General Dissatisfaction



  • Feeling deeply unwell. It's not the virus, but much more likely normal allergies up to 11 + either a cold (likely) or strep throat (semi likely, step brother had strep when I was over at mom's making her some bread, and he was closeby since I needed him to be tall and grab shit from top shelves)

    I hate being sick. I don't wanna. I wanna be roleplaying, but instead I'm deep into nyquil and trying to exist enough to stock comms in game and sleep irl.
    Bookbinder by trade! Designer of most other things.

  • Everything sucks. I'm sick, and it's definitely some plague or other, but the soonest appointment I can get is Tuesday. Lots of small things still suck, but I'm so tired of complaining, so I'm just not going to today.

    Czixi, the Welkin murmurs, "Fight on, My Effervescent Sylph. I will be with you as you do."

    Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!

  • Woke up to this most potent, cat-like musk smell at 2am. Searched high and low for any sign that the cat decided to urinate in the bedroom instead of using her litter box (which would be massively uncharacteristic) but could find no such signs anywhere. Struggled to get back to sleep and vowed to wash all the sheets once I got home from work.

    Get home, and the smell as migrated into the living room where I expect the cat has been all day. Called the vet about it, and apparently this has to do with a secondary gland that isn't oft used, but possibly by be more readily expressed with age when frightened/surprised. It permeates -everything-, so hopefully it will just be this one off. The vet did tell me that if it becomes a regular occurrence, I might need to bring her in to have that gland "expressed" professionally now and again if I don't want to deal with it 24/7. To which I can only think:
  • Aeldra said:
    Everybody in my apartment complex just got their rent raised. While it isn't a problem for me directly, I know it'll be for some of my neighbors who will struggle with it.
    I feel this. Our's was raised again for a generic 'cost of maintenance' yet all that extra money and the entire laundry room still floods every time you use a machine because they can't be arsed to clean the drains out. Then any time you go to the dumpsters now it looks like two garbage trucks exploded. -_- 
  • That has to suck. Here we have a freeze on rent increases, evictions due to non-payment are not allowed, and they've made changes to inspections etc. 
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    Thalkros said:
    I feel this. Our's was raised again for a generic 'cost of maintenance' yet all that extra money and the entire laundry room still floods every time you use a machine because they can't be arsed to clean the drains out. Then any time you go to the dumpsters now it looks like two garbage trucks exploded. -_- 

    That sounds oddly familiar... my landlord can't also be bothered to be fixing basic stuff that's his responsibility. I'll hand him that, compared to the surrounding houses, rent is still on the lower-medium end of the spectrum, but it won't be anymore after the rent raise is in effect... and so the bonus I gave him about 'appartment itself is good and relatively cheap' is no longer applying after the rent raise.
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • I have spent about $300 of my own money and countless hours renovating my apartment over the last month.

    Rent went up in July.
    Avatar by the amazing @Feyrll
  • Knorrith said:
    My little dog has not been feeling well since last night.
    She went to the vet today.
    This little dog is my heart.
      Hearing words like "congestive heart failure, enlarged heart, not getting enough oxygen" and a number of other scary things really hits me hard.
    I am trying to remain optimistic that medication will help but seeing her struggling to breathe, refusing water, and knowing the only thing I can do is monitor her, try to keep her calm, and hope the medication will do its thing is tough. They don't know what caused it and it came on suddenly. Her last checkup wasn't that long ago and everything was good. I'm afraid that I'm going to be here on my own just her and me and it's going to be over and I know I won't be able to deal.
    She's my heart. I wish it were so easy I could give her my own and make it all right.
    I hope she'll be ok.

    Big hugs to you, friend. I cannot imagine what this feels like, but I know that it is terrifying when dogs are sick. 
    Avatar by the amazing @Feyrll
  • Noted that HELP FAMILY was quite out of date.

    Attempted to submit a helpedit to fix it.

    Rejected because it was 'too different from current help file'.

    Yeah, that was kinda the point.

    Czixi, the Welkin murmurs, "Fight on, My Effervescent Sylph. I will be with you as you do."

    Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!

  • Jatius said:
    It's pretty minor in the scope of things, especially given a lot of the stuff posted here recently and everything else that everyone else has had to deal with due to #covidthings. I got a new job, one I didn't expect to even get an interview for, in July and got to move back to my home state. I've been living in various Airbnbs since the end of May, since they were a bit cheaper than an extended stay hotel thing, and they don't run credit like a short-term apartment would. My wife and two kids have been living with her parents since the same time, since my youngest is special needs and needs to have a house him-proofed a bit to keep him safe. No landlord would let us do said proofing, and understandably so. I wouldn't want a renter doing it to my house if I had one.
    So, picked out a house, put in the offer, accepted, etc. Was told that our closing date would be the 19th. Well, it's past the 19th, still no closing. Been told probably going to be the 26th. Plan -was- to drive back, get my kids and wife over the course of the coming up weekend and the two days after. I have to take one furlough day a month, and hot dog, the 31st and the 1st are a Monday Tuesday that would give me a four day weekend to get it done. Well, after a long talk with my wife, that's not going to happen. It will be about another three weeks until I get to see my family again. The fam just can't move into a house that I wouldn't have time to prepare. Wouldn't be too bad if I could go out, meet people, do things, etc., but #covidthings. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
    Time really drags on when that kind of stuff is happening. Sorry to hear it.

    Czixi, the Welkin murmurs, "Fight on, My Effervescent Sylph. I will be with you as you do."

    Aian Lerit'r, Lead Schematicist exclaims to you, "A *paperwork* emergency, Chairman!

  • My laptop is old and dying very slowly, and I don't have the money to replace it. I need it for both my art and my classes, and it makes playing Lusternia a lot easier. I'm very tired and don't really know what to do. I have a fundraiser, but I feel like it's going to be a lot more slowgoing than I'd hoped.

    pronouns: they/them
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