Tweets VII: Tweet Child of Mine



  • edited April 2016
    Unfortunately any Faethorn fight I have seen your involvement in is also in the middle of the Night when one maybe two people tops is online...
    Most folks in Glom are on during the day, roughly after the weave.  I am sure we would be keen on some of those fights as well...That being said the only folks I see from Hallifax who stay and fight and generally aren't doing it to be a nuisance are either @Falmiis or @Yarith, yours and Aedens participation is generally more to be a thorn in the side over serving any sort of purpose, and if I recall correctly in a one on one vs Lavinya the other night at roughly 2 AM my time he ran off...

    So for conflict sake, WTB better timing for Faethorn as well.

    EDIT: Still not sure what Hallifax's interests in Faethorn are...
  • Life's steal was done with Avurekhos, Mnemosyne and myself vs. Shango, Natya(sp?), Alaksanteri, and Zarielle.

    Hardly unfair fights, unless we are now only allowed to play when Celina is on, as per her implied post.
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    Synkarin said:
    What's so different about absolves from domoths, revolts, or faethorn fights?

    This seems like a pretty arbitrary dislike of absolves vs other fights. 
    Domoth absolves are basically a big fuck you to the other team. Not only are they a lopsided fight by default, but if the enemy team wins, it means you have a whole hour and thirty minutes of having to upgrade it again (or worse if you were absolved at stage 1) (even worse if not VA).

    @Scanlan I actually haven't been in any Faethorn fights recently, because there have been none (that I've seen).

  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    And uh, sorry, I didn't know I had to be in Serenwilde or Glomdoring to have fun in Faethorn. Sheez.

  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    Lol three of those are non coms. Shango's fault he lost that completely.

  • edited April 2016
    There are a few, just not in the past week or so, I like them I think they are fun, I just don't get personally what connection Hallifax has to the Fae on an RP level....
    I can understand defending your allies and the like, which is moreso what I mean in regards to Falmiis and Yarith coming to aid others in those battles.

    Other folks from Hallifax however raiding Faethorn on their own or Ethereal glom solo and running when opposition comes, sounds more trolly than purposeful.
    I as a character would like to pick heads on why folks do that, Yarith and Falmiis are the only ones to answer and give reasoning without a trolly response like "Cry More" or the like.
    Which mind you I found amusing, from like a grown adult to give such a response though I won't name names.

    EDIT: On that note though and based on your reponses, its obvious you are one of those "U MAD" sorts, and not someone of substance, so I will bow out of further discussion.
  • I don't know who is a "com" or "noncom" in Magnagora. I just know they were there and fighting.
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne

    Scanlan said:
    There are a few, just not in the past week or so, I like them I think they are fun, I just don't get personally what connection Hallifax has to the Fae on an RP level....
    I can understand defending your allies and the like, which is moreso what I mean in regards to Falmiis and Yarith coming to aid others in those battles.

    Other folks from Hallifax however raiding Faethorn on their own or Ethereal glom solo and running when opposition comes, sounds more trolly than purposeful.
    I as a character would like to pick heads on why folks do that, Yarith and Falmiis are the only ones to answer and give reasoning without a trolly response like "Cry More" or the like.
    Which mind you I found amusing, from like a grown adult to give such a response though I won't name names.
    You are...way off base here. You've never asked me why I do the things I do, and are making assumptions.

    Not that Hallifax needs a reason to be on Faethorn, but fae are important to Serenwilde, so when ickytrees comes around, we have an excuse to PK. Also, fae can be used to power the Master Crystals on Continuum.

    I haven't raided EthGlom in forever. I do, however, defend EthSeren a lot.

  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    And avoiding conflict? Really?

    Here was the enemy list on the recent Knowledge claim that Hallifax was not allowed to join:

    Xenthos, Scanlan, Salome, Leolamins, Versalean, Sylvanas, Athree, Steingrim, Ulalah, Veldrin, Esca. I think I saw Synkarin too.

  • edited April 2016
    The difference between absolves and other conflict events such as wildnodes, flares, and revolts is that absolves are player-driven, and the domoth hub can be prepped beforehand to give an advantage to the absolving team (who decides exactly when to initiate the absolve).

    One fact that doesn't help conflict in Lusternia is that the North vs South divide is pretty much a timezone divide, too. It's actually one of the major reasons why I jumped from Gaudiguch to Hallifax -- my timezone is when the North is more active, while I miss most of the action the South initiates because by then I'm no longer online.

    See you in Sapience.
  • Maligorn said:
    I'll also note that Knowledge's absolve was done with Shango, Leolamins, Lavinya, and Silvanus around, vs. me, Yarith, Aeden and Asmodea.
    If you are going to put an argument forward make sure it is accurate.  Firstly Silvanus logged off just before the absolve and Shango was not around.  So it was actually 2 vs 4 plus you had Avurekhos and Ymuli sitting in waiting.....they were around to start the next absolve immediately after.


    06/30/2014 19:37 Silvanus channels the power of the Megalith of Doom for you, stripping you of your Vernal Ascendant status.......bastard!!

  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    Next absolve? There was another absolve? I stayed up for at least two hours after Knowledge, and went to bed. "Right after" is inaccurate. I literally saw Silvanus ascend to the Havens during the absolve. Avurekhos and Ymuli were pretty fuckin' silent if you ask me. The only person waiting in the wings might've been Demartel.

  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    The North: damned if we do, damned if we don't.


  • Scanlan said:
    There are a few, just not in the past week or so, I like them I think they are fun, I just don't get personally what connection Gaudiguch has to the Fae on an RP level....
    I can understand defending your allies and the like, which is moreso what I mean in regards to Twytch coming to aid others in those battles.

    Other folks from Gaudiguch however raiding Faethorn on their own or Ethereal seren solo and running when opposition comes, sounds more trolly than purposeful.
    Here, I altered it slightly for you. To be fair though Twytch is on the North side now.
  • Maligorn said:
    And avoiding conflict? Really?

    Here was the enemy list on the recent Knowledge claim that Hallifax was not allowed to join:

    Xenthos, Scanlan, Salome, Leolamins, Versalean, Sylvanas, Athree, Steingrim, Ulalah, Veldrin, Esca. I think I saw Synkarin too.
    See false arguments again.  I was not there. 


    06/30/2014 19:37 Silvanus channels the power of the Megalith of Doom for you, stripping you of your Vernal Ascendant status.......bastard!!

  • RiviusRivius Your resident wolf puppy
    As a somewhat related tangent, I think domoth and absolve mechanics need updating/changing to make it less opportunistic and also less of an extreme time drain. If you guys have some solid ideas to make things better, let's compile them and I'll even write a report one of these days.
  • Leolamins said:
    Maligorn said:
    And avoiding conflict? Really?

    Here was the enemy list on the recent Knowledge claim that Hallifax was not allowed to join:

    Xenthos, Scanlan, Salome, Leolamins, Versalean, Sylvanas, Athree, Steingrim, Ulalah, Veldrin, Esca. I think I saw Synkarin too.
    See false arguments again.  I was not there. 
    He was referring to the members of the South who were online, but did nothing to stop us. Celina was around too, but chose the forums to fight on instead.
  • edited April 2016
    There is a fine line between "having fun" and having some sort of 
    Twytch said:
    The difference between absolves and other conflict events such as wildnodes, flares, and revolts is that absolves are player-driven, and the domoth hub can be prepped beforehand to give an advantage to the absolving team (who decides exactly when to initiate the absolve).

    One fact that doesn't help conflict in Lusternia is that the North vs South divide is pretty much a timezone divide, too. It's actually one of the major reasons why I jumped from Gaudiguch to Hallifax -- my timezone is when the North is more active, while I miss most of the action the South initiates because by then I'm no longer online.

    I actually like seeing you off doing things and legitimately despite the fires and whatnot, and perhaps general frustration it is good to see you enjoying your new class and doing things, I don't see you as a sort who makes cop-outs much in my experiences as limited as they may be when you were in the South, I think the North definitely needs people with more the Souths mentality when it comes to combat, and I see that in you since you have been there.  I have talked with others of the north too, cause it does seem that most the North is Oceanic/Australian/Etc, whilst the South is American, I know there are people who would like to switch up some of the alliances to give a bit more diversity and frankly I think that would be cool, I know we have a few people on Oceanic time down here, im just an insomniac so thats why I have my weird hours.

    ...and by all means im not trying to piss in anyones cheerios or slam any sort of combatant rhetoric, I see the arguments on both sides and I think most of them are silly.
    If less people would come to the forums to grandstand their victories or sneer over their defeats and the RP and interaction was handled in game, I think this would make alot of the tension go away.  There was a reason in Aetolia the admins banned this kind of malarky on the forums, because the ForumRP and toxicity it makes should be handled politically or Roleplayed in game.
  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    Is there a reason you flagged me, @Leolamins ? I thought we were trying to dispel the idea that the South bullies the shit out of the North.

  • Leolamins said:
    Maligorn said:
    And avoiding conflict? Really?

    Here was the enemy list on the recent Knowledge claim that Hallifax was not allowed to join:

    Xenthos, Scanlan, Salome, Leolamins, Versalean, Sylvanas, Athree, Steingrim, Ulalah, Veldrin, Esca. I think I saw Synkarin too.
    See false arguments again.  I was not there. 
    I was also not there...
  • Also, I don't hit-run when raiding Glomdoring. You can ask @Dylara and @Athree about it.
    See you in Sapience.
  • Demartel said:
    Leolamins said:
    Maligorn said:
    And avoiding conflict? Really?

    Here was the enemy list on the recent Knowledge claim that Hallifax was not allowed to join:

    Xenthos, Scanlan, Salome, Leolamins, Versalean, Sylvanas, Athree, Steingrim, Ulalah, Veldrin, Esca. I think I saw Synkarin too.
    See false arguments again.  I was not there. 
    He was referring to the members of the South who were online, but did nothing to stop us. Celina was around too, but chose the forums to fight on instead.
    I stay logged in into my manse ALL the time.  Significantly different than actually playing.  


    06/30/2014 19:37 Silvanus channels the power of the Megalith of Doom for you, stripping you of your Vernal Ascendant status.......bastard!!

  • MaligornMaligorn Windborne
    Sorry, farscout doesn't lie ladies and gentlemen. @Falmiis gave that list tho, and he's a chronic liar for sure.

  • Leolamins said:
    Demartel said:
    Leolamins said:
    Maligorn said:
    And avoiding conflict? Really?

    Here was the enemy list on the recent Knowledge claim that Hallifax was not allowed to join:

    Xenthos, Scanlan, Salome, Leolamins, Versalean, Sylvanas, Athree, Steingrim, Ulalah, Veldrin, Esca. I think I saw Synkarin too.
    See false arguments again.  I was not there. 
    He was referring to the members of the South who were online, but did nothing to stop us. Celina was around too, but chose the forums to fight on instead.
    I stay logged in into my manse ALL the time.  Significantly different than actually playing.  
    Then don't complain when we do something and see enemies are online. We are not going to send a tell to everyone and ask them if they are AFK before we start a fight. We are going to count heads and continue on.
  • XenthosXenthos Shadow Lord
    Demartel said:
    Leolamins said:
    Maligorn said:
    And avoiding conflict? Really?

    Here was the enemy list on the recent Knowledge claim that Hallifax was not allowed to join:

    Xenthos, Scanlan, Salome, Leolamins, Versalean, Sylvanas, Athree, Steingrim, Ulalah, Veldrin, Esca. I think I saw Synkarin too.
    See false arguments again.  I was not there. 
    He was referring to the members of the South who were online, but did nothing to stop us. Celina was around too, but chose the forums to fight on instead.
    So you think it's fine for you to have real-life things, including child-duty that magically crops up once numbers in a fight shift, but it's absolutely and totally unreasonable for the other side to have anything going on when they weren't even involved in anything to start with?

    Okay then!
  • FalaeronFalaeron Jolteon
    edited April 2016
    South = stronger during American times. North = stronger during non-American times.

    End of discussion.
  • Twytch said:
    Also, I don't hit-run when raiding Glomdoring. You can ask @Dylara and @Athree about it.
    I would have kinda preferred you had hit and run today, I had just got home from being at the doctors and getting my foot x-rayed and wasn't up for playing chase the raider.  :(

    Though, you do make it interesting, just stop with the fires. :<

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • Celina was not around. Celina only knows because she logged in from her phone for 2 minutes during a time she literally is never logged on because she's never home at this time. 

    Which is not news. You may not know exactly what time certain people log in, but when you routinely engage in behavior around the same time, you do know who tends to never be around when you do so. 

    Avoiding the oppositions principle melder isn't some cosmic coincidence. Has the cognitive dissonance become so severe that I really  have to spell this out for you?
  • Falmiis said:
    North = stronger during American times. South = stronger during non-American times.

    End of discussion.
    I think you mean to flip that sir....although I giggled cause of the last post by Maligorn about calling you a liar if that was wrong.
    Truth be told, its easy to make mistakes. (We are only human)
  • I mean..  I really don't care enough about when you play to notice when exactly you usually log in.
This discussion has been closed.