Simple questions?



  • Is there a list of places to bash at what level anywhere?  I'm too strong for everywhere I know so it's getting boring, and the suggestions people gave me had me pretty much dead instantly.  I'm level 72.  Thanks.

  • It's really hard to say, since no two people are the same. Where is it too easy, and where is it too hard?
  • I've been bashing at those two restaurants on the Old Imperial Road, as well as the rocs and manticores somewhere around there.  I don't remember where we went for the latter part of your question, but they all teamed and killed us (me and Malinov).

  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    Race and guild? Knowing hp and somewhat expected tankiness is good. Likely I'd throw you at the undervault next to see if that kills you. Watch out for fishers, they hurt.
  • Aslaran and Cacophony.

  • Hmm. East of Magnagora is a wasteland with gravediggers in the ground below it. If you let yourself be caught by one and kill it, an exit down will appear and you'll be able to fight two gravediggers and a queen. Kill the queen and put her in one of the floating baskets around the same wasteland, and you'll be taken to the Tainted Broadcasting Center, which might be interesting for you. Stuff to watch out for: Blackout from the gravediggers and the queen, recklessness from the queen, vomiting from the grave-fishers. There's also an elevator leading from the top floor to another floor below, but it's not always operational.
  • Thanks, @Ssaliss!

    Is there a list somewhere of what lucidity slush cures?  It's not on HELP CURELIST, searching HELP LUCIDITY and HELP SLUSH don't help, and Spindle didn't answer me.

  • AFFS LIST and CURES INFO SLUSH have a list.
  • Thanks!

  • edited August 2015
    all fixed

  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    From Tattoos - DamageBuff and DamageAbsorption

    100 points of tattoo weight will confer 1/5 buff to that damage type.
    This tattoo will give NO benefit at less than 100 weight.

    Can this 100 weight be distributed across multiple tattoos? I initially assumed it had to be 100 weight in one tattoo, which would mean damage buff and absorption tattoos could only go on the chest, back, gut, or waist. 
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
  • Yes, it can. I have 100 weight of blunt buff spread over all the smallest weight areas, like wrists, face, neck, fingers etc.

  • Where is room 1?
    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    edited August 2015
    Center of existance, My mapper has it listed as being in Serenwilde :P
  • Enyalida said:
    Center of existance, My mapper has it listed as being in Serenwilde :P
    I've asked other people and they say it's in the Havens....
    I was wondering cuz I was able to get to room three, somewhere on Mount Avechna...

    FOR pposters who aren't steingrim:

  • Don't see a room id of 1, 3 is the first one I can find.
  • Does anyone know where I could find a toad?
  • PhoebusPhoebus tu fui, ego eris. Circumstances
    I believe there are some toads in the cave on the water in Tolborolla Valley.
  • Anyone know for certain if all the racial weapon specialization perks of Igasho, Tae'Dae, Orclach, Krokani, Dwarves, Kephera, and Illithoid work with Anamnesis (wonderpipe ability)?

    Also... do I have to be a Demigod to use the Pendant of the Divine Spark to get a bonus in racial bonus calculation for secondary race selections?
  • Is there a way for artisans to destroy furniture, beyond just waiting RL months for it to decay? I have a vague feeling that there is, but there's no specific ability in Artisan, and none of the ABs mention anything about it.
    The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog!
  • DECONSTRUCT <blah> I think
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    @Edenwe I know the pipe works for orclach and illithoid, I assume it works for all the others.

    Don't have to be a demi, divine spark gives you the bonus above your current one, and for pipe races, the bonus at your current one.
  • What is the overarching conflict in Lusternia?  The Taint?

  • Whether or not someone's a Shaddus alt.
    [spoiler] Some will deny that they're not, but we all are. It's a sort of inner conflict everyone struggles with. [/spoiler]
  • Zeleni said:
    What is the overarching conflict in Lusternia?  The Taint?
    The Soulless. Basically, evil gods who want the destruction of everything, and everyone else, tainted or not, obviously doesn't want that to happen.

  • Lerad said:
    Zeleni said:
    What is the overarching conflict in Lusternia?  The Taint?
    The Soulless. Basically, evil gods who want the destruction of everything, and everyone else, tainted or not, obviously doesn't want that to happen.
    Mostly right- the thing is, they don't want to destroy everything. They want to consume all of existence. They won't be able to, of course- the very moment that all hope is lost... well, the only reason that Estarra hasn't destroyed the Soulless is because that'd destroy everything. If the Soulless win, it'll be a short lived victory, because She'll rip them right out of Creation and start again without them if that becomes the only option.
    I'm Lucidian. If I don't get pedantic every so often, I might explode.
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    I've spent some time now reading up on the game's history so I actually understand some of the awesome explanations people give me in game. Been trying to locate history of the faelings though and was rather disappointed. I know only what's written in the race helpfile... maybe someone could point me into the right direction?
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • Aeldra said:
    I've spent some time now reading up on the game's history so I actually understand some of the awesome explanations people give me in game. Been trying to locate history of the faelings though and was rather disappointed. I know only what's written in the race helpfile... maybe someone could point me into the right direction?
    I'm foggy on the details, but if I remember right, Faelings are a mix of elf and Fae blood. You could totally check with someone whose better at lore in Glom. They'd know! :)
  • DaraiusDaraius Shevat The juror's taco spot
    Aeldra said:
    I've spent some time now reading up on the game's history so I actually understand some of the awesome explanations people give me in game. Been trying to locate history of the faelings though and was rather disappointed. I know only what's written in the race helpfile... maybe someone could point me into the right direction?
    There isn't a ton of racial lore just out there for reading. Unless someone's written a book, what you have to work with are the racial helpfiles, the Elder Wars books (which don't address faelings, obvs), and small bits and pieces of information you can cobble together from denizen areas and quests. Some have more available info than others. For lobos, for instance, there was:

    - the Elder Wars books that give a very broad picture of Loboshi and Volkh
    - a brief shoutout in the Taint Wars histories
    - Tosha Monastery, which is one of the oldest and basic quest/influence areas in the game
    - ???

    That was pretty much it for a while. In the meantime Tosha has been expanded a little with the Golden Lotus quest and a little lore around that (though even that was in service to a larger event that didn't relate to lobo lore directly). @Portius developed a lot of lore about the Vassal Packs of Old Hallifax, published it, won prestige with some of it, and had it acknowledged by the head honcho lobo of Lusternia (see the bookshelf in Master Quettle's chamber). Magnagora's House n'Lochli apparently has loboshigaru roots, judging by the Malacoda Manor quest, but it doesn't tell you anything explicit about the race.

    If you're really lucky, you'll get the chance to engage with an admin-animated denizen. That's how I learned about Tosha being a lobo vernal, which yes, could have been inferred, but I don't think was explicitly known until Quettle told me and I spread it around. I don't know what faeling denizens exist that could presumably be experts on faeling lore, but I imagine they're out there. If you find one, find a reason to talk to it. SAY TO <denizen> pings some online admin, so there could be a chance someone will hear your questions, come up with answers, and deliver them to you when you least expect it. :x
    I used to make cakes.

    Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
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