As per tarketons post (see below) to pull it out of tweets, in case anyone's interested in further discussing this topic.
@Tarketon said:
I've never been concerned about a solo MD that wasn't the champ. They're
more annoying than anything else because they can spam full and reset
the fight.
Any buffs to moondancer would need a simultaneous nerf to full, like
Celina said. That being a given, what do people think realistic buffs to
MD combat could be?
Basically, I've heard a lot about the pet of the moondancers and can say for myself that in on itself they don't offer a whole lot that brings one down to business, so, are there idea's out there? and I heard about the need to adjust 'moondance full', I think.
Opening this thread, because I think good ideas can't hurt!
Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
I think the main issue is the prismatic barrier and the fact that full can reset fights without making the Moondancer sacrifice too much.
As for Moon, it needs another route that doesn't focus on mana. Toadcurse and Succumb are there and should stay. However, every class is deserving of a second reliable route. I'll think of a mechanic not in use and get back to the thread in a bit.
Like, we go in to some form of moon rage then consume that to empower our Fae to make a super strong hit which then requires them to return to ethereal to recover, preventing us from summoning them back for a cooldown.
Useless with how the mechanics of it would work, but an idea I guess. Full would be our "oh crap it didn't work flee flee til the fae are off cooldown" button.
Are there similar issues with Shadowdancers and something could something be done with Wicca? I remember the thread by Celina a while back about just general issues with Wiccans, is this still the case?
- sticking anything as a moondancer alone is quite difficult, being that your aeon, the sleep or succumb. You have to time your fae and act in the right timeframe, which seems to be really short.
- If you finally got your target in aeon and succumb, there's literally nothing else you can do to keep that combination going, aside of relying on a tertiary or enchanted rings.
- a minor hickup in your combination (your target getting out of aeon) will allow them to cure basically all the mana damage done.
- The current skills don't seem to really allow much for 1vs1 at all.
Of course that's all looking mainly at 1vs1, group dynamics I leave to more experienced people to give their opinion on.
As to what possibly could be done, possibly?
- give us some afflictions to work with out of the main skillsets that help us actually hinder our target / get them into a state we can stick succumb with somewhat reasonable work.
- do something about full ( I read a lot of complains about it, and I guess it's just too powerful )
- maybe generally review the skills available in the main skillset regarding whether or not they are still fitting with all the overhaul that happened / is happening.
- if sleep / aeon lock is actually the way we are supposed to stick our succumb, give us an actual primary use of sleep? I don't know, but I have my gripes with this combinations, as there's so many ways to counter sleep and we don't even have a primary source for it (unless you happend to take the right tertiary ).
Please take with a pinch of salt, those are just observations from newbish from the top of my head.
Non the less, how it currently goes is a little bland and as it was said somewhere else, MD hasn't really been touched for 6 years ( at least people keep saying that ) so maybe something can be come up with (which was what I had in mind when I took up tarkentons idea to make a new thread about this).
I have yet failed to get my system and aliases and setup to the point that I can pull off the sleeplock/aeon combo in a sparring, so till I actually get there, I don't feel like I can reliable make suggestions myself aside of what I already wrote, thus me hoping that some of you who have years of experience on this game come up with some nice ideas
Moon - Shift
MOONDANCE SHIFT <target> <avatar>
MOONDANCE LUNATIC <target> <avatar>
In all of her forms, Mother Moon is a constantly shifting spirit of nature. By manifesting this concept, you are capable of demonstrating her majesty to your enemies.
Every time you shift your opponent, you will curse them in the name of one of Moon's Avatars. The shift message will be generic for every curse and the affliction hidden to your opponent. If you manage to hit an opponent with all four afflictions for a respective Avatar, you will be able to curse them in that Avatar's name and draw them into mad fixation with Mother Moon.
(afflictions per avatar can be worked out)
Luna - Hypersomnia, Stupidity, Anorexia, and Impatience
Selene - Pox, Sunallergies, Haemophilia, Weakness
Albion - Rigormortis, Vomiting, Dysentery, Justice
If a target has all four afflictions for an Avatar, you may curse them for 3p. Cursing a target will have the following effects:
(can also be worked out)
One curse - Your target will find that that Succumb is more difficult to cure
Two curse - Your target will find that they take more proportionally more damage from Moonburst/Moonfire attacks
Three curses - Your target will be overwhelmed by lunar energies and slain instantly.
Moon Shift will just give a generic message like: Moondancer begins an erratic, jerking dance and your body begins to glow with a light silvery sheen.
Curse will say something like: Clenching a fist before you, <target> levies the curse of <avatar> upon your head and your aura erupts in a flash of lunar energy.
What this does is actually make a class where afflicting is part of the normal course while providing a condition-based instakill that simultaneously allows the Moondancer to work towards Succumb/Toadcurse if they want. It makes sleeplocks still important and gives sleeplocks enough time to levy someone with these affs and curse them. Curses are uncurable for a length of time (this can be worked out). Shift will give these affs and they'll be hidden unless you diag. You won't know what specific Avatar affliction path they started on and it follows a pattern. If I hit you with Luna and you don't cure the Hypersomnia, the next Luna shift will hit with Stupidity and follow down the path. The message can tell the Moondancer what the target got hit with aff wise.
Anyway, just an idea to put forward and pick apart. I like to offer solutions instead of just complaining.
Edit: In regards to Full, I think just removing the prismatic barrier would remove most complaints. I remember the addition of the barrier being very contentious to begin with.
There is a very narrow range you can alter without buffing anyone else. There are three skills that only Moondancers get - Maiden, Mother, Crone. If you could come up with an idea to alter those somehow. Do you really need the maiden defenses? Could it do something else?
Could they be changed to be internal switchable aspects that give you special abilities instead of summonable ents?