The Elder Wars Mafia! Morgfyre and Malmydia Win! (Lavinya/Ushaara)



  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Breandryn said:
    Let's stop citing Falmiis as if it will legitimize things. He died before he could act on anything he may have learned.
    Even if you remove mention of Falaeron from my post, the point still stands.
  • Breandryn said:
    Let's stop citing Falmiis as if it will legitimize things. He died before he could act on anything he may have learned.
    What?  Citing Falaeron has everything to do with the fact he is proven town and somebody decided he was worth killing and nothing to do with his power.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Breandryn said:
    Let's stop citing Falmiis as if it will legitimize things. He died before he could act on anything he may have learned.
    Okay, let's cite someone who's here. You, @Breandryn!

    Your first post of any real note was on Page 5...

    Breandryn said:
    I can see where Shaddus made his mistake. My role itself clearly references the soulless but my flavor text is all about the elixir. I had to double check my own win condition to make sure it was town vs soulless.

    This seems to me like you're trying to say "hey I'm totally town too, nothing to see here."

    Page 6 brings us with you hopping on the Xeii-train

    Breandryn said:
    I would prefer to avoid a no-lynch. So much happens in these games during the night and lynchtrains are one way for us to investigate and find guilty.

    Vote: Xeii 

    You know. Page six. Still day one. Encouraging a lynchtrain. The very next page, you hop off the lynchtrain that had started...

    Breandryn said:
    Well, doctor is not good to lynch. If Xeii is lying, at least one of us knows that, so her claim can be countered when needed. If she really is the doctor, we don't want to lynch her. So, Unvote: Xeii

    I am torn between lynching Shaddus to get some information and vote patterns started, but I'm also afraid we'll have another important role potentially revealed. Staying no-vote for now and watching what happens.

    And you're right, you wouldn't want to be caught as someone pushing a claimed/believable doctor because then you're the target.

    When we go into day 2, you lead with a question to Othero and this statement of yours on page 12.

    Breandryn said:
    The Soulless, if they are a mafia, could have a targetted skill that does something other than kill. Empower, protect, etc. Othero did you see two Soulless targeting each other or actually fighting? I think the distinction is important.

    Nothing happened to me last night, btw.
    "The Soulless, if they are a mafia, could have a targetted skill that does something other than kill." Okay, while a plausible idea, you then go on to press Othero for more information. You might be doing this because you're an eager townie, or you might be doing this so you know what to look out for Othero noticing at night when you perform actions.

    Keep in mind, Xeii had been jailed night one, protected.

    You also follow this with (also on page 12)
    Breandryn said:
    Ah. Maybe there are 2 mafias, given how big the game is?
    Which, if you are a Soulless, seems like another attempt at misdirection.

    Page 13 you say the following...
    Breandryn said:
    So Malmydia isn't the doctor, but Meridan is? 
    after @Ushaara made his claim. Now why would this lead you to vote for Ushaara... well, there's the town-reason, which is "maybe we can get information from Ushaara by lynching him" which seems... not that great in my opinion. You vote for him on Page 14.

    Breandryn said:
    This makes sense and will give us some information to work with.

    Sorry, Ushaara :(

    Vote: Ushaara

    But then... what if you are a Soulless? What if Malmydia isn't a traitor, but has a power that allows them to devour a soulless or otherwise kill one they identify? That would worry a Soulless greatly. Best to lynch them and get rid of them, no?

    Breandryn said:
    Ok so...

    - wtf is the wifi thing weiwae keeps mentioning?

    - why don't we know the game setup in these games? I've noticed we spend half the game just trying to figure out what the rules are. Would knowing the setup be so op? 

    - ushaara is about to be lynched and won't say what his powers are. Why?

    Page 14 also. You're trying to push Ushaara for his powers. You're worried he might be a threat to you.

    Onto page 17, we have this from you...

    Breandryn said:
    Sorry. I'm somewhat occupied RL. Have a visitor down for a few days.

    I was going to wait a few rounds until I have more to go with but since I'm pressed...

    Vote: Weiwae

    Sorry, I'm on phone and won't have PC for a bit so can't quote.

    It is subtle but I think his actions definitely read as scum trying to seem innocent and guide votes. For all his posting he hasn't really made a firm stand on anything and instead he's been trying to set himself up to look innocent down the line. Loudly defending a townie being lynched? Looks super innocent until you realize a mafia guy will know the townie is townie. He's trying to establish his voting and posting record so he looks innocent in late game.

    He's tried to push voting by mentioning things like Falmiss' suspicious list - a list formed during day 1's day round isn't really one I would take stock in but Weiwae refers to it as a quiet suggestion of guilt for those Falmiis mentioned. Even if I does have a day watch power, odds are he didn't get the report from it until twilight or later so it's really just some random people not canon that should guide us.

    He dismisses arguments without actually addressing them, a la the booze before you acronym he threw up to shoot down Tremula (i think).

    I wanted to wait another round or two before posting my feelings on him since it is early still but since Celina also is getting those vibes, here you go.

    You are now hopping onto another person who you perceive as a threat. But why? I have no idea what you see in Weiwae to start voting him, but I am thoroughly curious about it given I've explained why I'm pretty sure Weiwae is town.

    Which brings us to your first quote in my post.


    Vote: Breandryn
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    In short, Breandryn is sketchy. I forget if Othero said Illith attacked Kethuru or Kethuru attacked Illith, but either way, if one of them has a power besides killing as was suggested by Breandryn and say... could jail... then what's to say whichever of the two Soulless jailed @Xeii, and the other (Breandryn) went to attack Xeii, only to come face-to-face with the jailer-Soulless, which is what @Othero saw?
  • UshaaraUshaara Schrödinger's Traitor
    Sylandra said:

    Full transparency as well: whatever your power is, Ushaara, my vote will likely stay the same unless a "coaster" lynch takes off. If you want to hold onto it and not share, that's your business, but I have to say it makes me quite speculative of what your power might be! Malmydia's not known for being particularly kind, after all, and I could see her power being a doozy.

    Thank you though for sharing that you took no action on Night 1. That's good to know.
    Hiho. Kept quiet yesterday since I didn't want to distract further... Here's another monster post to make up for it...

    So for the people who wanted a power claim, Sylandra's quote above is a perfect example of why I didn't reveal it earlier.

    No matter what I said, it was unlikely to change the vote.

    Power claims are typically only needed when trying to figure out who was doing what on a particular night, or trying to find inconsistencies. But that is not what is happening here, and a power claim wouldn't make a blind bit of difference on establishing whether I was telling the truth or not about being a "canon Traitor" but town aligned.

    Furthermore, a power claim could have only helped me to deter votes if it could provide me with a power-related alibi from Night 1, such as describing the flavour of a roleblock etc. Or, as was the case for Xeii, if I claimed a power that Town can't risk losing. 

    But I've already said I didn't act last night, so I have no power-related alibi that someone else can confirm, and I clearly don't have a town critical power. Thus, as Portius put it in his cost-benefit analysis, I am a good "safety lynch" in the absence of better options.

    At the time of my reveal, I'd agree, I -was- the best option to lynch with how little was on the table. But I don't think that is still the case. Whether you think my claim was just a huge distraction or not, it's thrown up lots of threads to pull on, and a lynch train to pick through.

    Again, self-interest talking here, but focusing on analyzing who people are willing to vote for, why they're voting for them etc. are all more productive in the long-term to figuring out the setup, than simply lynching quickly to verify a claim.

    This is essentially the same argument as what Sylandra proposed earlier, i.e. if I flip town, analyze my lynch train, if I flip scum, analyze hers. But in her proposal, I still have to die, which obviously I am not keen on.

    But since I was at 8/10 votes and looking like a goner, I'm pretty sure there's at least one Soulless among those 8.

    Challenge? Disentangling the votes, since as Sylandra pointed out, -everyone- had good reason to lynch me.

    So analyzing my lynch train in the order votes were placed:

    Yomoigu: At the time of his vote, it wasn't looking like there was going to be a better option forthcoming. "Least bad" result for Town if I was telling the truth.

    Shaddus: Not a lot of detail beyond the above and somewhat non-committal, but pressure-building. Later unvotes to give time to respond.

    Phoebus: Adamant for a lynch, no better options, wanted my "tasty flip info".

    Sylandra: Most vocal person calling for the lynch. Outlines why lynching me is good, but perhaps exaggerates how useful my flip will be to Town, and assumes a lot about game setup that goes against our only established bit of info, i.e. win condition being phrased in terms of defeating Soulless, not any mention of Fain's Coterie/Traitors etc. 

    Breandryn: Most bandwagoning single sentence vote of the lot. Lets others do the hard-lifting of outlining reasons to vote for me.

    Portius: Tries to cost-benefit truthiness of my early claim, concludes both scenarios will yield info, and no better options. Implicit game setup assumption of Traitor faction's existence.

    Luce: Possible bandwagoner? Still no better options presented at this stage. Brazenly says "watch for bandwagoners" if I flip town.

    Dylara: Another single sentence bandwagon vote, while also wanting a power claim with promise that vote will be removed "if telling the truth sufficiently". This is odd to me, since for the reasons outlined above, a power claim doesn't do anything to establish the truth of what I've already claimed.

    At this stage I was two votes away from a lynch.

    Lehki + Weiwae then voted for Sylandra. Vivet posts highlighting that I might be useful alive, and Shaddus unvotes, and the lynch train stops.

    Subsequent actions of note:
    - Sylandra still pushes for the lynch and the Weiwae/Sylandra argument takes off.
    - Yomo/Phoebus back Sylandra.
    - Fyler rejects lynching me.
    - Portius' cost-benefit still saying lynch me
    - Dylara posts saying something about my claims just rub her up the wrong way.
    - Sylandra + Breandryn also post about wanting a power claim.
    - Fyler posts again saying look for a better alternative and votes Weiwae.
    - Breandryn/Phoebus flip vote to Weiwae.
    - Sylandra unvotes from me to see if Weiwae vote takes.

    On the above, I will Unvote and Vote Breandryn

  • PortiusPortius Likes big books, cannot lie

    This isn't me being opposed to lynching Ushaara, but there's a lot of new things to consider and I need time to work through them all before I decide who looks like the best option.
    Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
  • LuceLuce Fox Populi
    Sylandra said:
    Luce said:
    He stated He likes figuring out the set up and dislikes Town of Salem for how trivial that is there. It may be His second game here, but I don't think it's His second ever game. Lusternia has some oddness with our set ups so if He primarily played elsewhere it'd make sense for some of His thought processes to seem odd to us.
    (Are you sure you're not confusing his post with mine? Because I made that comment about Town of Salem earlier.)
    Mea culpa.

    Unvote, vote Breandryn

    I've felt she's been a little sketchy for a while now, but the exchange at absurd o'clock this morning sort of cinched that for me.

    I admit the timing of My votes makes me a little suspect but I've been pretty good about backing them up with logic and reasoning, I think. Ush has always been a 'we need more information/We need a better idea' lynch, Weiwae is just a mistake. I'm getting behind the Breandryn train now because I think the better option has presented Herself.
  • Selenity and Ushaara's arguments make sense to me.  I'll be going over the earlier posts later to see the data for myself before committing to a vote though.
  • I'm fairly quiet in mafia compared to others and you can look at the last two games to see that. 

    I didn't really care about the Xeii and Shaddus stuff. I thought it was a minor detail to quibble over to the extent people did, but I was happy enough to join the train. Same with Ushaara. I am used to Aetolia forums mafia where the roles are announced and a day one lynch is an assumed outcome we must reach. We need lynches before we can analyze votes and I've been happy to let other people take that for the team.

    I'm not guilty, I just like staying alive.
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Breandryn said:
    I'm fairly quiet in mafia compared to others and you can look at the last two games to see that. 

    I didn't really care about the Xeii and Shaddus stuff. I thought it was a minor detail to quibble over to the extent people did, but I was happy enough to join the train. Same with Ushaara. I am used to Aetolia forums mafia where the roles are announced and a day one lynch is an assumed outcome we must reach. We need lynches before we can analyze votes and I've been happy to let other people take that for the team.

    I'm not guilty, I just like staying alive.
    In the Meta Mafia game, you decided to vote for no one on day one to keep with the tradition of the forums. You also typically wrote posts with more substance. You're failing to do both here. I'm not counting the anti-Weiwae post which is more wishy-washy than the Akala Island Trial in Pokemon Sun and Moon.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    (Apropos of nothing else, voting "no lynch" on day one means absolutely nothing and no one can convince me otherwise.)

    And Breandryn was scum last game, so you're analyzing how she acted when she was scummy, not town.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Sylandra said:
    (Apropos of nothing else, voting "no lynch" on day one means absolutely nothing and no one can convince me otherwise.)

    And Breandryn was scum last game, so you're analyzing how she acted when she was scummy, not town.
    Fine, disregard her behavior from last game, you still have her acting next-level suspiciously this one.
  • I find it interesting that the Ushaara train slowly chugged for days but now we have a whole handful of trains. I think it's likely that at least one of the trains has correctly hit the mark and the influx of new trains is at least partially from fellow scrum deflecting.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    I don't know about that. I initially was willing to agree to a @Breandryn lynch because of the people on @Ushaara's train she seemed the most conveniently hanger-on. But when she changed her vote to Weiwae (a small, blossoming train, rather than the heavy-hitter that Ushaara's was), I thought she made some pretty decent points about why she changed her vote.

    Actually Breandryn's post explaining her reasoning on @Weiwae is what convinced me to unvote, and to see how discussion continued. I disagree that she's not posting with substance. Maybe not as frequently as some people, but she isn't my top choice to lynch today. "Next-level suspicious" is a bit hyperbolic imho, especially compared to the activity of some other players this game.

    Still contend a lynch is always better than a no lynch though.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    (My post was in response to @Selenity not @Breandryn above)
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Also I don't know how useful analyzing my play in other games is. Before these I played a more town of Salem style one on Aetolia forums. I came here thinking I knew what I was doing a d have spent the past two games getting my butt handed to me :p So yeah I am laying low a bit. Trying to learn and apply what I am learning. I'll probably play completely differently next game.
  • Breandryn said:
    I find it interesting that the Ushaara train slowly chugged for days but now we have a whole handful of trains. I think it's likely that at least one of the trains has correctly hit the mark and the influx of new trains is at least partially from fellow scrum deflecting.
    The only trains are on Ushaara and then Sylandra that sat there for a bit. Then a train on me was started and now you. So your comment about atleast one indicates you think either sylandra, myself or you is scum.

    Selenity explained why it is likely that I'm not  scum and I know I'm not scum. That leaves sylandra and yourself.  You didn't seem concerned that votes against me were derailing from sylandra , so are you outing yourself, or do you now think Sylandra is suspicious? If you think the new votes are intended to derail against myself, why not just say it? Why the vague accusation?
  • I'm willing to relent on Ushaara for now, not happy with the explanation fine.  I am uncertain of where to next, I need to reread posts when I get home. It is my birthday, so I may not be as available as I'd like over the next couple days. I swear I didn't plan these absences :( 

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    I mean the Breandryn lynch train started after she suggested she felt you were scum, Weiwae. She stated that pretty clearly. I think in this scenario she believes you're the scum.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • SelenitySelenity My first MC to stay in Serenwilde
    Dylara said:
    I'm willing to relent on Ushaara for now, not happy with the explanation fine.  I am uncertain of where to next, I need to reread posts when I get home. It is my birthday, so I may not be as available as I'd like over the next couple days. I swear I didn't plan these absences :( 

    Happy birthday! And you totally planned your birthday. Yep. Totally planned that one. FOS Dylara (kidding). Have a great birthday. :D
  • Oops, forgot to Unvote       

    Avurekhos says, "Dylara's a PvP menace in my eyes, totes rekting face."

    The eye of Dylara materialises in your hands and flings itself around your neck, tightening incomprehensibly until it is irremovable.
    Perfectly clean, this eyeball has been wrenched from the socket of Dylara. It has been animated by some unusual force, constantly looking around itself as if in shock or fear. It is bathed in a light covering of white flames that roll endlessly over its surface. A single chain of empyreal metal pierces either side of the eye, allowing it to be worn around the neck.

  • Sylandra said:
    I mean the Breandryn lynch train started after she suggested she felt you were scum, Weiwae. She stated that pretty clearly. I think in this scenario she believes you're the scum.
    Actually, it was after she said to ignore Falaeron.

    She had voted for me almost a full day earlier before anyone thought anything of it.
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    That's still "after"!

    Also I admittedly also don't think it's wise to put too much pressure on what Falaeron said, as his gut assumptions aren't what got him lynched in my view. Rather it was that he soft claimed Krokano and I think the scum guessed he might be the investigator.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Stuck in a quote box....  If Othero is correct, the soulless didn't kill Falaeron.

    The votes against Braedyn started after the train on ushaara,  sylandra and myself. But was triggered by her bizzare comment regarding falaeron. That initiated a bandwagon investigation, which looks about accurate now.

    Vote Breandryn.
  • How is my rationale about Falaeron bizarre?
  • Since I'm back at a PC, let me clarify more, since my phone comments are a bit rambly. Typing up a post.
  • So currently we have people citing some statements Falaeron made during day one. I think it's a mistake to do so, and that it's likely a redirect in an attempt to frame others.

    Falaeron was a day watcher, yes, however let's read the power's description:

    Every night phase, you can choose to watch someone during the day. If they raised a disruption field, you will intercept any messages sent.

    So, he died before he could use his power. This means his "suspicions" he mentioned came from...nowhere. Just from reading the thread like the rest of us. He didn't have any extra insight, he didn't have a power helping him know more than the rest of us. He just mentioned some suspicions aloud, like many people did during day one. 

    Why does dying suddenly legitimize those suspicions? If anything, it discredits them. What scum is going to kill the person calling them out? That's just too blatant. I would think a framing job would be too obvious as well, but that certainly feels like what it going on with how people continue to cite his suspicions. It feels like Falaeron was killed to try to cast guilt on those he mentioned, so I see everyone referencing this as potential scum trying to execute a plan to frame others.
  • Weiwae said:
    Breandryn said:
    Let's stop citing Falmiis as if it will legitimize things. He died before he could act on anything he may have learned.
    What?  Citing Falaeron has everything to do with the fact he is proven town and somebody decided he was worth killing and nothing to do with his power.
    Your comment is bizzare because you are the only person bringing up his power. As far as any of us (the three people who agreed with my post) knew, his power is/was irrelevant.

    @Sylandra When did Falaeron soft claim krokano? Ushaara said he thought he was igasho?
  • SylandraSylandra Join Queue for Mafia Games The Last Mafia Game
    I think using @Falaeron to frame @Breandryn is a poor argument. Falaeron didn't die for what he know, he died for his soft-claim of Krokano. Krokano could feasibly be an investigator. Ergo, best option for scum based on what they knew. He also wasn't the loudest person yesterday so potentially less night attention.

    I really don't see how we can talk about Falaeron's death without acknowledging this. In that context, Breandryn's request to stop relying on Falaeron's hunches for information makes sense. I think saying otherwise is blowing her comment out of proportion.

    Those who say "I am voting Breandryn because she was one of the quietest Ushaara lynch-voters" I think have a much better argument. Though in that case, I'd also point you to @Luce, who was quiet, has not posted much, voted Ushaara, then later on defended Weiwae vehemently. He seems to have popped in and out a lot more infrequently than Breandryn has, and Breandryn has added more reasoning for her votes (particularly Weiwae's) than Luce from what I've read so far.

    Not necessarily starting a new train, mind you, just sharing an observation based on the current pro-Breandryn rationale.

    tldr: If it's just "quiet voter and made a Falaeron comment I don't like," I think there are other more quiet voters worth talking about, and I think the Falaeron comment is moot.
    Daraius said:
    "Oh yeah, you're a naughty mayor, aren't you? Misfile that Form MA631-D. Comptroller Shevat's got a nice gemstone disc for you, but yer gonna have to beg for it."
  • Weiwae said:
    Lavinya said:
    I would not be surprised to learn that it's not so black and white as traitors vs the rest. Silvanus is a bit of an evil genius in that regard, where learning identity may not necessarily reveal alliance. Which by the same token makes our job even harder to do. Very curious to learn more as the game goes on as to what he has cooked up.

    I am 90% certain that along with xeii, Lavinya was the other person not falmiis found suspicious.
    Well if you aren't referencing his power, what source of legitimacy are you claiming when you make comments like this to try to sway votes? I was giving you the credit of the doubt that you were using his power as the rationale for his statement being relevant.
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