Lief, as she explained later to Maylea, has been besieged by crows since Shashi's death!
Among others, she had been exchanging letters with one guilty party,
@Gurashi (<3), who mailed her:
You read what is written on a leaf of deep lavender stationery:
Miss Lief,
Tried to talk to when saw in Lady of Serenity's realm last month. And, know are probably last person that want to hear from. But, can talk, when have time? If have time and can stand. Have thing to say. But also am understanding if do not want to hear thing.
Best regards,
A leaf of deep lavender stationery is holding:
"cookie316522" a leopard-shaped chocolate chunk cookie
1 items found.
She responded:
You read what is written on muted peacock stationery:
Gurashi An'Ryshe,
I saw you through the haze of the red and violet aura consuming my Lady as we wept over the eggs our dear Shashi had left behind. He was so very excited to become a father. Most peacocks do not share the burden of egg-sitting, you realize: most peacocks leave that matter solely to their peahen. But these eggs were wanted.
He sang to them sweet and crooning melodies, and he could feel them moving around in their shells when he did. They knew their father, he'd say with pride.
He would have liked the cookie you enclosed with your letter.
Gurashi, I will listen to you provided you are able to meet two conditions:
First, we speak in person. I want to see your eyes when we speak.
Second, we meet in the Caoimhe Dell, a location important to both our people.
Do you agree to these terms?
Lief Myeras-Silvermoon
Muted peacock stationery is holding:
"origami293914" a midnight blue peacock origami (wetfold origami)
He agreed, and today, they met! The log is here: