While this has always been my attitude, society has evolved faster than I can keep up. Discussions of genderfluidity, cisgender, pangender, bigender and asexuality has made my stance on character gender seem quaint. It can be downright confusing when it comes to pronouns and how not to offend. I get it. And this comes from someone who has three very close transgender friends (both MTF and FTM) and who knows quite a few more! BTW, one thing I know for sure: never refer to someone as "it". It's not funny. In fact, it is bigoted.
That said, there is one thing we can all do that is pretty simple. Treat others with respect. It takes no great effort to refer to someone by the pronoun of their choice. You don't have to understand it or change your politics or religious beliefs. You just have to respect that other person's reality just as you hope they'll respect yours. This should make it easy in-game where we can choose our gender or even change it. But often others who don't understand how serious issues of gender are to people can be cruel or insensitive, making jokes or just being downright mean. I urge you all to rise above it. If we find issues of gender harassment in-game, we will take it seriously.
Also, it's actually very awkward to some that an.... ungendered person would actually touch them regularly, as Mysrai does. As male or female. Quite a few people aren't comfortable with that in an IC fashion (I'm fine with it, though I was always ignored by 'Them' until I left). I've
But yes, if you want to be called he, she, they or whatever, I'll call you that as long as I know it's your preference
To me it seems this is more about what was said OOC rather than IC. It could do for clarification though, if it is considered ok to be disrespectful to a Divine in pure IC manner. Granted of course by doing such you do take the risk of a reaction which may result in zapping or magotting. Suppose it also matters what degree of disrespect, there are some slurs for example which would never be ok even purely IC.
You have received a new honour! Congratulations! On this day, you have shown your willingness to ensure a bug-free Lusternia for everyone to enjoy. The face of Iosai the Anomaly unfolds before you, and within you grows the knowledge that you have earned the elusive and rare honour of membership in Her Order.
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I'm somewhat sure there's a difference between ungendered and all-gendered. A couch is ungendered. Someone whose gender shifts might be all-gendered. Further, I feel that referring to another person as "it" seems to have a bit of a derisive tone to it. If you're uncomfortable with another person touching you regardless of their gender or lack thereof, I suggest you just respectfully speak to that person about it.
If their touching you disturbs you because you can't place their gender in your carefully labeled pair of boxes, that's your problem.
If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
I hope whomever triggered this thread has come to realize their error. If not? Well, back in my day if someone spouted out enough garbage then eventually some decent person would pop them in the mouth. The next day the garbage-spouting person would make an apology and claim they had too much to drink. After a few days no one would even remember the incident. Hopefully it isn't banhammer time, but patient explaining will resolve matters. That or a fat lip. Whichever.
No one is asking you to predict what someone's gender is, they're asking you to not be an idiot about it. If you're unsure about someone's pronouns, bleeping ask them about it. Telling someone, "Oh, I prefer to be reffered to as a (s)he." is a lot easier than going to Estarra about it because you refuse to acknowledge who they are, and what they identify as. And there's absolutely no reason to expect them to just jump out of the woodwork and scream at you, "CALL ME ZIE, I IDENTIFY AS ZIE, NOTHING ELSE." Gender is a personal subject that doesn't get brought up and can be very touchy for people who have had struggles we don't know about. Don't be a dick, just ask.
I'm grateful that Estarra brought this up, because it's not just something that can be swept under the rug. Deliberately misgendering someone is considered abuse, and people are literally dying because of it. Any sort of mental abuse needs to be taken to someone in authority, or someone you trust, whether it's Estarra here in Lusternia or a close friend IRL.
Just ask, folks. That's all I ask.
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
Granted, I don't mind, but still. Not limited to cyberspace and ambiguous names.