Chimaera Mafia (game thread)



  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Ssaliss said:
    So we either have two watchers (since Saran is also one), or we have Saran as a watcher, and Celina just pretends to be one and picked someone she was relatively (or very) certain didn't do anything last night.
    Well Saran might be different, my power is stealth in that I can see who people target. I don't see their powers. Exception Riluna's apparently, but the vision about Riluna was unrelated to my power that was revealed to me initially. 

    At this point, due to the vagueness of the vision, I can only state that if you believe Riluna, note that I've state she is a townie and not tried to lynch her (despite feuding with her) because I knew this info about her. 

    God, my role even makes me sound shady as hell. 
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    ...Right, I get that you're saying you didn't use it on Celina, so I'm asking who you did use it on?

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • Myself.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • And I was roleblocked, if that's something you can make anything out of. My doctor block was roleblocked, and still nobody died.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • TremulaTremula Banished Quasiroyal
    Okay, I was going to stay out of this, but Riluna your stories are starting to wonk out. Why did you reveal yourself as doctor instead of saying you were roleblocked in the first place? It's almost like you're trying to get yourself lynched at this point, but I don't think we have a jester role.
                          * * * WRACK AND ROLL AND DEATH AND PAIN * * *
                                         * * * LET'S FEEL THE FEAR OF DEATH AGAIN * * *
              * * * WE'LL KILL AND SLAUGHTER, EAT THE SLAIN * * *

    Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."
  • Because lynching me is the only way you can ever actually understand what part of any of this is remotely true. Right now you're only speculating.

    And that's far more powerful than a doctor role. I will throw that away if it teaches a single person here how to actually play this game.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Well, I imagine I'm going to get lynched at this point. 

    That being said, if/when I do get lynched, you can confirm that 2 powers were used on me over night, plus my (double?) power, saran's power, riluna's power, and the blocker were all seen last night. And we don't even know what else there is. That's a lot of powers, and none of the daytime powers have even been revealed.

    Luckily, Riluna was right and we had no one of knowing this was going to be a power heavy game, and the context was never important. Irony is a bitch, isn't it. 
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Oh, we know for certain, based on our conflicting stories, that Riluna or I, or both, are with the town. I think it's clear we both aren't mafia.

    Either I'm confirming her, and you believe me, or one of us is scum. If you suspect her, that means you think I'm town, but as a townie, I confirm Riluna is the protector. 
  • Problem is, you really only named her after she came out as the protector. You also claimed you spied on Synkarin, and then got a message about Riluna protecting herself somehow? I dunno, seems... well, really off.
  • Or rather, not her protecting herself, but rather her being a protector while she protected herself.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear

    Not much point lynching Saran, like others have said. The Celina/Riluna grudge match, while entertaining, has done all of us a lot more harm than good if we're looking to actually win the game and eliminate scum.

    If we're still intent on a lynch, we can either string up Riluna, Celina, Saran, or Synkarin to confirm or refute their ongoing arguments and reasoning. If Riluna's claim is true, she's painted a huge target on her back. Same with Celina and Saran.

    At this point, I'm going toVote: Celina. It'll either confirm what she's saying, or out her as scum. Either way, the several pages worth of pointless back and forth between those two will stop.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    Vote: Celina

    I can't wrap my head around what's going on, but lynching Celina will either confirm Riluna's role as accurate OR get rid of one scum. 

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Ssaliss said:
    Problem is, you really only named her after she came out as the protector. You also claimed you spied on Synkarin, and then got a message about Riluna protecting herself somehow? I dunno, seems... well, really off.
    Agreed on the off part. And I can't explain that away, just the cards I was handed. At the very least, I told Riluna these games tend to be power crazy, and once again I'll prove her she isn't the all seeing eye of mafia. Points for me!

    I named her several pages before as a townie. I actually noted that I thought she was crazy but town on day 1, but reiterated it early on in day 2.

    I had to react to the claim train that Saran started, because Saran outed me to an extent. I didn't want to give details, for Riluna's sake and mine. Unfortunately, Riluna has been playing a crazy game since the start and, well, domino effect. She pushed so hard for a lynch without some reasoning behind it, the town appeased her despite suggestions not to, and then Saran and Riluna outed themselves. 

    Either way, I don't think it's super productive to lynch me but I think my powers are less useful than Riluna's or Saran's and I will at least confirm those two. I have no idea what Sidd is, but I don't know if his lynch will confirm anything. My lynch might confirm what I said in that he didn't act on night 1. Though no one died on night one, so even that's confusing. 

    You can lynch me though. This deep into it, it will confirm a lot of info. 
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    And Riluna is giving me high blood pressure with her inflammatory use of inappropriate words and faux logic, so it's not all bad for me
  • Celina said:

    You can lynch me though. This deep into it, it will confirm a lot of info. 

    Finally. Actual sense.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • So much talking over the last handful of hours.... So I'm on the same page as everyone else, the following is a recap of the last few pages of the roleclaims, correct me if any of this is wrong:

    Saran claims Watcher-type, saying Celina visited 1 person and was visited by 2 people. Thinks Synkarin is scum.

    Celina clams she was protected. Claims that Mafia and Protector visited her and claims to be a watcher too.

    Riluna claims protector and did not protect Celina. Claims Protected herself and says she was roleblocked

    Assuming this is true, I do find it a bit odd that Riluna protected herself last night. I didn't think she was in any danger of being nightkilled. Now this brings up a point about her doctor power. She felt in danger enough to use her power on herself. Could she have predicted the clash with Celina that happening during day2, perhaps. Her statements about revealing herself to prove we don't know how to play mafia does seem like she can self-protect, if she doesn't get lynched, on consecutive nights to some degree.
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    So wait, then the person who visited Celina is NOT the scum, because no one protected Celina. 
  • EnyalidaEnyalida Nasty Woman, Sockpuppeteer to the Gods
    And since no one visited Synkarin but Celina (the watcher) and Riluna (the protector), it must be that the scum killed no one, unless we also have a lucky blocker.
  • edited October 2015

    None: 1 (Enyalida)
    Saran: 2 (Riluna, Luce)
    Synkarin: 1 (Saran)
    Celina: 3 (Ssaliss, Tarkenton, Synkarin)

    With 15 players, it's 8 to lynch.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    I suppose it's possible that there are still a bunch of other roles unaccounted for so she could still be protected etc

    Hard to really say what happened, but Ayisdra summed it up nicely.

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • TarkentonTarkenton Traitor Bear
    3 for Celina, stupid phone put mine inline by accident.
  • Thing is, we don't know if no one visited Synkarin or not. All we know is that Celina says Synkarin didn't do anything. We also don't know if Celinas role actually detects both actions from and actions upon the target.
  • Although I guess it will be revealed if/when we lynch her.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    vote: Celina

    You better win for me!
  • Thanks, fixed it up now.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
  • CyndarinCyndarin used Flamethrower! It was super effective.
    Ssaliss said:
    Thing is, we don't know if no one visited Synkarin or not. All we know is that Celina says Synkarin didn't do anything. We also don't know if Celinas role actually detects both actions from and actions upon the target.
    I only see who the person I track visits. I don't, as far as I can tell, see who visits them. 
  • SynkarinSynkarin Nothing to see here
    (@Kiradawea - you have me as voting 'none' and voting for Celina)

    We need some of the quiet people to speak up

    @Azureus, @Allyrianne, @Siam, @Xeria, where you at

    Everiine said:
    "'Cause the fighting don't stop till I walk in."
    -Synkarin's Lament.
  • SiamSiam Whispered Voice

    Having fallen asleep while lamenting his lost bread, Pollux now wakes up to the rather loud arguments being had around him. It takes him a while to orient himself with what's going on.

    Holy crap the thread exploded. Lemme catch up.
    Viravain, Lady of the Thorns shouts, "And You would seize Me? Fool! I am the Glomdoring! I am the Wyrd, and beneath the cloak of Night, the shadows of the Silent stir!"


  • Celina said:
    And Riluna is giving me high blood pressure with her inflammatory use of inappropriate words and faux logic, so it's not all bad for me

    How much have we gone through where I am trying to be polite? If that is what it takes.

    Mayor Steingrim, the Grand Schema says to you, "Well, as I recall you kinda leave a mark whereever you go."
  • Synkarin said:
    (@Kiradawea - you have me as voting 'none' and voting for Celina)

    We need some of the quiet people to speak up

    @Azureus, @Allyrianne, @Siam, @Xeria, where you at
    Mrf. Thanks. Should be fixed up properly now.
    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
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