I was trying to buy some last minute genies (because I still haven't managed a single complete set this month) and my cart got emptied - doh! The price of coins got very high this month. To compare, last month 45 genie pieces and 45 coins cost only $69.99 - $1.56/coin not factoring in a genie piece. This month, 50 coins costs $79.98 or $1.60/coin without any genie pieces. For the significant cost increase, are rewards going to be that much better? I'm interested, but maybe curious for more details!ANNOUNCE NEWS #2771Date: 11/1/2017 at 0:01From: Estarra the EternalTo : EveryoneSubj: Turning of the Wheel November PromotionFor the month of November, we are offering Czigany coins for saledirectly on the website which allows spins on the UPDATED Wheel ofTzaraziko. https://www.lusternia.com/credits/But wait ... the Wheel of Tzaraziko has been updated? Yes! The rewardsand chances of rewards have been significantly updated to be morevaried, and the bonus counter from spins has been reverted to itspre-March levels (i.e., you'll hit the bonuses sooner). In addition,there is a new item available on the wheel: Fortune Cookies!FORTUNE COOKIESThese new rewards provide wheel-exclusive artifacts. When you EAT afortune cookie, there is a chance of getting one the following:Ascension Discs- See HELP 19.10.19Mantles (can only wear one)- Mantle of the Fae1/10 Magical Damage Buff1/10 Magical Damage ResistanceSWIRL to apply faeriefire to all enemies in room- Mantle of Fire1/10 Fire Damage Buff1/10 Cold Damage ResistanceSWIRL to apply ablaze to all enemies in room- Mantle of Frost1/10 Cold Damage Buff1/10 Fire Damage ResistanceSWIRL to apply frozen to all enemies in room- Mantle of Despair1/10 Excorable Damage Buff1/10 Excorable Damage ReistanceSWIRL to apply a random hidden plague aff to all enemies in roomTongue Studs (can only wear one)- TWIST while worn to change how your tells appear to others.- Four types: Purple, White, Pink, HollowPenned by My hand on the 1st of Dvarsh, in the year 487 CE.
I honestly think that while the prices went up, with the unnerfing of the Wheel, it's definitely worth it.
(Just want to point out that this is my opinion and the "luck" I had with the Wheel.)
The marble and tints were kind of obnoxious. A wasted coin should at least give me something fun!
edit: Apologies if it sounds harsh, just reporting my own luck!
EDIT: Spoke to Ianir - appears it is intentional, given that there was, up until the wheel was tweaked, a 55% chance of getting Aethergoop.
If olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from?
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
4257 aethergoop
63133 gold
35x czig coin (reused)
163 lessons
21x Czig curios
2x pack of 5 pet curios
4 dingbats
150 bound credits (due to amount of spins, not as reward)
7x Fortune cookie
2x Present
2x Pack of 10 Ikons
5x Pack of 5 Ikons
3x random Ikon
doll of abeytu
doll raziela
doll ruby generator
doll landantine
3 master sketch seals
1x glittering feedback field
9x 24Hr TDF
8x experience gain
3x Crit bonus
Presents yield:
469 aethergoop
plush doll of Lhiannan
Fortune cookie yield:
2 x Disc of knowledge
Disc of justice
Disc of beauty
Feathered mantle of eternal despair
Disc of nature
Disc of death
So if you spin a bunch you should win more than previous.
I put in 35 coins I had been building up, got a bit unlucky with not geting a single new thing that was released but made back about 360 in credits once I'd traded in all the bumf I didn't want. So thats a pretty good haul for the number. 10+credit value per spin.
I bought 25 coins because I wanted to try and get mantle. Assuming trading in everything on this run I won trade in value of 96credits. Which is a credit value of 3.8 per spin.
Add the together and thats a win value for me of 7.6 credits per spin
Your paying about 1.59 per spin(with a rough value of 7.6 credits) vs paying roughly 2.8 for 8 credits straight.
So yea works out better than buying credits overall from the looks of it by a fair margin. It is for such a much bigger gamble than it was before. You could luck out on your spins and get a really high return like I did first time or get a low return like the last one but I'm happy with the last batch anyway becuase I got a mantle which is what I was really trying for.
As one might guess, I'm not the biggest fan of the rainbow scarf either.
For the damage buff?
You got a wonderitem that gives you a passive +2 fire, then the wonderhorn for +3.
So add in the rune and you can sit at +10. +1 with wondercorn, +2 with curio for a natural passive 13/13 all day long even without the mantle.
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
theatre due to the snowy weather.
hungering malice.
Yes, in an ideal world people would gamble just because it's fun. But in the one we live in most people gamble because they want to win.
Started with 197 coins.
5474 goop (27)
5-Ikon packs (11)
10-Ikon packs (3)
25-Ikon packs (1)
Ceramic teapot (1)
Presents (9)
31 lessons (2)
Fortune cookie (19) (comprising 9 discs, 5 studs, and 3 mantles)
Wonder gems (3)
159694 gold (15)
Lesser rune (1)
35 czigany coins (35)
7 dingbats (1)
13 credits (2)
5 goldtonics (1)
7 dolls
Fuzzy spider (1)
10-travel curio pack (1)
Superior Rune (1)
Sparkatron 9000
A assload of XP buffs, comms, czigany curios, critz, aurinodian, zimoru, and semi-useful liquids.
100 "Bonus" credits
By my calculation (minus the crap in italics) the haul was ~1495cr, so 7.6 credits per spin. Personally, I think czigany coins should be worth about ten credits a pop, so I have mixed feelings about this. And I was doing very well until a certain individual who knows who he is came along and stole a crystal by ninja'ing the wheel. Anyway, I guess I can't blame him for the wheel being changed to allow interruptees given the reason that was implemented, but bottom line is that I figure IRE owes me about 500 credits.
Given that math, the coin average to break even vs a credit purchase would be... 4cr a coin?
I'm honestly not sure where this arbitrary value of 10 is coming in.
Yes, I'm totally trolling here. I was actually hoping to come out with a trade-in value of around 1k for a Cord. The new Wheel is fricking amazing; it delivers in every category. It's generous without breaking anything, offers something new to the folks who are getting to the point where they have most of what they want, has sooooo much variety (which means it's exciting rather than just the goop-o-matic it was previously), and gives a nice little boost to the present counter (incidentally, not sure if the loot table on presents also got buffed or I was just lucky, but they were certainly delivering).
This promo is literally everything I wanted. I'm very happy to spend money on Lusty this month.