With seven alive, it takes four to reach majority lynch.
Mob Mentality is in effect: Based on the current votes, @Kaimanahi will be lynched at the end of the dayphase.
(Day Five will end at 10/14, Saturday, at 6:00 PM EST, or when a majority lynch is reached.)
*Reminder that we are looking for a replacement player for Thyelleia! If she is not replaced by the end of the dayphase, her role will be modvigged. PM me if you're interested.*
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
You jailed Portius on night 1 and Silvanus died, so last night's the only time you jailed me and no one died. Also the only night Portius/I didn't discover a power!
Silvanus died to Sidd, unless I'm mistaken.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Sidd said he killed Yarith on Night 2 with his one shot nightkill power (page 12 and again on page 18). No one claimed Silvanus' death on Night 1 so that one must have been the mafia.
I did wonder how you could suspect me when I've got a proven town power and am accounted for every night.
I'll vote for Dys to save myself, but I'm going to hold my position that I think we'll win if Thyelleia leaves the game. @Shaddus, I think you jailed her on the night of the arsonist kills when there was no mafia kill. She also admitted to trying to act on Saobutt on the night where I came to the conclusion that Saobutt was a lover. Her timeline for justifying that action is off; she couldn't have "believed Sao 90%" when Sao hadn't claimed anything yet, and if Thyelleia assumed lovers, then there would have been no reason to block her. I've explained the other reasons why I'm suspecting her, which I won't rehash.
So, gg, I think we win. But I'm going to Vote Cyndarin, in the event that there is some 3p condition keeping us in. There's also a chance Cyndarin is lying about her ability, which none of us can corroborate.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
You all vote for @Kaimanahi to hang for her crimes, and learn that she was...
The Witch of the Waste from Howl's Moving Castle!
Your heart was eaten away by a demon long ago, leaving you a spiteful creature consumed by your own vanity. Though you were once a beautiful soul, your lust for power and control has led you to do unspeakable things, such as transforming a young girl into an old woman out of a moment's jealousy. You're a dominant personality with a need to be, well, dominant, and though without your abilities you are a hollow and harmless shell, with them you're quite a force to be reckoned with. Redirector: With your vast powers of control, you make sure whatever was supposed to target player A targets player B instead (but not vice versa!). However, those who are forced to redirect their actions -will- know they've been controlled by an outside force, so be careful! (As a note, this redirects mafia abilities as much as it redirects town abilities, so coordinate with your team accordingly.)
You win with the Mafia, and may confer with its members at night.
Your Safe-Claim is: the Catbus from My Neighbor Totoro.
In addition, you are sad to see @Thyelleia has been modvigged.
Thyelleia was...
Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro!
So big, cute, and fluffy, it's no wonder you're the mascot and darling of Studio Ghibli! (Take that, Catbus.) A large and friendly forest spirit, you keep quiet vigil over your surroundings and work to help those deserving of your assistance. You're a wonderful neighbor, all told! Even though you snore very, very loudly. Allegedly. Roleblocker: In case you haven't noticed, you're a large fellow! Every night you can choose to stand in front of another player, effectively blocking them from taking any actions that night as you take a nice, well deserved nap.
You win with the Town.
Victorious and saddened, the remaining five of you retire for the night...
IT IS NOW NIGHT FIVE! Please send me your night actions by PM before the twenty-four hours have expired. Otherwise, you will take no action this night. Please do not post in this thread until the next dayphase.
(Night Five will end at 7pm EST on Sunday, 10/15, or when all night actions are received.)
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
edited October 2017
You rub your eyes and wake up to see all five of you congregate at morning. Which is to say, no one has died this night.
~It is Day Six~
With five alive, it takes three to reach majority lynch. Mob Mentality is in effect.
(Day Six will end at 10/18, Wednesday, at 11:30 PM EST, or when a majority lynch is reached.)
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Another one bites the dust! I confirm that I was jailed so have no new information, which is a shame. Surely it would have been more useful to not jail me and confirm Cyndarin/Sidd's powers? Never mind. At least you kept me safe.
Ordassa, did you see anything to help?
If the mafia isn't killing then are they doing something else, like another arsonist. Or are there other roles with delayed set up/execute? If only we had some way to check...
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Everyone holds their breath as @Dys is lynched, and you learn that she was....
Nago from Princess Mononoke!
A boar god transformed into a demon after being attacked by the Lady Eboshi, you curse all you touch to die and perish. You're filled with so much hate and aggression that there is little trace of the wise and noble beast you once were, and it leads you to lash out without warning at all in your path. Poisoner: Every night, you may choose a target to curse with your death worms. If successful, they will die at the end of the following dayphase. As a note, this can be prevented by the doctor during the nightphase like any other kill.
You win with the Mafia, and may confer with its members at night.
Your Safe-Claim is: Ashitaka, the hero of Princess Mononoke who is cursed by Nago's touch.
Remaining roles and the complete list of night actions will be up shortly!
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
Remaining roles!
@Ordassa was... Arrietty from the Secret World of Arrietty!
One of the Borrowers, you are a brave young woman no larger than a thumb who lives a secret life hidden in floorboards and gardens with your family, living off the scraps that humans leave behind. Boundless curiosity however leads you to explore beyond the safety of your home, leading you on unexpected adventures with unexpected new friends, and dangers. Tracker: So tiny no one will notice you, it's easy for you to slip into someone's pocket and follow them to see who they visit for the night!
You win with the Town.
@Sidd was... San, otherwise known as Princess Mononoke - from Princess Mononoke, of course!
You may be a "princess" but you're definitely no damsel in distress. You're not afraid to whip out your blade and get your hands bloody, especially when it comes to protecting your family. Oh, and your family is full of wolves! Raised by the wolf goddess Moro, you find it difficult to empathize with the humans who harm the creatures of the forest - even though, yes, you are technically one of them. Vigilante: You are a vigilante with two kills: One Nightkill and One Daykill!
1-Time Nightkill: This is done by PM at night, and again, can only be done once. If the nightkill is blocked or negated in any way, that kill is still seen as used up, so act carefully.
1-Time Daykill: This is done by posting during the dayphase, and should be activated by the following: DAYKILL <PLAYER>. All players will see that you committed the kill, so again, please exert caution!
You win with the Town.
@Cyndarin was... Nausicaa, from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind!
Your small kingdom seeks peace in a war-torn post-apocalyptic world, and you just happen to be up to the challenge of ruling them in these uncertain times. Described as committed and determined even in the face of adversity, and possessed of a love for all life, you studied the ecology of your world to understand the harsh environment around you.
1-Time Immunity: Your knowledge of war, corruption, and pollution makes you a difficult adversary, and as such, you can escape the clutches of death exactly once.
You win with the Town.
@Shaddus was... Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service!
From your adorable little black cat familiar, to your floofy broom, and your job delivering parcels via that floofy broom, you're a fun and spunky heroine who gave the "magical girl" genre a delightful new meaning. Being a thirteen year old witch isn't easy, but that doesn't mean flying on a broom can't be fun, too! Jailer: Every night, you can ask someone to help you make your deliveries. This will cause them to fly away from the game - making them unable to take an action, or be acted upon, that night. (Note: You will still be affected by anyone who targets you, of course.)
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
For the record - I was totally right about Portius. I'm not sure if he really knew that Lehki was the arsonist or if it was a stab in the dark.
And Cyndarin was being weird.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
edited October 2017
Overall Thoughts:
1) I wanted to harshly limit the amount of message flavour I brought into this game, because I've seen how strong that can be in town's favour. So I intentionally made very mechanically clear messages in PMs, but left the identity of who did the action as secretive as I could (ex, you knew you had been carried away by someone who flies if you were jailed, but you wouldn't immediately know it was Kiki over, say, Porco Rosso!). I think that made the game more interesting, and involved more guesswork from all parties. This is also why the Town investigator simply saw alignment - I didn't want her to be able to guess at powers.
2) I wanted to make this game accessible to newer players and older players, regardless of if they knew Studio Ghibli. It helped a little if you were familiar with either mafia or the movies, but my goal was to throw very few curveballs mechanically. So no one's alignment changed (except for hypothetically No-Face), and even the silent arsonist was forewarned by having a Firefighter in play.
3) Mob mentality is a really cool mechanic that @Vivet introduced and I knew I wanted to give it a go from the moment I started her mafia game. I really loved the shorter dayphases and the sense of chance, that anything could happen at the last minute. I do think it was harder on people who couldn't meet the end of the deadline, though, so there's a con there.
4) I chose to do the Lovers instead of regular Mason because I wanted to see how that urgency played out in mob mentality (ie, knowing you'd die if someone else was voted off, but not being able to explicitly tell the mafia so). I considered briefly adding in a Bomb, but decided against it since the Lovers was already in play.
5) I deliberately chose against adding a Watcher because they're very powerful and just about every game I've had with one, a mafia gets outed by a smart Watcher. Tracker is strong too but it has more room for doubt as we saw on Day 2, and I liked seeing how Tracker worked on its own.
6) I tried to make less confirmable powers than I normally do, though I'm not sure how well I succeeded at that. I wanted to be sure that mafia had town who could feasibly be seen as suspicious late-game. In retrospect, I might have made the roleblocker a mafia power, because having two roleblockers town-side can be damning late game once people narrow down suspects. Definitely am curious how a Governor might have worked in a game like this, with a lot of swinging vote trains! So that's a regret too.
7) I let the mafia talk during the dayphase for the first time! It was a very excellent tool for a game with mob mentality, where every vote literally counts. I also liked it since this game had a greater influx of newer players, and it allowed the mafia to talk through strategies more cohesively than they would if they'd been limited to 24 hours of night chats. The @Portius claim was due to the mafia figuring out faster than the town who everyone's roles were, and by process of elimination figuring out @Lehki was the arsonist.
8) I gave mafia and the arsonist safe-claims in the hopes of making a mass claim less damning, save for Eboshi because she could hypothetically argue her way out of that situation. Though I did give most of them roles that matched their film, I hoped that the Witch of the Waste as Catbus would throw people off the trail!
9) Very curious how the game would have turned out had the Janitor, Executioner, or Poisoner powers been able to come into play!
Thanks everyone for playing - I hope you had fun, because I definitely did!
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
For the record - I was totally right about Portius. I'm not sure if he really knew that Lehki was the arsonist or if it was a stab in the dark.
Fun fact: we did know it was him, but it was a very close run thing. Othero dying to the arsonist was what more or less confirmed it for us, but we were planning that claim before we were absolutely positive. I was pretty open to swinging for it with a 50/50 shot at getting something resembling a claim or wrecking myself.
Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
You said you like the mob mentality but are concerned about people who miss end-of-day. What if there was an addition to the mob mentality games where the Admin closes the day and from that point on nobody can change their vote, but if somebody had not voted yet there is a grace time to vote. During this period no additional discussion can be had, votes must just be vote person and otherwise be empty.
One of the things I saw was that it gives a lot of cover to someone to "skip" voting ("oops, I missed the night cutoff!"), and the additional votes (or lack thereof) would be additional fodder for conversation on the next day phase instead of kind of having to shrug off people who missed voting.
I think day chat is vital with the short days and nights in a forum game. Time zones can prevent going back and forth on things during a single 24 hour period on a forum. Wouldn't be as important with longer night phases, though. Does provide a nice ability to coordinate during the day either way.
I've decided that I don't like mob mentality because I felt like I had to be present at specific times. Impact on voting and whatnot aside, it irritates me.
Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
edited October 2017
I hear that. Hypothetically mob mentality would be great for mafia because they could snipe things, but more often than not I noticed players held off on votes hoping to snipe, but then didn't get the opportunity to complete the snipe because they couldn't log in on time. Or votes didn't go as planned, so there was no train to hop on.
I think shorter dayphases + majority rules for a lynch still can bestow a sense of urgency that is lacking in longer dayphase games, without using mob mentality. I chose mob mentality this time around more because last game I hosted, we had a few days where no lynch occurred at all, and I wanted to guarantee that wouldn't happen here.
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Vote Count:
@Thyelleia: Dys (1)
Nobody: Kaimanahi (1)
@Dys: Shaddus (1)
With seven alive, it takes four to reach majority lynch.
Mob Mentality is in effect:
Based on the current votes, @Kaimanahi will be lynched at the end of the dayphase.
(Day Five will end at 10/14, Saturday, at 6:00 PM EST, or when a majority lynch is reached.)
*Reminder that we are looking for a replacement player for Thyelleia! If she is not replaced by the end of the dayphase, her role will be modvigged. PM me if you're interested.*
I did wonder how you could suspect me when I've got a proven town power and am accounted for every night.
@Thyelleia: Dys (1)
@Dys: Shaddus (1)
@Cyndarin: Kaimanahi (1)
You all vote for @Kaimanahi to hang for her crimes, and learn that she was...
The Witch of the Waste from Howl's Moving Castle!
Your heart was eaten away by a demon long ago, leaving you a spiteful creature consumed by your own vanity. Though you were once a beautiful soul, your lust for power and control has led you to do unspeakable things, such as transforming a young girl into an old woman out of a moment's jealousy. You're a dominant personality with a need to be, well, dominant, and though without your abilities you are a hollow and harmless shell, with them you're quite a force to be reckoned with.
Redirector: With your vast powers of control, you make sure whatever was supposed to target player A targets player B instead (but not vice versa!). However, those who are forced to redirect their actions -will- know they've been controlled by an outside force, so be careful! (As a note, this redirects mafia abilities as much as it redirects town abilities, so coordinate with your team accordingly.)
You win with the Mafia, and may confer with its members at night.
Your Safe-Claim is: the Catbus from My Neighbor Totoro.
In addition, you are sad to see @Thyelleia has been modvigged.
Thyelleia was...
Totoro from My Neighbor Totoro!
So big, cute, and fluffy, it's no wonder you're the mascot and darling of Studio Ghibli! (Take that, Catbus.) A large and friendly forest spirit, you keep quiet vigil over your surroundings and work to help those deserving of your assistance. You're a wonderful neighbor, all told! Even though you snore very, very loudly. Allegedly.
Roleblocker: In case you haven't noticed, you're a large fellow! Every night you can choose to stand in front of another player, effectively blocking them from taking any actions that night as you take a nice, well deserved nap.
You win with the Town.
Victorious and saddened, the remaining five of you retire for the night...
Please send me your night actions by PM before the twenty-four hours have expired. Otherwise, you will take no action this night. Please do not post in this thread until the next dayphase.
(Night Five will end at 7pm EST on Sunday, 10/15, or when all night actions are received.)
~It is Day Six~
With five alive, it takes three to reach majority lynch.
Mob Mentality is in effect.
(Day Six will end at 10/18, Wednesday, at 11:30 PM EST, or when a majority lynch is reached.)
Ordassa, did you see anything to help?
If the mafia isn't killing then are they doing something else, like another arsonist. Or are there other roles with delayed set up/execute? If only we had some way to check...
Sidd, what's your Stabby McStabbins character? And you've got a recharged daykill now haven't you?
I don't see why we need investigate, she was jailed, no kills happen, everyone else is confirmed
I'm San, or better known as Princess Mononoke.
With five alive, it takes three to reach majority lynch.
Mob Mentality is in effect:
Based on the current votes, @Dys will be lynched at the end of the dayphase.
(Day Six will end at 10/18, Wednesday, at 11:30 PM EST, or when a majority lynch is reached.)
The majority has been reached!
Everyone holds their breath as @Dys is lynched, and you learn that she was....
Nago from Princess Mononoke!
A boar god transformed into a demon after being attacked by the Lady Eboshi, you curse all you touch to die and perish. You're filled with so much hate and aggression that there is little trace of the wise and noble beast you once were, and it leads you to lash out without warning at all in your path.
Poisoner: Every night, you may choose a target to curse with your death worms. If successful, they will die at the end of the following dayphase. As a note, this can be prevented by the doctor during the nightphase like any other kill.
You win with the Mafia, and may confer with its members at night.
Your Safe-Claim is: Ashitaka, the hero of Princess Mononoke who is cursed by Nago's touch.
Remaining roles and the complete list of night actions will be up shortly!
@Ordassa was...
Arrietty from the Secret World of Arrietty!
One of the Borrowers, you are a brave young woman no larger than a thumb who lives a secret life hidden in floorboards and gardens with your family, living off the scraps that humans leave behind. Boundless curiosity however leads you to explore beyond the safety of your home, leading you on unexpected adventures with unexpected new friends, and dangers.
Tracker: So tiny no one will notice you, it's easy for you to slip into someone's pocket and follow them to see who they visit for the night!
You win with the Town.
@Sidd was...
San, otherwise known as Princess Mononoke - from Princess Mononoke, of course!
You may be a "princess" but you're definitely no damsel in distress. You're not afraid to whip out your blade and get your hands bloody, especially when it comes to protecting your family. Oh, and your family is full of wolves! Raised by the wolf goddess Moro, you find it difficult to empathize with the humans who harm the creatures of the forest - even though, yes, you are technically one of them.
Vigilante: You are a vigilante with two kills: One Nightkill and One Daykill!
1-Time Nightkill: This is done by PM at night, and again, can only be done once. If the nightkill is blocked or negated in any way, that kill is still seen as used up, so act carefully.
1-Time Daykill: This is done by posting during the dayphase, and should be activated by the following: DAYKILL <PLAYER>. All players will see that you committed the kill, so again, please exert caution!
You win with the Town.
@Cyndarin was...
Nausicaa, from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind!
Your small kingdom seeks peace in a war-torn post-apocalyptic world, and you just happen to be up to the challenge of ruling them in these uncertain times. Described as committed and determined even in the face of adversity, and possessed of a love for all life, you studied the ecology of your world to understand the harsh environment around you.
1-Time Immunity: Your knowledge of war, corruption, and pollution makes you a difficult adversary, and as such, you can escape the clutches of death exactly once.
You win with the Town.
@Shaddus was...
Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service!
From your adorable little black cat familiar, to your floofy broom, and your job delivering parcels via that floofy broom, you're a fun and spunky heroine who gave the "magical girl" genre a delightful new meaning. Being a thirteen year old witch isn't easy, but that doesn't mean flying on a broom can't be fun, too!
Jailer: Every night, you can ask someone to help you make your deliveries. This will cause them to fly away from the game - making them unable to take an action, or be acted upon, that night. (Note: You will still be affected by anyone who targets you, of course.)
You win with the Town.
Night 1:
Tremula: Investigate Portius
Ordassa: Track Shaddus
Thyelleia: Roleblock NONE
Othero: n/a
Arix: Kill Silvanus
Shaddus: Jail Portius
Sidd: Kill NONE
Ess: n/a
Vivet: Protect Ordassa
Cyndarin: n/a
Portius: Poison Vivet
Kaimanahi: Redirect Cyndarin to Shaddus
Saobutt: n/a
Lehki: Prep Saobutt for Arson
Yarith: Investigate Othero
Silvanus: Douse Vivet
[Silvanus dies; Othero becomes Ponyo]
[Lynch Tremula]
Night 2:
Ordassa: Track Cyndarin
Thyelleia: Roleblock Saobutt
Othero: Douse Ordassa
Arix: Kill Cyndarin
Shaddus: Jail Saobutt
Sidd: Kill Yarith
Ess: n/a
Vivet: Protect Shaddus
Cyndarin: Survives attack!
Portius: Poison Saobutt
Kaimanahi: Redirect Kelly to Othero
Saobutt: n/a
Lehki: Prep Kaimanahi for Arson
Yarith: Investigate Sidd
[Yarith dies]
[Saobutt & Ess are daykilled]
[Lynch Arix]
Night 3:
Ordassa: Track Portius
Thyelleia: Block Kaimanahi
Othero: Douse Celina
Shaddus: Jail Thyelleia
Sidd: n/a
Vivet: Protect Shaddus
Cyndarin: n/a
Portius: Kill Vivet
Kaimanahi: Redirect Portius to Sidd
[Vivet dies; Othero arson-ignites]
[Lynch Lehki]
[Dys takes over for Portius]
Night 4:
Ordassa: Track Thyelleia
Thyelleia: Block Kaimanahi
Shaddus: Jail Dys
Sidd: n/a
Cyndarin: n/a
Dys: Kill Shaddus
Kaimanahi: Redirect Sidd to Thyelleia
[no one dies]
[Lynch Kaimanahi]
[Thyelleia is modvigged]
Night 5:
Ordassa: Track Cyndarin
Shaddus: Jail Dys
Sidd: n/a
Cyndarin: n/a
Dys: Kill Shaddus
[no one dies]
[Lynch Dys - Town wins!]
And Cyndarin was being weird.
1) I wanted to harshly limit the amount of message flavour I brought into this game, because I've seen how strong that can be in town's favour. So I intentionally made very mechanically clear messages in PMs, but left the identity of who did the action as secretive as I could (ex, you knew you had been carried away by someone who flies if you were jailed, but you wouldn't immediately know it was Kiki over, say, Porco Rosso!). I think that made the game more interesting, and involved more guesswork from all parties. This is also why the Town investigator simply saw alignment - I didn't want her to be able to guess at powers.
2) I wanted to make this game accessible to newer players and older players, regardless of if they knew Studio Ghibli. It helped a little if you were familiar with either mafia or the movies, but my goal was to throw very few curveballs mechanically. So no one's alignment changed (except for hypothetically No-Face), and even the silent arsonist was forewarned by having a Firefighter in play.
3) Mob mentality is a really cool mechanic that @Vivet introduced and I knew I wanted to give it a go from the moment I started her mafia game. I really loved the shorter dayphases and the sense of chance, that anything could happen at the last minute. I do think it was harder on people who couldn't meet the end of the deadline, though, so there's a con there.
4) I chose to do the Lovers instead of regular Mason because I wanted to see how that urgency played out in mob mentality (ie, knowing you'd die if someone else was voted off, but not being able to explicitly tell the mafia so). I considered briefly adding in a Bomb, but decided against it since the Lovers was already in play.
5) I deliberately chose against adding a Watcher because they're very powerful and just about every game I've had with one, a mafia gets outed by a smart Watcher. Tracker is strong too but it has more room for doubt as we saw on Day 2, and I liked seeing how Tracker worked on its own.
6) I tried to make less confirmable powers than I normally do, though I'm not sure how well I succeeded at that. I wanted to be sure that mafia had town who could feasibly be seen as suspicious late-game. In retrospect, I might have made the roleblocker a mafia power, because having two roleblockers town-side can be damning late game once people narrow down suspects. Definitely am curious how a Governor might have worked in a game like this, with a lot of swinging vote trains! So that's a regret too.
7) I let the mafia talk during the dayphase for the first time! It was a very excellent tool for a game with mob mentality, where every vote literally counts. I also liked it since this game had a greater influx of newer players, and it allowed the mafia to talk through strategies more cohesively than they would if they'd been limited to 24 hours of night chats. The @Portius claim was due to the mafia figuring out faster than the town who everyone's roles were, and by process of elimination figuring out @Lehki was the arsonist.
8) I gave mafia and the arsonist safe-claims in the hopes of making a mass claim less damning, save for Eboshi because she could hypothetically argue her way out of that situation. Though I did give most of them roles that matched their film, I hoped that the Witch of the Waste as Catbus would throw people off the trail!
9) Very curious how the game would have turned out had the Janitor, Executioner, or Poisoner powers been able to come into play!
Thanks everyone for playing - I hope you had fun, because I definitely did!
Fun fact: we did know it was him, but it was a very close run thing. Othero dying to the arsonist was what more or less confirmed it for us, but we were planning that claim before we were absolutely positive. I was pretty open to swinging for it with a 50/50 shot at getting something resembling a claim or wrecking myself.
One of the things I saw was that it gives a lot of cover to someone to "skip" voting ("oops, I missed the night cutoff!"), and the additional votes (or lack thereof) would be additional fodder for conversation on the next day phase instead of kind of having to shrug off people who missed voting.
I've decided that I don't like mob mentality because I felt like I had to be present at specific times. Impact on voting and whatnot aside, it irritates me.
I think shorter dayphases + majority rules for a lynch still can bestow a sense of urgency that is lacking in longer dayphase games, without using mob mentality. I chose mob mentality this time around more because last game I hosted, we had a few days where no lynch occurred at all, and I wanted to guarantee that wouldn't happen here.