Lusternian Divine AMA



  • Agreed with Terentia, if you're getting to experience Mysrai's thoughts it's going to be colourful and in longform emote/godmote style that may or may not blind or leave you reeling after.
    Art is by the wonderful Gurashi!
  • edited September 2020
    Terentia said:
    More questions... this time at midnight!
    1. This is a selfish question: Unlike some of my fellows, I don't really like "appearing" all of a sudden to a player and RPing with them (either through motes or being visible); but I feel like it makes me miss out on so many experiences. How do you like to experience your roleplay? Side-question to this question: how important is visibility (note, there is a distinction between visibility and activity) for you, esp. in relation to god roleplay?

    Turning this question around to the divine and adding the following: How do you like your rp? Does it bother you oocly when random mortals show up to ask inane questions? 

    Have you ever had a player ask you a question you didn't have an answer for/ hadn't thought of?
    Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."

    Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
  • edited September 2020
    Terentia said:
    I think part of my answer is alluded to in the question! I am ambivalent to visibility. @Eritheyl mentioned in the other thread about imagining the onslaught of player interest and excitement when you go visible, and from my experience, that isn't really the case. At most I get a couple "Hail Lady" on CT or on OT, but that's about it. 

    In our defense, it's not like you demand grovelling or attention like some other gods. If I were a god, I'd probably get tired of the instant grovelling and "What can we do for you?!?!?" when I became visible. On the other hand, I (and probably most mortal players) think if you show up visible, you want something, or an event is starting, or you intentionally want us to interact with you. We kinda have to balance both viewpoints out.

    Terentia said:
    . So you could ask Terentia about Her relationship to Meridian, for example, and I can sort of talk around it, but I may not have yet fully written out stories between her and him (and this is more just my slowness in doing that kind of work--some of my colleagues in the Havens can easily draw out complex stories or scenes with gods and histories very fast!). 


    Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."

    Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
  • AeldraAeldra , using cake powered flight
    Reading this, I am reminded I am at some point guilty of not taking opportunities myself at times and offering tidbits as to what I actually want or need from a divine, though I do realize it's mostly through me still getting super nervous with interacting with godroles, I probably should try to be a little more concise in prayers etc as to what I do seek and require. Thanks for those insights and the reminder. <.<
    Avatar / Picture done by the lovely Gurashi.
  • Terentia said:
    The Quizmaster turns their attention to the Divine.

    3) Who have been your favorite Ephemeral characters (note, not the admin because that is rude, but like, the persona that they portrayed; e.g. Kidaen, the Empyrean Bard)?

    As a general question from this, sometimes it feels Ephermeral characters are sometimes more loved than actual role you take. That everyone seems to go 'oooh, I wonder what is happening' when an ephemeral shows up, regardless of their 'org', whereas generally only the elder's home org will care about them when they show up.
    From an RP pov, Do you feel like it is easier to be a full on god than an Ephermeral because of this small pool of people that care when such a being is visible?
  • Jolanthe said:
    Terentia said:
    I might as well answer my own questions...

    1) I was a generally lone player--I wasn't really connected to many people, even though I was a part of a family. But for the most part, I was doing a first-person campaign in a multiplayer game. So once there got to a point where I felt like there wasn't anything more interesting to do as a player, it felt natural to apply to the Havens. I think it was a smart move on my part. My time in the Havens, and then playing other roleplaying games, made me realise that I am not much of a fan of being a "player." Like, it's fun and whatnot, but I think I get a greater enjoyment by having a bird's eye view. 
    Sounds eerily like me, except my epiphany was coming to terms with the fact that I simply don't enjoy/derive fun from MUD combat and having to start a new character to really let go of that.

    I also have to second Ydryin, because he was such a great concept and I got sad when he stopped coming around because that was the soft signal that the story with his sister was going to lull into the background.

    I get this too, Jolanthe, though I like the puzzle-solving part of MUD combat. 

    I even remember Ydryin, and I don't usually interact with the ephemerals. Not that I don't want to, just... loner.
    "Chairwoman," Princess Setisoki states, holding up a hand in a gesture for her to stop and returning the cup. "That would be quite inappropriate. One of the males will serve me."
  • Terentia said:
    The Quizmaster turns their attention to the Divine.

    1) In the spirit of Ephemeral Season closing, what motivated you to apply to be an Ephemeral?
    2) What is one suggestion that you would give to anyone who may apply to be an Ephemeral in the future?
    3) Who have been your favorite Ephemeral characters (note, not the admin because that is rude, but like, the persona that they portrayed; e.g. Kidaen, the Empyrean Bard)?
    4) What has been the most enjoyable thing you created or contributed to the game? Bonus points if it was something that you did as an Ephemeral.
    1) Quests, and the lore integration, was a big draw of Lusternia to me. Around the time of an eph call, I was getting increasingly frustrated with a couple of quest bugs, so getting to see, and hopefully help fix, things related to that was part of my motivation in applying. I was at a bit of a lull character arc wise, and I also knew how satisfying it was to see something you had written/worked on become official lore and knew I wanted to do more of that.

    2) It can be really beneficial to log in regularly, even if you're feeling a bit stuck on your current project, because the energy of other people working on projects and being excited can help keep you engaged, and taking a break by pitching in on something different, or just watching some rp, can help motivate you. But sometimes there are also times where you might need to just hide for a bit while you power through something. Pay attention to yourself and how you work best, and try different things!

    3) Alas for Eliar and Dasia. I also really enjoyed Calythan.

    4) Restricting things to ephemeralhood, I made a puzzle that is not anywhere else in Lusternia,  which was satisfying. It's also always nice when you contribute a desc or a vision that people like enough to share on the forums, and there were a number of those too.
    Art by the multitalented Aonia
  • #AllGods:

    A. What mount would you release for your order today if there were no real restrictions?

    ^Feel free to skip this if you have something in the works and don't want to leak it, or maybe answer something different if you had a second idea that you won't be using.

    B: Do any parts of your IRL personality leak over into your persona's personality? Bad habits?

    C. I've asked this waaaaaay back in the past, but it might have changed by now. Back in the day, one of an eph's first tasks were to make a mob. If this is still a thing, what was your eph-mob and why?

    Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."

    Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
  • I'll add in a question here. Is there something that you particularly enjoy watching the playerbase do (eg, trying to figure out quests, popping in to watch pk, randomly thinking/emoting to themselves with nobody around, etc)?
  • Parhelion said:

    A. What mount would you release for your order today if there were no real restrictions?

    ^Feel free to skip this if you have something in the works and don't want to leak it, or maybe answer something different if you had a second idea that you won't be using.

    B: Do any parts of your IRL personality leak over into your persona's personality? Bad habits?

    C. I've asked this waaaaaay back in the past, but it might have changed by now. Back in the day, one of an eph's first tasks were to make a mob. If this is still a thing, what was your eph-mob and why?

    Thank you for your curiosity and your questions! Just keeping in mind, Ephemeral mobs are a rather private matter and can be awkward to discuss without being too revealing.
  • Maylea said:
    Parhelion said:

    A. What mount would you release for your order today if there were no real restrictions?

    ^Feel free to skip this if you have something in the works and don't want to leak it, or maybe answer something different if you had a second idea that you won't be using.

    B: Do any parts of your IRL personality leak over into your persona's personality? Bad habits?

    C. I've asked this waaaaaay back in the past, but it might have changed by now. Back in the day, one of an eph's first tasks were to make a mob. If this is still a thing, what was your eph-mob and why?

    Thank you for your curiosity and your questions! Just keeping in mind, Ephemeral mobs are a rather private matter and can be awkward to discuss without being too revealing.

    Hey, nobody's making them talk about their mobs. They can brag and show it off, or not, or just skip the question :)
    Her voice firm and commanding, Terentia, the Even Bladed says to you, "You have kept your oath to Me, Parhelion. You have sworn to maintain Justice in these troubled times."

    Yet if a boon be granted me, unworthy as I am, let it be for a steady hand with a clear eye and a fury most inflaming.
  • Parhelion said:

    A. What mount would you release for your order today if there were no real restrictions?

    ^Feel free to skip this if you have something in the works and don't want to leak it, or maybe answer something different if you had a second idea that you won't be using.

    B: Do any parts of your IRL personality leak over into your persona's personality? Bad habits?

    C. I've asked this waaaaaay back in the past, but it might have changed by now. Back in the day, one of an eph's first tasks were to make a mob. If this is still a thing, what was your eph-mob and why?

    A. Very sad that Ein claimed a Void whale already. :( 

    B. Lantra and I are both diligent workaholics who hold ourselves to high standards, often to our own detriment. That aspect of her character wound up being the centrepiece I built her profile around.

    C. A silly movie reference. ;)
    Uzriel said:
    I'll add in a question here. Is there something that you particularly enjoy watching the playerbase do (eg, trying to figure out quests, popping in to watch pk, randomly thinking/emoting to themselves with nobody around, etc)?
    When players reach out to random mobs, it's often fun to see where that leads!
    Avatar by Sam Smith. You can follow her on Twitter here.
  • Lantra said:
    A. Very sad that Ein claimed a Void whale already. :( 

    There are (currently) 89 species of cetaceans that includes whales, dolphins, porpoises, and narwhals. i"M SURE THERE IS A POSSIBILITY HERE
    It's pronounced "Maggy'!

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