Aww, I was just coming here to post about you! I had so much fun with RP today and it was just what I needed to get out of a sad mood. Rhi is an awesome character and I love the thought you put into her, like how you named the butterfly. Mentoring makes me kinda nervous since I know I'm still new myself, but it's also really helpful to make me think more deeply about lore, and your questions were perfect for that.
Now I just need to cross paths with @Kaylani, and my weekend will be perfect!
@Talan sent me a very wonderful and complimentary message about my latest book and it was an absolutely wonderful way to start my day!
I'm adoring writing things in Lusternia. I'd always seen writing stuff as either work (scrolls scrolls history book scrolls) or something you did semi-OOCly for bardics. Something clicked with the library system, though, so now I'm having so so so much fun using writing as an extension of my character's RP and using it to explore the things she's not comfortable speaking about directly (as well as integrating in her weird imagination).
SylandraJoin Queue for Mafia GamesThe Last Mafia Game
"Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
Prior to today, only Envoy reports that were finalised (and thereafter) were visible to all players.
This has now changed. All Envoy reports, whether draft, pending, or later on in the process are now visible to all players. We hope this will encourage discussion within the wider playerbase.
Envoy Reports from here-on-out will now also indicate next to each solution an indicator of the reception from our hard-working Envoys.
This number may change slightly, but currently shows how many Envoys have voted to approve that solution out of how many Envoys we have.
Penned by My hand on the 9th of Roarkian, in the year 458 CE.
HOLY WOW! My quiz night turned out so much more fun and funny and busy than I imagined. I was sitting giggling at some of the hilarious answers and banter. Thank you all who turned up!
Two from two deathless aetherhunts with me piloting now. Thanks to everyone who has joined our hunts.
We totally got to make up for it on the astralhunt! Well, Serenwilde did, anyway.
Not me though, my amazing fox-ness is three for three with not dying on hunts, so far! Lob-things would rather kill everyone else, than the cute fox.
Everyone so far has been great! Aside from the one weirdo who thought I was a "adorable little kitty" - because apparently the words 'vulpine' and 'fox' in my description totally implies I'm a cat.
Following on from Tacita for the @Nocht love - getting favour'd for shouting about the bug miraculous gift of the neverending midnight and the glory of Mother Night. It's the little things
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "Edith."
(Glomdoring): Viravain says, "Learning begins with the self. I charge you to preach My name." Raucous corvine laughter sounds out from the canopies of the surrounding forest, echoing eerily through the Wyrden Wood. *baptized*
Risking life and limb to deliver solstice stockings. Out of the way, Ironbeard, mama's in town.
ALSO I HAD THE BEST DIRTY FLIRT COMPETITION AND ENDED UP BUYING MORE STOCKINGS BECAUSE THEY WERE GOLD. A spoiler'ed post will be made in the 'Events Scrolls' section once I'm done fixing the log, thanks for everyone who participated, these had me rolling laughing.
You scream as you feel your flesh suddenly expand with pustules before rupturing in a gory display of rot and decay. Your entire body rots away rapidly, and you know only suffering and despair. Suddenly you feel compelled to kick and pull yourself from a swirling pit of noxious green fluid, shuddering as you pull yourself into a bleak, scarred valley.
Within a bleak, scarred valley.
Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark.
You see exits leading north, east, south, and west.
Now I just need to cross paths with @Kaylani, and my weekend will be perfect!
ALSO, Gaudi is #2 in culture!!!! It's a distant 2, but it is so exciting to see!!!, visit if interested.
I'm adoring writing things in Lusternia. I'd always seen writing stuff as either work (scrolls scrolls history book scrolls) or something you did semi-OOCly for bardics. Something clicked with the library system, though, so now I'm having so so so much fun using writing as an extension of my character's RP and using it to explore the things she's not comfortable speaking about directly (as well as integrating in her weird imagination)., visit if interested.
I'm nostalgic for something I never listened to back then, or liked! Human brains are weird!
@Veyils, @Edith, @Rolan, @Rhi, @Enadonella, @Malarious, @Shuyin, @Abelor, @Danquik, @Talan, @Xypher
Vive l'apostrophe!
Not me though, my amazing fox-ness is three for three with not dying on hunts, so far! Lob-things would rather kill everyone else, than the cute fox.
Everyone so far has been great! Aside from the one weirdo who thought I was a "adorable little kitty" - because apparently the words 'vulpine' and 'fox' in my description totally implies I'm a cat.
Discord: Rey#1460
Few things have made me feel as happy about being here as Nocht laughing at me. Now I am home.
Raucous corvine laughter sounds out from the canopies of the surrounding forest, echoing eerily through the Wyrden Wood.
@Oueli for trusting lys and letting her help
@Edith for keeping the drama alive
@Salome for just being quiet company for lys
idea Is there any chance people below level 30 could be immune to thelemers? Our city's newbs are being 1-shot by them
Thank you. Your idea has been recorded.
--- 30 seconds go by, I swear it was super fast ---
You have reached the illustrious level of Lady of Creation.
Around 13hrs logged in going from 95.5 to 98 with all the XP buffs I could get. Wheeeeee.
Thanks to everyone that helped over the course of the day
11 minute revolt. Knew I still had it in me.
A spoiler'ed post will be made in the 'Events Scrolls' section once I'm done fixing the log, thanks for everyone who participated, these had me rolling laughing.
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
== Professional Girl Gamer ==
Yes I play games
Yes I'm a girl
get over it