, beautiful look at coming to adulthood. Great soundtrack. Funny and emotional. And there is a cute alien cartoon!
Yessssss. I keep forgetting the episodes air Sunday for me, though. Although it's like 3am that they air, so it's not a big deal, but I always forget still.
I already know everything that happens from reading the manga, but it's nice how much they've improved on the animation since season 1. The sequence with the colossus/armoured titans looked amazing, can't wait for the war to take place... If it even does in season 2 *hope* I don't want to wait another two years.
At least season 2 is due to end around the same time that Season 7 for GoT starts. Can't wait!
Yessssss. I keep forgetting the episodes air Sunday for me, though. Although it's like 3am that they air, so it's not a big deal, but I always forget still.
I already know everything that happens from reading the manga, but it's nice how much they've improved on the animation since season 1. The sequence with the colossus/armoured titans looked amazing, can't wait for the war to take place... If it even does in season 2 *hope* I don't want to wait another two years.
At least season 2 is due to end around the same time that Season 7 for GoT starts. Can't wait!
I love how they got the right artists for the anime, because I legitimately am watching this anime going "didn't I already see this," not realizing until after the fact the manga's so dynamically drawn that it feels alive and on equal footing with the anime for movement!
Really, really love it. No real surprises here. But that episode that ended on a cliffhanger... ugh.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Nothing has ever offended me more than Cameron Diaz as Miss Hannigan in the Annie update. If you can't keep up with Ms. Carol Burnett, you keep your greedy paws off that role. >:[
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
So as the season is wrapping up and I'm finishing up the shows I've been following, I decided to also go back and clear up some shows that I'd shelved in the past.
Plastic Memories is as good as I thought it would be when it first came out. Can't remember why I never finished it, but I'm glad I took the time to finish it now.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
I had a conversation about trashy reality TV and discovered that somehow Tool Academy never pinged my radar, so I'm searching like mad to find it on the internet because it's just TV gold in the worst way.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Castlevania is out on Netflix. Violence, bad language, but no nudity so far. Pretty decent, but there's only three episodes that I can find.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Been a busy week for watching things instead of doing schoolwork like I should be.
Spiderman: Homecoming - It's a MCU movie with Spiderman. If you like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing you like.
Doctor Who series 10 - Binged my way through the season. It's pretty much Capaldi's best, and despite the line "it's gone viral" popping up way too many times, it's a solid bit of Doctor Who. Bill was way better than I expected, reminds me a lot of Donna Noble, which is never bad. Finale was a bit of a letdown. Looking forward to the Christmas special.
Classic Doctor Who Season 7 - The first Pertwee season. Commits the unforgivable crime of being boring. Three of the four stories take up a combined 21 episodes, and as a result, everything drags. It feels like they couldn't commission enough stories, so they just lengthened what they had. "The Silurians" is the chief offender here. Modern Who could have wrapped the story in a single episode, but even at the slower pace of the 70's, it shouldn't have been more than four. "Inferno" at least was a decent story, and the parallel world allowed for some interesting play.
WKRP In Cincinnati Season 1 - What? Don't judge me.
The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Been watching Fate Zero on recommendation of a friend. So far it's very much my type of show. I never played/saw Fate Stay Night, but I did play Tsukihime, and I can tell you if you've played either you'll appreciate some things more than others. That said, you absolutely don't need either game as an entry point to enjoy this anime.
The concept is this: modern world, but with mages, primarily led by powerful mage families of established lineage. Every sixty years, the Holy Grail War begins, where the mythical Holy Grail chooses worthy magi Masters who fight in a proxy war for the Grail. The victor may make a single wish which the Grail will answer without fail.
This war is fought by Servants: heroic spirits summoned out of ancient history and legend to assist in their quest to claim the Holy Grail. Each Master makes a pact with a single Servant. The way to eliminate your opponent? Either their Servant, or the Master they've bonded to, must die.
It's very battle royale, with a lot of intriguing character dynamics and competing motivations. Plot has a darker tinge to it, sort of Umineko meets Hunger Games. I'm enjoying it, and some twists have genuinely surprised me.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
It's only been the second episode, but Made in Abyss is probably going to be my favourite show this season.
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
I wasn't sure what to think going into it, but the Netflix Castlevania series surprised me. I've enjoyed it so far. I'm looking forward to season 2.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
From what I understand, when the plan was still to make movies, it was to be three movies. These four episodes, about 90 minutes total, is about analogous to what the first movie was going to be. So it was always meant to be a start. The next eight episodes are analogous to the second and third movies. I hope that the series does well enough that it continues after that. I'm glad they didn't go with the Judgement look for Trevor.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
On the TV:
- Recently watched season 1 of Game of Thrones. Not impressed. If I'd made a drinking game where I took a shot every time they mentioned or showed whores or whoring, I would have died of alcohol poisoning before the third episode. I get it, you're on HBO, you can be 'adult' but seriously. You can be classy too. You don't have to have the high up government official/brothel master give exposition at the same time he's teaching naked lesbians to pleasure themselves. Not continuing on to season 2.
- Watched 'The Pilot' episode of Doctor Who season 10. Solid but not mindblowingly good. Still sad this is Capaldi's last season since it feels like they just won't give him the treatment he deserves. Bill seems okay. Haven't caught up yet with the rest yet, but will eventually.
- Continuing my trawl of Classic Doctor Who, I finally knuckled up the courage to watch the War Games. I've thoroughly enjoyed Patrick Troughton's time in the TARDIS, and didn't want to see it end, but alas, I had to eventually. War Games is a decent capstone but not the best Second Doctor serial. Following this with Spearhead From Space, which I've seen before many years ago, but this gives it new context. Jon Pertwee is doing okay to start, and I'm sure he'll grow on me.
On the Big Screen:
- Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Go see it.
- It's I guess the 20th anniversary of The Fifth Element, and since I'll watch anything with Milla Jovovich, I settled in for this one. Campy, but good fun, lots of hammy acting and ridiculous costumes. Silly plot. Will watch again sometime.
Boruto. After the flop of a manga I don't know what compelled me to watch the anime. But I'm a sucker for generational stories and I really like it.
Can we just give Valentina the crown and move on.
edit: For the life of me I don't understand why Alexis and Peppermint are on this show. Is Forever 21 sponsoring this year and they have to wear their clothes as part of the contract? I mean wtf. GO HOME.
I just think some of the queens are just so blah. Like blaahhhhh. Could Farrah be any less interesting? No, the answer is no. It's like they cloned Courtney Act and pulled her out of the vat too early before the personality could develop. (she pretty tho)
I feel like they've watered it down to be on VH1. I blame the straight people.
That said, I do love Trinity Taylor way more than I thought I would. It's nice to have something in Florida to be proud of. :')
(I'm expecting Shea Coulee to win this though.)
I already know everything that happens from reading the manga, but it's nice how much they've improved on the animation since season 1. The sequence with the colossus/armoured titans looked amazing, can't wait for the war to take place... If it even does in season 2 *hope*
At least season 2 is due to end around the same time that Season 7 for GoT starts. Can't wait!
Discord: Rey#1460
Really, really love it. No real surprises here. But that episode that ended on a cliffhanger... ugh.
Discord: Rey#1460
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Plastic Memories is as good as I thought it would be when it first came out. Can't remember why I never finished it, but I'm glad I took the time to finish it now.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Spiderman: Homecoming - It's a MCU movie with Spiderman. If you like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing you like.
Doctor Who series 10 - Binged my way through the season. It's pretty much Capaldi's best, and despite the line "it's gone viral" popping up way too many times, it's a solid bit of Doctor Who. Bill was way better than I expected, reminds me a lot of Donna Noble, which is never bad. Finale was a bit of a letdown. Looking forward to the Christmas special.
Classic Doctor Who Season 7 - The first Pertwee season. Commits the unforgivable crime of being boring. Three of the four stories take up a combined 21 episodes, and as a result, everything drags. It feels like they couldn't commission enough stories, so they just lengthened what they had. "The Silurians" is the chief offender here. Modern Who could have wrapped the story in a single episode, but even at the slower pace of the 70's, it shouldn't have been more than four. "Inferno" at least was a decent story, and the parallel world allowed for some interesting play.
WKRP In Cincinnati Season 1 - What? Don't judge me.
The concept is this: modern world, but with mages, primarily led by powerful mage families of established lineage. Every sixty years, the Holy Grail War begins, where the mythical Holy Grail chooses worthy magi Masters who fight in a proxy war for the Grail. The victor may make a single wish which the Grail will answer without fail.
This war is fought by Servants: heroic spirits summoned out of ancient history and legend to assist in their quest to claim the Holy Grail. Each Master makes a pact with a single Servant. The way to eliminate your opponent? Either their Servant, or the Master they've bonded to, must die.
It's very battle royale, with a lot of intriguing character dynamics and competing motivations. Plot has a darker tinge to it, sort of Umineko meets Hunger Games. I'm enjoying it, and some twists have genuinely surprised me.
I'm a consent-based roleplayer! Kindly ask first, and I will return the favour. Open to developing tinyplots.
Atlantis is my client of choice! (Guide)
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."