This is not what happened. I checked to see if I was mounted (I think I have the skill? I'm up to block) and my totem and nest weren't at that room. I copied the buffer from zmud and cut out some spam and posted it in pastebin.
1372 lessons into the appropriate pool. 960 or 961 into the parent pool if you need to cross into a different parent pool.
Source/math= HELP LESSONPOOLS says it's a 20% loss to permanently forget a skill. 1715 lessons to trans * 0.8 (80% or 100-20%) is 1372. Moving from a pool to its parent is a further 30% loss. 1372 * 0.7 (see above) is 960.4
Alternately, if you need to move to a sibling of the original pool, you would get 1097 or 1098 lessons in the sibling. 1372 * 0.8 is 1097.6
All of that is assuming you permanently forget, rather than temporarily do so, and that you're forgetting a full skill rather than one that splits at master.
Hi still a bit confused about artifacts so just wanted to jump in here and shoot of a few quick questions.
I'm just going to make a few statements to make sure I understand them.
A superior rune of cutting damage gives 3/13 damage boost. Now assuming I have no innate abilites to boost my damage, I'd need to buy 5 of these to get 15/13 damage, but only 13/13 would be effective. Now if i had a a skill that gave me lets say a 2/2 and a 2/4 damage boost, first they would add together to give me a 4/4 damage boost. Then if I bought three of the runes 9/13 damage boost plus the skill I already have for 4/4 would end up giving me the full 13/13 damage boost right?
Then each level of a damage boost is calculated at 3%, so if you have all 13/13 that would be a damage boost of 39%
You could then buy six weapon runes, then use 5 damage enchantments for a damage boost of 30%? Would these boosts then stack into a flat damage boost of 69% turning a 1000 damage strike into a 1690 strike? Or would they multiply on each others modifier 1000 to 1300 to 1807?
Then the great rune of speed 1/11 would increase the speed of strikes by 2% per level, so if you bought 11 of them you'd have a speed boost of 22%.
You could potentially stack the 0.1 speed runes on weapons enhancements, reducing an average strike of 3.5 seconds down to 3 then reducing that by 22% would take it down to a warrior combo every 2.34 seconds. Or if its calcuated the other way then 3.5 down to 2.73 then down to 2.23. either way you'd literally be swinging near as fast as icesalve cooldown?
Am I reading the runes right for this?
And racial stats are all identical right? There is no difference between a dwarf and a furrikin other than the level 25/50/etc minor buffs?
Runes don't stack, so buying multiple wouldn't be effective.
There's more to play in attacks than just straight buffs, such as hp etc. so while generally it's a 39% increase, it may not come straight across due to varying factors.
Runes don't stack, so buying multiple wouldn't be effective.
There's more to play in attacks than just straight buffs, such as hp etc. so while generally it's a 39% increase, it may not come straight across due to varying factors.
Ok so you can only buy one superior rune of cutting to get a 9% damage increase, any more runes that that are useless. Or only one rune of balance incease.
Well just as an example, I understand there will be other things playing into it such as enemies resistances etc but from what your saying the best damage boost I could get would be a 9% boost from the single rune of cutting I am allowed because multi runes of cutting wont stack on top of each other, plus up to 5 weapon enhancements at 7% each (35% damage boost) so a total boost of 44% damage right?
How about races are they all identical for health/mana/speed/damage boosts?
The level 3 runes are 5/13, actually. They recently buffed them. But yes, that's the absolute highest you can get via arties. Everything else must be gotten in-game.
Also, no, weapon enhancements can't be stacked either, if I remember correctly. I might be wrong, though. If so, someone correct me, please.
Yes, all differences in races are in the 4 racial powers they are given. They are entirely the same otherwise (mechanically). Some racial powers do have buffs - many don't.
Weapon enhancements cannot be duplicated on the same weapon, unless there's a Great Rune of the Elite Weaponsmith involved. Then you can have (at most) two instances of the same weapon enhancement.
Some of the stuff is on the list of things to update, now that I (and others who update the wiki) are back and availible. If you have questions about particular skillsets that haven't been updated yet, I have lots of pastebin dumps of the skills that haven't been uploaded yet.
Weapon enhancements cannot be duplicated on the same weapon, unless there's a Great Rune of the Elite Weaponsmith involved. Then you can have (at most) two instances of the same weapon enhancement.
Same applies to armour enhancements, I believe.
Thanks, So I can put three Great Rune of the Elite Weaponsmith on a sword then put two damage, two speed and two razor on the weapon or something akin to that.
Some of the stuff is on the list of things to update, now that I (and others who update the wiki) are back and availible. If you have questions about particular skillsets that haven't been updated yet, I have lots of pastebin dumps of the skills that haven't been uploaded yet.
I'm looking for all the general skills and tracking/night and crow. Just I read the wiki and saw focus spirit in discernment and I just assumed that I would need that but then after I trans the skill I notice that that ability is no longer there. So I wanted to know what each skill set has to understand if I need the skills in it for any particular event or reason.
I just messaged you about it. I think those in particular have been updated or are in need of only a very few updates.
EDIT: I take that back, none of those have been updated. To my memory, there haven't been any substantive changes to any of those guild skills, so the data will be generally up to date regardless.
resists aren't going to help you. If you let a monk build momentum (and that monk knows what they're doing), they're going to kill you. Monk damage is pretty high at the moment.
(watch stance, stancing will be useful, but at least m&m won't move it around because it no longer wounds)
Well, I've tried almost everything I can think of to hinder. Timeslip, web, aeonfield+aeon, leaving to heal and cure, and monks still eat me. Maybe I need higher health -- I'm sitting on 6800 - 7300 on a usual day.
Well, I've tried almost everything I can think of to hinder. Timeslip, web, aeonfield+aeon, leaving to heal and cure, and monks still eat me. Maybe I need higher health -- I'm sitting on 6800 - 7300 on a usual day.
Part of the problem is that monks are still mostly on legacy mechanics that haven't been retuned to the overhaul much, if at all. So they're all doing pretty crazy damage to just about everyone right now. Should be fixed with upcoming (unspecified) monk changes!
Same applies to armour enhancements, I believe.
Some of the stuff is on the list of things to update, now that I (and others who update the wiki) are back and availible. If you have questions about particular skillsets that haven't been updated yet, I have lots of pastebin dumps of the skills that haven't been uploaded yet.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
Is it so hard to believe I have friends? You sound just like my mom.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
That's upfront damage, so I don't think I'm not picking up sensitivity.