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Should Your Custom Beast Be Included Into Your Character's RP?


Having thoroughly entwined my custom beast into Alarin's RP to the point where people actually acknowledge and interact with Thaldorn, I've always wondered.... should your custom beast be a part of your RP? Why or why not?  Myself personally, my original thought was "Hey, I paid for this damn gorilla to talk and emote, this damn gorilla is very well going to talk and emote!" But as time went on, I found myself mentally forming Thaldorn's RP as I acted it out in-game, doing it so often that it's just as natural for me now as playing Alarin. The responses have been mixed, though most seem to enjoy Alarin's and Thaldorn's frequent bickering, off-the-wall antics (like what we did with the Christmas tree decorating during a festival in Glomdoring) and Thaldorn often bringing up historical events that he remembers. I figured, he's 578 years old. Hell yes, I'm using that!

So, for myself personally, I am going to say that they should indeed be a part of your character's RP, even if ithe role is small and infrequent. I'm glad I decided to try it and the response seems to be a positive one, so I will definitely continue to do it. I mean... why not, right?

Until next time, folks!

P.S. Special mention goes to @Alaula @Knorrith @Ferne @Reyqae @Aeldra @Romaan and a bunch of others who have responded to the RP and actually makes me want to come up with more. <3

Re: Looking for a Spouse

Thaldorn seems really interesting! (Am taken now, though!)


Aeldra said:
You take an entrancing red rose from a clay flowerpot.
You give a clay flowerpot to Alaula Ladyn.
You thrust your palm towards your forehead and hit it with a resounding *smack*!

See, I really like the idea that Aeldra decided nah, I want this flower, here's the pot, plebeian.

Announce Post #3112: Livestream 01/16/20

Hello everyone,

Uilani and I are going to host our next Livestream on Saturday January 16th at 8pm GMT. It's mostly going to be a 'get to know Uilani' stream but we'll be announcing a few things as well as taking questions from all of you! So if you have a question you would like to ask, please feel free to either post on forums with this announce thread or message either Uilani or me if you'd rather ask in private. I don't know that we'll be able to answer any and all questions but we strive to be open and honest as much as we can.

We hope you all will be able to join us on the 16th.


Re: Letters of Note


A golden origami lotus blossom unfolds and sings to you, "My dear pup. I know not what has turned you from the Beacon of Harmony, but for my failures in fatherhood, I am deeply sorry. I hope you will still speak with me if fortune crosses our paths again. May you be well in the meantime. ~D.S."
A sampler platter of variously prepared insects falls out of a golden origami lotus blossom and into your hands.
A golden origami lotus blossom flutters apart in wisps of vellum as the last of its contents spill into your hands.

He sent the platter that he made especially for Miso that nobody else will eat, sobbing.

You read what is written on a sheet of crystallised stationery:
Dear Miso,

It is with great sadness that I hear of both your departure from Hallifax and your choice of destination having departed. It is never easy, to see another fall into the darkness. I know that to ask what drove you to leave will by now likely invite you to speak of how you were weak before and how strong the Taint has made you, and yet I would
ask it all the same. If we should meet, will you tell me why it is that you felt that you had to do as you have done? I think that we might both feel some measure of hope from the knowledge that we might still speak with each-other despite what has occurred. If you can, or will, not speak with me in person, which I would fully understand if you still feel the need to prove your loyalty to your new home, then I implore you to at least send a letter of your own in reply to this one.

Even in the darkness, you are not alone,


Re: Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My Tweet

Speedrun Daily Credits 100% no glitches

You've earned 20 of 20 daily credits.
Here is what you've done today:
     Participated in a Village Revolt. - 5 credits
     Recognised by Celaphaeia - 5 credits
     Completed Archaeological Dig of Tyria r'Ekaf. - 7 credits
     Recognised by Sutekh - 3 credits
Here's where you stand today.

Logging back in and basically just talking for 2 hours got me capped. Y'all rock

Re: Absence Thread

i meant to post here but didn't, but i can say instead now that i'm back to my mostly normal activity after a few weeks away?


You take an entrancing red rose from a clay flowerpot.
You give a clay flowerpot to Alaula Ladyn.
You thrust your palm towards your forehead and hit it with a resounding *smack*!


Re: Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow

Magnagora's wreaths have lore from one of my favorite points in lore - all the calamity that happened right after the taint. That we finally got to see the long teased Firica d'Vanecu, terror of the d'Vanecu men makes it even better.