To be honest, I do think about doing that every time.Parhelion said:
Very big images.
I for one advocate stabbing your order members, making them walk round with the dagger through their heart on the brink of death, and then collecting their blood for personal use.Terentia said:To be honest, I do think about doing that every time.Parhelion said:
Very big images.
With a high-pitched hoot, a great horned owl wings in and deposits an elegant white letter into your hands, then flaps off again.
You blink.
You read what is written on an elegant white letter:
Dear Gurashi,
We haven't talked in a long time.
I miss your music and dancing. It does not matter to me what you look like. I can you see in there.
Will you come visit?
Duethielle Ladrennbenn
P.S. Olikai would love to meet you.
Shulamit said:Made even worse because I know a friend is worse off than me, and I really don't want to burden them. I can't burden people. It's fucking wrong and terrible.