So, um. I don't know if this still gets used, but I just wanted to put my metaphorical hat in the ring.
I'm actually not all that sure what to say about Luce, other than he's a cook, and he's kind of fly-by-the-seat-of-his-robes, and sorta shy..? He likes being helpful and gets warm fuzzies from talking about cooking, since it is the perfect reflection in his mind of Hallifax itself: art and science mixed together for perfection.
Kids in Hallifax basically have their pick of the families. Poke some Shevats and Windwhispers and Pavoks and see which one you like best. Then pick Shevat.
I think Halli families tend to be more laidback on the kid-pouncing, if only because most couples tend to have one spouse that is only partially active/inactive. I do encourage talking around with the different family members and getting a feel for each!
if race = loboshigaru and snuggler = false then family = shevat elseif race = trill and thingsyouenjoy = arts and designing then family = windwhisper elseif race = anything and thingsyouenjoy = duty to the Collective then family = Most Honorable Family Pavok
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
Everiine and Kyair are looking for some more kids!
The thing is, we're not newbie grabbers. We don't assault novices coming out of the portal, like other families. We actually care about the characters and people. Therefore, you might have to contact me OOC to express an interest in the family so we can get the RP going.
Pros: Both are well-established characters with deep, deep ties to their forest (the characters have been around for ~9 RL years each). The family itself may not be prestigious, but the parents definitely are. Everiine is current GA of the Serenguard, former GA, GM, and CL of Serenwilde. Kyair is former GC and GM of the Moondancers. Both parents are known for their incredible RP (tootin' own horn), so if RP is your game, there are few places better. Parents are also incredibly loving. Two manses, and you're guaranteed a room in at least one, if not both.
Requests: If you are an alt, that's fine! But, we'd like to invest some time in building the family, so if you're an alt around just to try some things, maybe this isn't the place for you. Be connected to the Serenwilde, if possible. There are already non-Seren children, but they started in the Serenwilde, so it's possible, but less likely. Be serious about RP. This is what we do. All races allowed in Serenwilde are welcome.
Either chat up Everiine IG if interested, or, if that's harder to work out, send me an OOC message, and we'll find a way.
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
if race = loboshigaru and snuggler = false then family = shevat elseif race = trill and thingsyouenjoy = arts and designing then family = windwhisper elseif race = anything and thingsyouenjoy = duty to the Collective then family = Most Honorable Family Pavok
I'll take a snuggler too. Might be fun playing an emotionally distant granddad for once.
So, um. I don't know if this still gets used, but I just wanted to put my metaphorical hat in the ring.
I'm actually not all that sure what to say about Luce, other than he's a cook, and he's kind of fly-by-the-seat-of-his-robes, and sorta shy..? He likes being helpful and gets warm fuzzies from talking about cooking, since it is the perfect reflection in his mind of Hallifax itself: art and science mixed together for perfection.
Oh, I forgot to mention that this really would need to be an adoption in-character. Like, not just 'I found my birth parents' but 'I got adopted'. I should work on this in the game, I guess.
Pectus and Tremula are looking for more kids to be adopted into n'Lochli!
We refuse to adopt anyone under level 50 (unless you just haven't been able to hunt as much). We just don't want to steal a novice into a family and rob them of the chance of experiencing more of the game without one. Novice-grubbing is something we view as veeery bad.
You can message me or Tremula OOCly or talk to us ICly if you see us!
Super cool stuff:
We've both been around and active for a looong time and don't plan on going permanently inactive again. I've been playing since near beta, and Tremula's been playing for about 7 years. You would have pretty darn interactive parents.
You would be joining n'Lochli! n'Lochli is a historical Magnagoran house with ties to i'Xiia house in the past. Lots of history, loooots of RP potential, and you have the ability (If you want it) to RP as a noble Viscanti lady/lord.
Tremula is currently a Nightingale in Lady Drocilla's order and Pectus is the Conductor of the Cacophony. So you wouldn't be joining the lowest of the low.
You would be given some space in one of our three aethermanses (Most likely a wing in Pectus' tower) and access to the following -
Two tailoring cartels, one cooking, two jewellery, one tattoos, one artisan.
Two aethermanses (Taintchateau is Pectus', Midnight Pearl is Tremula's ship)
One aethershop (Boutique. Owned by Pectus, being used by all of n'Lochli)
Private oven
Private outdoor garden with seeds
Private snowman for snowballs
Aethermanse gems if you want the commodities
A plethora of family items
RP isn't exactly my strongpoint anymore but I'm very much willing to give it a go with you!
You would be given an allowance every year as Pectus doesn't allow his n'Lochli children to run around looking like urchins, and will most likely throw clothing at you if he thinks you don't look fashionable enough.
Stuff we would like:
No Merians, Elfen or Kephera for obvious reasons.
If you are an alt, that's fine, but we would prefer if you put in somewhat decent amount of time into the character. We alt ourselves though! So we understand that that can't always happen.
Publically non-sexual conduct. I know it's kind of silly to ask for, but we've had issues in the past with that kind of thing. You would be joining a noble family after all!
At least an IG year of interaction. Our characters want to know you and have you know us. We like learning what makes your character themselves before we bring them into our family.
Willingness to RP as an actual adoption. Pectus and Tremula can't have children of their own.
Uh. I think that's it. I look forward to RPing with anyone who is interested in us
The Siar'luin are looking for more children, and some blood brothers and sisters to expand the line.
Must message me, Arien OOCly to figure out your RP, if you're an alt, that is totally fine. Just make sure you invest some time when you can, and let me know when you HAVE time.
-Though I have been playing Lusternia for a year and some months, I have played other IRE for years. I'm fun, I love in depth RP, and I loving killing things. I have some Lusternian alts. But I play Arien heavily, and always will. This means you can contact me at any time, if you need anything - Seriously, people can get hold of me if I'm not at work.
-I have lots of technical knowledge about Lusternia, and I could get you situated and interested in the RP quickly. I am the most interactive out of the parental unit as @Inzaias is mostly gone looking around for @Charune and exploring the aetherwaves (meaning he works a lot, but he's working on coming back).
-The Siar'luin are looking to become a HISTORICAL family. Meaning, that they are planning to be something very, very interesting. I am actually the one working on the RP entirely at the moment. I would love another creative mind helping me. There would be a lot of ties to ancient pre/post Taint War Serenwilde, and lots of opportunity to make things less about rainbows and more about kick-butt plots and really neat wild/forest RP, which supremely lacks the cuddling (unless your affectionate).
-We have the following resources as a family:
- A tattoo cartel -A tailoring cartel -A jewelry cartel -A bookbinding cartel -A cooking cartel -An OOC clan for discussion -A clan for gathering family info/history/RP -Lots of connections with unique people -Divine interaction happens to come a lot with the family -People with MULTIPLE TRADESKILLS OH MY GODDESS -We are buddies with Myeras and Talnara
More tangible resources:
-An aethership -A family manse (Winterfell) -Several wonderful children who are experienced in IRE games and RP
-So, Siar'luin is becoming a HISTORICAL family. Meaning, that the RP/we/I/ write that would be involved in how you build the characters eventually. It won't define your characters, but it certainly will give them some more background as to where they come from IF they are true blood and not adopted. Yes, there is a difference. There may be things like inter-marrying, or something really strange in the beginning of the bloodline, there may be some weird branch of the family which was stamped out by some sort of blood feud pre Taint-war. Who knows, just be prepared for wacky ideas to be thrown around.
-Arien is busy a lot. She does a lot for the commune. And she's trying to improve it all the time. Don't be afraid to grab her for RP.
-This is an elitist family, and it is matriarchal. Seriously. Some of the culture already established is based on some strength and intellectual prowess, similar to the Hallifaxian caste but with the wild twist. Be prepared for kind, and gentle interactions, while trying to make your mama proud. Mama wants to be proud.
- Since in Serenwilde, everyone is practically related. And while we are ALL children hungry, I don't want to grub novices. So, please keep in mind that we won't adopt you until you're likely of a proper rank, and have done some interesting things to catch our attention.
-If you are blood-related. You kind of have to have some looks from your Mom and Dad. It's genetic. If there is something unusual about your eyes, it could be some sort of Daenyrs Taerygen type-thing. If you aren't blood-related, that's fine too.
-Races. Blood related should be mainly elfen and faeling. Adopted, you can be ANYTHING that Serenwilde allows.
-RP. Yeah, RP is required. Even if you enjoy the more technical parts of the game. You must still be able to write emotes.
-Aspire to be interesting and unique. Your family if you wish it, will revive the Winter Court. Which is supposed to be so amazing wicked cool and intense. You don't have to have a wintry title, but it has to be cool, mm'kay.
-We love new people. We love people RP-ing. We love people having fun. Do these things with us, and learn with us how cool this can be.
-Don't be embarrassing, or trollish in public. Have manners, please. Don't mudsex. Be classy, and honourable when it calls for in battles/fights/personal skirmishes. Be compassionate to your fellow gamers, your OOC people friends. If people lose their temper, in my little cadre of family OOCly, we make sure to resolve it/get rid of the drama. We hate the stuff, we would rather love everyone and just take care of each other. It's just as much a family as it is IG as it is IRL.
Well, that's all that I can think of. If you want to message me in the forums, or IG, you are welcome to do so. I'd love to see some people join our family.
Her storm-coloured eyes a muted blue, Lisaera, the Silver Goddess says, "Only sorrow can come from a rotting thought, My child, just like roots that have been drowned. You are a paragon of the wisdom I would see spread throughout the Serenwilde, but even the strongest minds must find release." - A shimmering liquid appears in your inventory smelling sweetly of something carbonated. It vanishes in a puff of silver smoke seconds later. - I write things
Zhulfor is looking for a family! Even though he can't consider yet. Lacking about 55 hours, but still.
Zhulfor follows Ashtorath, and is finally starting to let his wrath show.
Plans to be the greatest follower of Ashtorath ever seen.
Not very affectionate. Might bite.
Would prefer if at least one parent was a trill! But I'd totally be fine if the parents would be from Hallifax or something. Interesting roleplay opportunities might arise from it. Contact me here or ig.
Zhulfor is looking for a family! Even though he can't consider yet. Lacking about 55 hours, but still.
Zhulfor follows Ashtorath, and is finally starting to let his wrath show.
Plans to be the greatest follower of Ashtorath ever seen.
Not very affectionate. Might bite.
Would prefer if at least one parent was a trill! But I'd totally be fine if the parents would be from Hallifax or something. Interesting roleplay opportunities might arise from it. Contact me here or ig.
I higgghly suggest you ask @Lavinya to see if she's looking for kids, @Zhulfor! She's great at RP and could IG woo you with the d'Murani history
(Sadly not trill, but you can still ask. She might know someone IG who is trill and looking for kids)
Attention, everyone! Yarou is looking for her long [or shortly?] lost family!
> race furrikin! > breed / type pygmy goat! > personality boisterous, loud, inquisitive > age nineteen > sexuality doesn't care / swings all the ways
Note that Yarou is still very much a work in progress and some of her listed traits may or may not change as time passes. For instance, I might just reincarnate her into a taurian. Her personality is the one thing that is most likely to remain the same -- the basic gist of it, anyway.
Now, for out of character information .. my name is Riah and I'm a young female living in the United States. I've played IRE games for roughly four or five years now, so I'm definitely not a novice to how things work. I'm most experienced with Achaea, although Lusternia has captured my attention currently. You don't need to worry about me going inactive on you -- I'll remain active as long as you provide me with amazing roleplay It's my weakness.
I haven't gotten to flex my emote muscle as much as I'd like to yet, but I am very good at writing/emoting/roleplaying. For a long time, I roleplayed in paragraph format on forums. Of course, this doesn't mean I'll flood you with massive blocks of pretentious emotes; rather I prefer to match the length of those emoting around me. Message me and I'll even provide you with samples!
Havastus is in search of someone to start a new family with someone, either as a mate or sibbling; either are fine with him. He was born into the Ama'nar'isil family, but they seem to have dropped off the face of the planet, so...
Havastus enjoys long walks through the Astral Plane, fine dining of various sweets, and generally being a goofball. He has preference to Loboshigaru, though any race is fine (minus Viscanti or Illithoid). He is also devoutly religious/faithful to the Light, and I recognize that may be a turn off for some people. On the bright side, feasts with the family shall be interesting!
EveriineWise Old Swordsbird / BrontaurIndianapolis, IN, USA
edited January 2016
Everiine and @Kyair are still looking for more children!
Who we are:
--Everiine and Kyair are two of the "old ones" of the Serenwilde, elders in the woods. Both characters have spent their entire history in the same forest, and each one has been in only one guild. Each of us has been playing the game for 8-10 years and we consider ourselves to be high quality roleplayers.
--Everiine is the current High Chief of the Serenguard Lodge (GA) and is one of the longest-tenured Elder Chieftains in the Serenguard. He specializes in the tribe's history, is in charge of its spirituality, and is one of the eight Bearers of the Mark of Nintoba, the Serenguard's guild honour.
--Kyair is a former High Priestess of the Moon (GM) and High Wisdom of the Moon (GA) in the Moondancers. She, too, is deeply connected to the rituals and traditions of her guild. Though she is often soft-spoken, Everiine considers her to be the wisest mortal he knows. She is also deeply devoted to Lord Hoaracle.
--At different times, Everiine and Kyair have been both Serenwilde's strongest supporters and most vocal critics. Having lived there for so long, they feel that they understand the nuances of the Forest and its purpose better than some. They also feel comfortable enough questioning authority when they feel it needs to be done, but that doesn't mean that they aren't absolutely, steadfastly loyal to their home.
What We're Looking For:
--We're looking for players who are as excited about the lore of Lusternia and the guilds as we are. We're looking for people who love history and tradition and ritual, and are willing to be involved in their guild's rites. We're looking for people who love story, who love enjoying the game for its many intricacies, who love digging deep and discovering something new.
--You don't necessarily have to be a strong RPer, so long as you're willing to put in effort. We all started somewhere!
--A Serenwilder is preferred, but it's not out of the question that others could be their children. Being in Serenwilde makes it easy, though, since neither Everiine nor Kyair are too concerned with what happens outside the borders of the woods.
--The Silvermoon family is quite small, and we're uninterested in growing into a Banner or Great House. We're not interested in the family politics arena.
If you think you might be a good fit for our family, either interact with either of us IG, or if that proves difficult, drop me a message letting me know you're interested so we can try to get some interactions in!
Everiine is a man, and is very manly. This MAN before you is so manly you might as well just gender bend right now, cause he's the manliest man that you ever did see. His manly shape has spurned many women and girlyer men to boughs of fainting. He stands before you in a manly manerific typical man-like outfit which is covered in his manly motto: "I am a man!"
Daraius said: You gotta risk it for the biscuit.
Pony power all the way, yo. The more Brontaurs the better.
Oh, I keep forgetting about this wonderful thread. Somnius could use another child. Just one for now, if even we're so lucky to get that. Some details:
Parent 1: Eritheyl - pretentious snob, let's just get that out of the way. Extremely opinionated and not shy about getting vocal with it, generally looks down upon everyone aside from family and a few figures of nobility - despite not being a noble himself. It's part of his "charm" (read: he's a huge bitch, take-it-or-leave-it style). This isn't something that a prospective child would have to face, but it helps to know what others would think of your would-be parents! - design enthusiast! Between both parents, Somnius has a full spread of cartels, with most of them being doubled up. Eritheyl likes to spoil his kids, and will therefore randomly bombard them with custom threads and pretty things. After all, the biggest part of pretending to be better than your peers is looking the part. - knowledge focused. While no Marcella, he prides himself on a great accumulation of trivia and experiences that he's always happy to weave into tales for the curious. From stagecraft to aetheric exploration to religion du jour, he's pretty much done it all and is always looking to pass history and instruction on. - busy bee. When I'm logged in (and even when I'm not, a lot of the time), Eritheyl is taking care of business. Whether it's shopkeeping, designing, research, writing or arranging plans for some venture, there is always something to be done, and he's doing it. While neither parent is particularly difficult to catch, as we're around for a lot of the time, he is definitely the most reliable and available if something is needed.
Parent 2: Xaldrin - lazy but lovable. Xaldrin is mostly charm. He doesn't do a lot in the forward-motion department some days, but he's always just sort of -there- to strike up conversation. Once you get him going on a topic, especially one that somehow touches on Somnius lore, he will go and go and go, for better or worse. - visionary. Somnius is Xaldrin's baby, and everything that develops within it - familial roleplay, manse design, all the fine details - plays out according to his Great Plan. If you're looking for a family with a strong role-oriented foundation and progressing storyline, particularly one very distant from the typical, he has it ready to serve on a silver platter. With dream motes, because dream motes. - nonpartisan. While this very much goes for both parents, Xaldrin does a much better job at keeping himself out of arguments for the sake. By his design, Somnius is a neutral entity that stays unchanged despite Basin politicking and personal organisational ties. Neither parent is greatly bothered by whatever soap operas are playing (unless Eritheyl has pots to stir and gossip to gather) because the Pack comes first.
Just some general stuff for now, though it isn't difficult by any means to drag more focused details out of either of us from an IC perspective. Though loboshigaru are highly preferred given the family race and history, most others can be worked with. Choice in organisation matters almost not at all, but Magnagorans are obviously more convenient for both us and them.
The most important part of the process is determining whether Somnius is suited for the prospective player, not the other way around - we're great fun, and just about any type of person will fit right in with us, but due to strong (and often clashing) personalities, it can be overwhelming for those not used to how we, as characters and as players, operate within our roles.
So, that's that! Beyond spontaneous IC interaction, interested parties can always contact me through some means (forum PMs, game messages, tells, whatever else) with pressing questions.
Crumkane, Lord of Epicurean Delights says, "WAS IT INDEED ON FIRE, ERITHEYL."
With a deep reverb, Contemptible Sutekh says, "CEASE YOUR INFERNAL ENERGY, ERITHEYL."
But more seriously, I'm interested in finding a family to join! Preferably a Seren family, and who enjoy actual roleplay and doing things, not just 'adopt this person and ignore them forever.' pls2loveme.
Wildeflower Aramel Strongleaf says to Xiran, "My cousin's attitude to life is rather like her attitude towards cake - to have everything, and at once, and lots of it."
But more seriously, I'm interested in finding a family to join! Preferably a Seren Gaudiguch family, and who enjoy actual roleplay and doing things, not just 'adopt this person and ignore them forever.' pls2loveme.
Everiine and @Kyair are still looking for more children!
Who we are:
--Everiine and Kyair are two of the "old ones" of the Serenwilde, elders in the woods. Both characters have spent their entire history in the same forest, and each one has been in only one guild. Each of us has been playing the game for 8-10 years and we consider ourselves to be high quality roleplayers.
--Everiine is the current High Chief of the Serenguard Lodge (GA) and is one of the longest-tenured Elder Chieftains in the Serenguard. He specializes in the tribe's history, is in charge of its spirituality, and is one of the eight Bearers of the Mark of Nintoba, the Serenguard's guild honour.
--Kyair is a former High Priestess of the Moon (GM) and High Wisdom of the Moon (GA) in the Moondancers. She, too, is deeply connected to the rituals and traditions of her guild. Though she is often soft-spoken, Everiine considers her to be the wisest mortal he knows. She is also deeply devoted to Lord Hoaracle.
--At different times, Everiine and Kyair have been both Serenwilde's strongest supporters and most vocal critics. Having lived there for so long, they feel that they understand the nuances of the Forest and its purpose better than some. They also feel comfortable enough questioning authority when they feel it needs to be done, but that doesn't mean that they aren't absolutely, steadfastly loyal to their home.
What We're Looking For:
--We're looking for players who are as excited about the lore of Lusternia and the guilds as we are. We're looking for people who love history and tradition and ritual, and are willing to be involved in their guild's rites. We're looking for people who love story, who love enjoying the game for its many intricacies, who love digging deep and discovering something new.
--You don't necessarily have to be a strong RPer, so long as you're willing to put in effort. We all started somewhere!
--A Serenwilder is preferred, but it's not out of the question that others could be their children. Being in Serenwilde makes it easy, though, since neither Everiine nor Kyair are too concerned with what happens outside the borders of the woods.
--The Silvermoon family is quite small, and we're uninterested in growing into a Banner or Great House. We're not interested in the family politics arena.
If you think you might be a good fit for our family, either interact with either of us IG, or if that proves difficult, drop me a message letting me know you're interested so we can try to get some interactions in!
But more seriously, I'm interested in finding a family to join! Preferably a Seren family, and who enjoy actual roleplay and doing things, not just 'adopt this person and ignore them forever.' pls2loveme.
Everiine said: The reason population is low isn't because there are too many orgs. It's because so many facets of the game are outright broken and protected by those who benefit from it being that way. An overabundance of gimmicks (including game-breaking ones), artifacts that destroy any concept of balance, blatant pay-to-win features, and an obsession with convenience that makes few things actually worthwhile all contribute to the game's sad decline.
Portius and Tremula are looking for children to build up a new family! It's a Hallifaxian family, but we're open to taking people from Celest and Magnagora as well. Gaudi people might be alright on a case by case basis. Forestals need not, and probably shouldn't, apply.
We'd like the house itself to stay secular and avoid heavy divine alignment for as long as possible. You can join whatever order you want or stay our of them, but don't expect the family as a whole to care about gods.
If you want a culturally prolific and highly corrupt parent, Portius has you covered. If you want someone who will do RP, combat, and bashing stuff with you, Trem is your lady.
Perfectly happy to accept corrupt bureaucrats, wicked bishops, and all sorts of other sleezy people. If you're mostly motivated by self-interest and glory rather than patriotism, you'll fit right in. Always remember that ambition is a virtue, excellence is the highest good, and that scorning the gods because they aren't worthy of your perfection is completely acceptable.
Contact us however you want if you're interested.
Any sufficiently advanced pun is indistinguishable from comedy.
Uhhhh, kephera can not. Azus is probably referring to the made up written language that the shofangi/she uses as a spoken one and for their titles.
I'm actually not all that sure what to say about Luce, other than he's a cook, and he's kind of fly-by-the-seat-of-his-robes, and sorta shy..? He likes being helpful and gets warm fuzzies from talking about cooking, since it is the perfect reflection in his mind of Hallifax itself: art and science mixed together for perfection.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
race = trill and thingsyouenjoy = arts and designing then family = windwhisper
race = anything and thingsyouenjoy = duty to the Collective then family = Most Honorable Family Pavok
The thing is, we're not newbie grabbers. We don't assault novices coming out of the portal, like other families. We actually care about the characters and people.
Therefore, you might have to contact me OOC to express an interest in the family so we can get the RP going.
Both are well-established characters with deep, deep ties to their forest (the characters have been around for ~9 RL years each).
The family itself may not be prestigious, but the parents definitely are.
Everiine is current GA of the Serenguard, former GA, GM, and CL of Serenwilde.
Kyair is former GC and GM of the Moondancers.
Both parents are known for their incredible RP (tootin' own horn), so if RP is your game, there are few places better.
Parents are also incredibly loving.
Two manses, and you're guaranteed a room in at least one, if not both.
If you are an alt, that's fine! But, we'd like to invest some time in building the family, so if you're an alt around just to try some things, maybe this isn't the place for you.
Be connected to the Serenwilde, if possible. There are already non-Seren children, but they started in the Serenwilde, so it's possible, but less likely.
Be serious about RP. This is what we do.
All races allowed in Serenwilde are welcome.
Either chat up Everiine IG if interested, or, if that's harder to work out, send me an OOC message, and we'll find a way.
Estarra the Eternal says, "Give Shevat the floor please."
The Siar'luin are looking for more children, and some blood brothers and sisters to expand the line.
Must message me, Arien OOCly to figure out your RP, if you're an alt, that is totally fine. Just make sure you invest some time when you can, and let me know when you HAVE time.
-Though I have been playing Lusternia for a year and some months, I have played other IRE for years. I'm fun, I love in depth RP, and I loving killing things. I have some Lusternian alts. But I play Arien heavily, and always will. This means you can contact me at any time, if you need anything - Seriously, people can get hold of me if I'm not at work.
-I have lots of technical knowledge about Lusternia, and I could get you situated and interested in the RP quickly. I am the most interactive out of the parental unit as @Inzaias is mostly gone looking around for @Charune and exploring the aetherwaves (meaning he works a lot, but he's working on coming back).
-The Siar'luin are looking to become a HISTORICAL family. Meaning, that they are planning to be something very, very interesting. I am actually the one working on the RP entirely at the moment. I would love another creative mind helping me. There would be a lot of ties to ancient pre/post Taint War Serenwilde, and lots of opportunity to make things less about rainbows and more about kick-butt plots and really neat wild/forest RP, which supremely lacks the cuddling (unless your affectionate).
-We have the following resources as a family:
- A tattoo cartel
-A tailoring cartel
-A jewelry cartel
-A bookbinding cartel
-A cooking cartel
-An OOC clan for discussion
-A clan for gathering family info/history/RP
-Lots of connections with unique people
-Divine interaction happens to come a lot with the family
-We are buddies with Myeras and Talnara
More tangible resources:
-An aethership
-A family manse (Winterfell)
-Several wonderful children who are experienced in IRE games and RP
-So, Siar'luin is becoming a HISTORICAL family. Meaning, that the RP/we/I/ write that would be involved in how you build the characters eventually. It won't define your characters, but it certainly will give them some more background as to where they come from IF they are true blood and not adopted. Yes, there is a difference. There may be things like inter-marrying, or something really strange in the beginning of the bloodline, there may be some weird branch of the family which was stamped out by some sort of blood feud pre Taint-war. Who knows, just be prepared for wacky ideas to be thrown around.
-Arien is busy a lot. She does a lot for the commune. And she's trying to improve it all the time. Don't be afraid to grab her for RP.
-This is an elitist family, and it is matriarchal. Seriously. Some of the culture already established is based on some strength and intellectual prowess, similar to the Hallifaxian caste but with the wild twist. Be prepared for kind, and gentle interactions, while trying to make your mama proud. Mama wants to be proud.
- Since in Serenwilde, everyone is practically related. And while we are ALL children hungry, I don't want to grub novices. So, please keep in mind that we won't adopt you until you're likely of a proper rank, and have done some interesting things to catch our attention.
-If you are blood-related. You kind of have to have some looks from your Mom and Dad. It's genetic. If there is something unusual about your eyes, it could be some sort of Daenyrs Taerygen type-thing. If you aren't blood-related, that's fine too.
-Races. Blood related should be mainly elfen and faeling. Adopted, you can be ANYTHING that Serenwilde allows.
-RP. Yeah, RP is required. Even if you enjoy the more technical parts of the game. You must still be able to write emotes.
-Aspire to be interesting and unique. Your family if you wish it, will revive the Winter Court. Which is supposed to be so amazing wicked cool and intense. You don't have to have a wintry title, but it has to be cool, mm'kay.
-We love new people. We love people RP-ing. We love people having fun. Do these things with us, and learn with us how cool this can be.
-Don't be embarrassing, or trollish in public. Have manners, please. Don't mudsex. Be classy, and honourable when it calls for in battles/fights/personal skirmishes. Be compassionate to your fellow gamers, your OOC people friends. If people lose their temper, in my little cadre of family OOCly, we make sure to resolve it/get rid of the drama. We hate the stuff, we would rather love everyone and just take care of each other. It's just as much a family as it is IG as it is IRL.
Well, that's all that I can think of. If you want to message me in the forums, or IG, you are welcome to do so. I'd love to see some people join our family.
A shimmering liquid appears in your inventory smelling sweetly of something carbonated. It vanishes in a puff of silver smoke seconds later.
I write things
(Sadly not trill, but you can still ask. She might know someone IG who is trill and looking for kids)
> breed / type pygmy goat!
> personality boisterous, loud, inquisitive
> age nineteen
> sexuality doesn't care / swings all the ways
Note that Yarou is still very much a work in progress and some of her listed traits may or may not change as time passes. For instance, I might just reincarnate her into a taurian. Her personality is the one thing that is most likely to remain the same -- the basic gist of it, anyway.
Now, for out of character information .. my name is Riah and I'm a young female living in the United States. I've played IRE games for roughly four or five years now, so I'm definitely not a novice to how things work. I'm most experienced with Achaea, although Lusternia has captured my attention currently. You don't need to worry about me going inactive on you -- I'll remain active as long as you provide me with amazing roleplay
I haven't gotten to flex my emote muscle as much as I'd like to yet, but I am very good at writing/emoting/roleplaying. For a long time, I roleplayed in paragraph format on forums. Of course, this doesn't mean I'll flood you with massive blocks of pretentious emotes; rather I prefer to match the length of those emoting around me. Message me and I'll even provide you with samples!
Havastus is in search of someone to start a new family with someone, either as a mate or sibbling; either are fine with him. He was born into the Ama'nar'isil family, but they seem to have dropped off the face of the planet, so...
Havastus enjoys long walks through the Astral Plane, fine dining of various sweets, and generally being a goofball. He has preference to Loboshigaru, though any race is fine (minus Viscanti or Illithoid). He is also devoutly religious/faithful to the Light, and I recognize that may be a turn off for some people. On the bright side, feasts with the family shall be interesting!
Who we are:
--Everiine and Kyair are two of the "old ones" of the Serenwilde, elders in the woods. Both characters have spent their entire history in the same forest, and each one has been in only one guild. Each of us has been playing the game for 8-10 years and we consider ourselves to be high quality roleplayers.
--Everiine is the current High Chief of the Serenguard Lodge (GA) and is one of the longest-tenured Elder Chieftains in the Serenguard. He specializes in the tribe's history, is in charge of its spirituality, and is one of the eight Bearers of the Mark of Nintoba, the Serenguard's guild honour.
--Kyair is a former High Priestess of the Moon (GM) and High Wisdom of the Moon (GA) in the Moondancers. She, too, is deeply connected to the rituals and traditions of her guild. Though she is often soft-spoken, Everiine considers her to be the wisest mortal he knows. She is also deeply devoted to Lord Hoaracle.
--At different times, Everiine and Kyair have been both Serenwilde's strongest supporters and most vocal critics. Having lived there for so long, they feel that they understand the nuances of the Forest and its purpose better than some. They also feel comfortable enough questioning authority when they feel it needs to be done, but that doesn't mean that they aren't absolutely, steadfastly loyal to their home.
What We're Looking For:
--We're looking for players who are as excited about the lore of Lusternia and the guilds as we are. We're looking for people who love history and tradition and ritual, and are willing to be involved in their guild's rites. We're looking for people who love story, who love enjoying the game for its many intricacies, who love digging deep and discovering something new.
--You don't necessarily have to be a strong RPer, so long as you're willing to put in effort. We all started somewhere!
--A Serenwilder is preferred, but it's not out of the question that others could be their children. Being in Serenwilde makes it easy, though, since neither Everiine nor Kyair are too concerned with what happens outside the borders of the woods.
--The Silvermoon family is quite small, and we're uninterested in growing into a Banner or Great House. We're not interested in the family politics arena.
If you think you might be a good fit for our family, either interact with either of us IG, or if that proves difficult, drop me a message letting me know you're interested so we can try to get some interactions in!
Parent 1: Eritheyl
- pretentious snob, let's just get that out of the way. Extremely opinionated and not shy about getting vocal with it, generally looks down upon everyone aside from family and a few figures of nobility - despite not being a noble himself. It's part of his "charm" (read: he's a huge bitch, take-it-or-leave-it style). This isn't something that a prospective child would have to face, but it helps to know what others would think of your would-be parents!
- design enthusiast! Between both parents, Somnius has a full spread of cartels, with most of them being doubled up. Eritheyl likes to spoil his kids, and will therefore randomly bombard them with custom threads and pretty things. After all, the biggest part of pretending to be better than your peers is looking the part.
- knowledge focused. While no Marcella, he prides himself on a great accumulation of trivia and experiences that he's always happy to weave into tales for the curious. From stagecraft to aetheric exploration to religion du jour, he's pretty much done it all and is always looking to pass history and instruction on.
- busy bee. When I'm logged in (and even when I'm not, a lot of the time), Eritheyl is taking care of business. Whether it's shopkeeping, designing, research, writing or arranging plans for some venture, there is always something to be done, and he's doing it. While neither parent is particularly difficult to catch, as we're around for a lot of the time, he is definitely the most reliable and available if something is needed.
Parent 2: Xaldrin
- lazy but lovable. Xaldrin is mostly charm. He doesn't do a lot in the forward-motion department some days, but he's always just sort of -there- to strike up conversation. Once you get him going on a topic, especially one that somehow touches on Somnius lore, he will go and go and go, for better or worse.
- visionary. Somnius is Xaldrin's baby, and everything that develops within it - familial roleplay, manse design, all the fine details - plays out according to his Great Plan. If you're looking for a family with a strong role-oriented foundation and progressing storyline, particularly one very distant from the typical, he has it ready to serve on a silver platter. With dream motes, because dream motes.
- nonpartisan. While this very much goes for both parents, Xaldrin does a much better job at keeping himself out of arguments for the sake. By his design, Somnius is a neutral entity that stays unchanged despite Basin politicking and personal organisational ties. Neither parent is greatly bothered by whatever soap operas are playing (unless Eritheyl has pots to stir and gossip to gather) because the Pack comes first.
Just some general stuff for now, though it isn't difficult by any means to drag more focused details out of either of us from an IC perspective. Though loboshigaru are highly preferred given the family race and history, most others can be worked with. Choice in organisation matters almost not at all, but Magnagorans are obviously more convenient for both us and them.
The most important part of the process is determining whether Somnius is suited for the prospective player, not the other way around - we're great fun, and just about any type of person will fit right in with us, but due to strong (and often clashing) personalities, it can be overwhelming for those not used to how we, as characters and as players, operate within our roles.
So, that's that! Beyond spontaneous IC interaction, interested parties can always contact me through some means (forum PMs, game messages, tells, whatever else) with pressing questions.
We'd like the house itself to stay secular and avoid heavy divine alignment for as long as possible. You can join whatever order you want or stay our of them, but don't expect the family as a whole to care about gods.
If you want a culturally prolific and highly corrupt parent, Portius has you covered. If you want someone who will do RP, combat, and bashing stuff with you, Trem is your lady.
Perfectly happy to accept corrupt bureaucrats, wicked bishops, and all sorts of other sleezy people. If you're mostly motivated by self-interest and glory rather than patriotism, you'll fit right in. Always remember that ambition is a virtue, excellence is the highest good, and that scorning the gods because they aren't worthy of your perfection is completely acceptable.
Contact us however you want if you're interested.
Ixion tells you, "// I don't think anyone else had a clue, amazing form."