


  • Let's not get too sidetracked with goldsinks here though. I think it's better if another thread is started with goldsink ideas and let this one remain concerned with auctions :)
  • Hrm. If we're doing artifacts for gold, I personally think that the following would be a good idea to add.

    Great Rune of Enchantment
    Great Rune of Glassworking
    a Great Rune of the Tobacconist

    As those three are always useful, and especially the Glasswork rune may be one of those things you're unlikely to spend credits on, but can spend gold on.

    A Drop of Extraspatial Aethersource
    A Dose of Relative Dimensional Liquefication
    Bubble of Popularity
    Dimensional Anomaly

    Same as those above, but I don't find them to be as important to add to the auction as the three runes.

    Besides those, I'd like to see some interesting utility artifacts such as.

    Gaudy Glamrock
    Great Rune of (Influencing)
    Dimensional Needle
    Golden Paintbrush
    Great Rune of Spatial Expansion
    Master Sketch Seal
    Great Rune of Enchanted Focus
    Figurine Rune
    Silver Shovel
    Rune of Winter/Summer's Bane

    And lastly, a few artifacts to really suck the gold out of the wealthy.

    Pearl Ring
    Bloodstone Ring
    Sapphire Ring
    Ruby Ring
    Bar of Golden Soap
    Rune of Vitality/Meditation/Charming Manners
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • DysDys
    edited January 2013
    Shaddus said:

    Obviously we need to be able to buy presents with gold

    You can obtain presents for gold, just not at a predictable cost:

    Buy travel curios for gold,
    Trade me any swan tail, left foot or sun 3rd beams,

    Auctions for gold could be interesting. Might temporarily drop credit prices a little but likely not for long.

  • My real problem with the concept of a gold auction is that it just constitutes a way to bypass the credit market for things that people would normally buy credits to purchase. Why bother having this mechanic anymore if this is how we are going to do things? All of my other concerns are really second to this notion. I don't think it's going to break the game, by any stretch of the imagination, I think it is just backwards to create ways to bypass long-standing mechanics for no other reason than that people don't like the current going rate on the market. Things that are not normally purchasable don't really cause a problem here because under normal conditions buying credits from the market still wouldn't get you this item.
  • This happening once a year or as the current situation, once in never, will hardly create a systemic problem.

    It could be annoying to people who game the credit market and worry that the cost of credits will drop if people try to shore up their cash for such an auction.

    I just don't see a problem in any of your concerns. 

  • Yeah... This won't become "how we do things" just because we have one auction with gold. How many artifacts do you think are sold on a yearly basis? I have no clue, but a wild guesstimate into the wild air would say about a thousand. Could be off by a whole lot, of course, but let's go with that number.

    Then, let's go with that there will be 25 gold auctions. I have no clue if this will be the final number, but it's the current amount of auctions, so let's go with that.

    25 artifacts bought with gold among 1000 would constitute about... 2.5%. Yeah, that's pretty minimal, and won't even come close to "how we do things".
  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    I noticed that so far the poisonist charm isn't doing too hot and I'm getting the feeling most people don't see it as being very valuable or desireable at this time. Is there a particular reason why there's only a 30% chance it shows a poison proc on another? Perhaps I can be convinced otherwise, but I don't think a 100% chance would be too OP.
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    edited January 2013
    30% chance to see a poison, which not all classes typically use, is pretty gimpy. I'd be surprised if it goes past 100.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Only real way to see how things are doing is to wait for the curtain-call. I doubt that most of the big spenders have weighed in yet. Things tend to jump up dramatically at the end.

    That said, I too have no interest in a 30% chance.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.

    Just as a note, I think Shikha is saying that the suggestion of a gold artifact auction is just a method for people with a lot of gold to buy artifacts at a discounted price..because no one is going to pay more than the credit value of an artifact in gold if they can just buy the credits and get the artifact.....rather than a legitimate way to remove excess gold from the market.


    Namely because anyone with common sense should know one time, one winner gold auctions would do zilch to the gold/credit issue.


    For fun, unique, RP/QoL artifacts I don't see a problem. The long list of very useful, influential artifacts being listed is kind of over the top. Hey, I'm all about getting discounted artifacts, but don't try to mask it with false justifications about the gold market or whatever. Who are we kidding.

  • And the end result is...

    **************************************************[ Current Auctions ]**************************************************
    Id  Status Max/Min      Title                          Winner     Days Left
    1   WON     750/ 750    Custom Ikon                    Xenthos            0
    2   WON     250/ 250    Poisonists Charm               Shinza             0
    3   WON     255/ 255    Poisonists Charm               Neraiche           0
    4   WON     255/ 255    Poisonists Charm               Sidd               0
    5   WON     505/ 505    Magnifying Glass               Ayisdra            0
    6   WON     505/ 505    Magnifying Glass               Dys                0
    7   WON     450/ 450    Magnifying Glass               Nihta              0
    8   WON      75/  75    Tattoo Goggles                 Ayisdra            0
    9   WON      65/  65    Tattoo Goggles                 Steingrim          0
    10  WON      65/  65    Tattoo Goggles                 Azula              0
    11  WON    1510/1510    Boots of Shanth                Skye               0
    12  WON     305/ 305    Docking Bay                    Morbo              0
    13  WON     300/ 300    Docking Bay                    Morshoth           0
    14  WON     305/ 305    Docking Bay                    Munsia             0
    15  WON     400/ 400    Clarramore's Worst             Morbo              0
    16  WON     405/ 405    Clarramore's Worst             Silvanus           0
    17  WON     400/ 400    Clarramore's Worst             Morbo              0
    18  WON    1105/1105    Wand of Ice                    Llandros           0
    19  WON     605/ 605    Wand of Fire                   Shuyin             0
    20  WON    3010/3010    Wand of Windwalls              Ethelon            0
    21  WON    2225/2225    Wand of Illusions              Ethelon            0
    22  WON     810/ 810    Dragon Breath Gauntlet         Morkarion          0
    23  WON    1010/1010    Thorn Cloak                    Malarious          0
    24  WON    4505/4505    Crit Hit Lvl 4                 Kelly              0
    25  WON    1305/1305    Shallah's Tear                 Xenthos            0

    Congratulations to all the winners!
  • Oh, and a suggestion for auctions after hearing the chatter afterwards... Perhaps add a line in STAT with "reserved credits", which only show up if it's an amount greater than zero, and everytime you bid on an auction, the credits are moved to that instead of just "disappearing"? Would resolve a lot of issues with how much is left to pay and so on.
  • And, since they popped up just now:

    **************************************************[ Current Auctions ]**************************************************
    Id  Status    Max / Min    Title                                                                   Winner     Days Left
    26  OPEN   ---/   1000     Transplanar Torus                                                       ---              125
    27  OPEN   ---/   1000     Merciless Crow Censer                                                   ---              125
    28  OPEN   ---/   1000     Majestic Hart Censer                                                    ---              125
    29  OPEN   ---/   1000     Shifting Seas Censer                                                    ---              125
    30  OPEN   ---/   1000     Tainted Earth Censer                                                    ---              125
    31  OPEN   ---/   1000     Sacred Flames Censer                                                    ---              125
    32  OPEN   ---/   1000     Censer of the Clouds                                                    ---              125
    33  OPEN   ---/   1000     Rune of Absorption                                                      ---              125
    34  OPEN   ---/   1000     Aetheric Quickening Ring                                                ---              125
    35  OPEN   ---/   1000     Circlet of Lucidity                                                     ---              125

    ** Summary for Auction #26 *********************************************
    Title:                                     (Days until closing: 125)
         Transplanar Torus
         a transplanar torus
    Current bid:
         1000 golden sovereigns.
         A transplanar Works exactly like a cubix but takes you to a
         personal room. Personal room has 6 exits of your choice with the
         following limitations: 1) the exit must be to a known plane
         (prime/ethereal/elemental/cosmic/astral), specifically it may
         not exit into a manse or aetherbubble; 2) it cannot exit into a
         commune, city or village; 3) it cannot exit within five rooms of
         an avatar-flagged denizen related to a city or commune, and 4)
         all exits will be subject to  approval by the admin at their
         sole discretion. It is recommended that you check with the admin
         prior to purchasing this artifact to see if the exits you want
         would be approved to avoid misunderstandings. NOTE: THIS IS IN
         ADDITION TO NORMAL CUBIX EXITS (the special room has a down exit
         to the higher planar fulcrux as well as the 6 custom exits)

    ** Summary for Auction #27 *********************************************
    Title:                                     (Days until closing: 125)
         Merciless Crow Censer
         a shadowy Censer of the Merciless Crow
    Current bid:
         1000 golden sovereigns.
         Lighting this censer will temporarily change the
         environment to wyrden woods (in the same manner as a Crow Druid
         would). However, this will not break (or infest) a melded
         environment. In the hands of a Crow Druid, equilibrium recovery
         for changing the environment to wyrden woods will be cut by .5
         seconds. Costs 1p to activate.

    ** Summary for Auction #28 *********************************************
    Title:                                     (Days until closing: 125)
         Majestic Hart Censer
         a pale Censer of the Majestic Hart
    Current bid:
         1000 golden sovereigns.
         Lighting this censer will temporarily change the
         environment to forest (in the same manner as a Hart Druid
         would). However, this will not break (or forceforest) a melded
         environment. In the hands of a Hart Druid, equilibrium recovery
         for changing the environment to forest will be cut by .5
         seconds. Costs 1p to activate.

    ** Summary for Auction #29 *********************************************
    Title:                                     (Days until closing: 125)
         Shifting Seas Censer
         an icy blue Censer of the Shifting Seas
    Current bid:
         1000 golden sovereigns.
         Lighting this censer will temporarily flood an environment
         (in the same manner as an Aquamancer would). However, this will
         not break (or forceflood) a melded environment. In the hands of
         an Aquamancer, equilibrium recovery for flooding an environment
         will be cut by .5 seconds. Costs 1p to activate.

    ** Summary for Auction #30 *********************************************
    Title:                                     (Days until closing: 125)
         Tainted Earth Censer
         a twisted Censer of the Tainted Earth
    Current bid:
         1000 golden sovereigns.
         Lighting this censer will temporarily change the
         environment to tainted (in the same manner as a Geomancer
         would). However, this will not break (or forcetaint) a melded
         environment. In the hands of a Geomancer, equilibrium recovery
         for tainting the environment will be cut by .5 seconds. Costs 1p
         to activate.

    ** Summary for Auction #31 *********************************************
    Title:                                     (Days until closing: 125)
         Sacred Flames Censer
         a burning Censer of the Sacred Flames
    Current bid:
         1000 golden sovereigns.
         Lighting this censer will temporarily combust an
         environment (in the same manner as an Pyromancer would).
         However, this will not break (or forcecombust) a melded
         environment. In the hands of an Pyromancer, equilibrium recovery
         for combusting an environment will be cut by .5 seconds. Costs
         1p to activate.

    ** Summary for Auction #32 *********************************************
    Title:                                     (Days until closing: 125)
         Censer of the Clouds
         a misty Censer of the Clouds
    Current bid:
         1000 golden sovereigns.
         Lighting this censer will temporarily change the
         environment to clouds (in the same manner as a Aeromancer
         would). However, this will not break (or forcecondensate) a
         melded environment. In the hands of a Aeromancer, equilibrium
         recovery for condensating the environment will be cut by .5
         seconds. Costs 1p to activate.

    ** Summary for Auction #33 *********************************************
    Title:                                     (Days until closing: 125)
         Rune of Absorption
         a Great Rune of Absorption
    Current bid:
         1000 golden sovereigns.
         Imbues you with a 15% chance of absorbing all physical
         damage. Only one will ever be effective per person (i.e., does
         not stack).

    ** Summary for Auction #34 *********************************************
    Title:                                     (Days until closing: 125)
         Aetheric Quickening Ring
         a ring of aetheric quickening
    Current bid:
         1000 golden sovereigns.
         - Speeds up teleporting, tesseracting, ghostwalking,
         milestones, pyramid and pentagon puzzles, and some other forms
         of teleportation.

    ** Summary for Auction #35 *********************************************
    Title:                                     (Days until closing: 125)
         Circlet of Lucidity
         a Circlet of Lucidity
    Current bid:
         1000 golden sovereigns.
         Your sanity will be partially protected while travelling
         the astral planes (approximately 50%).

  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    I think this looks like a pretty good auction! Interested to see how much gold everything ends up going for.
  • Putting the censers in there is going to make this quite the gold sink.

    Speaking of, does anyone want to buy everything I have?

  • Llandros said:
    Putting the censers in there is going to make this quite the gold sink.

    Speaking of, does anyone want to buy everything I have?
    In the past the censors have gone for about 400-600 credits (depending on which one). They are not going to be as much of a gold sink as the Torus.
  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    Suddenly I see CFS is about to plummet. Wonder if this is why Eventru was asking about credit|db ratios on market yesterday.

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • Ayisdra said:
    Llandros said:
    Putting the censers in there is going to make this quite the gold sink.

    Speaking of, does anyone want to buy everything I have?
    In the past the censors have gone for about 400-600 credits (depending on which one). They are not going to be as much of a gold sink as the Torus.
    Except they haven't been in the last 50 auctions making them extremely rare.

  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    edited January 2013
    Well keep in mind, people will tend to be a lot more frivolous with excess gold they aren't using than with credits which are pretty much always valuable. It won't surprise me if they go very, very, very high, making an excellent gold sink. Even the lesser artis on that list will do a fantastic job.
  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    I approve of this auction.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    But... But... I have all of these.

    Custom ikon for gold please!
  • Xenthos said:
    But... But... I have all of these. Custom ikon for gold please!
    Custom curio!
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Eventru said:
    Xenthos said:
    But... But... I have all of these. Custom ikon for gold please!
    Custom curio!
    Will pay gold.
  • Xenthos said:
    Eventru said:
    Xenthos said:
    But... But... I have all of these. Custom ikon for gold please!
    Custom curio!
    Will pay gold.
    *chin* We should auction 10 bits, see if someone can get them all through bidding or trading...
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    edited January 2013
    I'll just bid on one and never trade rub it.  Foiled!
  • Xenthos said:
    I'll just bid on one and never trade rub it.  Foiled!
    That's not foiled, that's evil mastery, since that curio would make the Destruction power 100% divinus type.

    Can't say we didn't give you a chance then!  8-X
  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    So unless I'm doing something wrong, this gauntlet doesn't do what it says on the tin.

    Fire walls come up, but no actual rooms get set on fire, even in woodland*. Bugged it just in case.

    *Any Seren's reading this, there's some inactive fire walls at your entrances.

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    Joy, more people lighting places of fire. That went so well last time. 
  • KarlachKarlach God of Kittens.
    Enyalida said:
    Joy, more people lighting places of fire. That went so well last time. 
    Except it doesn't actually work. I tested it in a field at first, nothing, and I wasn't exactly going to burn the Glomdoring.

    The divine voice of Avechna, the Avenger reverberates powerfully, "Congratulations, Morkarion, you are the Bringer of Death indeed."

    You see Estarra the Eternal shout, "Morkarion is no more! Mourn the mortal! But welcome True Ascendant Karlach, of the Realm of Death!

  • ShuyinShuyin The pug life chose me.
    Pretty sure it's a chance to light the room on fire. Something like 1-10%.
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