Lusternian Divine AMA

Inspired by the intrepid mortals of Lusternia, We've decided to play along, too, but with a notable twist: the divinities answer the questions. We were going to play a game like this, anyway, until you all beat Us to it!

I'll start: Why has no one ever shown @Drocilla a mirror that hasn't been enchanted? Does @Thax often get confused with a run-of-the-mill suit of armour, despite the steam show? Will @Hoaracle ever trim His beard (does He even have a beard?)? 

  • You may ask the Gods questions, too -- this is not just for Us to grill each Other.
  • If a God is not answering your question, you may assume He or She is not playing -- or is not willing to give up that information!
  • General questions about divinity also apply, but let's keep this fun. Please don't ask questions about Lusternia rules or regulations (see HELP ISSUES for that sort of thing, or use the HELP files in general).
  • Keep it classy. 
Gods: reply at will, and then ask a question so we don't prematurely kill the thread.
Avatar by the lovely Esei!


  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    edited February 2017
    I'm going to apologise beforehand if these questions offend anyone. They aren't intended to.

    Dear Gods who aren't the first incarnations of your character: did your predecessor leave notes for you? I've always wondered about this. 

    Lisaera: do you still love Fain?

    Thax: Your character has been relatively hands-off rp-wise when it comes to allowing the order to develop, and I personally feel like it's working out so far. How do you feel, and what would you change if you could?

    Hoaracle: you've went out of your way to not have an extensive order. Is this for rp or ooc reasons which aren't our business? 

    Edit: Hoaracle, what the heck is a whacher and how many people typoed it when you took the new title?
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.

    Do I still love @Fain? It's funny you should ask.
    It's always been a sort of headcanon with me that Fain still loves Lisaera, but he's blocked it off with a sort of psychological wall to protect himself.

    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • @shaddus What would happen if a goddess somehow shut off Her ability to love? 
    Avatar by the lovely Esei!
  • I kinda recall that, Sir Goopington.

    @Thax is zingavium something that a mortal could wield/touch? The histories say Clangorum is the only one who could manipulate it, but also that there were swords/shields made out of it too. What makes that type of steel stronger?
  • Whoops, 

    @Thax, is HalliThax still a ship that can sail?
    The playa you love to hate
  • @allthegods

    - What are your favorite mortal adventures, plots, schemes, events, hijinks or shenanigans to catch wind of? Which ones make you groan?

    - What's the best way to start interaction with you?

    - You wake up suddenly mortal. You are still you, but your powers are now those of a demigod. How do you react and what's your new life like?
  • LavinyaLavinya Queen of Snark Australia
    @Thax given you are staying largely out of the spotlight rp wise, is there any chance non-order members will get to interact with/meet you? Asking for a friend.  :p

  • ShaddusShaddus , the Leper Messiah Outside your window.
    edited February 2017
    @Maylea: either you or a predecessor  (we really need a better term for that) had a storyline developing about a bow made for you by Clangorum, I think. Did that ever get found? If not, is that scenario something you're actually working on?

    @AllGods: if you hadn't chosen the God you're playing now, what would have been your second choice and why? Have any of you ever made up a God/Persona concept that wasn't in the histories, but Estarra turned it down?

    @Nocht: Nocht, who's there?
    Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
  • @hoaracle - oh man. One of my favorite gifts ever was a copy of Autobiography of Red as a graduation gift. I like your taste!
  • RhiRhi
    edited February 2017
    Drocilla said:

    @Hoaracle how many smores would Hoarsmore store if Hoarsmore could store smores? A score? Or s'more?

    This is eerily similar to something I just asked on the Gaudi ct around the same time too :o

    Great minds?
  • @Drakius the official (4 year old) hashtag is #Thax4fax
  • Do @AlltheGods ever RP with each other in the Havens? I'm aware of a lot of silliness that happens, but do in character interactions happen that are out of mortal perception?
  • @Rhi - No, but it's something we talk about a lot. When taking up a role one of the things we prep is an idea of our opinion of and interactions with the other gods - this is something that we actively maintain and keep in mind, especially between gods in the same organisation.
  • @AllGods: Who do you think is/would be the most likely to splinter and become a mortal race (for whatever reasons)?

  • @Ianir will your wardrobe always be grey tunic/trousers :o I know you have no IC function but can we dress you up in a Tron suit?
  • Oh boy! 


    1) I think I mentioned this in the "Best of 2016" thread or something, but there was this moment where @Gabriella just got out of a heady conversation about things, and her character was emotionally upset at the Ellindel Memorial. I just happened to be scoping around Serenwilde, cruising for roleplay (as you do), and I stumble upon her. So we had this really beautiful moment where Gabriella just gestured and spoke aloud her frustrations while I just sent rmotes of the rain falling around her. I think that moment is the best moment I've ever had in any IRE game (beating out the adventures of Adasser). I don't have any groan-worthy events, it is actually kind of difficult to catch wind of mortal schemes unless you are really paying attention.

    2) Just going to Hoaracle's fulcrux, generally. Granted, I don't really pay a lot of attention because I am always trying to get work done (this is the blessing/curse of not doing the Order roleplay).

    3) Hoaracle would probably just do a pilgrimage to all the great forests of Lusternia. I am not entirely sure - I would have to think about this more!


    So, funny thing, my first choice was not actually Hoaracle, but Auseklis. But because of some other things, that role wasn't really available. Hoaracle was my second choice, suggested by Estarra. If I didn't end up as Hoaracle, I really would like to play either Blooredi (because I think there is something really interesting about this prideful, boastful creature who has issues with his "children") or Rahm (because #Jojobo4Lyfe)


    3 - one for each member of the Triumvirate so we can send your butt back to the Void. :wink:


    Well, I guess I would have to say "yes," with my answer to Shaddus. :smiley:
  • @Shaddus @Czixi Malmydia was my second choice as well. 
  • Ianir said:
    Rhi said:
    @Ianir will your wardrobe always be grey tunic/trousers :o I know you have no IC function but can we dress you up in a Tron suit?
    I plan to eventually tie-dye my newbie clothes and make them permanent.
    >_> Gaudiguch maybe has preemptively tried to assist you with this issue. Expect a delivery soon.
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