Temporary artifacts are rarely worth the price. Even the super OP ones suggested from other IREs are ultimately just temporary imbalances that may or may not pay off. Ultimately, in a game that you play for years, a perk for a month isn't all that enticing to me. XP bonus candies would be great because you can invest that essence into long term benefits
Presents, on the other hand, are always awesome as a promotion.
Yeah, if I were to take part in this promo, it'd be for the presents. The candies just seem like things I'd hold onto for ascension events, but otherwise have no immediate desire for.
Is it weird that I've never heard of this and understand it all at the same time?
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
I've always felt that the majority of players who want credits purchase the iron membership and receive credits that way, and participate in promotions expressly for whatever the promotional item is. That is, they're buying presents or whatever and get freebie credits, not the other way around.
So I can't say I'm disappointed with what I got from the $20 I spent on a crate.
You quickly unwrap a Festive Crate of Solstice Cheer, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull 15 presents from within.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly store 53 marble and 65 juniper in your rift. You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of candy mints tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull an aetheric keystone from within. You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of candy mints tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull an aetheric keystone from within. You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of cream chews tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within. You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of fireball candies tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within. You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a pack of candied liquorice roots tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly store vanilla oil in your rift. You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a box of wax lips tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within. You've unwrapped a SUPERIOR present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of bubblegum candy tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a Great Rune of Fire Enhancement from within. You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of fireball candies tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a gleaming crystal ball from within. You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of bubblegum candy tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a bag of fireball candies, a bag of fireball candies, a bag of red lollipops, a bag of red lollipops, a bag of red lollipops, a box of wax lips, a roll of candy mints, a roll of cream chews, and a roll of cream chews from within. You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of red lollipops tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within. You've unwrapped a SUPERIOR present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of jelly baby candies tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a roll of 189 dingbats from within. You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of red lollipops tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a professional dartboard from within. You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of bubblegum candy tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a package containing five fine hair curios from within. You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of bubblegum candy tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a dose of zimoru reagent, a dose of zimoru reagent, a dose of zimoru reagent, a dose of zimoru reagent, and a dose of zimoru reagent from within. You've unwrapped a SUPERIOR present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a box of wax lips tucked away in one of the corners.
As Enyalida said, I never buy promotions for the credits. I buy for the promotion, with the credits as the "bonus". I mean, look how many credits I have right now. I really do not need more, I do not know what to do with the ones I already have! (Note: Before you ask, they are almost all bound and thus cannot be transferred)
I even have a couple thousand just in artifacts that I have not bothered to trade in because I have nothing I want to spend them on. And, given a lack of desire to buy things with credits, there is a decided lack of reason to actually buy credits for me.
So I can't say I'm disappointed with what I got from the $20 I spent on a crate.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a Great Rune of Fire Enhancement from within. You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter. You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of fireball candies tucked away in one of the corners.
Also, I got 50 coins and wound up with a metric ass ton of dolls, plus a couple of duplicate runes I can trade in. Pretty awesome haul for $20.
That's a lot of dolls!
Re excess credits, if anyone has ideas for artifacts that would be popular that people would pay 1k, 2k, 3k+ credits for, feel free to share. (I'm actually pondering some ideas...)
I always dread the idea because they're almost uniformly really intensely powerful effects that in many ways become the new meta, shifting the overall combat window upwards - not just the ceiling, but the floor too.
EDIT: Also, they do so seeking a solution to something that just isn't a problem. Afew players having a big stockpile of credits isn't a big deal. As Xenthos just said, he still keeps making purchases anyways.
Reduce the price on a lot of the higher priced artifacts, especially ones people rarely use. Maybe they'll use them and buy them more if they weren't so pricy. >. >
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Reduce the price on a lot of the higher priced artifacts, especially ones people rarely use. Maybe they'll use them and buy them more if they weren't so pricy. >. >
I still refuse to buy the damage enhancement / resistance runes; they are an excessive price for a 9% bonus. There are othet artifacts that I would probably splurge on if they were not as expensive (such as one of those 30% credit reduction promotions). As far as 1k+ artifact ideas go, I always have a rough time coming up with reasonable ones.
I would probably pay a bit for something that gives a large +bal/+eq bonus when not engaged in PvP though.
I don't own a cubix yet, despite having a hilarious slew of artifacts.
The reason is - if I'm around enough to have a shot at Seals, might as well wait that out. Otherwise, the slim chance at getting a torus is always more attractive.
Maybe if you opened torus purchases for a limited time at a high credit premium, that'd be interesting? Otherwise, I don't think we're in need of more stuff. The only artifact I'm really, really interested in now is still one that can help me inventory-condense the stuff I already got.
Random aside - I personally like the promos that tie into credit purchases more, since that produces org credits as well. That fact alone helps compel me to buy more than I would otherwise.
Other random aside - I still want more gnewpies again! Somehow. Someway. Wink wink.
Maybe as an upgrade to the cubix, costing 250 ish credits per special exit?
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Re excess credits, if anyone has ideas for artifacts that would be popular that people would pay 1k, 2k, 3k+ credits for, feel free to share. (I'm actually pondering some ideas...)
You know, if you updated the torus so that after you have your six exits you can pay some credits to wipe an exit and replace it, I might actually use them. My torus still has exactly zero exits to anywhere because I hate the idea of making an exit to a place and then later getting another artifact that takes me there.
You know, if you updated the torus so that after you have your six exits you can pay some credits to wipe an exit and replace it, I might actually use them. My torus still has exactly zero exits to anywhere because I hate the idea of making an exit to a place and then later getting another artifact that takes me there.
Also, I got 50 coins and wound up with a metric ass ton of dolls, plus a couple of duplicate runes I can trade in. Pretty awesome haul for $20.
That's a lot of dolls!
Re excess credits, if anyone has ideas for artifacts that would be popular that people would pay 1k, 2k, 3k+ credits for, feel free to share. (I'm actually pondering some ideas...)
Although this isn't the price range you asked for... would it be possible to consider moving some of the stuff locked behind promo currencies to plain credits, or to give similar alternatives?
my situation is... I still have many many skills to work on, but I don't really want to spend unless I can also knock out some stuff that would make pvp much less painful... maybe there are some others that feel about the same..?
Well, I'm definitely displeased with the contents of my crate. I got 15 presents, which came out as:
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a bag of red lollipops and a roll of candy mints from within.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of red lollipops tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly store the poison dulak in your rift.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of cream chews tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly store the poison saxitin in your rift.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of fireball candies tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly store the poison charybdon in your rift.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of bubblegum candy tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of blue lollipops tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly store cloudberry tea in your rift.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of cream chews tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of jelly baby candies tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly store 34 ambermalt and 36 redtint in your rift.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a box of wax lips tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly store 55 colewort and 74 goldentonic in your rift.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of cream chews tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a package containing five travel curios from
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of jelly baby candies tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a bag of fireball candies, a box of rock candy, a pack of candied liquorice roots, a roll of candy mints, and a roll of candy mints from within.
You've unwrapped a SUPERIOR present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a box of wax lips tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a ceramic teapot from within.
You've unwrapped a SUPERIOR present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of bubblegum candy tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly store quicksilver in your rift.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a pack of candied liquorice roots tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of fireball candies tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of fireball candies tucked away in one of the corners.
The only thing I can see myself using from that is the golden tonic and the wax lips. The teapot's a good novelty item, I guess. The rest of it was just disappointing.
The lollipops are pretty decent, you should be able to sell them for something. Otherwise yeah, ouch. That's a lot of mints and fireballs. That's why I'd never participate in a double--random promotion like that, especially with the nerfed presents.
Alas, such is the nature of the RNG promotions. Coins appear to be the best crate payout. I bought 3, 2 had coins and 1 had goop. Netted roughly 900 credits and 300 dingbats for $60. WAY more than what you get for $60 of directly purchased credits. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Got a crit rune, and now i'm running out of ideas of what to buy. I don't really want a tam or a cameo, and I have all the other big arties. MORE ARTIES PLZ.
Anyway, I've asked IRE to let us also put our solstice crates up as well. (I know it's not really a solstice, but it is an Equinox!)
BTW, if anyone has ideas for promotions, I am certainly open to hearing it!
You quickly unwrap a Festive Crate of Solstice Cheer, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into the
air, and excitedly pull 15 presents from within.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly store 53 marble and 65 juniper in your rift.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of candy mints
tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull an aetheric keystone from within.
You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of candy mints
tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull an aetheric keystone from within.
You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of cream chews
tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of fireball
candies tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a pack of candied
liquorice roots tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly store vanilla oil in your rift.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a box of wax lips tucked
away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within.
You've unwrapped a SUPERIOR present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of bubblegum
candy tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a Great Rune of Fire Enhancement from within.
You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of fireball
candies tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a gleaming crystal ball from within.
You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of bubblegum
candy tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a bag of fireball candies, a bag of fireball candies, a bag of red lollipops, a bag of red
lollipops, a bag of red lollipops, a box of wax lips, a roll of candy mints, a roll of cream chews, and a roll of cream
chews from within.
You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of red lollipops
tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a king's ransom of golden sovereigns from within.
You've unwrapped a SUPERIOR present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of jelly baby
candies tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a roll of 189 dingbats from within.
You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a bag of red lollipops
tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a professional dartboard from within.
You've unwrapped an EXCEPTIONAL present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of bubblegum
candy tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a package containing five fine hair curios from within.
You've unwrapped a STANDARD present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a roll of bubblegum
candy tucked away in one of the corners.
You quickly unwrap a present wrapped in pumpkin paper, which sprays glittering silver dust and cheerful confetti into
the air, and excitedly pull a dose of zimoru reagent, a dose of zimoru reagent, a dose of zimoru reagent, a dose of
zimoru reagent, and a dose of zimoru reagent from within.
You've unwrapped a SUPERIOR present! Type PRESENTS to see your Gift Counter.
You reach into a present wrapped in pumpkin paper for a second time and rummage around, finding a box of wax lips tucked
away in one of the corners.
I even have a couple thousand just in artifacts that I have not bothered to trade in because I have nothing I want to spend them on. And, given a lack of desire to buy things with credits, there is a decided lack of reason to actually buy credits for me.
Re excess credits, if anyone has ideas for artifacts that would be popular that people would pay 1k, 2k, 3k+ credits for, feel free to share. (I'm actually pondering some ideas...)
I still refuse to buy the damage enhancement / resistance runes; they are an excessive price for a 9% bonus. There are othet artifacts that I would probably splurge on if they were not as expensive (such as one of those 30% credit reduction promotions). As far as 1k+ artifact ideas go, I always have a rough time coming up with reasonable ones.
This sounds very much like these candies :P