So for a long time I have been against making a whiny post about this but on the other hand I don't see any other way to bring this grievance forward without doing so.
Since I returned to Lusternia I have had this feeling Gaudiguch is not really getting any share of the pie that is being served in Lusternia. I am not really talking about PVP but more the admin attentions other organizations do get.
Gaudiguch has had a 2 year long impotent cosmic class the illuminati that never got the additions that were the condition for the envoy report that gutted it. Likewise our monks (like those of Hallifax) are utter crap compared to the 4 original monk classes. And while I could deal with somewhat since PVP isn't even my main focus we get to top this of with the fact that except for like 3 weeks in 3 years, we see little to no of the divine interaction or npc interaction that we see in the other organisations.
When we do get 'divine' interaction we are a plot device for another org and we get the bare minimum namely hasty request on a city aether, no appearances, no conversations, no answers to prayers. We have a backlog of patron requests but it seems our only divine, who we had very little interaction with and whose order never was set up, is reassigned with out so much as a goodbye to us.
So my question to the admins of this game is this: Should the players of Gaudiguch still bother? Is the fact you guys don't want to do RP stuff for us something we did or didn't do?
Having said this, one thing that I did notice was the lack of spontaneous NPC interaction or Divine interaction (except during game wide events). I understand that the divine patron had been busy with RL stuff during the time I moved. But when I played in Serenwilde, or when I had my alt in Hallifax, there were many times where I got pleasantly surprised by an NPC interacting or responding to something I said very much by chance, even during times that no event was happening.
Now, I'm not very good at RP, and speaking to a God/interacting with them can sometimes be intimidating, but it would still be nice and fun if we got a little of such interaction too, because it sounds like the people from other orgs really do have fun with them, based on the Raves thread!
Other than that, I'll just say I really got a lot out of the few experiences I had.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
I have consulted for illum tactics with some of the best pvp players this game has had, and they all started out with the idea it is fine and after actual testing came back yeah you guys need fixing.
The main point about it was though two other orgs received their org synergy pass but because gaudi was allied with glom we were overlooked and never even received the upgrades that where the excuse for nerfing in the first place. (Though I guess it is hard to defend their less passive more active insanity stance after doing the exact opposite in said synergy passes)
But my main issue in this topic remains the general lack of admin attention be it in coding or RP or building (patron request) department
Even when Gods do appear in Gaudi we brace ourselves for disappointment from Day 1 and stare enviously at those citites with two.
We all just adopt favourite gods from other cities (<3 @Isune and @Drocilla) and mutter about those cities that get not one but two active gods.
The only time we ever had any real interaction I would say was the cat Spatula! And I am sure he was just there to make sure we behaved as we were ripping ourselves apart.
@Esoneyuna .... I have a cunning plan!
"A bad day in Gaudiguch is better than a day pampered by gods in Hallifax"
"Being a Gaudiguchian means never having to check RPWHO"
I had a book sitting in Serenwilde that was submitted to the library when my character was 23 and it only got published fairly recently (it sat there for more than an IG decade). A similar thing happened with my alt in Hallifax too, where I had to contest the librarian position to finally get it published. It was a very different experience when I moved. Admittedly, there was a population slump the time in those two orgs. And we are currently in a population slump as well. This is also just my perspective and just like any other person's perspective, has a tendency to be biased.
Edit: because of terrible sentence structure
Edit: As a side note, a response is coming!
Mysrai was well developed and appealing to all!
Crumkane was a very sought out God!
Ein was fantastic if not just fleshed out!”
poor yomo gets no love
Gaudiguch hasn't done anything wrong. There has been a bit of shuffling in the Havens which I won't delve into all the details of since some of it is just not my business to share. That this has left Gaudi with no active divine really just comes to bad luck. It's not intentional. I know this is especially disappointing with Ein, and if we could have seen the future we would have planned things out differently.
We are a small group of volunteers in a small game with limited time and resources. Unfortunately, there's just an upper limit on how much we can do, and that upper limit is not evenly distributed because we're all at different skill levels. My entire time in Lusternia has been me being amazed at how talented other admin (and players) are with writing and creativity. So it's not really that some orgs are favoured over others so much that some orgs are just lucky to have an admin that has more time or can work a little faster than others.
As for combat balance, I can't speak on that much as I'm not involved. I do know that our coders work crazy hard though, and that even in big AAA titles balance is a constant battle of adjustments over time.
Gaudi will eventually have an active divine again. What can you do in the meantime? There's always applying to be an ephemeral, but I understand that's definitely not for everyone. Beyond that, just be patient with us. Keep giving us feedback! Turn on that RPWHO! Also, while the benefit of an active divine is undeniable, don't discount how much you all can do as players! We've seen some recent awesome logs from @Lief and @Gurashi showing inter-org roleplay, and I've heard some awesome stories about Hallifax's DnD play as an example!
Mysrai was complex and mysterious.
Crumkane was creative and shiny.
Kalikai was friendly and inspiring.
Ein thought outside the box.
(I really just never spent any time with Yomoigu, and forgot about him
If English wasn't my 4th language born from tech manuals and tv I would probably go for eph. But as it stands I can't even make a decent forging design or emote without boring people to death and I need dictionary for half the things Dys tells me. It is also why it often takes me 5 minutes to respond to some RP things. Anyway as it stands I think we can safely say if we want the things the others are getting we have to move out of Gaudiguch, because while I adore @Gurashi he can't do patron requests.
We definitely will try to address the backlog. I just wanted to make it clear that it's not like we're sitting on a mountain of resources, and are just ignoring Gaudiguch out of disinterest or spite!
Though poor Esoneyuna had to sleep and missed it